package org.freemarker.docgen;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Evaluates CJSON language expressions. Regarding the CJSON language see
* the JavaDocs of {@link Transform}.
* This is just quick-n-dirty copy-paste re-mix of the TDD interpreter from
* my aged project, FMPP, but slightly modified, as outlined in the description
* of the language.
final class CJSONInterpreter {
* Evaluates function calls to itself.
public static final EvaluationEnvironment SIMPLE_EVALUATION_ENVIRONMENT
= new EvaluationEnvironment() {
public Object evalFunctionCall(FunctionCall f, CJSONInterpreter ip) {
return f;
public Object notify(
EvaluationEvent event,
CJSONInterpreter ip, String name, Object extra) {
return null;
/** For accelerating {@link #isUnquotedStringChar(char)}. */
private static final boolean[] UQSTR_CHARS = {
false, // NUL (0)
false, // SOH (1)
false, // STX (2)
false, // ETX (3)
false, // EOT (4)
false, // ENQ (5)
false, // ACK (6)
false, // BEL (7)
false, // BS (8)
false, // HT (9)
false, // LF (10)
false, // VT (11)
false, // FF (12)
false, // CR (13)
false, // SO (14)
false, // SI (15)
false, // DLE (16)
false, // DC1 (17)
false, // DC2 (18)
false, // DC2 (19)
false, // DC4 (20)
false, // NAK (21)
false, // SYN (22)
false, // ETB (23)
false, // CAN (24)
false, // EM (25)
false, // SUB (26)
false, // ESC (27)
false, // FS (28)
false, // GS (29)
false, // RS (30)
false, // US (31)
false, // SP (32)
false, // ! (33)
false, // " (34)
false, // # (35)
true, // $ (36)
false, // % (37)
false, // & (38)
false, // ' (39)
false, // ( (40)
false, // ) (41)
false, // * (42)
false, // + (43)
false, // , (44)
true, // - (45)
true, // . (46)
false, // / (47)
true, // 0 (48)
true, // 1 (49)
true, // 2 (50)
true, // 3 (51)
true, // 4 (52)
true, // 5 (53)
true, // 6 (54)
true, // 7 (55)
true, // 8 (56)
true, // 9 (57)
false, // : (58)
false, // ; (59)
false, // < (60)
false, // = (61)
false, // > (62)
false, // ? (63)
true, // @ (64)
true, // A (65)
true, // B (66)
true, // C (67)
true, // D (68)
true, // E (69)
true, // F (70)
true, // G (71)
true, // H (72)
true, // I (73)
true, // J (74)
true, // K (75)
true, // L (76)
true, // M (77)
true, // N (78)
true, // O (79)
true, // P (80)
true, // Q (81)
true, // R (82)
true, // S (83)
true, // T (84)
true, // U (85)
true, // V (86)
true, // W (87)
true, // X (88)
true, // Y (89)
true, // Z (90)
false, // [ (91)
false, // \ (92)
false, // ] (93)
false, // ^ (94)
true, // _ (95)
false, // ` (96)
true, // a (97)
true, // b (98)
true, // c (99)
true, // d (100)
true, // e (101)
true, // f (102)
true, // g (103)
true, // h (104)
true, // i (105)
true, // j (106)
true, // k (107)
true, // l (108)
true, // m (109)
true, // n (110)
true, // o (111)
true, // p (112)
true, // q (113)
true, // r (114)
true, // s (115)
true, // t (116)
true, // u (117)
true, // v (118)
true, // w (119)
true, // x (120)
true, // y (121)
true, // z (122)
false, // { (123)
false, // | (124)
false, // } (125)
false, // ~ (126)
false // DEL (127)
private int p;
private int ln;
private EvaluationEnvironment ee;
private String tx;
private String fileName;
private boolean skipWSFoundNL;
// Can't be instantiated
private CJSONInterpreter() {
// Nop
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public static methods
* Evaluates text as single CJSON expression.
* @param text the text to interpret.
* @param ee the {@link EvaluationEnvironment} used to resolve function
* calls. If it is <code>null</code> then
* {@link #SIMPLE_EVALUATION_ENVIRONMENT} will be used.
* @param forceStringValues specifies if expressions as <tt>true</tt> and
* <tt>123</tt> should be interpreted as strings, or as boolean and
* number respectively.
* @param fileName the path of the source file, or other description of the
* source. It is used for informative purposes only, as in error
* messages.
* @return the result of the evaluation. Possibly an empty
* <code>Map</code>, but never <code>null</code>.
public static Object eval(
String text, EvaluationEnvironment ee, boolean forceStringValues,
String fileName) throws EvaluationException {
CJSONInterpreter ip = new CJSONInterpreter();
ip.init(text, fileName, ee);
if (ip.p == ip.ln) {
throw ip.newSyntaxError("The text is empty.");
Object res = ip.fetchExpression(forceStringValues, false);
if (ip.p < ip.ln) {
throw ip.newSyntaxError("Extra character(s) after the expression.");
return res;
* Evaluates a {@link Fragment} as single CJSON expression. The expression
* can be surrounded with superfluous white-space.
* @see #eval(String, EvaluationEnvironment, boolean, String)
public static Object eval(
Fragment fragment,
EvaluationEnvironment ee, boolean forceStringValues)
throws EvaluationException {
CJSONInterpreter ip = new CJSONInterpreter();
ip.init(fragment, ee);
if (ip.p == ip.ln) {
throw ip.newSyntaxError("The text is empty.");
Object res = ip.fetchExpression(forceStringValues, false);
if (ip.p < ip.ln) {
throw ip.newSyntaxError("Extra character(s) after the expression.");
return res;
* Same as <code>eval(text, null, false, fileName)</code>.
* @see #eval(String, EvaluationEnvironment, boolean, String)
public static Object eval(String text, String fileName)
throws EvaluationException {
return eval(text, null, false, fileName);
* Same as <code>eval(text, null, false, null)</code>.
