/* * Copyright 2002-2013 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.jdbc.support.lob; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.Writer; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException; import org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException; import org.springframework.jdbc.support.nativejdbc.NativeJdbcExtractor; import org.springframework.util.FileCopyUtils; /** * {@link LobHandler} implementation for Oracle databases. Uses proprietary API * to create {@code oracle.sql.BLOB} and {@code oracle.sql.CLOB} * instances, as necessary when working with Oracle's JDBC driver. * Note that this LobHandler requires Oracle JDBC driver 9i or higher! * * <p>While most databases are able to work with {@link DefaultLobHandler}, * Oracle 9i (or more specifically, the Oracle 9i JDBC driver) just accepts * Blob/Clob instances created via its own proprietary BLOB/CLOB API, * and additionally doesn't accept large streams for PreparedStatement's * corresponding setter methods. Therefore, you need to use a strategy like * this LobHandler implementation, or upgrade to the Oracle 10g/11g driver * (which still supports access to Oracle 9i databases). * * <p><b>NOTE: As of Oracle 10.2, {@link DefaultLobHandler} should work equally * well out of the box. On Oracle 11g, JDBC 4.0 based options such as * {@link DefaultLobHandler#setStreamAsLob} and {@link DefaultLobHandler#setCreateTemporaryLob} * are available as well, rendering this proprietary OracleLobHandler obsolete.</b> * Also, consider upgrading to a new driver even when accessing an older database. * See the {@link LobHandler} interface javadoc for a summary of recommendations. * * <p>Needs to work on a native JDBC Connection, to be able to cast it to * {@code oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection}. If you pass in Connections from a * connection pool (the usual case in a Java EE environment), you need to set an * appropriate {@link org.springframework.jdbc.support.nativejdbc.NativeJdbcExtractor} * to allow for automatic retrieval of the underlying native JDBC Connection. * LobHandler and NativeJdbcExtractor are separate concerns, therefore they * are represented by separate strategy interfaces. * * <p>Coded via reflection to avoid dependencies on Oracle classes. * Even reads in Oracle constants via reflection because of different Oracle * drivers (classes12, ojdbc14, ojdbc5, ojdbc6) having different constant values! * As this LobHandler initializes Oracle classes on instantiation, do not define * this as eager-initializing singleton if you do not want to depend on the Oracle * JAR being in the class path: use "lazy-init=true" to avoid this issue. * * @author Juergen Hoeller * @author Thomas Risberg * @since 04.12.2003 * @see DefaultLobHandler * @see #setNativeJdbcExtractor * @deprecated in favor of {@link DefaultLobHandler} for the Oracle 10g driver and * higher. Consider using the 10g/11g driver even against an Oracle 9i database! * {@link DefaultLobHandler#setCreateTemporaryLob} is the direct equivalent of this * OracleLobHandler's implementation strategy, just using standard JDBC 4.0 API. * That said, in most cases, regular DefaultLobHandler setup will work fine as well. */ @Deprecated public class OracleLobHandler extends AbstractLobHandler { private static final String BLOB_CLASS_NAME = "oracle.sql.BLOB"; private static final String CLOB_CLASS_NAME = "oracle.sql.CLOB"; private static final String DURATION_SESSION_FIELD_NAME = "DURATION_SESSION"; private static final String MODE_READWRITE_FIELD_NAME = "MODE_READWRITE"; private static final String MODE_READONLY_FIELD_NAME = "MODE_READONLY"; protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private NativeJdbcExtractor nativeJdbcExtractor; private Boolean cache = Boolean.TRUE; private Boolean releaseResourcesAfterRead = Boolean.FALSE; private Class<?> blobClass; private Class<?> clobClass; private final Map<Class<?>, Integer> durationSessionConstants = new HashMap<Class<?>, Integer>(2); private final Map<Class<?>, Integer> modeReadWriteConstants = new HashMap<Class<?>, Integer>(2); private final Map<Class<?>, Integer> modeReadOnlyConstants = new HashMap<Class<?