package org.dynjs.runtime;
import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.*;
import org.dynjs.exception.ThrowException;
import org.junit.Test;
public class DoWhileExpressionTest extends AbstractDynJSTestSupport {
public void testBasicDoWhile() {
eval("var x = 0",
"do {",
" x = 42;",
"} while ( x != 42 );");
Object x = getContext().resolve("x").getValue(getContext());
public void testDoWhileWithoutCurlies() {
eval("var x = 0",
"do x = 42; while ( x != 42 );");
Object x = getContext().resolve("x").getValue(getContext());
public void testDoWhileWithTestThrowing() {
try {
eval("var x = 0",
"do x = 42; while ( iDoNotExist );");
throw new AssertionError("Should have throw a ReferenceError on iDoNotExist");
} catch (ThrowException e) {
// expected and correct
Object x = getContext().resolve("x").getValue(getContext());