* @see #eval(String, EvaluationEnvironment, boolean, String)
public static Object eval(String text)
throws EvaluationException {
return eval(text, null, false, null);
* Evaluates text as a list of key:value pairs.
* @param text the text to interpret.
* @param ee the {@link EvaluationEnvironment} used to resolve function
* calls. If it is <code>null</code> then
* {@link #SIMPLE_EVALUATION_ENVIRONMENT} will be used.
* @param forceStringValues specifies if expressions as <tt>true</tt> and
* <tt>123</tt> should be interpreted as strings, or as boolean and
* number respectively.
* @param fileName the path of the source file, or other description of the
* source. It is used for informative purposes only, as in error
* messages.
* @return the result of the evaluation. Possibly an empty
* <code>Map</code>, but never <code>null</code>. The entries in the
* map are guaranteed to be in the same order as they were defined in
* the CJSON expression.
public static Map<String, Object> evalAsMap(
String text, EvaluationEnvironment ee, boolean forceStringValues,
String fileName) throws EvaluationException {
CJSONInterpreter ip = new CJSONInterpreter();
ip.init(text, fileName, ee);
Map<String, Object> res = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
boolean done = false;
try {
try {
ip, null, res);
done = true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw ip.newWrappedError(e);
return ip.fetchMapInner(res, (char) 0x20, forceStringValues);
} finally {
if (done) {
try {
ip, null, res);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw ip.newWrappedError(e);
* Same as <code>evalAsMap(textFromUTF8File, null, false, null)</code>.
* The file must use UTF-8 encoding. Initial BOM is allowed.
* @throws IOException
* @see #evalAsMap(String, EvaluationEnvironment, boolean, String)
public static Map<String, Object> evalAsMap(File f)
throws EvaluationException, IOException {
String s;
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(f);
try {
s = loadCJSONFile(in, f.getAbsolutePath());
} finally {
return evalAsMap(s, f.getAbsolutePath());
* Same as <code>evalAsMap(text, null, false, null)</code>.
* @see #evalAsMap(String, EvaluationEnvironment, boolean, String)
public static Map<String, Object> evalAsMap(String text)
throws EvaluationException {
return evalAsMap(text, null, false, null);
* Same as <code>evalAsMap(text, null, false, fileName)</code>.
* @see #evalAsMap(String, EvaluationEnvironment, boolean, String)
public static Map<String, Object> evalAsMap(String text, String fileName)
throws EvaluationException {
return evalAsMap(text, null, false, fileName);
* Evaluates text as a list values.
* @param text the text to interpret.
* @param ee the {@link EvaluationEnvironment} used to resolve function
* calls. If it is <code>null</code> then
* {@link #SIMPLE_EVALUATION_ENVIRONMENT} will be used.
* @param forceStringValues specifies if expressions as <tt>true</tt> and
* <tt>123</tt> should be interpreted as strings, or as boolean and
* number respectively.
* @param fileName the path of the source file, or other description of the
* source. It is used for informative purposes only, as in error
* messages.
* @return the result of the evaluation. Possibly an empty
* <code>List</code>, but never <code>null</code>.
public static List<Object> evalAsList(
String text, EvaluationEnvironment ee, boolean forceStringValues,
String fileName) throws EvaluationException {
CJSONInterpreter ip = new CJSONInterpreter();
ip.init(text, fileName, ee);
List<Object> res = new ArrayList<Object>();
boolean done = false;
try {
try {
ip, null, res);
done = true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw ip.newWrappedError(e);
return ip.fetchListInner(res, (char) 0x20, forceStringValues);
} finally {
if (done) {
try {
ip, null, res);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw ip.newWrappedError(e);
* Same as <code>evalAsList(text, null, false, null)</code>.
* @see #evalAsList(String, EvaluationEnvironment, boolean, String)
public static List<Object> evalAsList(String text)
throws EvaluationException {
return evalAsList(text, null, false, null);
* Same as <code>evalAsList(text, null, false, fileName)</code>.
* @see #evalAsList(String, EvaluationEnvironment, boolean, String)
public static List<Object> evalAsList(String text, String fileName)
throws EvaluationException {
return evalAsList(text, null, false, fileName);
* Loads a CJSON file with utilizing <tt>#encoding:<i>enc</i></tt> header.
* If the header is missing, UTF-8 will be used.
* @param in the stream that reads the content of the file.
* @param source the description of the location of the "file" (usually a
* path). Can be {@code null}.
public static String loadCJSONFile(InputStream in, String source)
throws IOException {
byte[] b = loadByteArray(in);
return loadCJSONFile(b, source);
* Loads a CJSON file with utilizing <tt>#encoding:<i>enc</i></tt> header.
* If the header is missing, the encoding given as parameter is used.
* @param b the content of the "file".
* @param source the description of the location of the "file" (usually a
* path). Can be {@code null}.
public static String loadCJSONFile(byte[] b, String source)
throws IOException {
String charset = extractCharsetComment(b);
try {
return new String(b, charset == null ? "UTF-8" : charset);
} catch ( e) {
String msg = "Unsupported character encoding, "
+ TextUtil.jQuote(charset) + " was specifed in ";
if (source != null) {
msg += "this CJSON file: " + source;
} else {
msg += "the CJSON file.";
throw new IOException(msg);
* Converts an object to a CJSON-like representation (not necessary valid
* @param value the object to convert
* @return the CJSON "source code".
public static String dump(Object value) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
dumpValue(buf, value, "");
return buf.toString();
* Returns the type-name of a value according to the CJSON language.
public static String cjsonTypeOf(Object value) {
if (value instanceof String) {
return "string";
} else if (value instanceof Number) {
return "number";
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return "boolean";
} else if (value instanceof List<?>) {
return "list";
} else if (value instanceof LinkedHashMap<?, ?>) {
return "map";
} else if (value instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
return "map (unordered)";
} else if (value instanceof FunctionCall) {
return "function call";
} else {
if (value != null) {
return value.getClass().getName();
} else {
return "null";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public non-static methods
public int getPosition() {
return p;
public String getText() {
return tx;
public String getFileName() {
return fileName;
public EvaluationEnvironment getEvaluationEnvironment() {
return ee;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private
* Fetches comma separated expressions. The expressions may surrounded with
* superfluous WS.
