/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.twitter.distributedlog; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.twitter.distributedlog.bk.QuorumConfig; import com.twitter.distributedlog.feature.DefaultFeatureProvider; import com.twitter.distributedlog.namespace.DistributedLogNamespaceBuilder; import com.twitter.distributedlog.net.DNSResolverForRacks; import com.twitter.distributedlog.net.DNSResolverForRows; import org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ClientConfiguration; import org.apache.bookkeeper.feature.FeatureProvider; import org.apache.bookkeeper.net.DNSToSwitchMapping; import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.StatsLogger; import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.ReflectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.configuration.CompositeConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.SystemConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; /** * DistributedLog Configuration. * <p> * DistributedLog configuration is basically a properties based configuration, which extends from * Apache commons {@link CompositeConfiguration}. All the DL settings are in camel case and prefixed * with a meaningful component name. for example, `zkSessionTimeoutSeconds` means <i>SessionTimeoutSeconds</i> * for component `zk`. * * <h3>BookKeeper Configuration</h3> * * BookKeeper client configuration settings could be loaded via DistributedLog configuration. All those * settings are prefixed with <i>`bkc.`</i>. For example, <i>bkc.zkTimeout</i> in distributedlog configuration * will be applied as <i>`zkTimeout`</i> in bookkeeper client configuration. * * <h3>How to load configuration</h3> * * The default distributedlog configuration is constructed by instantiated a new instance. This * distributedlog configuration will automatically load the settings that specified via * {@link SystemConfiguration}. * * <pre> * DistributedLogConfiguration conf = new DistributedLogConfiguration(); * </pre> * * The recommended way is to load configuration from URL that points to a configuration file * ({@link #loadConf(URL)}). * * <pre> * String configFile = "/path/to/distributedlog/conf/file"; * DistributedLogConfiguration conf = new DistributedLogConfiguration(); * conf.loadConf(new File(configFile).toURI().toURL()); * </pre> * * @see org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ClientConfiguration */ public class DistributedLogConfiguration extends CompositeConfiguration { static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DistributedLogConfiguration.class); private static ClassLoader defaultLoader; static { defaultLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (null == defaultLoader) { defaultLoader = DistributedLogConfiguration.class.getClassLoader(); } } // // ZooKeeper Related Settings // public static final String BKDL_ZK_ACL_ID = "zkAclId"; public static final String BKDL_ZK_ACL_ID_DEFAULT = null; public static final String BKDL_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = "zkSessionTimeoutSeconds"; public static final int BKDL_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS_DEFAULT = 30; public static final String BKDL_ZK_REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT = "zkRequestRateLimit"; public static final double BKDL_ZK_REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = 0; public static final String BKDL_ZK_NUM_RETRIES = "zkNumRetries"; public static final int BKDL_ZK_NUM_RETRIES_DEFAULT = 3; public static final String BKDL_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_START_MILLIS = "zkRetryStartBackoffMillis"; public static final int BKDL_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_START_MILLIS_DEFAULT = 5000; public static final String BKDL_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_MAX_MILLIS = "zkRetryMaxBackoffMillis"; public static final int BKDL_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_MAX_MILLIS_DEFAULT = 30000; public static final String BKDL_ZKCLIENT_NUM_RETRY_THREADS = "zkcNumRetryThreads"; public static final int BKDL_ZKCLIENT_NUM_RETRY_THREADS_DEFAULT = 1; // // BookKeeper Related Settings // // BookKeeper zookeeper settings public static final String BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT = "bkcZKSessionTimeoutSeconds"; public static final int BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 30; public static final String BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT = "bkcZKRequestRateLimit"; public static final double BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = 0; public static final String BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_NUM_RETRIES = "bkcZKNumRetries"; public static final int BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_NUM_RETRIES_DEFAULT = 3; public static final String BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_START_MILLIS = "bkcZKRetryStartBackoffMillis"; public static final int BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_START_MILLIS_DEFAULT = 5000; public static final String BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_MAX_MILLIS = "bkcZKRetryMaxBackoffMillis"; public static final int BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_MAX_MILLIS_DEFAULT = 30000; // Bookkeeper ensemble placement settings // Bookkeeper ensemble size public static final String BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_ENSEMBLE_SIZE = "bkcEnsembleSize"; // @Deprecated public static final String BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_ENSEMBLE_SIZE_OLD = "ensemble-size"; public static final int BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_ENSEMBLE_SIZE_DEFAULT = 3; // Bookkeeper write quorum size public static final String BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_WRITE_QUORUM_SIZE = "bkcWriteQuorumSize"; // @Deprecated public static final String BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_WRITE_QUORUM_SIZE_OLD = "write-quorum-size"; public static final int BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_WRITE_QUORUM_SIZE_DEFAULT = 3; // Bookkeeper ack quorum size public static final String BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_ACK_QUORUM_SIZE = "bkcAckQuorumSize"; // @Deprecated public static final String BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_ACK_QUORUM_SIZE_OLD = "ack-quorum-size"; public static final int BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_ACK_QUORUM_SIZE_DEFAULT = 2; public static final String BKDL_ROW_AWARE_ENSEMBLE_PLACEMENT = "bkRowAwareEnsemblePlacement"; public static final String BKDL_ROW_AWARE_ENSEMBLE_PLACEMENT_OLD = "row-aware-ensemble-placement"; public static final boolean BKDL_ROW_AWARE_ENSEMBLE_PLACEMENT_DEFAULT = false; public static final String BKDL_ENSEMBLE_PLACEMENT_DNS_RESOLVER_CLASS = "bkEnsemblePlacementDnsResolverClass"; public static final String BKDL_ENSEMBLE_PLACEMENT_DNS_RESOLVER_CLASS_DEFAULT = DNSResolverForRacks.class.getName(); public static final String BKDL_BK_DNS_RESOLVER_OVERRIDES = "dnsResolverOverrides"; public static final String BKDL_BK_DNS_RESOLVER_OVERRIDES_DEFAULT = ""; // General Settings // @Deprecated public static final String BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_DIGEST_PW = "digestPw"; public static final String BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_DIGEST_PW_DEFAULT = ""; public static final String BKDL_BKCLIENT_NUM_IO_THREADS = "bkcNumIOThreads"; public static final String BKDL_TIMEOUT_TIMER_TICK_DURATION_MS = "timerTickDuration"; public static final long BKDL_TIMEOUT_TIMER_TICK_DURATION_MS_DEFAULT = 100; public static final String BKDL_TIMEOUT_TIMER_NUM_TICKS = "timerNumTicks"; public static final int BKDL_TIMEOUT_TIMER_NUM_TICKS_DEFAULT = 1024; // // Deprecated BookKeeper Settings (in favor of "bkc." style bookkeeper settings) // public static final String BKDL_BKCLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT = "bkcReadTimeoutSeconds"; public static final int BKDL_BKCLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 10; public static final String BKDL_BKCLIENT_WRITE_TIMEOUT = "bkcWriteTimeoutSeconds"; public static final int BKDL_BKCLIENT_WRITE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 10; public static final String BKDL_BKCLIENT_NUM_WORKER_THREADS = "bkcNumWorkerThreads"; public static final int BKDL_BKCLEINT_NUM_WORKER_THREADS_DEFAULT = 1; // // DL General Settings // // Executor Parameters public static final String BKDL_NUM_WORKER_THREADS = "numWorkerThreads"; public static final String BKDL_NUM_READAHEAD_WORKER_THREADS = "numReadAheadWorkerThreads"; public static final String BKDL_NUM_LOCKSTATE_THREADS = "numLockStateThreads"; public static final String BKDL_NUM_RESOURCE_RELEASE_THREADS = "numResourceReleaseThreads"; public static final String BKDL_SCHEDULER_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MS = "schedulerShutdownTimeoutMs"; public static final int BKDL_SCHEDULER_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MS_DEFAULT = 5000; public static final String BKDL_USE_DAEMON_THREAD = "useDaemonThread"; public static final boolean BKDL_USE_DAEMON_THREAD_DEFAULT = false; // Metadata Parameters public static final String BKDL_LEDGER_METADATA_LAYOUT_VERSION = "ledgerMetadataLayoutVersion"; public static final String BKDL_LEDGER_METADATA_LAYOUT_VERSION_OLD = "ledger-metadata-layout"; public static final int BKDL_LEDGER_METADATA_LAYOUT_VERSION_DEFAULT = LogSegmentMetadata.LogSegmentMetadataVersion.VERSION_V5_SEQUENCE_ID.value; public static final String BKDL_LEDGER_METADATA_SKIP_MIN_VERSION_CHECK = "ledgerMetadataSkipMinVersionCheck"; public static final boolean BKDL_LEDGER_METADATA_SKIP_MIN_VERSION_CHECK_DEFAULT = false; public static final String BKDL_FIRST_LOGSEGMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = "firstLogsegmentSequenceNumber"; public static final String BKDL_FIRST_LOGSEGMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_OLD = "first-logsegment-sequence-number"; public static final long BKDL_FIRST_LOGSEGMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_DEFAULT = DistributedLogConstants.FIRST_LOGSEGMENT_SEQNO; public static final String BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_VALIDATION_ENABLED = "logSegmentSequenceNumberValidationEnabled"; public static final boolean BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_VALIDATION_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true; public static final String BKDL_ENABLE_RECORD_COUNTS = "enableRecordCounts"; public static final boolean BKDL_ENABLE_RECORD_COUNTS_DEFAULT = true; public static final String BKDL_MAXID_SANITYCHECK = "maxIdSanityCheck"; public static final boolean BKDL_MAXID_SANITYCHECK_DEFAULT = true; public static final String BKDL_ENCODE_REGION_ID_IN_VERSION = "encodeRegionIDInVersion"; public static final boolean BKDL_ENCODE_REGION_ID_IN_VERSION_DEFAULT = false; // (@Deprecated) public static final String BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_NAME_VERSION = "logSegmentNameVersion"; public static final int BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_NAME_VERSION_DEFAULT = DistributedLogConstants.LOGSEGMENT_NAME_VERSION; // (@Derepcated) Name for the default (non-partitioned) stream public static final String BKDL_UNPARTITIONED_STREAM_NAME = "unpartitionedStreamName"; public static final String BKDL_UNPARTITIONED_STREAM_NAME_DEFAULT = "<default>"; // // DL Writer Settings // // General Settings public static final String BKDL_CREATE_STREAM_IF_NOT_EXISTS = "createStreamIfNotExists"; public static final boolean BKDL_CREATE_STREAM_IF_NOT_EXISTS_DEFAULT = true; public static final String BKDL_LOG_FLUSH_TIMEOUT = "logFlushTimeoutSeconds"; public static final int BKDL_LOG_FLUSH_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 30; /** * CompressionCodec.Type String to use (See CompressionUtils) * --------------------- ------------------------------------ * NONE none * LZ4 lz4 * UNKNOWN any other instance of String.class */ public static final String BKDL_COMPRESSION_TYPE = "compressionType"; public static final String BKDL_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT = "none"; public static final String BKDL_FAILFAST_ON_STREAM_NOT_READY = "failFastOnStreamNotReady"; public static final boolean BKDL_FAILFAST_ON_STREAM_NOT_READY_DEFAULT = false; public static final String BKDL_DISABLE_ROLLING_ON_LOG_SEGMENT_ERROR = "disableRollingOnLogSegmentError"; public static final boolean BKDL_DISABLE_ROLLING_ON_LOG_SEGMENT_ERROR_DEFAULT = false; // Durability Settings public static final String BKDL_IS_DURABLE_WRITE_ENABLED = "isDurableWriteEnabled"; public static final boolean BKDL_IS_DURABLE_WRITE_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true; // Transmit Settings public static final String BKDL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = "writerOutputBufferSize"; public static final String BKDL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE_OLD = "output-buffer-size"; public static final int BKDL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT = 1024; public static final String BKDL_PERIODIC_FLUSH_FREQUENCY_MILLISECONDS = "periodicFlushFrequencyMilliSeconds"; public static final int BKDL_PERIODIC_FLUSH_FREQUENCY_MILLISECONDS_DEFAULT = 0; public static final String BKDL_ENABLE_IMMEDIATE_FLUSH = "enableImmediateFlush"; public static final boolean BKDL_ENABLE_IMMEDIATE_FLUSH_DEFAULT = false; public static final String BKDL_MINIMUM_DELAY_BETWEEN_IMMEDIATE_FLUSH_MILLISECONDS = "minimumDelayBetweenImmediateFlushMilliSeconds"; public static final int BKDL_MINIMUM_DELAY_BETWEEN_IMMEDIATE_FLUSH_MILLISECONDS_DEFAULT = 0; // Retention/Truncation Settings public static final String BKDL_RETENTION_PERIOD_IN_HOURS = "logSegmentRetentionHours"; public static final String BKDL_RETENTION_PERIOD_IN_HOURS_OLD = "retention-size"; public static final int BKDL_RETENTION_PERIOD_IN_HOURS_DEFAULT = 72; public static final String BKDL_EXPLICIT_TRUNCATION_BY_APPLICATION = "explicitTruncationByApp"; public static final boolean BKDL_EXPLICIT_TRUNCATION_BY_APPLICATION_DEFAULT = false; // Log Segment Rolling Settings public static final String BKDL_ROLLING_INTERVAL_IN_MINUTES = "logSegmentRollingMinutes"; public static final String BKDL_ROLLING_INTERVAL_IN_MINUTES_OLD = "rolling-interval"; public static final int BKDL_ROLLING_INTERVAL_IN_MINUTES_DEFAULT = 120; public static final String BKDL_MAX_LOGSEGMENT_BYTES = "maxLogSegmentBytes"; public static final int BKDL_MAX_LOGSEGMENT_BYTES_DEFAULT = 256 * 1024 * 1024; // default 256MB public static final String BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_ROLLING_CONCURRENCY = "logSegmentRollingConcurrency"; public static final int BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_ROLLING_CONCURRENCY_DEFAULT = 1; // Lock Settings public static final String BKDL_WRITE_LOCK_ENABLED = "writeLockEnabled"; public static final boolean BKDL_WRITE_LOCK_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true; public static final String BKDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT = "lockTimeoutSeconds"; public static final long BKDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 30; public static final String BKDL_LOCK_REACQUIRE_TIMEOUT = "lockReacquireTimeoutSeconds"; public static final