package org.freemarker.docgen; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.xml.sax.DTDHandler; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import com.thaiopensource.util.PropertyMapBuilder; import com.thaiopensource.validate.IncorrectSchemaException; import com.thaiopensource.validate.Schema; import com.thaiopensource.validate.SchemaReader; import com.thaiopensource.validate.ValidateProperty; import com.thaiopensource.validate.ValidationDriver; import com.thaiopensource.validate.Validator; import; import com.thaiopensource.validate.prop.rng.RngProperty; import com.thaiopensource.xml.sax.DraconianErrorHandler; import com.thaiopensource.xml.sax.Jaxp11XMLReaderCreator; import static org.freemarker.docgen.DocBook5Constants.*; /** * Used for validating DocBook 5 with RelaxNG. Depends on Jing classes; don't * link to this class statically if you are not sure that Jing is available. * iso_relax is not used, so all you need is <tt>jing.jar</tt>. */ final class RelaxNGValidator { private static final Set<String> ELEMENTS_WITH_LOCATION; static { HashSet<String> elemWithLocation = new HashSet<String>(); elemWithLocation.addAll(DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS); elemWithLocation.add(E_TABLE); elemWithLocation.add(E_INFORMALTABLE); elemWithLocation.add(E_IMAGEDATA); ELEMENTS_WITH_LOCATION = Collections.unmodifiableSet(elemWithLocation); } // Can't be instantiated private RelaxNGValidator() { // Nop } /** * Builds W3C DOM tree from an XML file while it validates it with Relax NG. * Supports XInclude. */ public static Document load(File f, DocgenValidationOptions validationOps) throws IOException, SAXException { CollectingErrorHandler collErrorHandler = new CollectingErrorHandler(15); // We will not use the DocumentBuilderFactory or SAXParserFactory that // comes for example with iso_relax, because they don't support // XInclude (as of 2009-02-21). // We also won't just use a DocumentBuilderFactory and then validate // the W3C DOM tree, because then there will not be location information // attached to the validation errors. // Jing-specific stuff: // - Create the DocBook Relax NG schema: PropertyMapBuilder schemaProps = new PropertyMapBuilder(); ValidateProperty.XML_READER_CREATOR.put( schemaProps, new Jaxp11XMLReaderCreator()); ValidateProperty.ERROR_HANDLER.put( schemaProps, new DraconianErrorHandler()); RngProperty.CHECK_ID_IDREF.add(schemaProps); SchemaReader scemaReader = new AutoSchemaReader(); Schema schema; try { schema = scemaReader.createSchema( ValidationDriver.uriOrFileInputSource( RelaxNGValidator.class.getResource( "schema/docbook.rng").toString()), schemaProps.toPropertyMap()); } catch (IncorrectSchemaException e) { throw new BugException( "Failed to load DocBook Realx NG schema " + "(see cause exception).", e); } // - Create the validator: PropertyMapBuilder valiadtorProps = new PropertyMapBuilder(); ValidateProperty.XML_READER_CREATOR.put( valiadtorProps, new Jaxp11XMLReaderCreator()); // Used for validation errors: ValidateProperty.ERROR_HANDLER.put( valiadtorProps, collErrorHandler); RngProperty.CHECK_ID_IDREF.add(valiadtorProps); Validator validator = schema.createValidator( valiadtorProps.toPropertyMap()); // JAXP/SAX stuff: // - Usual SAX setup: SAXParserFactory spf = XMLUtil.newSAXParserFactory(); SAXParser sp; try { sp = spf.newSAXParser(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new BugException( "Failed to create SAXParser " + "(see cause exception).", e); } XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader(); xr.setErrorHandler(collErrorHandler); // used for well-formedness errors // - Inject the Realx NG validator plus the DOM builder: ValidatingDOMBuilder domBuilder; try { domBuilder = new ValidatingDOMBuilderWithLocations( new DocgenRestrictionsValidator( validator.getContentHandler(), collErrorHandler, collErrorHandler, validationOps), XMLNS_DOCBOOK5, ELEMENTS_WITH_LOCATION); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new BugException( "Failed to create DOM builder " + "(see cause exception).", e); } xr.setContentHandler(domBuilder); // - Some helper for the Relax NG validator... DTDHandler dh = validator.getDTDHandler(); if (dh != null) { xr.setDTDHandler(dh); } // Parsing: try { xr.parse(ValidationDriver.fileInputSource(f)); } catch (SAXParseException e) { // Throw only if we didn't catch the error in the errorHander. if (collErrorHandler.getErrors().size() == 0) { throw e; } } if (collErrorHandler.getErrors().size() != 0) { List<String> errors = collErrorHandler.getErrors(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "The XML wasn't valid:\n\n"); for (String error : errors) { sb.append(error); sb.append('\n'); } throw new SAXException(sb.toString()); } return domBuilder.getDocument(); } }