/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Júlio Vilmar Gesser. * * This file is part of Java 1.5 parser and Abstract Syntax Tree. * * Java 1.5 parser and Abstract Syntax Tree is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Java 1.5 parser and Abstract Syntax Tree is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Java 1.5 parser and Abstract Syntax Tree. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* * Created on 05/10/2006 */ package japa.parser; import static japa.parser.PositionUtils.areInOrder; import static japa.parser.PositionUtils.sortByBeginPosition; import japa.parser.ast.CompilationUnit; import japa.parser.ast.ImportDeclaration; import japa.parser.ast.Node; import japa.parser.ast.body.AnnotableNode; import japa.parser.ast.body.BodyDeclaration; import japa.parser.ast.comments.Comment; import japa.parser.ast.comments.CommentsCollection; import japa.parser.ast.comments.CommentsParser; import japa.parser.ast.comments.LineComment; import japa.parser.ast.expr.AnnotationExpr; import japa.parser.ast.expr.Expression; import japa.parser.ast.stmt.BlockStmt; import japa.parser.ast.stmt.Statement; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; // FIXME this file does not seem to be generated by javacc. Is the doc wrong, or the javacc config? /** * <p> * This class was generated automatically by javacc, do not edit. * </p> * <p> * Parse Java 1.5 source code and creates Abstract Syntax Tree classes. * </p> * * @author Júlio Vilmar Gesser */ public final class JavaParser { private JavaParser() { // hide the constructor } private static boolean _doNotAssignCommentsPreceedingEmptyLines = true; private static boolean _doNotConsiderAnnotationsAsNodeStartForCodeAttribution = false; public static boolean getDoNotConsiderAnnotationsAsNodeStartForCodeAttribution() { return _doNotConsiderAnnotationsAsNodeStartForCodeAttribution; } public static void setDoNotConsiderAnnotationsAsNodeStartForCodeAttribution(boolean doNotConsiderAnnotationsAsNodeStartForCodeAttribution) { _doNotConsiderAnnotationsAsNodeStartForCodeAttribution = doNotConsiderAnnotationsAsNodeStartForCodeAttribution; } public static boolean getDoNotAssignCommentsPreceedingEmptyLines() { return _doNotAssignCommentsPreceedingEmptyLines; } public static void setDoNotAssignCommentsPreceedingEmptyLines(boolean doNotAssignCommentsPreceedingEmptyLines) { _doNotAssignCommentsPreceedingEmptyLines = doNotAssignCommentsPreceedingEmptyLines; } public static CompilationUnit parse(final InputStream in, final String encoding) throws ParseException { return parse(in,encoding,true); } /** * Parses the Java code contained in the {@link java.io.InputStream} and returns a * {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it. * * @param in * {@link java.io.InputStream} containing Java source code * @param encoding * encoding of the source code * @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code * @throws ParseException * if the source code has parser errors */ public static CompilationUnit parse(final InputStream in, final String encoding, boolean considerComments) throws ParseException { try { String code = SourcesHelper.streamToString(in, encoding); InputStream in1 = SourcesHelper.stringToStream(code); CompilationUnit cu = new ASTParser(in1, encoding).CompilationUnit(); if (considerComments){ insertComments(cu,code); } return cu; } catch (IOException ioe){ throw new ParseException(ioe.getMessage()); } } /** * Parses the Java code contained in the {@link java.io.InputStream} and returns a * {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it. * * @param in * {@link java.io.InputStream} containing Java source code * @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code * @throws ParseException * if the source code has parser errors */ public static CompilationUnit parse(final InputStream in) throws ParseException { return parse(in, null,true); } public static CompilationUnit parse(final File file, final String encoding) throws ParseException, IOException { return parse(file,encoding,true); } /** * Parses the Java code contained in a {@link java.io.File} and returns a * {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it. * * @param file * {@link java.io.File} containing Java source code * @param encoding * encoding of the source code * @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code * @throws ParseException * if the source code has parser errors * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static CompilationUnit parse(final File file, final String