long BKDL_LOCK_REACQUIRE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = DistributedLogConstants.LOCK_REACQUIRE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT; public static final String BKDL_LOCK_OP_TIMEOUT = "lockOpTimeoutSeconds"; public static final long BKDL_LOCK_OP_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = DistributedLogConstants.LOCK_OP_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT; // Ledger Allocator Settings public static final String BKDL_ENABLE_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL = "enableLedgerAllocatorPool"; public static final boolean BKDL_ENABLE_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_DEFAULT = false; public static final String BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_PATH = "ledgerAllocatorPoolPath"; public static final String BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_PATH_DEFAULT = DistributedLogConstants.ALLOCATION_POOL_NODE; public static final String BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_NAME = "ledgerAllocatorPoolName"; public static final String BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_NAME_DEFAULT = null; public static final String BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_CORE_SIZE = "ledgerAllocatorPoolCoreSize"; public static final int BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_CORE_SIZE_DEFAULT = 20; // Write Limit Settings public static final String BKDL_PER_WRITER_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT = "perWriterOutstandingWriteLimit"; public static final int BKDL_PER_WRITER_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = -1; public static final String BKDL_GLOBAL_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT = "globalOutstandingWriteLimit"; public static final int BKDL_GLOBAL_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = -1; public static final String BKDL_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT_DARKMODE = "outstandingWriteLimitDarkmode"; public static final boolean BKDL_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT_DARKMODE_DEFAULT = true; // // DL Reader Settings // // General Settings public static final String BKDL_READLAC_OPTION = "readLACLongPoll"; public static final int BKDL_READLAC_OPTION_DEFAULT = 3; //BKLogPartitionReadHandler.ReadLACOption.READENTRYPIGGYBACK_SEQUENTIAL.value public static final String BKDL_READLACLONGPOLL_TIMEOUT = "readLACLongPollTimeout"; public static final int BKDL_READLACLONGPOLL_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 1000; public static final String BKDL_DESERIALIZE_RECORDSET_ON_READS = "deserializeRecordSetOnReads"; public static final boolean BKDL_DESERIALIZE_RECORDSET_ON_READS_DEFAULT = true; // Idle reader settings public static final String BKDL_READER_IDLE_WARN_THRESHOLD_MILLIS = "readerIdleWarnThresholdMillis"; public static final int BKDL_READER_IDLE_WARN_THRESHOLD_MILLIS_DEFAULT = 120000; public static final String BKDL_READER_IDLE_ERROR_THRESHOLD_MILLIS = "readerIdleErrorThresholdMillis"; public static final int BKDL_READER_IDLE_ERROR_THRESHOLD_MILLIS_DEFAULT = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // Reader constraint settings public static final String BKDL_READER_IGNORE_TRUNCATION_STATUS = "ignoreTruncationStatus"; public static final boolean BKDL_READER_IGNORE_TRUNCATION_STATUS_DEFAULT = false; public static final String BKDL_READER_ALERT_POSITION_ON_TRUNCATED = "alertPositionOnTruncated"; public static final boolean BKDL_READER_ALERT_POSITION_ON_TRUNCATED_DEFAULT = true; public static final String BKDL_READER_POSITION_GAP_DETECTION_ENABLED = "positionGapDetectionEnabled"; public static final boolean BKDL_READER_POSITION_GAP_DETECTION_ENABLED_DEFAULT = false; // Read ahead related parameters public static final String BKDL_ENABLE_READAHEAD = "enableReadAhead"; public static final boolean BKDL_ENABLE_READAHEAD_DEFAULT = true; public static final String BKDL_ENABLE_FORCEREAD = "enableForceRead"; public static final boolean BKDL_ENABLE_FORCEREAD_DEFAULT = true; public static final String BKDL_READAHEAD_MAX_RECORDS = "readAheadMaxRecords"; public static final String BKDL_READAHEAD_MAX_RECORDS_OLD = "ReadAheadMaxEntries"; public static final int BKDL_READAHEAD_MAX_RECORDS_DEFAULT = 10; public static final String BKDL_READAHEAD_BATCHSIZE = "readAheadBatchSize"; public static final String BKDL_READAHEAD_BATCHSIZE_OLD = "ReadAheadBatchSize"; public static final int BKDL_READAHEAD_BATCHSIZE_DEFAULT = 2; public static final String BKDL_READAHEAD_WAITTIME = "readAheadWaitTime"; public static final String BKDL_READAHEAD_WAITTIME_OLD = "ReadAheadWaitTime"; public static final int BKDL_READAHEAD_WAITTIME_DEFAULT = 200; public static final String BKDL_READAHEAD_WAITTIME_ON_ENDOFSTREAM = "readAheadWaitTimeOnEndOfStream"; public static final String BKDL_READAHEAD_WAITTIME_ON_ENDOFSTREAM_OLD = "ReadAheadWaitTimeOnEndOfStream"; public static final int BKDL_READAHEAD_WAITTIME_ON_ENDOFSTREAM_DEFAULT = 10000; public static final String BKDL_READAHEAD_NOSUCHLEDGER_EXCEPTION_ON_READLAC_ERROR_THRESHOLD_MILLIS = "readAheadNoSuchLedgerExceptionOnReadLACErrorThresholdMillis"; public static final int BKDL_READAHEAD_NOSUCHLEDGER_EXCEPTION_ON_READLAC_ERROR_THRESHOLD_MILLIS_DEFAULT = 10000; public static final String BKDL_READAHEAD_SKIP_BROKEN_ENTRIES = "readAheadSkipBrokenEntries"; public static final boolean BKDL_READAHEAD_SKIP_BROKEN_ENTRIES_DEFAULT = false; // Scan Settings public static final String BKDL_FIRST_NUM_ENTRIES_PER_READ_LAST_RECORD_SCAN = "firstNumEntriesEachPerLastRecordScan"; public static final int BKDL_FIRST_NUM_ENTRIES_PER_READ_LAST_RECORD_SCAN_DEFAULT = 2; public static final String BKDL_MAX_NUM_ENTRIES_PER_READ_LAST_RECORD_SCAN = "maxNumEntriesPerReadLastRecordScan"; public static final int BKDL_MAX_NUM_ENTRIES_PER_READ_LAST_RECORD_SCAN_DEFAULT = 16; // Log Existence Settings public static final String BKDL_CHECK_LOG_EXISTENCE_BACKOFF_START_MS = "checkLogExistenceBackoffStartMillis"; public static final int BKDL_CHECK_LOG_EXISTENCE_BACKOFF_START_MS_DEFAULT = 200; public static final String BKDL_CHECK_LOG_EXISTENCE_BACKOFF_MAX_MS = "checkLogExistenceBackoffMaxMillis"; public static final int BKDL_CHECK_LOG_EXISTENCE_BACKOFF_MAX_MS_DEFAULT = 1000; // // Tracing/Stats Settings // public static final String BKDL_TRACE_READAHEAD_DELIVERY_LATENCY = "traceReadAheadDeliveryLatency"; public static final boolean BKDL_TRACE_READAHEAD_DELIVERY_LATENCY_DEFAULT = false; public static final String BKDL_METADATA_LATENCY_WARN_THRESHOLD_MS = "metadataLatencyWarnThresholdMs"; public static final long BKDL_METADATA_LATENCY_WARN_THRESHOLD_MS_DEFAULT = DistributedLogConstants.LATENCY_WARN_THRESHOLD_IN_MILLIS; public static final String BKDL_DATA_LATENCY_WARN_THRESHOLD_MS = "dataLatencyWarnThresholdMs"; public static final long BKDL_DATA_LATENCY_WARN_THRESHOLD_MS_DEFAULT = 2 * DistributedLogConstants.LATENCY_WARN_THRESHOLD_IN_MILLIS; public static final String BKDL_TRACE_READAHEAD_METADATA_CHANGES = "traceReadAheadMetadataChanges"; public static final boolean BKDL_TRACE_READAHEAD_MEATDATA_CHANGES_DEFAULT = false; public final static String BKDL_ENABLE_TASK_EXECUTION_STATS = "enableTaskExecutionStats"; public final static boolean BKDL_ENABLE_TASK_EXECUTION_STATS_DEFAULT = false; public final static String BKDL_TASK_EXECUTION_WARN_TIME_MICROS = "taskExecutionWarnTimeMicros"; public final static long BKDL_TASK_EXECUTION_WARN_TIME_MICROS_DEFAULT = 100000; public static final String BKDL_ENABLE_PERSTREAM_STAT = "enablePerStreamStat"; public static final boolean BKDL_ENABLE_PERSTREAM_STAT_DEFAULT = false; // // Settings for Feature Providers // public static final String BKDL_FEATURE_PROVIDER_CLASS = "featureProviderClass"; // // Settings for Configuration Based Feature Provider // public static final String BKDL_FILE_FEATURE_PROVIDER_BASE_CONFIG_PATH = "fileFeatureProviderBaseConfigPath"; public static final String BKDL_FILE_FEATURE_PROVIDER_BASE_CONFIG_PATH_DEFAULT = "decider.conf"; public static final String BKDL_FILE_FEATURE_PROVIDER_OVERLAY_CONFIG_PATH = "fileFeatureProviderOverlayConfigPath"; public static final String BKDL_FILE_FEATURE_PROVIDER_OVERLAY_CONFIG_PATH_DEFAULT = null; // // Settings for Namespaces // public static final String BKDL_FEDERATED_NAMESPACE_ENABLED = "federatedNamespaceEnabled"; public static final boolean BKDL_FEDERATED_NAMESPACE_ENABLED_DEFAULT = false; public static final String BKDL_FEDERATED_MAX_LOGS_PER_SUBNAMESPACE = "federatedMaxLogsPerSubnamespace"; public static final int BKDL_FEDERATED_MAX_LOGS_PER_SUBNAMESPACE_DEFAULT = 15000; public static final String BKDL_FEDERATED_CHECK_EXISTENCE_WHEN_CACHE_MISS = "federatedCheckExistenceWhenCacheMiss"; public static final boolean BKDL_FEDERATED_CHECK_EXISTENCE_WHEN_CACHE_MISS_DEFAULT = true; // Settings for Configurations public static final String BKDL_DYNAMIC_CONFIG_RELOAD_INTERVAL_SEC = "dynamicConfigReloadIntervalSec"; public static final int BKDL_DYNAMIC_CONFIG_RELOAD_INTERVAL_SEC_DEFAULT = 60; public static final String BKDL_STREAM_CONFIG_ROUTER_CLASS = "streamConfigRouterClass"; public static final String BKDL_STREAM_CONFIG_ROUTER_CLASS_DEFAULT = "com.twitter.distributedlog.service.config.IdentityConfigRouter"; // Settings for RateLimit (used by distributedlog-service) public static final String BKDL_BPS_SOFT_WRITE_LIMIT = "bpsSoftWriteLimit"; public static final int BKDL_BPS_SOFT_WRITE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = -1; public static final String BKDL_BPS_HARD_WRITE_LIMIT = "bpsHardWriteLimit"; public static final int BKDL_BPS_HARD_WRITE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = -1; public static final String BKDL_RPS_SOFT_WRITE_LIMIT = "rpsSoftWriteLimit"; public static final int BKDL_RPS_SOFT_WRITE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = -1; public static final String BKDL_RPS_HARD_WRITE_LIMIT = "rpsHardWriteLimit"; public static final int BKDL_RPS_HARD_WRITE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = -1; // Rate and resource limits: per shard public static final String BKDL_RPS_SOFT_SERVICE_LIMIT = "rpsSoftServiceLimit"; public static final int BKDL_RPS_SOFT_SERVICE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = -1; public static final String BKDL_RPS_HARD_SERVICE_LIMIT = "rpsHardServiceLimit"; public static final int BKDL_RPS_HARD_SERVICE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = -1; public static final String BKDL_RPS_STREAM_ACQUIRE_SERVICE_LIMIT = "rpsStreamAcquireServiceLimit"; public static final int BKDL_RPS_STREAM_ACQUIRE_SERVICE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = -1; public static final String BKDL_BPS_SOFT_SERVICE_LIMIT = "bpsSoftServiceLimit"; public static final int BKDL_BPS_SOFT_SERVICE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = -1; public static final String BKDL_BPS_HARD_SERVICE_LIMIT = "bpsHardServiceLimit"; public static final int BKDL_BPS_HARD_SERVICE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = -1; public static final String BKDL_BPS_STREAM_ACQUIRE_SERVICE_LIMIT = "bpsStreamAcquireServiceLimit"; public static final int BKDL_BPS_STREAM_ACQUIRE_SERVICE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = -1; // Settings for Partitioning public static final String BKDL_MAX_ACQUIRED_PARTITIONS_PER_PROXY = "maxAcquiredPartitionsPerProxy"; public static final int BKDL_MAX_ACQUIRED_PARTITIONS_PER_PROXY_DEFAULT = -1; public static final String BKDL_MAX_CACHED_PARTITIONS_PER_PROXY = "maxCachedPartitionsPerProxy"; public static final int BKDL_MAX_CACHED_PARTITIONS_PER_PROXY_DEFAULT = -1; // // Settings for Error Injection // public static final String BKDL_EI_INJECT_WRITE_DELAY = "eiInjectWriteDelay"; public static final boolean BKDL_EI_INJECT_WRITE_DELAY_DEFAULT = false; public static final String BKDL_EI_INJECTED_WRITE_DELAY_PERCENT = "eiInjectedWriteDelayPercent"; public static final double BKDL_EI_INJECTED_WRITE_DELAY_PERCENT_DEFAULT = 0.0; public static final String BKDL_EI_INJECTED_WRITE_DELAY_MS = "eiInjectedWriteDelayMs"; public static final int BKDL_EI_INJECTED_WRITE_DELAY_MS_DEFAULT = 0; public static final String BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_STALL = "eiInjectReadAheadStall"; public static final boolean BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_STALL_DEFAULT = false; public static final String BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_DELAY = "eiInjectReadAheadDelay"; public static final boolean BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_DELAY_DEFAULT = false; public static final String BKDL_EI_INJECT_MAX_READAHEAD_DELAY_MS = "eiInjectMaxReadAheadDelayMs"; public static final int BKDL_EI_INJECT_MAX_READAHEAD_DELAY_MS_DEFAULT = 0; public static final String BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_DELAY_PERCENT = "eiInjectReadAheadDelayPercent"; public static final int BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_DELAY_PERCENT_DEFAULT = 10; public static final String BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_BROKEN_ENTRIES = "eiInjectReadAheadBrokenEntries"; public static final boolean BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_BROKEN_ENTRIES_DEFAULT = false; // Whitelisted stream-level configuration settings. private static final Set<String> streamSettings = Sets.newHashSet( BKDL_READER_POSITION_GAP_DETECTION_ENABLED, BKDL_READER_IDLE_ERROR_THRESHOLD_MILLIS, BKDL_READER_IDLE_WARN_THRESHOLD_MILLIS, BKDL_PERIODIC_FLUSH_FREQUENCY_MILLISECONDS, BKDL_ENABLE_IMMEDIATE_FLUSH ); /** * Construct distributedlog configuration with default settings. * It also loads the settings from system properties. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration() { super(); // add configuration for system properties addConfiguration(new SystemConfiguration()); } /** * You can load configurations in precedence order. The first one takes * precedence over any loaded later. * * @param confURL Configuration URL */ public void loadConf(URL confURL) throws ConfigurationException { Configuration loadedConf = new PropertiesConfiguration(confURL); addConfiguration(loadedConf); } /** * You can load configuration from other configuration * * @param baseConf Other Configuration */ public void loadConf(DistributedLogConfiguration baseConf) { addConfiguration(baseConf); } /** * Load configuration from other configuration object * * @param otherConf Other configuration object */ public void loadConf(Configuration otherConf) { addConfiguration(otherConf); } /** * Load whitelisted stream configuration from another configuration object * * @param streamConfiguration stream configuration overrides */ public void loadStreamConf(Optional<DistributedLogConfiguration> streamConfiguration) { if (!streamConfiguration.isPresent()) { return; } ArrayList<Object> ignoredSettings = new ArrayList<Object>(); Iterator iterator = streamConfiguration.get().getKeys(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object setting = iterator.next(); if (setting instanceof String && streamSettings.contains(setting)) { String settingStr = (String) setting; setProperty(settingStr, streamConfiguration.get().getProperty(settingStr)); } else { ignoredSettings.add(setting); } } if (LOG.isWarnEnabled() && !ignoredSettings.