>, Integer>(2); /** * Set an appropriate NativeJdbcExtractor to be able to retrieve the underlying * native {@code oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection}. This is necessary for * DataSource-based connection pools, as those need to return wrapped JDBC * Connection handles that cannot be cast to a native Connection implementation. * <p>Effectively, this LobHandler just invokes a single NativeJdbcExtractor * method, namely {@code getNativeConnectionFromStatement} with a * PreparedStatement argument (falling back to a * {@code PreparedStatement.getConnection()} call if no extractor is set). * <p>A common choice is {@code SimpleNativeJdbcExtractor}, whose Connection unwrapping * (which is what OracleLobHandler needs) will work with many connection pools. * See {@code SimpleNativeJdbcExtractor} and * <a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/jdbc/OracleConnection.html"> * oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection</a> javadoc for details. * @see org.springframework.jdbc.support.nativejdbc.NativeJdbcExtractor#getNativeConnectionFromStatement * @see org.springframework.jdbc.support.nativejdbc.SimpleNativeJdbcExtractor * @see org.springframework.jdbc.support.nativejdbc.OracleJdbc4NativeJdbcExtractor */ public void setNativeJdbcExtractor(NativeJdbcExtractor nativeJdbcExtractor) { this.nativeJdbcExtractor = nativeJdbcExtractor; } /** * Set whether to cache the temporary LOB in the buffer cache. * This value will be passed into BLOB/CLOB.createTemporary. * <p>Default is {@code true}. * <p><strong>See Also:</strong> * <ul> * <li><a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/sql/BLOB.html#createTemporary()">oracle.sql.BLOB.createTemporary</a></li> * <li><a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/sql/CLOB.html#createTemporary()">oracle.sql.CLOB.createTemporary</a></li> * </ul> */ public void setCache(boolean cache) { this.cache = cache; } /** * Set whether to aggressively release any resources used by the LOB. If set to {@code true} * then you can only read the LOB values once. Any subsequent reads will fail since the resources * have been closed. * <p>Setting this property to {@code true} can be useful when your queries generates large * temporary LOBs that occupy space in the TEMPORARY tablespace or when you want to free up any * memory allocated by the driver for the LOB reading. * <p>Default is {@code false}. * <p><strong>See Also:</strong> * <ul> * <li><a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/sql/BLOB.html#freeTemporary()">oracle.sql.BLOB.freeTemporary</a></li> * <li><a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/sql/CLOB.html#freeTemporary()">oracle.sql.CLOB.freeTemporary</a></li> * <li><a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/sql/BLOB.html#open()">oracle.sql.BLOB.open</a></li> * <li><a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/sql/CLOB.html#open()">oracle.sql.CLOB.open</a></li> * <li><a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/sql/BLOB.html#open()">oracle.sql.BLOB.close</a></li> * <li><a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/sql/CLOB.html#open()">oracle.sql.CLOB.close</a></li> * </ul> */ public void setReleaseResourcesAfterRead(boolean releaseResources) { this.releaseResourcesAfterRead = releaseResources; } /** * Retrieve the {@code oracle.sql.BLOB} and {@code oracle.sql.CLOB} * classes via reflection, and initialize the values for the * DURATION_SESSION, MODE_READWRITE and MODE_READONLY constants defined there. * <p><strong>See Also:</strong> * <ul> * <li><a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/sql/BLOB.html#DURATION_SESSION">oracle.sql.BLOB.DURATION_SESSION</a></li> * <li><a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/sql/BLOB.html#MODE_READWRITE">oracle.sql.BLOB.MODE_READWRITE</a></li> * <li><a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/sql/BLOB.html#MODE_READONLY">oracle.sql.BLOB.MODE_READONLY</a></li> * <li><a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/sql/CLOB.html#DURATION_SESSION">oracle.sql.CLOB.DURATION_SESSION</a></li> * <li><a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/sql/CLOB.html#MODE_READWRITE">oracle.sql.CLOB.MODE_READWRITE</a></li> * <li><a href="http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/sql/CLOB.html#MODE_READONLY">oracle.sql.CLOB.MODE_READONLY</a></li> * </ul> * @param con the Oracle Connection, for using the exact same class loader * that the Oracle driver was loaded with */ protected synchronized void initOracleDriverClasses(Connection con) { if (this.blobClass == null) { try { // Initialize oracle.sql.BLOB class this.blobClass = con.