* @param list destination list
* @param terminator The character that signals the end of the list.
* Use 0x20 for EOS. <code>p</code> will point to the terminator
* character when the method returns.
private List<Object> fetchListInner(
List<Object> list, char terminator, boolean forceStringValues)
throws EvaluationException {
int listP = p - 1;
if (terminator == 0x20) {
listP = p;
while (true) {
char c;
if (p < ln) {
c = tx.charAt(p);
if (c == terminator) {
return list;
if (c == ',') {
throw newSyntaxError(
"List item is missing before the comma.");
} else {
if (terminator == 0x20) {
return list;
} else {
throw newSyntaxError("Reached the end of the text, "
+ "but the list was not closed with "
+ TextUtil.jQuoteOrName(terminator) + ".",
list.add(fetchExpression(forceStringValues, false));
c = skipSeparator(
terminator, null, "This is a list, and not a map.");
if (c == terminator) {
return list;
* Fetches comma separated key:value pairs. The expressions can be
* surrounded with superflous WS.
* @param map destination map
* @param terminator The character that signals the end of the key:value
* pair list.
* Use 0x20 for EOS. <code>p</code> will point to the terminator
* character when the method returns.
private Map<String, Object> fetchMapInner(
Map<String, Object> map, char terminator, boolean forceStringValues)
throws EvaluationException {
int p2;
int mapP = p - 1;
if (terminator == 0x20) {
mapP = p;
// Key lookup
while (true) {
char c;
if (p < ln) {
c = tx.charAt(p);
if (c == terminator) {
return map;
if (c == ',') {
throw newSyntaxError(
"Key-value pair is missing before the comma.");
} else {
if (terminator == 0x20) {
return map;
} else {
throw newSyntaxError("Reached the end of the text, "
+ "but the map was not closed with "
+ TextUtil.jQuoteOrName(terminator) + ".",
int keyP = p;
Object o1 = fetchExpression(false, true);
FunctionCall keyFunc;
if (o1 instanceof FunctionCall) {
keyFunc = (FunctionCall) o1;
try {
o1 = ee.evalFunctionCall(keyFunc, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw newError("Failed to evaluate function "
+ TextUtil.jQuote(keyFunc.getName()) + ".",
keyP, e);
} else {
keyFunc = null;
c = skipSeparator(terminator, null, null);
if (c == ':') {
if (!(o1 instanceof String)) {
if (keyFunc != o1) {
throw newError(
"The key must be a String, but it is a(n) "
+ cjsonTypeOf(o1) + ".", keyP);
} else {
throw newError(
"You can't use the function here, "
+ "because it can't be evaluated "
+ "in this context.",
if (p == ln) {
throw newSyntaxError(
"The key must be followed by a value because "
+ "colon was used.", keyP);
Object o2;
boolean done = false;
try {
Object nr;
try {
nr = ee.notify(
this, (String) o1, null);
done = true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw newWrappedError(e, keyP);
if (nr == null) {
o2 = fetchExpression(forceStringValues, false);
map.put((String) o1, o2);
} else {
p2 = p;
if (nr == EvaluationEnvironment.RETURN_FRAGMENT) {
map.put((String) o1,
new Fragment(tx, p2, p, fileName));
} finally {
if (done) {
try {
this, (String) o1, null);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw newWrappedError(e);
c = skipSeparator(terminator, null,
"Colon is for separating the key from the value, "
+ "and the value was alredy given previously.");
} else if (c == ',' || c == terminator || c == 0x20) {
if (keyFunc == null) {
if (o1 instanceof String) {
boolean done = false;
try {
Object nr;
try {
nr = ee.notify(
this, (String) o1, null);
done = true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw newWrappedError(e, keyP);
if (nr == null
|| nr == EvaluationEnvironment
map.put((String) o1, Boolean.TRUE);
} finally {
if (done) {
try {
this, (String) o1, null);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw newWrappedError(e);
} else if (o1 instanceof Map) {
map.putAll((Map<String, Object>) o1);
} else {
throw newError(
"This expression should be either a string "
+ "or a map, but it is a(n) "
+ cjsonTypeOf(o1) + ".", keyP);
} else {
if (o1 instanceof Map) {
map.putAll((Map<String, Object>) o1);
} else {
if (keyFunc == o1) {
throw newError(
"You can't use the function here, "
+ "because it can't be evaluated "
+ "in this context.",
} else {
throw newError(
"Function doesn't evalute to a map, but "
+ "to " + cjsonTypeOf(o1)
+ ", so it can't be merged into the map.",
if (c == terminator) {
return map;
* Fetches arbitrary expression. No surrounding superflous WS is allowed!
private Object fetchExpression(boolean forceStr, boolean mapKey)
throws EvaluationException {
char c;
if (p >= ln) { //!!a
throw new BugException("Calling fetchExpression when p >= ln.");
c = tx.charAt(p);
// Map:
if (c == '{') {
Object nr;
Object res;
Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
boolean done = false;
try {
try {
nr = ee.notify(
this, null, map);
done = true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw newWrappedError(e);
if (nr == null) {
fetchMapInner(map, '}', forceStr);
res = map;
} else {
int p2 = p;
res = new Fragment(tx, p2, p, fileName);
} finally {
if (done) {
try {
this, null, map);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw newWrappedError(e);
return res; //!