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("invalid stream configuration override(s): {}", StringUtils.join(ignoredSettings, ";")); } } // // ZooKeeper Related Settings // /** * Get all properties as a string. */ public String getPropsAsString() { Iterator iterator = getKeys(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); boolean appendNewline = false; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object key = iterator.next(); if (key instanceof String) { if (appendNewline) { builder.append("\n"); } Object value = getProperty((String)key); builder.append(key).append("=").append(value); appendNewline = true; } } return builder.toString(); } /** * Get digest id used for ZK acl. * * @return zk acl id. */ public String getZkAclId() { return getString(BKDL_ZK_ACL_ID, BKDL_ZK_ACL_ID_DEFAULT); } /** * Set digest id to use for ZK acl. * * @param zkAclId acl id. * @return distributedlog configuration * @see #getZkAclId() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setZkAclId(String zkAclId) { setProperty(BKDL_ZK_ACL_ID, zkAclId); return this; } /** * Get ZK Session timeout in seconds. * <p> * This is the session timeout applied for zookeeper client used by distributedlog. * Use {@link #getBKClientZKSessionTimeoutMilliSeconds()} for zookeeper client used * by bookkeeper client. * * @return zookeeeper session timeout in seconds. * @deprecated use {@link #getZKSessionTimeoutMilliseconds()} */ public int getZKSessionTimeoutSeconds() { return this.getInt(BKDL_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, BKDL_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS_DEFAULT); } /** * Get ZK Session timeout in milliseconds. * <p> * This is the session timeout applied for zookeeper client used by distributedlog. * Use {@link #getBKClientZKSessionTimeoutMilliSeconds()} for zookeeper client used * by bookkeeper client. * * @return zk session timeout in milliseconds. */ public int getZKSessionTimeoutMilliseconds() { return this.getInt(BKDL_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, BKDL_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS_DEFAULT) * 1000; } /** * Set ZK Session Timeout in seconds. * * @param zkSessionTimeoutSeconds session timeout in seconds. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getZKSessionTimeoutMilliseconds() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setZKSessionTimeoutSeconds(int zkSessionTimeoutSeconds) { setProperty(BKDL_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, zkSessionTimeoutSeconds); return this; } /** * Get zookeeper access rate limit. * <p>The rate limiter is basically a guava {@link com.google.common.util.concurrent.RateLimiter}. * It is rate limiting the requests that sent by zookeeper client. If the value is non-positive, * the rate limiting is disable. By default it is disable (value = 0). * * @return zookeeper access rate, by default it is 0. */ public double getZKRequestRateLimit() { return this.getDouble(BKDL_ZK_REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT, BKDL_ZK_REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT_DEFAULT); } /** * Set zookeeper access rate limit (rps). * * @param requestRateLimit * zookeeper access rate limit * @return distributedlog configuration * @see #getZKRequestRateLimit() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setZKRequestRateLimit(double requestRateLimit) { setProperty(BKDL_ZK_REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT, requestRateLimit); return this; } /** * Get num of retries per request for zookeeper client. * <p>Retries only happen on retryable failures like session expired, * session moved. for permanent failures, the request will fail immediately. * The default value is 3. * * @return num of retries per request of zookeeper client. */ public int getZKNumRetries() { return this.getInt(BKDL_ZK_NUM_RETRIES, BKDL_ZK_NUM_RETRIES_DEFAULT); } /** * Set num of retries per request for zookeeper client. * * @param zkNumRetries num of retries per request of zookeeper client. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getZKNumRetries() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setZKNumRetries(int zkNumRetries) { setProperty(BKDL_ZK_NUM_RETRIES, zkNumRetries); return this; } /** * Get the start backoff time of zookeeper operation retries, in milliseconds. * <p>The retry time will increase in bound exponential way, and become flat * after hit max backoff time ({@link #getZKRetryBackoffMaxMillis()}). * The default start backoff time is 5000 milliseconds. * * @return start backoff time of zookeeper operation retries, in milliseconds. * @see #getZKRetryBackoffMaxMillis() */ public int getZKRetryBackoffStartMillis() { return this.getInt(BKDL_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_START_MILLIS, BKDL_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_START_MILLIS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the start backoff time of zookeeper operation retries, in milliseconds. * * @param zkRetryBackoffStartMillis start backoff time of zookeeper operation retries, * in milliseconds. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getZKRetryBackoffStartMillis() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setZKRetryBackoffStartMillis(int zkRetryBackoffStartMillis) { setProperty(BKDL_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_START_MILLIS, zkRetryBackoffStartMillis); return this; } /** * Get the max backoff time of zookeeper operation retries, in milliseconds. * <p>The retry time will increase in bound exponential way starting from * {@link #getZKRetryBackoffStartMillis()}, and become flat after hit this max * backoff time. * The default max backoff time is 30000 milliseconds. * * @return max backoff time of zookeeper operation retries, in milliseconds. * @see #getZKRetryBackoffStartMillis() */ public int getZKRetryBackoffMaxMillis() { return this.getInt(BKDL_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_MAX_MILLIS, BKDL_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_MAX_MILLIS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the max backoff time of zookeeper operation retries, in milliseconds. * * @param zkRetryBackoffMaxMillis max backoff time of zookeeper operation retries, * in milliseconds. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getZKRetryBackoffMaxMillis() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setZKRetryBackoffMaxMillis(int zkRetryBackoffMaxMillis) { setProperty(BKDL_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_MAX_MILLIS, zkRetryBackoffMaxMillis); return this; } /** * Get ZK client number of retry executor threads. * By default it is 1. * * @return number of bookkeeper client worker threads. */ public int getZKClientNumberRetryThreads() { return this.getInt(BKDL_ZKCLIENT_NUM_RETRY_THREADS, BKDL_ZKCLIENT_NUM_RETRY_THREADS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set ZK client number of retry executor threads. * * @param numThreads * number of retry executor threads. * @return distributedlog configuration. * @see #getZKClientNumberRetryThreads() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setZKClientNumberRetryThreads(int numThreads) { setProperty(BKDL_ZKCLIENT_NUM_RETRY_THREADS, numThreads); return this; } // // BookKeeper ZooKeeper Client Settings // /** * Get BK's zookeeper session timout in milliseconds. * <p> * This is the session timeout applied for zookeeper client used by bookkeeper client. * Use {@link #getZKSessionTimeoutMilliseconds()} for zookeeper client used * by distributedlog. * * @return Bk's zookeeper session timeout in milliseconds */ public int getBKClientZKSessionTimeoutMilliSeconds() { return this.getInt(BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT, BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) * 1000; } /** * Set BK's zookeeper session timeout in seconds. * * @param sessionTimeout session timeout for the ZK Client used by BK Client, in seconds. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getBKClientZKSessionTimeoutMilliSeconds() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setBKClientZKSessionTimeout(int sessionTimeout) { setProperty(BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT, sessionTimeout); return this; } /** * Get zookeeper access rate limit for zookeeper client used in bookkeeper client. * <p>The rate limiter is basically a guava {@link com.google.common.util.concurrent.RateLimiter}. * It is rate limiting the requests that sent by zookeeper client. If the value is non-positive, * the rate limiting is disable. By default it is disable (value = 0). * * @return zookeeper access rate limit for zookeeper client used in bookkeeper client. * By default it is 0. */ public double getBKClientZKRequestRateLimit() { return this.getDouble(BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT, BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT_DEFAULT); } /** * Set zookeeper access rate limit for zookeeper client used in bookkeeper client. * * @param rateLimit * zookeeper access rate limit * @return distributedlog configuration. * @see #getBKClientZKRequestRateLimit() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setBKClientZKRequestRateLimit(double rateLimit) { setProperty(BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT, rateLimit); return this; } /** * Get num of retries for zookeeper client that used by bookkeeper client. * <p>Retries only happen on retryable failures like session expired, * session moved. for permanent failures, the request will fail immediately. * The default value is 3. * * @return num of retries of zookeeper client used by bookkeeper client. */ public int getBKClientZKNumRetries() { return this.getInt(BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_NUM_RETRIES, BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_NUM_RETRIES_DEFAULT); } /** * Get the start backoff time of zookeeper operation retries, in milliseconds. * <p>The retry time will increase in bound exponential way, and become flat * after hit max backoff time ({@link #getBKClientZKRetryBackoffMaxMillis()}. * The default start backoff time is 5000 milliseconds. * * @return start backoff time of zookeeper operation retries, in milliseconds. * @see #getBKClientZKRetryBackoffMaxMillis() */ public int getBKClientZKRetryBackoffStartMillis() { return this.getInt(BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_START_MILLIS, BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_START_MILLIS_DEFAULT); } /** * Get the max backoff time of zookeeper operation retries, in milliseconds. * <p>The retry time will increase in bound exponential way starting from * {@link #getBKClientZKRetryBackoffStartMillis()}, and become flat after * hit this max backoff time. * The default max backoff time is 30000 milliseconds. * * @return max backoff time of zookeeper operation retries, in milliseconds. * @see #getBKClientZKRetryBackoffStartMillis() */ public int getBKClientZKRetryBackoffMaxMillis() { return this.getInt(BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_MAX_MILLIS, BKDL_BKCLIENT_ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_MAX_MILLIS_DEFAULT); } // // BookKeeper Ensemble Placement Settings // /** * Get ensemble size of each log segment (ledger) will use. * By default it is 3. * <p> * A log segment's data is stored in an ensemble of bookies in * a stripping way. Each entry will be added in a <code>write-quorum</code> * size of bookies. The add operation will complete once it receives * responses from a <code>ack-quorum</code> size of bookies. The stripping * is done in a round-robin way in bookkeeper. * <p> * For example, we configure the ensemble-size to 5, write-quorum-size to 3, * and ack-quorum-size to 2. The data will be stored in following stripping way. * <pre> * | entry id | bk1 | bk2 | bk3 | bk4 | bk5 | * | 0 | x | x | x | | | * | 1 | | x | x | x | | * | 2 | | | x | x | x | * | 3 | x | | | x | x | * | 4 | x | x | | | x | * | 5 | x | x | x | | | * </pre> * <p> * We don't recommend stripping within a log segment to increase bandwidth. * We'd recommend to strip by `partition` in higher level of distributedlog * to increase performance. so typically the ensemble size will set to be * the same value as write quorum size. * * @return ensemble size * @see #getWriteQuorumSize() * @see #getAckQuorumSize() */ public int getEnsembleSize() { return this.getInt(BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_ENSEMBLE_SIZE, getInt(BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_ENSEMBLE_SIZE_OLD, BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_ENSEMBLE_SIZE_DEFAULT)); } /** * Set ensemble size of each log segment (ledger) will use. * * @param ensembleSize ensemble size. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getEnsembleSize() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEnsembleSize(int ensembleSize) { setProperty(BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_ENSEMBLE_SIZE, ensembleSize); return this; } /** * Get write quorum size of each log segment (ledger) will use. * By default it is 3. * * @return write quorum size * @see #getEnsembleSize() */ public int getWriteQuorumSize() { return this.getInt(BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_WRITE_QUORUM_SIZE, getInt(BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_WRITE_QUORUM_SIZE_OLD, BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_WRITE_QUORUM_SIZE_DEFAULT)); } /** * Set write quorum size of each log segment (ledger) will use. * * @param quorumSize * quorum size. * @return distributedlog configuration. * @see #getWriteQuorumSize() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setWriteQuorumSize(int quorumSize) { setProperty(BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_WRITE_QUORUM_SIZE, quorumSize); return this; } /** * Get ack quorum size of each log segment (ledger) will use. * By default it is 2. * * @return ack quorum size * @see #getEnsembleSize() */ public int getAckQuorumSize() { return this.getInt(BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_ACK_QUORUM_SIZE, getInt(BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_ACK_QUORUM_SIZE_OLD, BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_ACK_QUORUM_SIZE_DEFAULT)); } /** * Set ack quorum size of each log segment (ledger) will use. * * @param quorumSize * quorum size. * @return distributedlog configuration. * @see #getAckQuorumSize() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setAckQuorumSize(int quorumSize) { setProperty(BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_ACK_QUORUM_SIZE, quorumSize); return this; } /** * Get the quorum config for each log segment (ledger). * * @return quorum config that used by log segments * @see #getEnsembleSize() * @see #getWriteQuorumSize() * @see #getAckQuorumSize() */ public QuorumConfig getQuorumConfig() { return new QuorumConfig( getEnsembleSize(), getWriteQuorumSize(), getAckQuorumSize()); } /** * Get if row aware ensemble placement is enabled. * <p>If enabled, {@link DNSResolverForRows} will be used for dns resolution * rather than {@link DNSResolverForRacks}, if no other dns resolver set via * {@link #setEnsemblePlacementDnsResolverClass(Class)}. * By default it is disable. * * @return true if row aware ensemble placement is enabled, otherwise false. * @see #getEnsemblePlacementDnsResolverClass() */ public boolean getRowAwareEnsemblePlacementEnabled() { return