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(BLOB_CLASS_NAME); this.durationSessionConstants.put( this.blobClass, this.blobClass.getField(DURATION_SESSION_FIELD_NAME).getInt(null)); this.modeReadWriteConstants.put( this.blobClass, this.blobClass.getField(MODE_READWRITE_FIELD_NAME).getInt(null)); this.modeReadOnlyConstants.put( this.blobClass, this.blobClass.getField(MODE_READONLY_FIELD_NAME).getInt(null)); // Initialize oracle.sql.CLOB class this.clobClass = con.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(CLOB_CLASS_NAME); this.durationSessionConstants.put( this.clobClass, this.clobClass.getField(DURATION_SESSION_FIELD_NAME).getInt(null)); this.modeReadWriteConstants.put( this.clobClass, this.clobClass.getField(MODE_READWRITE_FIELD_NAME).getInt(null)); this.modeReadOnlyConstants.put( this.clobClass, this.clobClass.getField(MODE_READONLY_FIELD_NAME).getInt(null)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException( "Couldn't initialize OracleLobHandler because Oracle driver classes are not available. " + "Note that OracleLobHandler requires Oracle JDBC driver 9i or higher!", ex); } } } @Override public byte[] getBlobAsBytes(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException { logger.debug("Returning Oracle BLOB as bytes"); Blob blob = rs.getBlob(columnIndex); initializeResourcesBeforeRead(rs.getStatement().getConnection(), blob); byte[] retVal = (blob != null ? blob.getBytes(1, (int) blob.length()) : null); releaseResourcesAfterRead(rs.getStatement().getConnection(), blob); return retVal; } @Override public InputStream getBlobAsBinaryStream(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException { logger.debug("Returning Oracle BLOB as binary stream"); Blob blob = rs.getBlob(columnIndex); initializeResourcesBeforeRead(rs.getStatement().getConnection(), blob); InputStream retVal = (blob != null ? blob.getBinaryStream() : null); releaseResourcesAfterRead(rs.getStatement().getConnection(), blob); return retVal; } @Override public String getClobAsString(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException { logger.debug("Returning Oracle CLOB as string"); Clob clob = rs.getClob(columnIndex); initializeResourcesBeforeRead(rs.getStatement().getConnection(), clob); String retVal = (clob != null ? clob.getSubString(1, (int) clob.length()) : null); releaseResourcesAfterRead(rs.getStatement().getConnection(), clob); return retVal; } @Override public InputStream getClobAsAsciiStream(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException { logger.debug("Returning Oracle CLOB as ASCII stream"); Clob clob = rs.getClob(columnIndex); initializeResourcesBeforeRead(rs.getStatement().getConnection(), clob); InputStream retVal = (clob != null ? clob.getAsciiStream() : null); releaseResourcesAfterRead(rs.getStatement().getConnection(), clob); return retVal; } @Override public Reader getClobAsCharacterStream(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException { logger.debug("Returning Oracle CLOB as character stream"); Clob clob = rs.getClob(columnIndex); initializeResourcesBeforeRead(rs.getStatement().getConnection(), clob); Reader retVal = (clob != null ? clob.getCharacterStream() : null); releaseResourcesAfterRead(rs.getStatement().getConnection(), clob); return retVal; } @Override public LobCreator getLobCreator() { return new OracleLobCreator(); } /** * Initialize any LOB resources before a read is done. * <p>This implementation calls {@code BLOB.open(BLOB.MODE_READONLY)} or * {@code CLOB.open(CLOB.MODE_READONLY)} on any non-temporary LOBs if * {@code releaseResourcesAfterRead} property is set to {@code true}. * <p>This method can be overridden by sublcasses if different behavior is desired. * @param con the connection to be usde for initilization * @param lob the LOB to initialize */ protected void initializeResourcesBeforeRead(Connection con, Object lob) { if (this.releaseResourcesAfterRead) { initOracleDriverClasses(con); try { /* if (!