encoding, boolean considerComments) throws ParseException, IOException { final FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); try { return parse(in, encoding, considerComments); } finally { in.close(); } } /** * Parses the Java code contained in a {@link java.io.File} and returns a * {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it. * * @param file * {@link java.io.File} containing Java source code * @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code * @throws ParseException * if the source code has parser errors * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static CompilationUnit parse(final File file) throws ParseException, IOException { return parse(file, null,true); } public static CompilationUnit parse(final Reader reader, boolean considerComments) throws ParseException { try { String code = SourcesHelper.readerToString(reader); Reader reader1 = SourcesHelper.stringToReader(code); CompilationUnit cu = new ASTParser(reader1).CompilationUnit(); if (considerComments){ insertComments(cu,code); } return cu; } catch (IOException ioe){ throw new ParseException(ioe.getMessage()); } } /** * Parses the Java block contained in a {@link String} and returns a * {@link BlockStmt} that represents it. * * @param blockStatement * {@link String} containing Java block code * @return BlockStmt representing the Java block * @throws ParseException * if the source code has parser errors * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static BlockStmt parseBlock(final String blockStatement) throws ParseException { StringReader sr = new StringReader(blockStatement); BlockStmt result = new ASTParser(sr).Block(); sr.close(); return result; } /** * Parses the Java statement contained in a {@link String} and returns a * {@link Statement} that represents it. * * @param statement * {@link String} containing Java statement code * @return Statement representing the Java statement * @throws ParseException * if the source code has parser errors * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static Statement parseStatement(final String statement) throws ParseException { StringReader sr = new StringReader(statement); Statement stmt = new ASTParser(sr).Statement(); sr.close(); return stmt; } /** * Parses the Java import contained in a {@link String} and returns a * {@link ImportDeclaration} that represents it. * * @param importDeclaration * {@link String} containing Java import code * @return ImportDeclaration representing the Java import declaration * @throws ParseException * if the source code has parser errors * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static ImportDeclaration parseImport(final String importDeclaration) throws ParseException { StringReader sr = new StringReader(importDeclaration); ImportDeclaration id = new ASTParser(sr).ImportDeclaration(); sr.close(); return id; } /** * Parses the Java expression contained in a {@link String} and returns a * {@link Expression} that represents it. * * @param expression * {@link String} containing Java expression * @return Expression representing the Java expression * @throws ParseException * if the source code has parser errors * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static Expression parseExpression(final String expression) throws ParseException { StringReader sr = new StringReader(expression); Expression e = new ASTParser(sr).Expression(); sr.close(); return e; } /** * Parses the Java annotation contained in a {@link String} and returns a * {@link AnnotationExpr} that represents it. * * @param annotation * {@link String} containing Java annotation * @return AnnotationExpr representing the Java annotation * @throws ParseException * if the source code has parser errors * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static AnnotationExpr parseAnnotation(final String annotation) throws ParseException { StringReader sr = new StringReader(annotation); AnnotationExpr ae = new ASTParser(sr).Annotation(); sr.close(); return ae; } /** * Parses the Java body declaration(e.g fields or methods) contained in a * {@link String} and returns a {@link BodyDeclaration} that represents it. * * @param body * {@link String} containing Java body declaration * @return BodyDeclaration representing the Java annotation * @throws ParseException * if the source code has parser errors * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static BodyDeclaration parseBodyDeclaration(final String body) throws ParseException { StringReader sr = new StringReader(body); BodyDeclaration bd = new