getBoolean(BKDL_ROW_AWARE_ENSEMBLE_PLACEMENT, getBoolean(BKDL_ROW_AWARE_ENSEMBLE_PLACEMENT_OLD, BKDL_ROW_AWARE_ENSEMBLE_PLACEMENT_DEFAULT)); } /** * Set if we should enable row aware ensemble placement. * * @param enableRowAwareEnsemblePlacement * enableRowAwareEnsemblePlacement * @return distributedlog configuration. * @see #getRowAwareEnsemblePlacementEnabled() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setRowAwareEnsemblePlacementEnabled(boolean enableRowAwareEnsemblePlacement) { setProperty(BKDL_ROW_AWARE_ENSEMBLE_PLACEMENT, enableRowAwareEnsemblePlacement); return this; } /** * Get the DNS resolver class for bookkeeper ensemble placement. * <p>By default, {@link DNSResolverForRacks} will be used if * {@link #getRowAwareEnsemblePlacementEnabled()} is disabled and * {@link DNSResolverForRows} will be used if {@link #getRowAwareEnsemblePlacementEnabled()} * is enabled. * * @return dns resolver class for bookkeeper ensemble placement. * @throws ConfigurationException * @see #getRowAwareEnsemblePlacementEnabled() */ public Class<? extends DNSToSwitchMapping> getEnsemblePlacementDnsResolverClass() throws ConfigurationException { Class<? extends DNSToSwitchMapping> defaultResolverCls; if (getRowAwareEnsemblePlacementEnabled()) { defaultResolverCls = DNSResolverForRows.class; } else { defaultResolverCls = DNSResolverForRacks.class; } return ReflectionUtils.getClass(this, BKDL_ENSEMBLE_PLACEMENT_DNS_RESOLVER_CLASS, defaultResolverCls, DNSToSwitchMapping.class, defaultLoader); } /** * Set the DNS resolver class for bookkeeper ensemble placement. * * @param dnsResolverClass * dns resolver class for bookkeeper ensemble placement. * @return distributedlog configuration * @see #getEnsemblePlacementDnsResolverClass() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEnsemblePlacementDnsResolverClass( Class<? extends DNSToSwitchMapping> dnsResolverClass) { setProperty(BKDL_ENSEMBLE_PLACEMENT_DNS_RESOLVER_CLASS, dnsResolverClass.getName()); return this; } /** * Get mapping used to override the region mapping derived by the default resolver. * <p>It is a string of pairs of host-region mappings (host:region) separated by semicolon. * By default it is empty string. * * @return dns resolver overrides. * @see #getEnsemblePlacementDnsResolverClass() * @see DNSResolverForRacks * @see DNSResolverForRows */ public String getBkDNSResolverOverrides() { return getString(BKDL_BK_DNS_RESOLVER_OVERRIDES, BKDL_BK_DNS_RESOLVER_OVERRIDES_DEFAULT); } /** * Set mapping used to override the region mapping derived by the default resolver * <p>It is a string of pairs of host-region mappings (host:region) separated by semicolon. * By default it is empty string. * * @param overrides * dns resolver overrides * @return dl configuration. * @see #getBkDNSResolverOverrides() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setBkDNSResolverOverrides(String overrides) { setProperty(BKDL_BK_DNS_RESOLVER_OVERRIDES, overrides); return this; } // // BookKeeper General Settings // /** * Set password used by bookkeeper client for digestion. * <p> * NOTE: not recommend to change. will be derepcated in future. * * @param bkDigestPW BK password digest * @return distributedlog configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setBKDigestPW(String bkDigestPW) { setProperty(BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_DIGEST_PW, bkDigestPW); return this; } /** * Get password used by bookkeeper client for digestion. * <p> * NOTE: not recommend to change. will be deprecated in future. * * @return password used by bookkeeper client for digestion * @see #setBKDigestPW(String) */ public String getBKDigestPW() { return getString(BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_DIGEST_PW, BKDL_BOOKKEEPER_DIGEST_PW_DEFAULT); } /** * Get BK client number of i/o threads used by Netty. * The default value equals DL's number worker threads. * * @return number of bookkeeper netty i/o threads. * @see #getNumWorkerThreads() */ public int getBKClientNumberIOThreads() { return this.getInt(BKDL_BKCLIENT_NUM_IO_THREADS, getNumWorkerThreads()); } /** * Set BK client number of i/o threads used by netty. * * @param numThreads * number io threads. * @return distributedlog configuration. * @see #getBKClientNumberIOThreads() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setBKClientNumberIOThreads(int numThreads) { setProperty(BKDL_BKCLIENT_NUM_IO_THREADS, numThreads); return this; } /** * Get the tick duration in milliseconds that used for timeout timer in bookkeeper client. * By default it is 100. * * @return tick duration in milliseconds * @see org.jboss.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer */ public long getTimeoutTimerTickDurationMs() { return getLong(BKDL_TIMEOUT_TIMER_TICK_DURATION_MS, BKDL_TIMEOUT_TIMER_TICK_DURATION_MS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the tick duration in milliseconds that used for timeout timer in bookkeeper client. * * @param tickDuration * tick duration in milliseconds. * @return distributed log configuration. * @see #getTimeoutTimerTickDurationMs() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setTimeoutTimerTickDurationMs(long tickDuration) { setProperty(BKDL_TIMEOUT_TIMER_TICK_DURATION_MS, tickDuration); return this; } /** * Get number of ticks that used for timeout timer in bookkeeper client. * By default is 1024. * * @return number of ticks that used for timeout timer. * @see org.jboss.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer */ public int getTimeoutTimerNumTicks() { return getInt(BKDL_TIMEOUT_TIMER_NUM_TICKS, BKDL_TIMEOUT_TIMER_NUM_TICKS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set number of ticks that used for timeout timer in bookkeeper client. * * @param numTicks * number of ticks that used for timeout timer. * @return distributed log configuration. * @see #getTimeoutTimerNumTicks() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setTimeoutTimerNumTicks(int numTicks) { setProperty(BKDL_TIMEOUT_TIMER_NUM_TICKS, numTicks); return this; } // // Deprecated BookKeeper Settings // /** * Get BK client read timeout in seconds. * <p> * Please use {@link ClientConfiguration#getReadEntryTimeout()} * instead of this setting. * * @return read timeout in seconds * @deprecated * @see ClientConfiguration#getReadEntryTimeout() */ public int getBKClientReadTimeout() { return this.getInt(BKDL_BKCLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT, BKDL_BKCLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT); } /** * Set BK client read timeout in seconds. * * @param readTimeout read timeout in seconds. * @return distributed log configuration * @deprecated * @see #getBKClientReadTimeout() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setBKClientReadTimeout(int readTimeout) { setProperty(BKDL_BKCLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT, readTimeout); return this; } /** * Get BK client write timeout in seconds. * <p> * Please use {@link ClientConfiguration#getAddEntryTimeout()} * instead of this setting. * * @return write timeout in seconds. * @deprecated * @see ClientConfiguration#getAddEntryTimeout() */ public int getBKClientWriteTimeout() { return this.getInt(BKDL_BKCLIENT_WRITE_TIMEOUT, BKDL_BKCLIENT_WRITE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT); } /** * Set BK client write timeout in seconds * * @param writeTimeout write timeout in seconds. * @return distributed log configuration * @deprecated * @see #getBKClientWriteTimeout() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setBKClientWriteTimeout(int writeTimeout) { setProperty(BKDL_BKCLIENT_WRITE_TIMEOUT, writeTimeout); return this; } /** * Get BK client number of worker threads. * <p> * Please use {@link ClientConfiguration#getNumWorkerThreads()} * instead of this setting. * * @return number of bookkeeper client worker threads. * @deprecated * @see ClientConfiguration#getNumWorkerThreads() */ public int getBKClientNumberWorkerThreads() { return this.getInt(BKDL_BKCLIENT_NUM_WORKER_THREADS, BKDL_BKCLEINT_NUM_WORKER_THREADS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set BK client number of worker threads. * * @param numThreads * number worker threads. * @return distributedlog configuration. * @deprecated * @see #getBKClientNumberWorkerThreads() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setBKClientNumberWorkerThreads(int numThreads) { setProperty(BKDL_BKCLIENT_NUM_WORKER_THREADS, numThreads); return this; } // // DL Executor Settings // /** * Get the number of worker threads used by distributedlog namespace. * By default it is the number of available processors. * * @return number of worker threads used by distributedlog namespace. */ public int getNumWorkerThreads() { return getInt(BKDL_NUM_WORKER_THREADS, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); } /** * Set the number of worker threads used by distributedlog namespace. * * @param numWorkerThreads * number of worker threads used by distributedlog namespace. * @return configuration * @see #getNumWorkerThreads() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setNumWorkerThreads(int numWorkerThreads) { setProperty(BKDL_NUM_WORKER_THREADS, numWorkerThreads); return this; } /** * Get the number of dedicated readahead worker threads used by distributedlog namespace. * <p>If this value is non-positive, it would share the normal executor (see {@link #getNumWorkerThreads()} * for readahead. otherwise, it would use a dedicated executor for readhead. By default, * it is 0. * * @return number of dedicated readahead worker threads. * @see #getNumWorkerThreads() */ public int getNumReadAheadWorkerThreads() { return getInt(BKDL_NUM_READAHEAD_WORKER_THREADS, 0); } /** * Set the number of dedicated readahead worker threads used by distributedlog namespace. * * @param numWorkerThreads * number of dedicated readahead worker threads. * @return configuration * @see #getNumReadAheadWorkerThreads() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setNumReadAheadWorkerThreads(int numWorkerThreads) { setProperty(BKDL_NUM_READAHEAD_WORKER_THREADS, numWorkerThreads); return this; } /** * Get the number of lock state threads used by distributedlog namespace. * By default it is 1. * * @return number of lock state threads used by distributedlog namespace. */ public int getNumLockStateThreads() { return getInt(BKDL_NUM_LOCKSTATE_THREADS, 1); } /** * Set the number of lock state threads used by distributedlog manager factory. * * @param numLockStateThreads * number of lock state threads used by distributedlog manager factory. * @return configuration * @see #getNumLockStateThreads() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setNumLockStateThreads(int numLockStateThreads) { setProperty(BKDL_NUM_LOCKSTATE_THREADS, numLockStateThreads); return this; } /** * Get the number of resource release threads used by distributedlog namespace. * By default it is 0 - the thread will be created dynamically by a executor service. * The executor service is an unbounded pool. Application can use `total_tasks - completed_tasks` * on monitoring the number of threads that are used for releasing resources. * <p> * The setting is only applied for v2 implementation. * * @see com.twitter.distributedlog.util.MonitoredScheduledThreadPoolExecutor * @return number of resource release threads used by distributedlog namespace. */ public int getNumResourceReleaseThreads() { return getInt(BKDL_NUM_RESOURCE_RELEASE_THREADS, 0); } /** * Set the number of resource release threads used by distributedlog manager factory. * * @param numResourceReleaseThreads * number of resource release threads used by distributedlog manager factory. * @return configuration * @see #getNumResourceReleaseThreads() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setNumResourceReleaseThreads(int numResourceReleaseThreads) { setProperty(BKDL_NUM_RESOURCE_RELEASE_THREADS, numResourceReleaseThreads); return this; } /** * Get timeout for shutting down schedulers in dl manager, in milliseconds. * By default, it is 5 seconds. * * @return timeout for shutting down schedulers in dl manager, in miliseconds. */ public int getSchedulerShutdownTimeoutMs() { return getInt(BKDL_SCHEDULER_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MS, BKDL_SCHEDULER_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set timeout for shutting down schedulers in dl manager, in milliseconds. * * @param timeoutMs * timeout for shutting down schedulers in dl manager, in milliseconds. * @return dl configuration. * @see #getSchedulerShutdownTimeoutMs() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setSchedulerShutdownTimeoutMs(int timeoutMs) { setProperty(BKDL_SCHEDULER_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MS, timeoutMs); return this; } /** * Whether to use daemon thread for DL threads. * By default it is false. * * @return true if use daemon threads, otherwise false. */ public boolean getUseDaemonThread() { return getBoolean(BKDL_USE_DAEMON_THREAD, BKDL_USE_DAEMON_THREAD_DEFAULT); } /** * Set whether to use daemon thread for DL threads. * * @param daemon * whether to use daemon thread for DL threads. * @return distributedlog configuration * @see #getUseDaemonThread() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setUseDaemonThread(boolean daemon) { setProperty(BKDL_USE_DAEMON_THREAD, daemon); return this; } // // Metadata Settings // /** * Get DL ledger metadata output layout version. * * @return layout version * @see com.twitter.distributedlog.LogSegmentMetadata.LogSegmentMetadataVersion */ public int getDLLedgerMetadataLayoutVersion() { return this.getInt(BKDL_LEDGER_METADATA_LAYOUT_VERSION, getInt(BKDL_LEDGER_METADATA_LAYOUT_VERSION_OLD, BKDL_LEDGER_METADATA_LAYOUT_VERSION_DEFAULT)); } /** * Set DL ledger metadata output layout version. * * @param layoutVersion layout version * @return distributed log configuration * @throws IllegalArgumentException if setting an unknown layout version. * @see #getDLLedgerMetadataLayoutVersion() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setDLLedgerMetadataLayoutVersion(int layoutVersion) throws IllegalArgumentException { if ((layoutVersion <= 0) || (layoutVersion > LogSegmentMetadata.LEDGER_METADATA_CURRENT_LAYOUT_VERSION)) { // Incorrect version specified throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect value for ledger metadata layout version"); } setProperty(BKDL_LEDGER_METADATA_LAYOUT_VERSION, layoutVersion); return this; } /** * Get the setting for whether we should enforce the min ledger metadata version check. * By default it is false. * * @return whether we should enforce the min ledger metadata version check * @see com.twitter.distributedlog.LogSegmentMetadata.LogSegmentMetadataVersion */ public boolean getDLLedgerMetadataSkipMinVersionCheck() { return this.getBoolean(BKDL_LEDGER_METADATA_SKIP_MIN_VERSION_CHECK, BKDL_LEDGER_METADATA_SKIP_MIN_VERSION_CHECK_DEFAULT); } /** * Set if we should skip the enforcement of min ledger metadata version. * <p>NOTE: please be aware the side effects of skipping min ledger metadata * version checking. * * @param skipMinVersionCheck whether we should enforce the min ledger metadata version check * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getDLLedgerMetadataSkipMinVersionCheck() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setDLLedgerMetadataSkipMinVersionCheck(boolean