((BLOB) lob.isTemporary() { */ Method isTemporary = lob.getClass().getMethod("isTemporary"); Boolean temporary = (Boolean) isTemporary.invoke(lob); if (!temporary) { /* ((BLOB) lob).open(BLOB.MODE_READONLY); */ Method open = lob.getClass().getMethod("open", int.class); open.invoke(lob, this.modeReadOnlyConstants.get(lob.getClass())); } } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { logger.error("Could not open Oracle LOB", ex.getTargetException()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Could not open Oracle LOB", ex); } } } /** * Release any LOB resources after read is complete. * <p>If {@code releaseResourcesAfterRead} property is set to {@code true} * then this implementation calls * {@code BLOB.close()} or {@code CLOB.close()} * on any non-temporary LOBs that are open or * {@code BLOB.freeTemporary()} or {@code CLOB.freeTemporary()} * on any temporary LOBs. * <p>This method can be overridden by sublcasses if different behavior is desired. * @param con the connection to be usde for initilization * @param lob the LOB to initialize */ protected void releaseResourcesAfterRead(Connection con, Object lob) { if (this.releaseResourcesAfterRead) { initOracleDriverClasses(con); Boolean temporary = Boolean.FALSE; try { /* if (((BLOB) lob.isTemporary() { */ Method isTemporary = lob.getClass().getMethod("isTemporary"); temporary = (Boolean) isTemporary.invoke(lob); if (temporary) { /* ((BLOB) lob).freeTemporary(); */ Method freeTemporary = lob.getClass().getMethod("freeTemporary"); freeTemporary.invoke(lob); } else { /* if (((BLOB) lob.isOpen() { */ Method isOpen = lob.getClass().getMethod("isOpen"); Boolean open = (Boolean) isOpen.invoke(lob); if (open) { /* ((BLOB) lob).close(); */ Method close = lob.getClass().getMethod("close"); close.invoke(lob); } } } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (temporary) { logger.error("Could not free Oracle LOB", ex.getTargetException()); } else { logger.error("Could not close Oracle LOB", ex.getTargetException()); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (temporary) { throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Could not free Oracle LOB", ex); } else { throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Could not close Oracle LOB", ex); } } } } /** * LobCreator implementation for Oracle databases. * Creates Oracle-style temporary BLOBs and CLOBs that it frees on close. * @see #close */ protected class OracleLobCreator implements LobCreator { private final List<Object> temporaryLobs = new LinkedList<Object>(); @Override public void setBlobAsBytes(PreparedStatement ps, int paramIndex, final byte[] content) throws SQLException { if (content != null) { Blob blob = (Blob) createLob(ps, false, new LobCallback() { @Override public void populateLob(Object lob) throws Exception { Method methodToInvoke = lob.getClass().getMethod("getBinaryOutputStream"); OutputStream out = (OutputStream) methodToInvoke.invoke(lob); FileCopyUtils.copy(content, out); } }); ps.setBlob(paramIndex, blob); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Set bytes for Oracle BLOB with length " + blob.length()); } } else { ps.setBlob(paramIndex, (Blob) null); logger.debug("Set Oracle BLOB to null"); } } @Override public void setBlobAsBinaryStream( PreparedStatement ps, int paramIndex, final InputStream binaryStream, int contentLength) throws SQLException { if (binaryStream != null) { Blob blob = (Blob) createLob(ps, false, new LobCallback() { @Override public void populateLob(Object lob) throws Exception { Method methodToInvoke = lob.getClass().getMethod("getBinaryOutputStream", (Class[]) null); OutputStream out = (OutputStream) methodToInvoke.invoke(lob, (Object[]) null); FileCopyUtils.copy(binaryStream, out); } }); ps.setBlob(paramIndex, blob); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Set binary stream for Oracle BLOB with length " + blob.length()); } } else { ps.setBlob(paramIndex, (Blob) null); logger.debug("Set Oracle BLOB to null"); } } @Override public void setClobAsString(PreparedStatement ps, int paramIndex, final String content) throws SQLException { if (content != null) { Clob clob = (Clob) createLob(ps, true, new LobCallback() { @Override public void populateLob(Object lob) throws Exception { Method methodToInvoke = lob.getClass().getMethod("getCharacterOutputStream", (Class[]) null); Writer writer = (Writer) methodToInvoke.invoke(lob, (Object[]) null); FileCopyUtils.copy(content, writer); } }); ps.setClob(paramIndex, clob); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Set string for Oracle CLOB with length " + clob.length()); } } else { ps.setClob(paramIndex, (Clob) null); logger.debug("Set Oracle CLOB to null"); } } @Override public void setClobAsAsciiStream( PreparedStatement ps, int paramIndex, final InputStream asciiStream, int contentLength) throws SQLException { if (asciiStream != null) { Clob clob = (Clob) createLob(ps, true, new LobCallback() { @Override public void populateLob(Object