// List:
if (c == '[') {
List<Object> res = new ArrayList<Object>();
boolean done = false;
try {
try {
this, null, res);
done = true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw newWrappedError(e);
fetchListInner(res, ']', forceStr);
} finally {
if (done) {
try {
this, null, res);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw newWrappedError(e);
return res; //!
int b = p;
// Quoted string:
if (c == '"' || c == '\'') {
char q = c;
while (p < ln) {
c = tx.charAt(p);
if (c == '\\') {
if (c == q) {
return tx.substring(b + 1, p - 1); //!
if (p == ln) {
throw newSyntaxError(
"The closing " + TextUtil.jQuoteOrName(q)
+ " of the string is missing.",
int bidx = b + 1;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
while (true) {
buf.append(tx.substring(bidx, p));
if (p == ln - 1) {
throw newSyntaxError(
"The closing " + TextUtil.jQuoteOrName(q)
+ " of the string is missing.",
c = tx.charAt(p + 1);
switch (c) {
case '"':
bidx = p + 2;
case '\'':
bidx = p + 2;
case '\\':
bidx = p + 2;
case 'n':
bidx = p + 2;
case 'r':
bidx = p + 2;
case 't':
bidx = p + 2;
case 'f':
bidx = p + 2;
case 'b':
bidx = p + 2;
case 'g':
bidx = p + 2;
case 'l':
bidx = p + 2;
case 'a':
bidx = p + 2;
case '{':
bidx = p + 2;
case '/': // JSON have this
bidx = p + 2;
case 'x':
case 'u':
p += 2;
int x = p;
int y = 0;
int z = (ln - p) > 4 ? p + 4 : ln;
while (p < z) {
char c2 = tx.charAt(p);
if (c2 >= '0' && c2 <= '9') {
y <<= 4;
y += c2 - '0';
} else if (c2 >= 'a' && c2 <= 'f') {
y <<= 4;
y += c2 - 'a' + 10;
} else if (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'F') {
y <<= 4;
y += c2 - 'A' + 10;
} else {
if (x < p) {
buf.append((char) y);
} else {
throw newSyntaxError(
"Invalid hexadecimal UNICODE escape in "
+ "the string literal.",
x - 2);
bidx = p;
if (isWS(c)) {
boolean hasWS = false;
bidx = p + 1;
do {
if (c == 0xA || c == 0xD) {
if (hasWS) {
hasWS = true;
if (c == 0xD && bidx < ln - 1) {
if (tx.charAt(bidx + 1) == 0xA) {
if (bidx == ln) {
c = tx.charAt(bidx);
} while (isWS(c));
if (!hasWS) {
throw newSyntaxError(
"Invalid usage of escape sequence "
+ "\\white-space. This escape sequence "
+ "can be used only before "
+ "line-break.");
} else {
throw newSyntaxError(
"Invalid escape sequence \\" + c
+ " in the string literal.");
p = bidx;
while (true) {
if (p == ln) {
throw newSyntaxError(
"The closing " + TextUtil.jQuoteOrName(q)
+ " of the string is missing.",
c = tx.charAt(p);
if (c == '\\') {
if (c == q) {
buf.append(tx.substring(bidx, p));
return buf.toString(); //!
} // while true
} // if quoted string
// Raw string:
char c2;
if (p < ln - 1) {
c2 = tx.charAt(p + 1);
} else {
c2 = 0x20;
if (c == 'r' && (c2 == '"' || c2 == '\'')) {
char q = c2;
p += 2;
while (p < ln) {
c = tx.charAt(p);
if (c == q) {
return tx.substring(b + 2, p - 1); //!
throw newSyntaxError(
"The closing " + TextUtil.jQuoteOrName(q)
+ " of the string is missing.",
// Unquoted string, boolean or number, or function call
uqsLoop: while (true) {
c = tx.charAt(p);
if (!isUnquotedStringChar(c) && !(p == b && c == '+')) {
break uqsLoop;
if (p == ln) {
break uqsLoop;
if (b == p) {
throw newSyntaxError("Unexpected character.", b);
} else {
String s = tx.substring(b, p);
int funcP = b;
int oldP = p;
c = skipWS();
if (c == '(') {
List<Object> params;
boolean done = false;
try {
try {
this, s, null);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw newWrappedError(e, funcP);
done = true;
params = fetchListInner(
new ArrayList<Object>(), ')', forceStr);
} finally {
if (done) {
try {
this, s, null);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw newWrappedError(e);
FunctionCall func = new FunctionCall(s, params);
if (!mapKey) {
try {
return ee.evalFunctionCall(func, this); //!
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw newError("Failed to evaluate function "
+ TextUtil.jQuote(func.getName()) + ".",
b, e);
} else {
return func;
} else {
p = oldP;
if (!forceStr && !mapKey) {
if (s.equals("true")) {
return Boolean.TRUE; //!
} else if (s.equals("false")) {
return Boolean.FALSE; //!
c = s.charAt(0);
if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '+' || c == '-') {
String s2;
if (c == '+') {
s2 = s.substring(1); // Integer(s) doesn't know +.
} else {
s2 = s;
try {
return new Integer(s2); //!
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
// ignore
try {
return new BigDecimal(s2); //!
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
// ignore
return s; //!
