package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This produces a linear list of BasicBlocks so that the linearized instruction * list is in executable form. In generating this list, we will also add jumps * where required and remove as many jumps as possible. * * Ordinary BasicBlocks will follow FollowThrough edges and just concatenate * together eliminating the need for executing a jump instruction during * execution. * * Notes: * 1. Basic blocks ending in branches have two edges (FollowTrough/NotTaken and Taken) * 2. All BasicBlocks can possibly have two additional edges related to exceptions: * - one that transfers control to a rescue block (if one exists that protects * the excepting instruction) which is also responsible for running ensures * - one that transfers control to an ensure block (if one exists) for * situations where we bypass the rescue block (breaks and thread-kill). * 3. Branch, Jump, Return, and Exceptions are all boundaries for BasicBlocks * 4. Dummy Entry and Exit BasicBlocks exist in all CFGs */ public class CFGLinearizer { public static List<BasicBlock> linearize(CFG cfg) { List<BasicBlock> list = new ArrayList<BasicBlock>(); BitSet processed = new BitSet(cfg.size()); // Assumes all id's are used linearizeInner(cfg, list, processed, cfg.getEntryBB()); verifyAllBasicBlocksProcessed(cfg, processed); fixupList(cfg, list); return list; } private static void linearizeInner(CFG cfg, List<BasicBlock> list, BitSet processed, BasicBlock current) { if (processed.get(current.getID())) return; // Cannot lay out current block till its fall-through predecessor has been laid out already BasicBlock source = cfg.getIncomingSourceOfType(current, EdgeType.FALL_THROUGH); if (source != null && !processed.get(source.getID())) return; list.add(current); processed.set(current.getID()); // First, fall-through BB BasicBlock fallThrough = cfg.getOutgoingDestinationOfType(current, EdgeType.FALL_THROUGH); if (fallThrough != null) linearizeInner(cfg, list, processed, fallThrough); // Next, regular edges for (BasicBlock destination: cfg.getOutgoingDestinationsOfType(current, EdgeType.REGULAR)) { linearizeInner(cfg, list, processed, destination); } // Next, exception edges for (BasicBlock destination: cfg.getOutgoingDestinationsOfType(current, EdgeType.EXCEPTION)) { linearizeInner(cfg, list, processed, destination); } // Next, exit for (BasicBlock destination: cfg.getOutgoingDestinationsOfType(current, EdgeType.EXIT)) { linearizeInner(cfg, list, processed, destination); } } /** * Process (fixup) list of instruction and add or remove jumps. */ private static void fixupList(CFG cfg, List<BasicBlock> list) { int n = list.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { BasicBlock current = list.get(i); if (current.isExitBB()) { // exit not last current.addInstr(new Return(Undefined.UNDEFINED)); continue; } Instruction lastInstr = current.getLastInstr(); if (lastInstr instanceof Jump) { // if jumping to next BB then remove it tryAndRemoveUnneededJump(list.get(i + 1), cfg, lastInstr, current); } else { addJumpIfNextNotDestination(cfg, list.get(i + 1), lastInstr, current); } } BasicBlock current = list.get(n - 1); if (!current.isExitBB()) { Instruction lastInstr = current.getLastInstr(); // Last instruction of the last basic block in the linearized list can NEVER // be a branch instruction because this basic block would then have a fallthrough // which would have to be present after it. assert (!(lastInstr instanceof Branch)); if ((lastInstr == null) || !lastInstr.transfersControl()) { // We are guaranteed to have at least one non-exception edge because // the exit BB post-dominates all BBs in the CFG even when exception // edges are removed. // // Verify that we have exactly one non-exception target Iterator<BasicBlock> iter = cfg.getOutgoingDestinationsNotOfType(current, EdgeType.EXCEPTION).iterator(); BasicBlock target =; assert (target != null && !iter.hasNext()); // System.out.println("BB " + curr.getID() + " is the last bb in the layout! Adding a jump to " + tgt._label); current.addInstr(new Jump(target.getLabel())); } } } private static void tryAndRemoveUnneededJump(BasicBlock next, CFG cfg, Instruction lastInstr, BasicBlock current) { if (next == cfg.getBBForLabel(((Jump) lastInstr).getTarget())) current.removeInstr(lastInstr); } // If there is no jump at add of block and the next block is not destination insert a valid jump private static void addJumpIfNextNotDestination(CFG cfg, BasicBlock next, Instruction lastInstr, BasicBlock current) { Iterator<BasicBlock> outs = cfg.getOutgoingDestinations(current).iterator(); BasicBlock target = outs.hasNext() ? : null; if (target != null && !outs.hasNext()) { if ((target != next) && ((lastInstr == null) || !lastInstr.transfersControl())) { current.addInstr(new Jump(target.getLabel())); } } } private static void verifyAllBasicBlocksProcessed(CFG cfg, BitSet processed) throws RuntimeException { // Verify that all bbs have been laid out! for (BasicBlock b : cfg.getBasicBlocks()) { if (!processed.get(b.getID())) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad CFG linearization: BB " + b.getID() + " has been missed!"); } } } }