lob) throws Exception { Method methodToInvoke = lob.getClass().getMethod("getAsciiOutputStream", (Class[]) null); OutputStream out = (OutputStream) methodToInvoke.invoke(lob, (Object[]) null); FileCopyUtils.copy(asciiStream, out); } }); ps.setClob(paramIndex, clob); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Set ASCII stream for Oracle CLOB with length " + clob.length()); } } else { ps.setClob(paramIndex, (Clob) null); logger.debug("Set Oracle CLOB to null"); } } @Override public void setClobAsCharacterStream( PreparedStatement ps, int paramIndex, final Reader characterStream, int contentLength) throws SQLException { if (characterStream != null) { Clob clob = (Clob) createLob(ps, true, new LobCallback() { @Override public void populateLob(Object lob) throws Exception { Method methodToInvoke = lob.getClass().getMethod("getCharacterOutputStream", (Class[]) null); Writer writer = (Writer) methodToInvoke.invoke(lob, (Object[]) null); FileCopyUtils.copy(characterStream, writer); } }); ps.setClob(paramIndex, clob); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Set character stream for Oracle CLOB with length " + clob.length()); } } else { ps.setClob(paramIndex, (Clob) null); logger.debug("Set Oracle CLOB to null"); } } /** * Create a LOB instance for the given PreparedStatement, * populating it via the given callback. */ protected Object createLob(PreparedStatement ps, boolean clob, LobCallback callback) throws SQLException { Connection con = null; try { con = getOracleConnection(ps); initOracleDriverClasses(con); Object lob = prepareLob(con, clob ? clobClass : blobClass); callback.populateLob(lob); lob.getClass().getMethod("close", (Class[]) null).invoke(lob, (Object[]) null); this.temporaryLobs.add(lob); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Created new Oracle " + (clob ? "CLOB" : "BLOB")); } return lob; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw ex; } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getTargetException() instanceof SQLException) { throw (SQLException) ex.getTargetException(); } else if (con != null && ex.getTargetException() instanceof ClassCastException) { throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException( "OracleLobCreator needs to work on [oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection], not on [" + con.getClass().getName() + "]: specify a corresponding NativeJdbcExtractor", ex.getTargetException()); } else { throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Could not create Oracle LOB", ex.getTargetException()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Could not create Oracle LOB", ex); } } /** * Retrieve the underlying OracleConnection, using a NativeJdbcExtractor if set. */ protected Connection getOracleConnection(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { return (nativeJdbcExtractor != null ? nativeJdbcExtractor.getNativeConnectionFromStatement(ps) : ps.getConnection()); } /** * Create and open an oracle.sql.BLOB/CLOB instance via reflection. */ protected Object prepareLob(Connection con, Class<?> lobClass) throws Exception { /* BLOB blob = BLOB.createTemporary(con, false, BLOB.DURATION_SESSION); blob.open(BLOB.MODE_READWRITE); return blob; */ Method createTemporary = lobClass.getMethod( "createTemporary", Connection.class, boolean.class, int.class); Object lob = createTemporary.invoke(null, con, cache, durationSessionConstants.get(lobClass)); Method open = lobClass.getMethod("open", int.class); open.invoke(lob, modeReadWriteConstants.get(lobClass)); return lob; } /** * Free all temporary BLOBs and CLOBs created by this creator. */ @Override public void close() { try { for (Iterator<?> it = this.temporaryLobs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { /* BLOB blob = (BLOB) it.next(); blob.freeTemporary(); */ Object lob = it.next(); Method freeTemporary = lob.getClass().getMethod("freeTemporary"); freeTemporary.invoke(lob); it.remove(); } } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { logger.error("Could not free Oracle LOB", ex.getTargetException()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Could not free Oracle LOB", ex); } } } /** * Internal callback interface for use with createLob. */ protected static interface LobCallback { /** * Populate the given BLOB or CLOB instance with content. * @throws Exception any exception including InvocationTargetException */ void populateLob(Object lob) throws Exception; } }