} // if not '('
} // if b == p
* Skips a single expression. It's ignores syntax errors in the skipped
* expression as far as it is clean where the end of the expression is.
private void skipExpression() throws EvaluationException {
char c;
if (p >= ln) { //!!a
throw new BugException("Calling fetchExpression when p >= ln.");
c = tx.charAt(p);
// Map:
if (c == '{') {
// List:
if (c == '[') {
// Unresolved object in a dump:
if (c == '<') {
// Just for durability:
if (c == '(') {
int b = p;
// Quoted string:
if (c == '"' || c == '\'') {
char q = c;
while (p < ln) {
c = tx.charAt(p);
if (c == '\\') {
if (p != ln - 1) {
if (c == q) {
return; //!
throw newSyntaxError(
"The closing " + TextUtil.jQuoteOrName(q)
+ " of the string is missing.",
} // if quoted string
// Raw string:
char c2;
if (p < ln - 1) {
c2 = tx.charAt(p + 1);
} else {
c2 = 0x20;
if (c == 'r' && (c2 == '"' || c2 == '\'')) {
char q = c2;
p += 2;
while (p < ln) {
c = tx.charAt(p);
if (c == q) {
return; //!
throw newSyntaxError(
"The closing " + TextUtil.jQuoteOrName(q)
+ " of the string is missing.",
// Unquoted string, boolean or number, or function call
uqsLoop: while (true) {
c = tx.charAt(p);
if (!isUnquotedStringChar(c)
&& !(p == b && c == '+')) {
break uqsLoop;
if (p == ln) {
break uqsLoop;
if (b == p) {
throw newSyntaxError("Unexpected character.", b);
} else {
int oldP = p;
c = skipWS();
if (c == '(') {
} else {
p = oldP;
} // if not '('
} // if b == p
private void skipListing(char terminator) throws EvaluationException {
int listP = p - 1;
if (terminator == 0x20) {
listP = p;
while (true) {
char c;
if (p < ln) {
c = tx.charAt(p);
if (c == terminator) {
} else {
if (terminator == 0x20) {
} else {
throw newSyntaxError("Reached the end of the text, "
+ "but the closing "
+ TextUtil.jQuoteOrName(terminator)
+ " is missing.",
if (c == ',' || c == ':' || c == ';' || c == '=') {
} else {
c = skipWS();
if (c == terminator) {
* Fetches separator between whatever items.
* @return the separator, which is either or <code>','</code>,
* or <code>':'</code>, or <code>0x20</code> for EOS, or
* <code>terminator</code> for the terminator character.
* <code>','</code> means comma separation, or separation with implied comma
* (i.e. sparation with NL).
* <p><code>p</code> will point the first character of the item (or the
* terminator character) after the skipped separator, unless an exception
* aborts the execution of the method.
* @param terminator the character that terminates the sequence of
* separated items. Use 0x20 for EOS.
* @param commaBadReason if not <code>null</code>, comma will not be
* accepted as separator, and it is the reason why.
* @param colonBadReason if not <code>null</code>, colon will not be
* accepted as separator, and it is the reason why.
private char skipSeparator(
char terminator, String commaBadReason, String colonBadReason)
throws EvaluationException {
int intialP = p;
char c = skipWS();
boolean plusConverted = false;
if (c == '+') {
// deprecated the old map-union syntax
throw newSyntaxError(
"The + operator is not supported. (Hint: if you want to "
+ "break a string into multiple lines, use a quoted string "
+ "literal, finish the line with \\, then just continue "
+ "the literal in the next line with optional "
+ "indentation.");
if (c == ',' || c == ':') {
if (commaBadReason != null && c == ',') {
if (!plusConverted) {
throw newSyntaxError(
"Comma (,) shouldn't be used here. "
+ commaBadReason);
} else {
throw newSyntaxError(
"Plus sign (+), which is treated as comma (,) "
+ "in this case, shouldn't be used here. "
+ commaBadReason);
if (colonBadReason != null && c == ':') {
throw newSyntaxError(
"Colon (:) shouldn't be used here. " + colonBadReason);
return c;
} else if (c == terminator) {
return terminator;
} else if (c == ';') {
throw newSyntaxError(
"Semicolon (;) was unexpected here. If you want to "
+ "separate items in a listing then use comma "
+ "(,) instead.");
} else if (c == '=') {
throw newSyntaxError(
"Equals sign (=) was unexpected here. If you want to "
+ "associate a key with a value then use "
+ "colon (:) instead.");
} else {
if (c == 0x20) {
// EOS
return c;
if (skipWSFoundNL) {
// implicit comma
if (commaBadReason != null) {
throw newSyntaxError(
"Line-break shouldn't be used before this iteam as "
+ "separator (which is the same as using comma). "
+ commaBadReason);
return ',';
} else {
if (p == intialP) {
throw newSyntaxError("Character "
+ TextUtil.jQuoteOrName(tx.charAt(p))
+ " shouldn't occur here.");
} else {
// WS* separator
throw newSyntaxError("No separator was used before "
+ "the item. Items in listings should be "
+ "separated with comma (,) or line-break. Keys "
+ "and values in maps should be separated with "
+ "colon (:).");
* Increments <code>p</code> until it finds non-WS character or EOS, also
* it transparently skips CJSON comments.
* @return the non-WS char that terminates the WS, or 0x20 if EOS reached.
private char skipWS() throws EvaluationException {
char c;
skipWSFoundNL = false;
while (p < ln) {
c = tx.charAt(p);
if (!isWS(c)) {
if (c == '/' && p + 1 < ln && tx.charAt(p + 1) == '/') {
while (true) {
if (p == ln) {
return 0x20; //!
c = tx.charAt(p);
if (c == 0xA || c == 0xD) {
skipWSFoundNL = true;
break; //!
} else if (c == '/' && p + 1 < ln && tx.charAt(p + 1) == '*') {
int commentP = p;
while (true) {
if (p + 1 >= ln) {
throw newSyntaxError(
"Comment was not closed with \"*/\".",
if (tx.charAt(p) == '*' && tx.charAt(p + 1) == '/') {
break; //!
} else {
return c; //!