ASTParser(sr).AnnotationBodyDeclaration(); sr.close(); return bd; } /** * Comments are attributed to the thing the comment and are removed from * allComments. */ private static void insertCommentsInCu(CompilationUnit cu, CommentsCollection commentsCollection){ if (commentsCollection.size()==0) return; // I should sort all the direct children and the comments, if a comment is the first thing then it // a comment to the CompilationUnit // FIXME if there is no package it could be also a comment to the following class... // so I could use some heuristics in these cases to distinguish the two cases List<Comment> comments = commentsCollection.getAll(); sortByBeginPosition(comments); List<Node> children = cu.getChildrenNodes(); sortByBeginPosition(children); if (cu.getPackage()!=null && (children.size()==0 || areInOrder(comments.get(0), children.get(0)))){ cu.setComment(comments.get(0)); comments.remove(0); } insertCommentsInNode(cu,comments); } private static boolean attributeLineCommentToNodeOrChild(Node node, LineComment lineComment) { // The node start and end at the same line as the comment, // let's give to it the comment if (node.getBeginLine()==lineComment.getBeginLine() && !node.hasComment()) { node.setComment(lineComment); return true; } else { // try with all the children, sorted by reverse position (so the // first one is the nearest to the comment List<Node> children = new LinkedList<Node>(); children.addAll(node.getChildrenNodes()); PositionUtils.sortByBeginPosition(children); Collections.reverse(children); for (Node child : children) { if (attributeLineCommentToNodeOrChild(child, lineComment)) { return true; } } return false; } } /** * This method try to attributes the nodes received to child of the node. * It returns the node that were not attributed. */ private static void insertCommentsInNode(Node node, List<Comment> commentsToAttribute){ if (commentsToAttribute.size()==0) return; // the comments can: // 1) Inside one of the child, then it is the child that have to associate them // 2) If they are not inside a child they could be preceeding nothing, a comment or a child // if they preceed a child they are assigned to it, otherweise they remain "orphans" List<Node> children = node.getChildrenNodes(); sortByBeginPosition(children); for (Node child : children){ List<Comment> commentsInsideChild = new LinkedList<Comment>(); for (Comment c : commentsToAttribute){ if (PositionUtils.nodeContains(child, c, _doNotConsiderAnnotationsAsNodeStartForCodeAttribution)){ commentsInsideChild.add(c); } } commentsToAttribute.removeAll(commentsInsideChild); insertCommentsInNode(child,commentsInsideChild); } // I can attribute in line comments to elements preceeding them, if there // is something contained in their line List<Comment> attributedComments = new LinkedList<Comment>(); for (Comment comment : commentsToAttribute) { if (comment.isLineComment()) { for (Node child : children) { if (child.getEndLine()==comment.getBeginLine()) { if (attributeLineCommentToNodeOrChild(child, comment.asLineComment())) { attributedComments.add(comment); } } } } } // at this point I create an ordered list of all remaining comments and children Comment previousComment = null; attributedComments = new LinkedList<Comment>(); List<Node> childrenAndComments = new LinkedList<Node>(); childrenAndComments.addAll(children); childrenAndComments.addAll(commentsToAttribute); sortByBeginPosition(childrenAndComments, _doNotConsiderAnnotationsAsNodeStartForCodeAttribution); for (Node thing : childrenAndComments){ if (thing instanceof Comment){ previousComment = (Comment)thing; if (!previousComment.isOrphan()) { previousComment = null; } } else { if (previousComment != null && !thing.hasComment()){ if (!_doNotAssignCommentsPreceedingEmptyLines || !thereAreLinesBetween(previousComment, thing)) { thing.setComment(previousComment); attributedComments.add(previousComment); previousComment = null; } } } } commentsToAttribute.removeAll(attributedComments); // all the remaining are orphan nodes for (Comment c : commentsToAttribute){ if (c.isOrphan()) { node.addOrphanComment(c); } } } private static boolean thereAreLinesBetween(Node a, Node b) { if (!PositionUtils.areInOrder(a, b)) { return thereAreLinesBetween(b, a); } int endOfA = a.getEndLine(); return b.getBeginLine()>(a.getEndLine()+1); } private static void insertComments(CompilationUnit cu, String code) throws IOException { CommentsParser commentsParser = new CommentsParser(); CommentsCollection allComments = commentsParser.parse(code); insertCommentsInCu(cu,allComments); } }