skipMinVersionCheck) throws IllegalArgumentException { setProperty(BKDL_LEDGER_METADATA_SKIP_MIN_VERSION_CHECK, skipMinVersionCheck); return this; } /** * Get the value at which ledger sequence number should start for streams that are being * upgraded and did not have ledger sequence number to start with or for newly created * streams. By default, it is 1. * <p>In most of the cases this value should not be changed. It is useful for backfilling * in the case of migrating log segments whose metadata don't have log segment sequence number. * * @return first ledger sequence number */ public long getFirstLogSegmentSequenceNumber() { return this.getLong(BKDL_FIRST_LOGSEGMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, getLong(BKDL_FIRST_LOGSEGMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_OLD, BKDL_FIRST_LOGSEGMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_DEFAULT)); } /** * Set the value at which ledger sequence number should start for streams that are being * upgraded and did not have ledger sequence number to start with or for newly created * streams * * @param firstLogSegmentSequenceNumber first ledger sequence number * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getFirstLogSegmentSequenceNumber() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setFirstLogSegmentSequenceNumber(long firstLogSegmentSequenceNumber) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (firstLogSegmentSequenceNumber <= 0) { // Incorrect ledger sequence number specified throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect value for ledger sequence number"); } setProperty(BKDL_FIRST_LOGSEGMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, firstLogSegmentSequenceNumber); return this; } /** * Whether log segment sequence number validation is enabled? * * @return true if the log segment sequence number validation is enabled, otherwise false. */ public boolean isLogSegmentSequenceNumberValidationEnabled() { return this.getBoolean(BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_VALIDATION_ENABLED, BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_VALIDATION_ENABLED_DEFAULT); } /** * Whether log segment sequence number validation is enabled? * * @return true if the log segment sequence number validation is enabled, otherwise false. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setLogSegmentSequenceNumberValidationEnabled(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_VALIDATION_ENABLED, enabled); return this; } /** * Whether we should publish record counts in the log records and metadata. * <p>By default it is true. This is a legacy setting for log segment version 1. It * should be considered removed. * * @return if record counts should be persisted */ public boolean getEnableRecordCounts() { return getBoolean(BKDL_ENABLE_RECORD_COUNTS, BKDL_ENABLE_RECORD_COUNTS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set if we should publish record counts in the log records and metadata. * * @param enableRecordCounts enable record counts * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getEnableRecordCounts() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEnableRecordCounts(boolean enableRecordCounts) { setProperty(BKDL_ENABLE_RECORD_COUNTS, enableRecordCounts); return this; } /** * Whether sanity check txn id on starting log segments. * <p>If it is enabled, DL writer would throw * {@link com.twitter.distributedlog.exceptions.TransactionIdOutOfOrderException} * when it received a smaller transaction id than current maximum transaction id. * * @return true if should check txn id with max txn id, otherwise false. */ public boolean getSanityCheckTxnID() { return getBoolean(BKDL_MAXID_SANITYCHECK, BKDL_MAXID_SANITYCHECK_DEFAULT); } /** * Enable/Disable sanity check txn id. * * @param enabled * enable/disable sanity check txn id. * @return configuration. * @see #getSanityCheckTxnID() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setSanityCheckTxnID(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_MAXID_SANITYCHECK, enabled); return this; } /** * Whether encode region id in log segment metadata. * <p>In global DL use case, encoding region id in log segment medata would * help understanding what region that a log segment is created. The region * id field in log segment metadata would help for moniotring and troubleshooting. * * @return whether to encode region id in log segment metadata. */ public boolean getEncodeRegionIDInLogSegmentMetadata() { return getBoolean(BKDL_ENCODE_REGION_ID_IN_VERSION, BKDL_ENCODE_REGION_ID_IN_VERSION_DEFAULT); } /** * Enable/Disable encoding region id in log segment metadata. * * @param enabled * flag to enable/disable encoding region id in log segment metadata. * @return configuration instance. * @see #getEncodeRegionIDInLogSegmentMetadata() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEncodeRegionIDInLogSegmentMetadata(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_ENCODE_REGION_ID_IN_VERSION, enabled); return this; } /** * Get log segment name version. * <p> * <ul> * <li>version 0: inprogress_(start_txid) | * logrecs_(start_txid)_(end_txid)</li> * <li>version 1: inprogress_(logsegment_sequence_number) | * logrecs_(logsegment_sequence_number)</li> * </ul> * By default it is 1. * * @return log segment name verison. */ public int getLogSegmentNameVersion() { return getInt(BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_NAME_VERSION, BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_NAME_VERSION_DEFAULT); } /** * Set log segment name version. * * @param version * log segment name version. * @return configuration object. * @see #getLogSegmentNameVersion() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setLogSegmentNameVersion(int version) { setProperty(BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_NAME_VERSION, version); return this; } /** * Get name of the unpartitioned stream. * <p>It is a legacy setting. consider removing it in future. * * @return unpartitioned stream */ public String getUnpartitionedStreamName() { return getString(BKDL_UNPARTITIONED_STREAM_NAME, BKDL_UNPARTITIONED_STREAM_NAME_DEFAULT); } /** * Set name of the unpartitioned stream * * @param streamName name of the unpartitioned stream * @return distributedlog configuration * @see #getUnpartitionedStreamName() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setUnpartitionedStreamName(String streamName) { setProperty(BKDL_UNPARTITIONED_STREAM_NAME, streamName); return this; } // // DL Writer General Settings // /** * Whether to create stream if not exists. By default it is true. * * @return true if it is abled to create stream if not exists. */ public boolean getCreateStreamIfNotExists() { return getBoolean(BKDL_CREATE_STREAM_IF_NOT_EXISTS, BKDL_CREATE_STREAM_IF_NOT_EXISTS_DEFAULT); } /** * Enable/Disable creating stream if not exists. * * @param enabled * enable/disable sanity check txn id. * @return distributed log configuration. * @see #getCreateStreamIfNotExists() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setCreateStreamIfNotExists(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_CREATE_STREAM_IF_NOT_EXISTS, enabled); return this; } /** * Get Log Flush timeout in seconds. * <p>This is a setting used by DL writer on flushing data. It is typically used * by synchronous writer and log segment writer. By default it is 30 seconds. * * @return log flush timeout in seconds. */ // @Deprecated public int getLogFlushTimeoutSeconds() { return this.getInt(BKDL_LOG_FLUSH_TIMEOUT, BKDL_LOG_FLUSH_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT); } /** * Set Log Flush Timeout in seconds. * * @param logFlushTimeoutSeconds log flush timeout. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getLogFlushTimeoutSeconds() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setLogFlushTimeoutSeconds(int logFlushTimeoutSeconds) { setProperty(BKDL_LOG_FLUSH_TIMEOUT, logFlushTimeoutSeconds); return this; } /** * The compression type to use while sending data to bookkeeper. * * @return compression type to use * @see com.twitter.distributedlog.io.CompressionCodec */ public String getCompressionType() { return getString(BKDL_COMPRESSION_TYPE, BKDL_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the compression type to use while sending data to bookkeeper. * * @param compressionType compression type * @return distributedlog configuration * @see #getCompressionType() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setCompressionType(String compressionType) { Preconditions.checkArgument(null != compressionType && !compressionType.isEmpty()); setProperty(BKDL_COMPRESSION_TYPE, compressionType); return this; } /** * Whether to fail immediately if the stream is not ready rather than queueing the request. * <p>If it is enabled, it would fail the write request immediately if the stream isn't ready. * Consider turning it on for the use cases that could retry writing to other streams * (aka non-strict ordering guarantee). It would result fast failure hence the client would * retry immediately. * * @return true if should fail fast. otherwise, false. */ public boolean getFailFastOnStreamNotReady() { return getBoolean(BKDL_FAILFAST_ON_STREAM_NOT_READY, BKDL_FAILFAST_ON_STREAM_NOT_READY_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the failfast on stream not ready flag. * * @param failFastOnStreamNotReady * set failfast flag * @return dl configuration. * @see #getFailFastOnStreamNotReady() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setFailFastOnStreamNotReady(boolean failFastOnStreamNotReady) { setProperty(BKDL_FAILFAST_ON_STREAM_NOT_READY, failFastOnStreamNotReady); return this; } /** * If this option is set, the log writer won't reset the segment writer if an error * is encountered. * * @return true if we should disable automatic rolling */ public boolean getDisableRollingOnLogSegmentError() { return getBoolean(BKDL_DISABLE_ROLLING_ON_LOG_SEGMENT_ERROR, BKDL_DISABLE_ROLLING_ON_LOG_SEGMENT_ERROR_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the roll on segment error flag. * * @param disableRollingOnLogSegmentError * set roll on error flag * @return dl configuration. * @see #getDisableRollingOnLogSegmentError() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setDisableRollingOnLogSegmentError(boolean disableRollingOnLogSegmentError) { setProperty(BKDL_DISABLE_ROLLING_ON_LOG_SEGMENT_ERROR, disableRollingOnLogSegmentError); return this; } // // DL Durability Settings // /** * Check whether the durable write is enabled. * <p>It is enabled by default. * * @return true if durable write is enabled. otherwise, false. */ public boolean isDurableWriteEnabled() { return this.getBoolean(BKDL_IS_DURABLE_WRITE_ENABLED, BKDL_IS_DURABLE_WRITE_ENABLED_DEFAULT); } /** * Enable/Disable durable writes in writers. * * @param enabled * flag to enable/disable durable writes in writers. * @return distributedlog configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setDurableWriteEnabled(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_IS_DURABLE_WRITE_ENABLED, enabled); return this; } // // DL Writer Transmit Settings // /** * Get output buffer size for DL writers, in bytes. * <p>Large buffer will result in higher compression ratio and * it would use the bandwidth more efficiently and improve throughput. * Set it to 0 would ask DL writers to transmit the data immediately, * which it could achieve low latency. * <p>The default value is 1KB. * * @return buffer size in byes. */ public int getOutputBufferSize() { return this.getInt(BKDL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE, getInt(BKDL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE_OLD, BKDL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT)); } /** * Set output buffer size for DL writers, in bytes. * * @param opBufferSize output buffer size. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getOutputBufferSize() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setOutputBufferSize(int opBufferSize) { setProperty(BKDL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE, opBufferSize); return this; } /** * Get Periodic Log Flush Frequency in milliseconds. * <p>If the setting is set with a positive value, the data in output buffer * will be flushed in this provided interval. The default value is 0. * * @return periodic flush frequency in milliseconds. * @see #getOutputBufferSize() */ public int getPeriodicFlushFrequencyMilliSeconds() { return this.getInt(BKDL_PERIODIC_FLUSH_FREQUENCY_MILLISECONDS, BKDL_PERIODIC_FLUSH_FREQUENCY_MILLISECONDS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set Periodic Log Flush Frequency in milliseconds. * * @param flushFrequencyMs periodic flush frequency in milliseconds. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getPeriodicFlushFrequencyMilliSeconds() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setPeriodicFlushFrequencyMilliSeconds(int flushFrequencyMs) { setProperty(BKDL_PERIODIC_FLUSH_FREQUENCY_MILLISECONDS, flushFrequencyMs); return this; } /** * Is immediate flush enabled. * <p>If it is enabled, it would flush control record immediately after adding * data completed. The default value is false. * * @return whether immediate flush is enabled */ public boolean getImmediateFlushEnabled() { return getBoolean(BKDL_ENABLE_IMMEDIATE_FLUSH, BKDL_ENABLE_IMMEDIATE_FLUSH_DEFAULT); } /** * Enable/Disable immediate flush * * @param enabled * flag to enable/disable immediate flush. * @return configuration instance. * @see #getImmediateFlushEnabled() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setImmediateFlushEnabled(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_ENABLE_IMMEDIATE_FLUSH, enabled); return this; } /** * Get minimum delay between immediate flushes in milliseconds. * <p>This setting only takes effects when {@link #getImmediateFlushEnabled()} * is enabled. It torelants the bursty of traffic when immediate flush is enabled, * which prevents sending too many control records to the bookkeeper. * * @return minimum delay between immediate flushes in milliseconds * @see #getImmediateFlushEnabled() */ public int getMinDelayBetweenImmediateFlushMs() { return this.getInt(BKDL_MINIMUM_DELAY_BETWEEN_IMMEDIATE_FLUSH_MILLISECONDS, BKDL_MINIMUM_DELAY_BETWEEN_IMMEDIATE_FLUSH_MILLISECONDS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set minimum delay between immediate flushes in milliseconds * * @param minDelayMs minimum delay between immediate flushes in milliseconds. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getMinDelayBetweenImmediateFlushMs() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setMinDelayBetweenImmediateFlushMs(int minDelayMs) { setProperty(BKDL_MINIMUM_DELAY_BETWEEN_IMMEDIATE_FLUSH_MILLISECONDS, minDelayMs); return this; } // // DL Retention/Truncation Settings // /** * Get log segment retention period in hours. * The default value is 3 days. * * @return log segment retention period in hours */ public int getRetentionPeriodHours() { return this.getInt(BKDL_RETENTION_PERIOD_IN_HOURS, getInt(BKDL_RETENTION_PERIOD_IN_HOURS_OLD, BKDL_RETENTION_PERIOD_IN_HOURS_DEFAULT)); } /** * Set log segment retention period in hours. * * @param retentionHours retention period in hours. * @return distributed log configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setRetentionPeriodHours(int retentionHours) { setProperty(BKDL_RETENTION_PERIOD_IN_HOURS, retentionHours); return this; } /** * Is truncation managed explicitly by the application. * <p>If this is set then time based retention is only a hint to perform * deferred cleanup. However we never remove a segment that has not been * already marked truncated. * <p>It is disabled by default. * * @return whether truncation managed explicitly by the application * @see com.twitter.distributedlog.LogSegmentMetadata.TruncationStatus */ public boolean getExplicitTruncationByApplication() { return getBoolean(BKDL_EXPLICIT_TRUNCATION_BY_APPLICATION, BKDL_EXPLICIT_TRUNCATION_BY_APPLICATION_DEFAULT); } /** * Enable/Disable whether truncation is managed explicitly by the application. * * @param enabled * flag to enable/disable whether truncation is managed explicitly by the application. * @return configuration instance. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setExplicitTruncationByApplication(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_EXPLICIT_TRUNCATION_BY_APPLICATION, enabled); return this; } // // Log Segment Rolling Settings // /** * Get log segment rolling interval in minutes. * <p>If the setting is set to a positive value, DL writer will roll log segments * based on time. Otherwise, it will roll log segments based on size. * <p>The default value is 2 hours. * * @return log segment rolling interval in minutes * @see #getMaxLogSegmentBytes() */ public int getLogSegmentRollingIntervalMinutes() { return this.getInt(BKDL_ROLLING_INTERVAL_IN_MINUTES, getInt(BKDL_ROLLING_INTERVAL_IN_MINUTES_OLD, BKDL_ROLLING_INTERVAL_IN_MINUTES_DEFAULT)); } /** * Set log segment rolling interval in minutes. * * @param rollingMinutes rolling interval in minutes. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getLogSegmentRollingIntervalMinutes() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setLogSegmentRollingIntervalMinutes(int rollingMinutes) { setProperty(BKDL_ROLLING_INTERVAL_IN_MINUTES, rollingMinutes); return this; } /** * Get Max LogSegment Size in Bytes. * <p>This setting only takes effects when time based rolling is disabled. * DL writer will roll into a new log segment only after current one reaches * this threshold. * <p>The default value is 256MB. * * @return max logsegment size in bytes. * @see #getLogSegmentRollingIntervalMinutes() */ public long getMaxLogSegmentBytes() { long maxBytes = this.getLong(BKDL_MAX_LOGSEGMENT_BYTES, BKDL_MAX_LOGSEGMENT_BYTES_DEFAULT); if (maxBytes <= 0) { maxBytes = BKDL_MAX_LOGSEGMENT_BYTES_DEFAULT; } return maxBytes; } /** * Set Max LogSegment Size in Bytes. * * @param maxBytes * max logsegment size in bytes. * @return configuration. * @see #getMaxLogSegmentBytes() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setMaxLogSegmentBytes(long maxBytes) { setProperty(BKDL_MAX_LOGSEGMENT_BYTES, maxBytes); return this; } /** * Get log segment rolling concurrency. * <p>It limits how many writers could roll log segments concurrently. * The default value is 1. * * @return log segment rolling concurrency. * @see #setLogSegmentRollingConcurrency(int) */ public int getLogSegmentRollingConcurrency() { return getInt(BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_ROLLING_CONCURRENCY, BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_ROLLING_CONCURRENCY_DEFAULT); } /** * Set log segment rolling concurrency. <i>0</i> means disable rolling concurrency. * <i>larger than 0</i> means how many log segment could be rolled at the same time. * <i>less than 0</i> means unlimited concurrency on rolling log segments. * * @param concurrency * log segment rolling concurrency. * @return distributed log configuration. * @see #getLogSegmentRollingConcurrency() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setLogSegmentRollingConcurrency(int concurrency) { setProperty(BKDL_LOGSEGMENT_ROLLING_CONCURRENCY, concurrency); return this; } // // Lock Settings // /** * Is lock enabled when opening a writer to write a stream? * <p> We don't generally require a lock to write a stream to guarantee correctness. The lock * is more on tracking ownerships. The built-in fencing mechanism is used guarantee correctness * during stream owner failover. It is okay to disable lock if your application knows which nodes * have to write which streams. * * @return true if lock is enabled, otherwise false. */ public boolean isWriteLockEnabled() { return this.getBoolean(BKDL_WRITE_LOCK_ENABLED, BKDL_WRITE_LOCK_ENABLED_DEFAULT); } /** * Enable lock for opening a writer to write a stream? * * @param enabled flag to enable or disable lock for opening a writer to write a stream. * @return distributedlog configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setWriteLockEnabled(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_WRITE_LOCK_ENABLED, enabled); return this; } /** * Get lock timeout in milliseconds. The default value is 30. * * @return lock timeout in milliseconds */ public long getLockTimeoutMilliSeconds() { return this.getLong(BKDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT, BKDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) * 1000; } /** * Set lock timeout in seconds. * * @param lockTimeout lock timeout in seconds. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getLockTimeoutMilliSeconds() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setLockTimeout(long lockTimeout) { setProperty(BKDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT, lockTimeout); return this; } /** * Get lock reacquire timeout in milliseconds. The default value is 120 seconds. * * @return lock reacquire timeout in milliseconds */ public long getLockReacquireTimeoutMilliSeconds() { return this.getLong(BKDL_LOCK_REACQUIRE_TIMEOUT, BKDL_LOCK_REACQUIRE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) * 1000; } /** * Set lock reacquire timeout in seconds. * * @param lockReacquireTimeout lock reacquire timeout in seconds. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getLockReacquireTimeoutMilliSeconds() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setLockReacquireTimeoutSeconds(long lockReacquireTimeout) { setProperty(BKDL_LOCK_REACQUIRE_TIMEOUT, lockReacquireTimeout); return this; } /** * Get lock internal operation timeout in milliseconds. * The default value is 120 seconds. * * @return lock internal operation timeout in milliseconds. */ public long getLockOpTimeoutMilliSeconds() { return this.getLong(BKDL_LOCK_OP_TIMEOUT, BKDL_LOCK_OP_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) * 1000; } /** * Set lock internal operation timeout in seconds. * * @param lockOpTimeout lock internal operation timeout in seconds. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getLockOpTimeoutMilliSeconds() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setLockOpTimeoutSeconds(long lockOpTimeout) { setProperty(BKDL_LOCK_OP_TIMEOUT, lockOpTimeout); return this; } // // Ledger Allocator Settings // /** * Whether to enable ledger allocator pool or not. * It is disabled by default. * * @return whether using ledger allocator pool or not. */ public boolean getEnableLedgerAllocatorPool() { return getBoolean(BKDL_ENABLE_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL, BKDL_ENABLE_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_DEFAULT); } /** * Enable/Disable ledger allocator pool. * * @param enabled * enable/disable ledger allocator pool. * @return configuration. * @see #getEnableLedgerAllocatorPool() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEnableLedgerAllocatorPool(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_ENABLE_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL, enabled); return this; } /** * Get the path of ledger allocator pool. * The default value is ".allocation_pool". * * @return path of ledger allocator pool. */ public String getLedgerAllocatorPoolPath() { return getString(BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_PATH, BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_PATH_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the root path of ledger allocator pool * * @param path * path of ledger allocator pool. * @return configuration * @see #getLedgerAllocatorPoolPath() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setLedgerAllocatorPoolPath(String path) { setProperty(BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_PATH, path); return this; } /** * Get the name of ledger allocator pool. * * @return name of ledger allocator pool. */ public String getLedgerAllocatorPoolName() { return getString(BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_NAME, BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_NAME_DEFAULT); } /** * Set name of ledger allocator pool. * * @param name * name of ledger allocator pool. * @return configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setLedgerAllocatorPoolName(String name) { setProperty(BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_NAME, name); return this; } /** * Get the core size of ledger allocator pool. * The default value is 20. * * @return core size of ledger allocator pool. */ public int getLedgerAllocatorPoolCoreSize() { return getInt(BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_CORE_SIZE, BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_CORE_SIZE_DEFAULT); } /** * Set core size of ledger allocator pool. * * @param poolSize * core size of ledger allocator pool. * @return distributedlog configuration. * @see #getLedgerAllocatorPoolCoreSize() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setLedgerAllocatorPoolCoreSize(int poolSize) { setProperty(BKDL_LEDGER_ALLOCATOR_POOL_CORE_SIZE, poolSize); return this; } // // Write Limit Settings // /** * Get the per stream outstanding write limit for dl. * <p>If the setting is set with a positive value, the per stream * write limiting is enabled. By default it is disabled. * * @return the per stream outstanding write limit for dl * @see #getGlobalOutstandingWriteLimit() */ public int getPerWriterOutstandingWriteLimit() { return getInt(BKDL_PER_WRITER_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT, BKDL_PER_WRITER_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the per stream outstanding write limit for dl. * * @param limit * per stream outstanding write limit for dl * @return dl configuration * @see #getPerWriterOutstandingWriteLimit() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setPerWriterOutstandingWriteLimit(int limit) { setProperty(BKDL_PER_WRITER_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT, limit); return this; } /** * Get the global write limit for dl. * <p>If the setting is set with a positive value, the global * write limiting is enabled. By default it is disabled. * * @return the global write limit for dl * @see #getPerWriterOutstandingWriteLimit() */ public int getGlobalOutstandingWriteLimit() { return getInt(BKDL_GLOBAL_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT, BKDL_GLOBAL_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the global write limit for dl. * * @param limit * global write limit for dl * @return dl configuration * @see #getGlobalOutstandingWriteLimit() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setGlobalOutstandingWriteLimit(int limit) { setProperty(BKDL_GLOBAL_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT, limit); return this; } /** * Whether to darkmode outstanding writes limit. * <p>If it is running in darkmode, it would not reject requests when * it is over limit, but just record them in the stats. * <p>By default, it is in darkmode. * * @return flag to darmkode pending write limit. */ public boolean getOutstandingWriteLimitDarkmode() { return getBoolean(BKDL_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT_DARKMODE, BKDL_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT_DARKMODE_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the flag to darkmode outstanding writes limit. * * @param darkmoded * flag to darmkode pending write limit * @return dl configuration. * @see #getOutstandingWriteLimitDarkmode() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setOutstandingWriteLimitDarkmode(boolean darkmoded) { setProperty(BKDL_OUTSTANDING_WRITE_LIMIT_DARKMODE, darkmoded); return this; } // // DL Reader General Settings // /** * Get the long poll time out for read last add confirmed requests, in milliseconds. * The default value is 1 second. * * @return long poll timeout in milliseconds * @see #getReadLACLongPollTimeout() */ public int getReadLACLongPollTimeout() { return this.getInt(BKDL_READLACLONGPOLL_TIMEOUT, BKDL_READLACLONGPOLL_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the long poll time out for read last add confirmed requests, in milliseconds. * * @param readAheadLongPollTimeout long poll timeout in milliseconds * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getReadLACLongPollTimeout() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setReadLACLongPollTimeout(int readAheadLongPollTimeout) { setProperty(BKDL_READLACLONGPOLL_TIMEOUT, readAheadLongPollTimeout); return this; } /** * Get the flag whether to deserialize record set on reads. * * @return true if it should deserialize, otherwise false. */ public boolean getDeserializeRecordSetOnReads() { return getBoolean(BKDL_DESERIALIZE_RECORDSET_ON_READS, BKDL_DESERIALIZE_RECORDSET_ON_READS_DEFAULT); } /** * Enable or disable deserialize recordset on reads. * * @param enabled * flag whether to deserialize recordset * @return distributedlog configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setDeserializeRecordSetOnReads(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_DESERIALIZE_RECORDSET_ON_READS, enabled); return this; } // // Idle reader settings // /** * Get the time in milliseconds as the threshold for when an idle reader should dump warnings * <p>The default value is 2 minutes. * * @return reader idle warn threshold in millis. * @see #getReaderIdleErrorThresholdMillis() */ public int getReaderIdleWarnThresholdMillis() { return getInt(BKDL_READER_IDLE_WARN_THRESHOLD_MILLIS, BKDL_READER_IDLE_WARN_THRESHOLD_MILLIS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the time in milliseconds as the threshold for when an idle reader should dump warnings * * @param warnThreshold time after which we should dump the read ahead state * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getReaderIdleWarnThresholdMillis() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setReaderIdleWarnThresholdMillis(int warnThreshold) { setProperty(BKDL_READER_IDLE_WARN_THRESHOLD_MILLIS, warnThreshold); return this; } /** * Get the time in milliseconds as the threshold for when an idle reader should throw errors * <p>The default value is <i>Integer.MAX_VALUE</i>. * * @return reader idle error threshold in millis * @see #getReaderIdleWarnThresholdMillis() */ public int getReaderIdleErrorThresholdMillis() { return getInt(BKDL_READER_IDLE_ERROR_THRESHOLD_MILLIS, BKDL_READER_IDLE_ERROR_THRESHOLD_MILLIS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the time in milliseconds as the threshold for when an idle reader should throw errors * * @param warnThreshold time after which we should throw idle reader errors * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getReaderIdleErrorThresholdMillis() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setReaderIdleErrorThresholdMillis(int