} else if (c == 0xD || c == 0xA) {
skipWSFoundNL = true;
return 0x20;
* (Re)inits the evaluator object.
private void init(String text, String fileName, EvaluationEnvironment ee) {
p = 0;
skipWSFoundNL = false;
tx = text;
ln = text.length();
this.fileName = fileName; = ee == null ? SIMPLE_EVALUATION_ENVIRONMENT : ee;
* (Re)inits the evaluator object.
private void init(Fragment fr, EvaluationEnvironment ee) {
p = fr.getFragmentStart();
skipWSFoundNL = false;
tx = fr.getText();
ln = fr.getFragmentEnd();
this.fileName = fr.getFileName(); = ee == null ? SIMPLE_EVALUATION_ENVIRONMENT : ee;
private static final String ENCODING_COMMENT_1 = "encoding";
private static final String ENCODING_COMMENT_2 = "charset";
* Same as <code>Character.isWhitespace</code>, but counts BOM as WS too.
private static boolean isWS(char c) {
return Character.isWhitespace(c) || c == 0xFEFF;
private static boolean isUnquotedStringChar(char c) {
return c < 128 ? UQSTR_CHARS[c] : Character.isLetterOrDigit(c);
* @return the name of the charset given in the comment, or {@code null} if
* there is no such comment.
private static String extractCharsetComment(byte[] b) {
char c;
String s;
int p = 0;
int ln = b.length;
// Skip BOM, if present:
if (p + 2 < ln
&& toChar(b[p]) == 0xEF
&& toChar(b[p + 1]) == 0xBB
&& toChar(b[p + 2]) == 0xBF) {
p += 3;
// Skip WS
while (p < ln && Character.isWhitespace(toChar(b[p]))) {
// Do we start with "//"?
if (!(p + 1 < ln && toChar(b[p]) == '/' && toChar(b[p + 1]) == '/')) {
return null; // No.
p += 2;
p = extractCharsetComment_skipNonNLWS(b, p);
int bp = p;
while (p < ln) {
c = toChar(b[p]);
if (!((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'))) {
if (p - bp != ENCODING_COMMENT_1.length()
&& p - bp != ENCODING_COMMENT_2.length()) {
return null;
try {
s = new String(b, bp, p - bp, "ISO-8859-1").toLowerCase();
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new BugException("ISO-8859-1 decoding failed.", e);
if (!s.equals(ENCODING_COMMENT_1) && !s.equals(ENCODING_COMMENT_2)) {
return null;
p = extractCharsetComment_skipNonNLWS(b, p);
if (p == ln) {
return null;
c = toChar(b[p]);
if (c != ':') {
return null;
p = extractCharsetComment_skipNonNLWS(b, p);
if (p == ln) {
return null;
bp = p;
while (p < ln) {
c = toChar(b[p]);
if (c == 0xA || c == 0xD) {
try {
s = new String(b, bp, p - bp, "ISO-8859-1").trim();
if (s.length() == 0) {
return null;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new BugException("ISO-8859-1 decoding failed.", e);
return s;
private static int extractCharsetComment_skipNonNLWS(byte[] b, int p) {
int ln = b.length;
while (p < ln) {
char c = toChar(b[p]);
if (!Character.isWhitespace(c) || c == 0xD || c == 0xA) {
return p;
private static char toChar(byte b) {
return (char) (0xFF & b);
private static void dumpMap(
StringBuilder out, Map<String, Object> m, String indent) {
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> it = m.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, Object> ent =;
+ TextUtil.jQuote(ent.getKey()) + ": ");
dumpValue(out, ent.getValue(), indent);
private static void dumpMapSL(StringBuilder out, Map<String, Object> m) {
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> it = m.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, Object> ent =;
out.append(TextUtil.jQuote(ent.getKey()) + ":");
dumpValueSL(out, ent.getValue());
if (it.hasNext()) {
out.append(", ");
private static void dumpList(
StringBuilder out, List<?> ls, String indent) {
Iterator<?> it = ls.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object obj =;
dumpValue(out, obj, indent);
private static void dumpListSL(StringBuilder out, List<?> ls) {
Iterator<?> it = ls.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object obj =;
dumpValueSL(out, obj);
if (it.hasNext()) {
out.append(", ");
private static void dumpValue(StringBuilder out, Object o, String indent) {
if (o instanceof Number || o instanceof Boolean) {
} else if (o instanceof String) {
out.append(TextUtil.jQuote((String) o));
} else if (o instanceof Map) {
dumpMap(out, (Map<String, Object>) o, indent + " ");
out.append(indent + "}");
} else if (o instanceof List) {
dumpList(out, (List<Object>) o, indent + " ");
out.append(indent + "]");
} else if (o instanceof FunctionCall) {
FunctionCall dir = (FunctionCall) o;
dumpListSL(out, dir.getParams());
} else {
if (o == null) {
} else {
out.append(" ");
private static void dumpValueSL(StringBuilder out, Object o) {
if (o instanceof Number || o instanceof Boolean) {
} else if (o instanceof String) {
out.append(TextUtil.jQuote((String) o));
} else if (o instanceof Map) {
dumpMapSL(out, (Map<String, Object>) o);
} else if (o instanceof List) {
dumpListSL(out, (List<Object>) o);
} else if (o instanceof FunctionCall) {
FunctionCall dir = (FunctionCall) o;
dumpListSL(out, dir.getParams());
} else {
out.append(" ");
private EvaluationException newSyntaxError(String message) {
return newSyntaxError(message, p);
private EvaluationException newSyntaxError(String message, int position) {
return new EvaluationException(
"CJSON syntax error: " + message, tx, position, fileName);
private EvaluationException newError(String message, int position) {
return new EvaluationException(
"CJSON error: " + message, tx, position, fileName);
private EvaluationException newError(
String message, int position, Throwable cause) {
return new EvaluationException(
"CJSON error: " + message, tx, position, fileName, cause);
private EvaluationException newWrappedError(Throwable e) {
return newWrappedError(e, p);
private EvaluationException newWrappedError(Throwable e, int p) {
if (e instanceof EvaluationException) {
return (EvaluationException) e;
return new EvaluationException(
"Error while evaluating CJSON: " + e.getMessage(),
tx, p, fileName, e.getCause());
* Symbolizes a CJSON function call.