warnThreshold) { setProperty(BKDL_READER_IDLE_ERROR_THRESHOLD_MILLIS, warnThreshold); return this; } // // Reader Constraint Settings // /** * Get if we should ignore truncation status when reading the records * * @return if we should ignore truncation status */ public boolean getIgnoreTruncationStatus() { return getBoolean(BKDL_READER_IGNORE_TRUNCATION_STATUS, BKDL_READER_IGNORE_TRUNCATION_STATUS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set if we should ignore truncation status when reading the records * * @param ignoreTruncationStatus * if we should ignore truncation status */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setIgnoreTruncationStatus(boolean ignoreTruncationStatus) { setProperty(BKDL_READER_IGNORE_TRUNCATION_STATUS, ignoreTruncationStatus); return this; } /** * Get if we should alert when reader is positioned on a truncated segment * * @return if we should alert when reader is positioned on a truncated segment */ public boolean getAlertWhenPositioningOnTruncated() { return getBoolean(BKDL_READER_ALERT_POSITION_ON_TRUNCATED, BKDL_READER_ALERT_POSITION_ON_TRUNCATED_DEFAULT); } /** * Set if we should alert when reader is positioned on a truncated segment * * @param alertWhenPositioningOnTruncated * if we should alert when reader is positioned on a truncated segment * @return distributedlog configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setAlertWhenPositioningOnTruncated(boolean alertWhenPositioningOnTruncated) { setProperty(BKDL_READER_ALERT_POSITION_ON_TRUNCATED, alertWhenPositioningOnTruncated); return this; } /** * Get whether position gap detection for reader enabled. * @return whether position gap detection for reader enabled. */ public boolean getPositionGapDetectionEnabled() { return getBoolean(BKDL_READER_POSITION_GAP_DETECTION_ENABLED, BKDL_READER_POSITION_GAP_DETECTION_ENABLED_DEFAULT); } /** * Set if enable position gap detection for reader. * * @param enabled * flag to enable/disable position gap detection on reader. * @return distributedlog configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setPositionGapDetectionEnabled(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_READER_POSITION_GAP_DETECTION_ENABLED, enabled); return this; } // // ReadAhead Settings // /** * Set if we should enable read ahead. * By default is it enabled. * * @param enableReadAhead * Enable read ahead * @return distributedlog configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEnableReadAhead(boolean enableReadAhead) { setProperty(BKDL_ENABLE_READAHEAD, enableReadAhead); return this; } /** * Get if we should enable read ahead * * @return if read ahead is enabled */ public boolean getEnableReadAhead() { return getBoolean(BKDL_ENABLE_READAHEAD, BKDL_ENABLE_READAHEAD_DEFAULT); } /** * Set if we should enable force read * * @param enableForceRead * Enable force read */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEnableForceRead(boolean enableForceRead) { setProperty(BKDL_ENABLE_FORCEREAD, enableForceRead); return this; } /** * Get if we should enable force read * * @return if should use separate ZK Clients */ public boolean getEnableForceRead() { return getBoolean(BKDL_ENABLE_FORCEREAD, BKDL_ENABLE_FORCEREAD_DEFAULT); } /** * Get the max records cached by readahead cache. * <p>The default value is 10. Increase this value to improve throughput, * but be careful about the memory. * * @return max records cached by readahead cache. */ public int getReadAheadMaxRecords() { return this.getInt(BKDL_READAHEAD_MAX_RECORDS, getInt(BKDL_READAHEAD_MAX_RECORDS_OLD, BKDL_READAHEAD_MAX_RECORDS_DEFAULT)); } /** * Set the maximum records allowed to be cached by read ahead worker. * * @param readAheadMaxEntries max records to cache. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getReadAheadMaxRecords() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setReadAheadMaxRecords(int readAheadMaxEntries) { setProperty(BKDL_READAHEAD_MAX_RECORDS, readAheadMaxEntries); return this; } /** * Get number of entries read as a batch by readahead worker. * <p>The default value is 2. Increase the value to increase the concurrency * of reading entries from bookkeeper. * * @return number of entries read as a batch. */ public int getReadAheadBatchSize() { return this.getInt(BKDL_READAHEAD_BATCHSIZE, getInt(BKDL_READAHEAD_BATCHSIZE_OLD, BKDL_READAHEAD_BATCHSIZE_DEFAULT)); } /** * Set number of entries read as a batch by readahead worker. * * @param readAheadBatchSize * Read ahead batch size. * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getReadAheadBatchSize() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setReadAheadBatchSize(int readAheadBatchSize) { setProperty(BKDL_READAHEAD_BATCHSIZE, readAheadBatchSize); return this; } /** * Get the wait time between successive attempts to poll for new log records, in milliseconds. * The default value is 200 ms. * * @return read ahead wait time */ public int getReadAheadWaitTime() { return this.getInt(BKDL_READAHEAD_WAITTIME, getInt(BKDL_READAHEAD_WAITTIME_OLD, BKDL_READAHEAD_WAITTIME_DEFAULT)); } /** * Set the wait time between successive attempts to poll for new log records, in milliseconds * * @param readAheadWaitTime read ahead wait time * @return distributed log configuration * @see #getReadAheadWaitTime() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setReadAheadWaitTime(int readAheadWaitTime) { setProperty(BKDL_READAHEAD_WAITTIME, readAheadWaitTime); return this; } /** * Get the wait time if it reaches end of stream and * <b>there isn't any inprogress logsegment in the stream</b>, in millis. * <p>The default value is 10 seconds. * * @see #setReadAheadWaitTimeOnEndOfStream(int) * @return the wait time if it reaches end of stream and there isn't * any inprogress logsegment in the stream, in millis. */ public int getReadAheadWaitTimeOnEndOfStream() { return this.getInt(BKDL_READAHEAD_WAITTIME_ON_ENDOFSTREAM, getInt(BKDL_READAHEAD_WAITTIME_ON_ENDOFSTREAM_OLD, BKDL_READAHEAD_WAITTIME_ON_ENDOFSTREAM_DEFAULT)); } /** * Set the wait time that would be used for readahead to backoff polling * logsegments from zookeeper when it reaches end of stream and there isn't * any inprogress logsegment in the stream. The unit is millis. * * @param waitTime * wait time that readahead used to backoff when reaching end of stream. * @return distributedlog configuration * @see #getReadAheadWaitTimeOnEndOfStream() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setReadAheadWaitTimeOnEndOfStream(int waitTime) { setProperty(BKDL_READAHEAD_WAITTIME_ON_ENDOFSTREAM, waitTime); return this; } /** * If readahead keeps receiving {@link org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BKException.BKNoSuchLedgerExistsException} on * reading last add confirmed in given period, it would stop polling last add confirmed and re-initialize the ledger * handle and retry. The threshold is specified in milliseconds. * <p>The default value is 10 seconds. * * @return error threshold in milliseconds, that readahead will reinitialize ledger handle after keeping receiving * no such ledger exceptions. */ public int getReadAheadNoSuchLedgerExceptionOnReadLACErrorThresholdMillis() { return this.getInt(BKDL_READAHEAD_NOSUCHLEDGER_EXCEPTION_ON_READLAC_ERROR_THRESHOLD_MILLIS, BKDL_READAHEAD_NOSUCHLEDGER_EXCEPTION_ON_READLAC_ERROR_THRESHOLD_MILLIS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the error threshold that readahead will reinitialize ledger handle after keeping receiving no such ledger exceptions. * * @see #getReadAheadNoSuchLedgerExceptionOnReadLACErrorThresholdMillis() * @param thresholdMillis * error threshold in milliseconds, that readahead will reinitialize ledger handle after keeping receiving * no such ledger exceptions. * @return distributedlog configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setReadAheadNoSuchLedgerExceptionOnReadLACErrorThresholdMillis(long thresholdMillis) { setProperty(BKDL_READAHEAD_NOSUCHLEDGER_EXCEPTION_ON_READLAC_ERROR_THRESHOLD_MILLIS, thresholdMillis); return this; } /** * When corruption is encountered in an entry, skip it and move on. Must disable gap detection for * this to work. * * @return should broken records be skipped */ public boolean getReadAheadSkipBrokenEntries() { return getBoolean(BKDL_READAHEAD_SKIP_BROKEN_ENTRIES, BKDL_READAHEAD_SKIP_BROKEN_ENTRIES_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the percentage of operations to delay in read ahead. * * @param enabled * should brokenn records be skipped * @return distributedlog configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setReadAheadSkipBrokenEntries(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_READAHEAD_SKIP_BROKEN_ENTRIES, enabled); return this; } // // DL Reader Scan Settings // /** * Number of entries to scan for first scan of reading last record. * * @return number of entries to scan for first scan of reading last record. */ public int getFirstNumEntriesPerReadLastRecordScan() { return getInt(BKDL_FIRST_NUM_ENTRIES_PER_READ_LAST_RECORD_SCAN, BKDL_FIRST_NUM_ENTRIES_PER_READ_LAST_RECORD_SCAN_DEFAULT); } /** * Set number of entries to scan for first scan of reading last record. * * @param numEntries * number of entries to scan * @return distributedlog configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setFirstNumEntriesPerReadLastRecordScan(int numEntries) { setProperty(BKDL_FIRST_NUM_ENTRIES_PER_READ_LAST_RECORD_SCAN, numEntries); return this; } /** * Max number of entries for each scan to read last record. * * @return max number of entries for each scan to read last record. */ public int getMaxNumEntriesPerReadLastRecordScan() { return getInt(BKDL_MAX_NUM_ENTRIES_PER_READ_LAST_RECORD_SCAN, BKDL_MAX_NUM_ENTRIES_PER_READ_LAST_RECORD_SCAN_DEFAULT); } /** * Set max number of entries for each scan to read last record. * * @param numEntries * number of entries to scan * @return distributedlog configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setMaxNumEntriesPerReadLastRecordScan(int numEntries) { setProperty(BKDL_MAX_NUM_ENTRIES_PER_READ_LAST_RECORD_SCAN, numEntries); return this; } // // DL Reader Log Existence Checking Settings // /** * Get the backoff start time to check log existence if the log doesn't exist. * * @return the backoff start time to check log existence if the log doesn't exist. */ public long getCheckLogExistenceBackoffStartMillis() { return getLong(BKDL_CHECK_LOG_EXISTENCE_BACKOFF_START_MS, BKDL_CHECK_LOG_EXISTENCE_BACKOFF_START_MS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the backoff start time to check log existence if the log doesn't exist. * * @param backoffMillis * backoff time in millis * @return dl configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setCheckLogExistenceBackoffStartMillis(long backoffMillis) { setProperty(BKDL_CHECK_LOG_EXISTENCE_BACKOFF_START_MS, backoffMillis); return this; } /** * Get the backoff max time to check log existence if the log doesn't exist. * * @return the backoff max time to check log existence if the log doesn't exist. */ public long getCheckLogExistenceBackoffMaxMillis() { return getLong(BKDL_CHECK_LOG_EXISTENCE_BACKOFF_MAX_MS, BKDL_CHECK_LOG_EXISTENCE_BACKOFF_MAX_MS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the backoff max time to check log existence if the log doesn't exist. * * @param backoffMillis * backoff time in millis * @return dl configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setCheckLogExistenceBackoffMaxMillis(long backoffMillis) { setProperty(BKDL_CHECK_LOG_EXISTENCE_BACKOFF_MAX_MS, backoffMillis); return this; } // // Tracing/Stats Settings // /** * Whether to trace read ahead delivery latency or not? * * @return flag to trace read ahead delivery latency. */ public boolean getTraceReadAheadDeliveryLatency() { return getBoolean(BKDL_TRACE_READAHEAD_DELIVERY_LATENCY, BKDL_TRACE_READAHEAD_DELIVERY_LATENCY_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the flag to trace readahead delivery latency. * * @param enabled * flag to trace readahead delivery latency. * @return dl configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setTraceReadAheadDeliveryLatency(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_TRACE_READAHEAD_DELIVERY_LATENCY, enabled); return this; } /** * Get the warn threshold (in millis) of metadata access latency. * * @return warn threshold of metadata access latency, in millis. */ public long getMetadataLatencyWarnThresholdMillis() { return getLong(BKDL_METADATA_LATENCY_WARN_THRESHOLD_MS, BKDL_METADATA_LATENCY_WARN_THRESHOLD_MS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the warn threshold of metadata access latency, in millis. * * @param warnThresholdMillis * warn threshold of metadata access latency, in millis * @return dl configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setMetadataLatencyWarnThresholdMillis(long warnThresholdMillis) { setProperty(BKDL_METADATA_LATENCY_WARN_THRESHOLD_MS, warnThresholdMillis); return this; } /** * Get the warn threshold (in millis) of data access latency. * * @return warn threshold of data access latency, in millis. */ public long getDataLatencyWarnThresholdMillis() { return getLong(BKDL_DATA_LATENCY_WARN_THRESHOLD_MS, BKDL_DATA_LATENCY_WARN_THRESHOLD_MS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the warn threshold of data access latency, in millis. * * @param warnThresholdMillis * warn threshold of data access latency, in millis * @return dl configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setDataLatencyWarnThresholdMillis(long warnThresholdMillis) { setProperty(BKDL_DATA_LATENCY_WARN_THRESHOLD_MS, warnThresholdMillis); return this; } /** * Whether to trace read ahead changes? If enabled, it will log readahead metadata changes with timestamp. * It is helpful when you are troubleshooting latency related issues. * * @return flag to trace read ahead delivery latency. */ public boolean getTraceReadAheadMetadataChanges() { return getBoolean(BKDL_TRACE_READAHEAD_METADATA_CHANGES, BKDL_TRACE_READAHEAD_MEATDATA_CHANGES_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the flag to trace readahead metadata changes. * * @see #getTraceReadAheadMetadataChanges() * * @param enabled * flag to trace readahead metadata changes. * @return dl configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setTraceReadAheadMetadataChanges(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_TRACE_READAHEAD_METADATA_CHANGES, enabled); return this; } /** * Whether to trace long running tasks and record task execution stats in thread pools. * * @return flag to enable task execution stats */ public boolean getEnableTaskExecutionStats() { return getBoolean(BKDL_ENABLE_TASK_EXECUTION_STATS, BKDL_ENABLE_TASK_EXECUTION_STATS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set to trace long running tasks and record task execution stats in thread pools. * * @see #getEnableTaskExecutionStats() * * @param enabled * flag to enable task execution stats. * @return dl configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEnableTaskExecutionStats(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_ENABLE_TASK_EXECUTION_STATS, enabled); return this; } /** * Report long running task after execution takes longer than the given interval. * * @return warn time for long running tasks */ public long getTaskExecutionWarnTimeMicros() { return