* Function calls that are not evaluated during the evaluation of a CJSON
* expressions will be present in the result as the instances of this class.
public static class FunctionCall {
private final String name;
private final List<Object> params;
public FunctionCall(String name, List<Object> params) { = name;
this.params = params;
public String getName() {
return name;
public List<Object> getParams() {
return params;
public String toString() {
return CJSONInterpreter.dump(this);
* Fragment extracted from a CJSON expression.
public static class Fragment {
private final String text;
private final int fragmentStart;
private final int fragmentEnd;
private final String fileName;
* Creates new CJSON fragment.
* @param text the full CJSON text that contains the fragment.
* (In extreme case the fragment and the full text is the same.)
* @param fragmentStart the start index of the fragment in the text.
* @param fragmentEnd the start index of the fragment in the text
* @param fileName the name of the file the text comes from (for
* informational purposes only). It can be <code>null</code> if the
* source file is unknown or there is no source file.
public Fragment(
String text, int fragmentStart, int fragmentEnd,
String fileName) {
this.text = text;
this.fragmentStart = fragmentStart;
this.fragmentEnd = fragmentEnd;
this.fileName = fileName;
* Returns the name of the file the text comes from (for informational
* purposes only). It can be <code>null</code> if the source file is
* unknown or there is no source file.
public String getFileName() {
return fileName;
* Returns the full CJSON text that contains the fragmet.
public String getText() {
return text;
* Returns the start index of the fragment in the text.
public int getFragmentStart() {
return fragmentStart;
* Returns the end index (exclusive) of the fragment in the text.
public int getFragmentEnd() {
return fragmentEnd;
* Returns the fragment text.
public String toString() {
return text.substring(fragmentStart, fragmentEnd);
public enum EvaluationEvent {
* The code of event that indicates that we have started to evaluate the
* value in a key:value pair.
* The code of event that indicates that we have finished to evaluate
* the value in a key:value pair.
* The code of event that indicates that we have started to evaluate the
* parameter list in a function call.
* The code of event that indicates that we have finished to evaluate
* the parameter list in a function call.
* The code of event that indicates that we have started to evaluate the
* items in a list. This does not include function call parameter lists.
* The code of event that indicates that we have finished to evaluate
* the items in a list.
* The code of event that indicates that we have started to evaluate the
* items in a map.
* The code of event that indicates that we have finished to evaluate
* the items in a list.
* Callbacks that let you control the behavior of CJSON expression
* evaluation.
public interface EvaluationEnvironment {
Object RETURN_SKIP = new Object();
Object RETURN_FRAGMENT = new Object();
* Evaluates the function call. This method may simply returns its
* parameter, which means that the function was not resolved, and thus
* the function call will be available for further interpretation in the
* result of the CJSON expression evaluation.
* @param fc the function call to evaluate.
* @return the return value of the function call. During the evaluation
* of a CJSON expression, function calls will be replaced with
* their return values.
* If the return value is a {@link FunctionCall} object, it will not
* be evaluated again. This way, the final result of a CJSON
* expression evaluation can contain {@link FunctionCall} objects.
* @throws Exception
Object evalFunctionCall(FunctionCall fc, CJSONInterpreter ip)
throws Exception;
* Notifies about an event during expression evaluation.
* @param event An <code>EVENT_...</code> constant. Further events may
* will be added later, so the implementation must silently ignore
* events that it does not know. It is guaranteed that for each
* <code>EVENT_ENTER_...</code> event there will be an
* <code>EVENT_LEAVE_...</code> event later, except if
* <code>notifyContextChange</code> has thrown exception during
* handling <code>EVENT_ENTER_...</code>, in which case it is
* guaranteed that there will be no corresponding
* <code>EVENT_LEAVE_...</code> event.
* @param ip the {@link CJSONInterpreter} instance that evaluates the
* text. The value returned by
* {@link CJSONInterpreter#getPosition()} will be the position in
* the text where the this even has been created:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link EvaluationEvent#ENTER_MAP_KEY}: points the first
* character of the <i>value</i> of the key:<i>value</i>
* pair.
* <li>{@link EvaluationEvent#ENTER_LIST},
* {@link EvaluationEvent#ENTER_MAP}, and
* {@link EvaluationEvent#ENTER_FUNCTION_PARAMS}: points the
* first character after the <tt>[</tt> and <tt>(</tt>
* respectively.
* <li>{@link EvaluationEvent#LEAVE_LIST},
* {@link EvaluationEvent#LEAVE_MAP}, and
* {@link EvaluationEvent#LEAVE_FUNCTION_PARAMS}: points the
* terminating character, that is, the <tt>]</tt> or
* <tt>)</tt> or the character after the end of the string.
* </ul>
* @param name For {@link EvaluationEvent#ENTER_MAP_KEY} and
* {@link EvaluationEvent#ENTER_FUNCTION_PARAMS}, the name of the
* map key or function. It is <code>null</code> otherwise.
* @param extra Even specific extra information.
* <ul>
* <li>For {@link EvaluationEvent#ENTER_MAP},
* {@link EvaluationEvent#LEAVE_MAP},
* {@link EvaluationEvent#ENTER_LIST},
* {@link EvaluationEvent#LEAVE_LIST} it is the
* <code>Map</code> or <code>List</code> that is being
* built by the map or list. It's OK to modify this
* <code>Map</code> or <code>List</code>.
* <li>For other events it's
* value is currently <code>null</code>.
* </ul>
* @return return The allowed return values and their meaning depends on
* the event. But return value <code>null</code> always means
* "do nothing special". The currently defined non-<code>null</code>
* return values for the events:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link EvaluationEvent#ENTER_MAP_KEY}:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #RETURN_SKIP}: Skip the key:value
* pair. That is, the key:value pair will not be added to
* the map. The value expression will not be evaluated.
* <li>{@link #RETURN_FRAGMENT}: The value of the key:value
* pair will be the {@link Fragment} that stores the
* value expression. The value expression will not be
* evaluated.
* However, if the value is implicit boolean
* <code>true</code>, (i.e. you omit the value) then
* {@link #RETURN_FRAGMENT} has no effect.
* </ul>
* <li>
* <li>{@link EvaluationEvent#ENTER_MAP} if the map uses
* <tt>{</tt> and <tt>}</tt>):
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #RETURN_FRAGMENT}: The value of the map will be
* the {@link Fragment} that stores the map expression.
* The map expression will not be evaluated.
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
Object notify(
EvaluationEvent event, CJSONInterpreter ip,
String name, Object extra)
throws Exception;
public static class EvaluationException extends Exception {
public EvaluationException(String message) {
public EvaluationException(String message, Throwable cause) {
super(message, cause);
public EvaluationException(String message, int position) {
super(message + LINE_BREAK
+ "Error location: character " + (position + 1));
public EvaluationException(
String message, int position, Throwable cause) {
super(message + LINE_BREAK
+ "Error location: character " + (position + 1),
public EvaluationException(
String message, String text, int position, String fileName) {
message, text, position, fileName, 56));
public EvaluationException(
String message, String text, int position, String fileName,
Throwable cause) {
message, text, position, fileName, 56),
private static final String LINE_BREAK = "\n";
private static String createSourceCodeErrorMessage(
String message, String srcCode, int position, String fileName,
int maxQuotLength) {
int ln = srcCode.length();
if (position < 0) {
position = 0;
if (position >= ln) {
if (position == ln) {
return message + LINE_BREAK
+ "Error location: The very end of "
+ (fileName == null ? "the text" : fileName)
+ ".";
} else {
return message + LINE_BREAK
+ "Error location: ??? (after the end of "
+ (fileName == null ? "the text" : fileName)
+ ")";
int i;
char c;
int rowBegin = 0;
int rowEnd;
int row = 1;
char lastChar = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= position; i++) {
c = srcCode.charAt(i);
if (lastChar == 0xA) {
rowBegin = i;
} else if (lastChar == 0xD && c != 0xA) {
rowBegin = i;
lastChar = c;
for (i = position; i < ln; i++) {
c = srcCode.charAt(i);
if (c == 0xA || c == 0xD) {
if (c == 0xA && i > 0 && srcCode.charAt(i - 1) == 0xD) {
rowEnd = i - 1;
if (position > rowEnd + 1) {
position = rowEnd + 1;
int col = position - rowBegin + 1;
if (rowBegin > rowEnd) {
return message + LINE_BREAK
+ "Error location: line "
+ row + ", column " + col
+ (fileName == null ? ":" : " in " + fileName + ":")
+ "(Can't show the line because it is empty.)";
String s1 = srcCode.substring(rowBegin, position);
String s2 = srcCode.substring(position, rowEnd + 1);
s1 = expandTabs(s1, 8);
int ln1 = s1.length();
s2 = expandTabs(s2, 8, ln1);
int ln2 = s2.length();
if (ln1 + ln2 > maxQuotLength) {
int newLn2 = ln2 - ((ln1 + ln2) - maxQuotLength);
if (newLn2 < 6) {
newLn2 = 6;
if (newLn2 < ln2) {
s2 = s2.substring(0, newLn2 - 3) + "...";
ln2 = newLn2;
if (ln1 + ln2 > maxQuotLength) {
s1 = "..." + s1.substring((ln1 + ln2) - maxQuotLength + 3);
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(message.length() + 80);
res.append("Error location: line ");
res.append(", column ");
if (fileName != null) {
res.append(" in ");
int x = s1.length();
while (x != 0) {
res.append(' ');
return res.toString();
* Same as <code>expandTabs(text, tabWidth, 0)</code>.
* @see #expandTabs(String, int, int)
private static String expandTabs(String text, int tabWidth) {
return expandTabs(text, tabWidth, 0);
* Replaces all occurances of character tab with spaces.
* @param tabWidth the distance of tab stops.
* @param startCol the index of the column in which the first character of
* the string is from the left edge of the page. The index of the first
* column is 0.
* @return String The string after the replacements.
private static String expandTabs(String text, int tabWidth, int startCol) {
int e = text.indexOf('\t');
if (e == -1) {
return text;
int b = 0;
int tln = text.length();
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(tln + 16);
do {
buf.append(text.substring(b, e));
int col = buf.length() + startCol;
for (int i = tabWidth * (1 + col / tabWidth) - col; i > 0; i--) {
buf.append(' ');
b = e + 1;
e = text.indexOf('\t', b);
} while (e != -1);
return buf.toString();
private static byte[] loadByteArray(InputStream in)
throws IOException {
return loadByteArray(in, 512, false, 2);
private static byte[] loadByteArray(
InputStream in, int initialSize, boolean sizeExpected,
double multipier)
throws IOException {
int size = 0;
int bcap = initialSize;
byte[] b = new byte[bcap];
try {
int rdn;
readLoop: while ((rdn =, size, bcap - size)) != -1) {
size += rdn;
if (bcap == size) {
int nextByte = -1;
if (sizeExpected) {
// If the initialSize was the expected size of the
// "file", then resizing the buffer is certainly
// needless, as the next call would just
// return with -1. So let's see if it would...
nextByte =;
if (nextByte == -1) {
break readLoop;
bcap = (int) (bcap * multipier) + 64;
byte[] newB = new byte[bcap];
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newB, 0, size);
b = newB;
// We have guessed badly, so...
if (nextByte != -1) {
b[size] = (byte) nextByte;
} finally {
if (b.length != size) {
byte[] newB = new byte[size];
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newB, 0, size);
return newB;
} else {
return b;