getLong(BKDL_TASK_EXECUTION_WARN_TIME_MICROS, BKDL_TASK_EXECUTION_WARN_TIME_MICROS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set warn time for reporting long running tasks. * * @see #getTaskExecutionWarnTimeMicros() * * @param warnTimeMicros * warn time for long running tasks. * @return dl configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setTaskExecutionWarnTimeMicros(long warnTimeMicros) { setProperty(BKDL_TASK_EXECUTION_WARN_TIME_MICROS, warnTimeMicros); return this; } /** * Whether to enable per stream stat or not. * * @deprecated please use {@link DistributedLogNamespaceBuilder#perLogStatsLogger(StatsLogger)} * @return flag to enable per stream stat. */ public boolean getEnablePerStreamStat() { return getBoolean(BKDL_ENABLE_PERSTREAM_STAT, BKDL_ENABLE_PERSTREAM_STAT_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the flag to enable per stream stat or not. * * @deprecated please use {@link DistributedLogNamespaceBuilder#perLogStatsLogger(StatsLogger)} * @param enabled * flag to enable/disable per stream stat. * @return dl configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEnablePerStreamStat(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_ENABLE_PERSTREAM_STAT, enabled); return this; } // // Settings for Feature Providers // /** * Get feature provider class. * * @return feature provider class. * @throws ConfigurationException */ public Class<? extends FeatureProvider> getFeatureProviderClass() throws ConfigurationException { return ReflectionUtils.getClass(this, BKDL_FEATURE_PROVIDER_CLASS, DefaultFeatureProvider.class, FeatureProvider.class, FeatureProvider.class.getClassLoader()); } /** * Set feature provider class. * * @param providerClass * feature provider class. * @return distributedlog configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setFeatureProviderClass(Class<? extends FeatureProvider> providerClass) { setProperty(BKDL_FEATURE_PROVIDER_CLASS, providerClass.getName()); return this; } /** * Get the base config path for file feature provider. * * @return base config path for file feature provider. */ public String getFileFeatureProviderBaseConfigPath() { return getString(BKDL_FILE_FEATURE_PROVIDER_BASE_CONFIG_PATH, BKDL_FILE_FEATURE_PROVIDER_BASE_CONFIG_PATH_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the base config path for file feature provider. * * @param configPath * base config path for file feature provider. * @return distributedlog configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setFileFeatureProviderBaseConfigPath(String configPath) { setProperty(BKDL_FILE_FEATURE_PROVIDER_BASE_CONFIG_PATH, configPath); return this; } /** * Get the overlay config path for file feature provider. * * @return overlay config path for file feature provider. */ public String getFileFeatureProviderOverlayConfigPath() { return getString(BKDL_FILE_FEATURE_PROVIDER_OVERLAY_CONFIG_PATH, BKDL_FILE_FEATURE_PROVIDER_OVERLAY_CONFIG_PATH_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the overlay config path for file feature provider. * * @param configPath * overlay config path for file feature provider. * @return distributedlog configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setFileFeatureProviderOverlayConfigPath(String configPath) { setProperty(BKDL_FILE_FEATURE_PROVIDER_OVERLAY_CONFIG_PATH, configPath); return this; } // // Settings for Namespaces // /** * Is federated namespace implementation enabled. * * @return true if federated namespace is enabled. otherwise, false. */ public boolean isFederatedNamespaceEnabled() { return getBoolean(BKDL_FEDERATED_NAMESPACE_ENABLED, BKDL_FEDERATED_NAMESPACE_ENABLED_DEFAULT); } /** * Use federated namespace implementation if this flag is enabled. * * @param enabled flag to enable federated namespace implementation * @return distributedlog configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setFederatedNamespaceEnabled(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_FEDERATED_NAMESPACE_ENABLED, enabled); return this; } /** * Get the max logs per sub namespace for federated namespace. * * @return max logs per sub namespace */ public int getFederatedMaxLogsPerSubnamespace() { return getInt(BKDL_FEDERATED_MAX_LOGS_PER_SUBNAMESPACE, BKDL_FEDERATED_MAX_LOGS_PER_SUBNAMESPACE_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the max logs per sub namespace for federated namespace. * * @param maxLogs * max logs per sub namespace * @return distributedlog configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setFederatedMaxLogsPerSubnamespace(int maxLogs) { setProperty(BKDL_FEDERATED_MAX_LOGS_PER_SUBNAMESPACE, maxLogs); return this; } /** * Whether check the existence of a log if querying local cache of a federated namespace missed. * Enabling it will issue zookeeper queries to check all sub namespaces under a federated namespace. * * NOTE: by default it is on for all admin related tools. for write proxies, consider turning off for * performance. * * @return true if it needs to check existence of a log when querying local cache misses. otherwise false. */ public boolean getFederatedCheckExistenceWhenCacheMiss() { return getBoolean(BKDL_FEDERATED_CHECK_EXISTENCE_WHEN_CACHE_MISS, BKDL_FEDERATED_CHECK_EXISTENCE_WHEN_CACHE_MISS_DEFAULT); } /** * Enable check existence of a log if quering local cache of a federated namespace missed. * * @param enabled * flag to enable/disable this feature. * @return distributedlog configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setFederatedCheckExistenceWhenCacheMiss(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_FEDERATED_CHECK_EXISTENCE_WHEN_CACHE_MISS, enabled); return this; } // // Settings for Configurations // /** * Get dynamic configuration reload interval in seconds. * * @return dynamic configuration reload interval */ public int getDynamicConfigReloadIntervalSec() { return getInt(BKDL_DYNAMIC_CONFIG_RELOAD_INTERVAL_SEC, BKDL_DYNAMIC_CONFIG_RELOAD_INTERVAL_SEC_DEFAULT); } /** * Get dynamic configuration reload interval in seconds. * * @param intervalSec dynamic configuration reload interval in seconds * @return distributedlog configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setDynamicConfigReloadIntervalSec(int intervalSec) { setProperty(BKDL_DYNAMIC_CONFIG_RELOAD_INTERVAL_SEC, intervalSec); return this; } /** * Get config router class which determines how stream name is mapped to configuration. * * @return config router class. */ public String getStreamConfigRouterClass() { return getString(BKDL_STREAM_CONFIG_ROUTER_CLASS, BKDL_STREAM_CONFIG_ROUTER_CLASS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set config router class. * * @param routerClass * config router class. * @return distributedlog configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setStreamConfigRouterClass(String routerClass) { setProperty(BKDL_STREAM_CONFIG_ROUTER_CLASS, routerClass); return this; } // // Settings for RateLimit // /** * A lower threshold bytes per second limit on writes to the distributedlog proxy. * * @return Bytes per second write limit */ public int getBpsSoftWriteLimit() { return getInt(BKDL_BPS_SOFT_WRITE_LIMIT, BKDL_BPS_SOFT_WRITE_LIMIT_DEFAULT); } /** * An upper threshold bytes per second limit on writes to the distributedlog proxy. * * @return Bytes per second write limit */ public int getBpsHardWriteLimit() { return getInt(BKDL_BPS_HARD_WRITE_LIMIT, BKDL_BPS_HARD_WRITE_LIMIT_DEFAULT); } /** * A lower threshold requests per second limit on writes to the distributedlog proxy. * * @return Requests per second write limit */ public int getRpsSoftWriteLimit() { return getInt(BKDL_RPS_SOFT_WRITE_LIMIT, BKDL_RPS_SOFT_WRITE_LIMIT_DEFAULT); } /** * An upper threshold requests per second limit on writes to the distributedlog proxy. * * @return Requests per second write limit */ public int getRpsHardWriteLimit() { return getInt(BKDL_RPS_HARD_WRITE_LIMIT, BKDL_RPS_HARD_WRITE_LIMIT_DEFAULT); } // // Settings for partitioning // /** * Get the maximum number of partitions of each stream allowed to be acquired per proxy. * <p>This setting is able to configure per stream. This is the default setting if it is * not configured per stream. Default value is -1, which means no limit on the number of * partitions could be acquired each stream. * * @return maximum number of partitions of each stream allowed to be acquired per proxy. */ public int getMaxAcquiredPartitionsPerProxy() { return getInt(BKDL_MAX_ACQUIRED_PARTITIONS_PER_PROXY, BKDL_MAX_ACQUIRED_PARTITIONS_PER_PROXY_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the maximum number of partitions of each stream allowed to be acquired per proxy. * * @param numPartitions * number of partitions of each stream allowed to be acquired * @return distributedlog configuration * @see #getMaxAcquiredPartitionsPerProxy() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setMaxAcquiredPartitionsPerProxy(int numPartitions) { setProperty(BKDL_MAX_ACQUIRED_PARTITIONS_PER_PROXY, numPartitions); return this; } /** * Get the maximum number of partitions of each stream allowed to cache per proxy. * <p>This setting is able to configure per stream. This is the default setting if it is * not configured per stream. Default value is -1, which means no limit on the number of * partitions could be acquired each stream. * * @return maximum number of partitions of each stream allowed to be acquired per proxy. */ public int getMaxCachedPartitionsPerProxy() { return getInt(BKDL_MAX_CACHED_PARTITIONS_PER_PROXY, BKDL_MAX_CACHED_PARTITIONS_PER_PROXY_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the maximum number of partitions of each stream allowed to cache per proxy. * * @param numPartitions * number of partitions of each stream allowed to cache * @return distributedlog configuration * @see #getMaxAcquiredPartitionsPerProxy() */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setMaxCachedPartitionsPerProxy(int numPartitions) { setProperty(BKDL_MAX_CACHED_PARTITIONS_PER_PROXY, numPartitions); return this; } // Error Injection Settings /** * Should we enable write delay injection? If false we won't check other write delay settings. * * @return true if write delay injection is enabled. */ public boolean getEIInjectWriteDelay() { return getBoolean(BKDL_EI_INJECT_WRITE_DELAY, BKDL_EI_INJECT_WRITE_DELAY_DEFAULT); } /** * Get percent of write requests which should be delayed by BKDL_EI_INJECTED_WRITE_DELAY_MS. * * @return percent of writes to delay. */ public double getEIInjectedWriteDelayPercent() { return getDouble(BKDL_EI_INJECTED_WRITE_DELAY_PERCENT, BKDL_EI_INJECTED_WRITE_DELAY_PERCENT_DEFAULT); } /** * Set percent of write requests which should be delayed by BKDL_EI_INJECTED_WRITE_DELAY_MS. 0 disables * write delay. * * @param percent * percent of writes to delay. * @return dl configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEIInjectedWriteDelayPercent(double percent) { setProperty(BKDL_EI_INJECTED_WRITE_DELAY_PERCENT, percent); return this; } /** * Get amount of time to delay writes for in writer failure injection. * * @return millis to delay writes for. */ public int getEIInjectedWriteDelayMs() { return getInt(BKDL_EI_INJECTED_WRITE_DELAY_MS, BKDL_EI_INJECTED_WRITE_DELAY_MS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set amount of time to delay writes for in writer failure injection. 0 disables write delay. * * @param delayMs * ms to delay writes for. * @return dl configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEIInjectedWriteDelayMs(int delayMs) { setProperty(BKDL_EI_INJECTED_WRITE_DELAY_MS, delayMs); return this; } /** * Get the flag whether to inject stalls in read ahead. * * @return true if to inject stalls in read ahead, otherwise false. */ public boolean getEIInjectReadAheadStall() { return getBoolean(BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_STALL, BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_STALL_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the flag whether to inject stalls in read ahead. * * @param enabled * flag to inject stalls in read ahead. * @return distributedlog configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEIInjectReadAheadStall(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_STALL, enabled); return this; } /** * Get the flag whether to inject broken entries in readahead. * * @return true if to inject corruption in read ahead, otherwise false. */ public boolean getEIInjectReadAheadBrokenEntries() { return getBoolean(BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_BROKEN_ENTRIES, BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_BROKEN_ENTRIES_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the flag whether to inject broken entries in read ahead. * * @param enabled * flag to inject corruption in read ahead. * @return distributedlog configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEIInjectReadAheadBrokenEntries(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_BROKEN_ENTRIES, enabled); return this; } /** * Get the flag whether to inject delay in read ahead. * * @return true if to inject delays in read ahead, otherwise false. */ public boolean getEIInjectReadAheadDelay() { return getBoolean(BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_DELAY, BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_DELAY_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the flag whether to inject delays in read ahead. * * @param enabled * flag to inject delays in read ahead. * @return distributedlog configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEIInjectReadAheadDelay(boolean enabled) { setProperty(BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_DELAY, enabled); return this; } /** * Get the max injected delay in read ahead, in millis. * * @return max injected delay in read ahead, in millis. */ public int getEIInjectMaxReadAheadDelayMs() { return getInt(BKDL_EI_INJECT_MAX_READAHEAD_DELAY_MS, BKDL_EI_INJECT_MAX_READAHEAD_DELAY_MS_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the max injected delay in read ahead, in millis. * * @param delayMs * max injected delay in read ahead, in millis. * @return distributedlog configuration. */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEIInjectMaxReadAheadDelayMs(int delayMs) { setProperty(BKDL_EI_INJECT_MAX_READAHEAD_DELAY_MS, delayMs); return this; } /** * Get the percentage of operations to delay in read ahead. * * @return the percentage of operations to delay in read ahead. */ public int getEIInjectReadAheadDelayPercent() { return getInt(BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_DELAY_PERCENT, BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_DELAY_PERCENT_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the percentage of operations to delay in read ahead. * * @param percent * the percentage of operations to delay in read ahead. * @return distributedlog configuration */ public DistributedLogConfiguration setEIInjectReadAheadDelayPercent(int percent) { setProperty(BKDL_EI_INJECT_READAHEAD_DELAY_PERCENT, percent); return this; } /** * Validate the configuration */ public void validate() { Preconditions.checkArgument(getBKClientReadTimeout() * 1000 > getReadLACLongPollTimeout(), "Invalid timeout configuration : bkcReadTimeoutSeconds ("+getBKClientReadTimeout()+ ") should be longer than readLACLongPollTimeout ("+getReadLACLongPollTimeout()+")"); } }