/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.twitter.distributedlog.client.ownership; import com.twitter.distributedlog.client.ClientConfig; import com.twitter.finagle.stats.NullStatsReceiver; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TestName; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * Test Case for Ownership Cache */ public class TestOwnershipCache { @Rule public TestName runtime = new TestName(); private static OwnershipCache createOwnershipCache() { ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(); return new OwnershipCache(clientConfig, null, NullStatsReceiver.get(), NullStatsReceiver.get()); } private static SocketAddress createSocketAddress(int port) { return new InetSocketAddress("", port); } @Test(timeout = 60000) public void testUpdateOwner() { OwnershipCache cache = createOwnershipCache(); SocketAddress addr = createSocketAddress(1000); String stream = runtime.getMethodName(); assertTrue("Should successfully update owner if no owner exists before", cache.updateOwner(stream, addr)); assertEquals("Owner should be " + addr + " for stream " + stream, addr, cache.getOwner(stream)); assertTrue("Should successfully update owner if old owner is same", cache.updateOwner(stream, addr)); assertEquals("Owner should be " + addr + " for stream " + stream, addr, cache.getOwner(stream)); } @Test(timeout = 60000) public void testRemoveOwnerFromStream() { OwnershipCache cache = createOwnershipCache(); int initialPort = 2000; int numProxies = 2; int numStreamsPerProxy = 2; for (int i = 0; i < numProxies; i++) { SocketAddress addr = createSocketAddress(initialPort + i); for (int j = 0; j < numStreamsPerProxy; j++) { String stream = runtime.getMethodName() + "_" + i + "_" + j; cache.updateOwner(stream, addr); } } Map<String, SocketAddress> ownershipMap = cache.getStreamOwnerMapping(); assertEquals("There should be " + (numProxies * numStreamsPerProxy) + " entries in cache", numProxies * numStreamsPerProxy, ownershipMap.size()); Map<SocketAddress, Set<String>> ownershipDistribution = cache.getStreamOwnershipDistribution(); assertEquals("There should be " + numProxies + " proxies cached", numProxies, ownershipDistribution.size()); String stream = runtime.getMethodName() + "_0_0"; SocketAddress owner = createSocketAddress(initialPort); // remove non-existent mapping won't change anything SocketAddress nonExistentAddr = createSocketAddress(initialPort + 999); cache.removeOwnerFromStream(stream, nonExistentAddr, "remove-non-existent-addr"); assertEquals("Owner " + owner + " should not be removed", owner, cache.getOwner(stream)); ownershipMap = cache.getStreamOwnerMapping(); assertEquals("There should be " + (numProxies * numStreamsPerProxy) + " entries in cache", numProxies * numStreamsPerProxy, ownershipMap.size()); // remove existent mapping should remove ownership mapping cache.removeOwnerFromStream(stream, owner, "remove-owner"); assertNull("Owner " + owner + " should be removed", cache.getOwner(stream)); ownershipMap = cache.getStreamOwnerMapping(); assertEquals("There should be " + (numProxies * numStreamsPerProxy - 1) + " entries left in cache", numProxies * numStreamsPerProxy - 1, ownershipMap.size()); ownershipDistribution = cache.getStreamOwnershipDistribution(); assertEquals("There should still be " + numProxies + " proxies cached", numProxies, ownershipDistribution.size()); Set<String> ownedStreams = ownershipDistribution.get(owner); assertEquals("There should be only " + (numStreamsPerProxy - 1) + " streams owned for " + owner, numStreamsPerProxy - 1, ownedStreams.size()); assertFalse("Stream " + stream + " should not be owned by " + owner, ownedStreams.contains(stream)); } @Test(timeout = 60000) public void testRemoveAllStreamsFromOwner() { OwnershipCache cache = createOwnershipCache(); int initialPort = 2000; int numProxies = 2; int numStreamsPerProxy = 2; for (int i = 0; i < numProxies; i++) { SocketAddress addr = createSocketAddress(initialPort + i); for (int j = 0; j < numStreamsPerProxy; j++) { String stream = runtime.getMethodName() + "_" + i + "_" + j; cache.updateOwner(stream, addr); } } Map<String, SocketAddress> ownershipMap = cache.getStreamOwnerMapping(); assertEquals("There should be " + (numProxies * numStreamsPerProxy) + " entries in cache", numProxies * numStreamsPerProxy, ownershipMap.size()); Map<SocketAddress, Set<String>> ownershipDistribution = cache.getStreamOwnershipDistribution(); assertEquals("There should be " + numProxies + " proxies cached", numProxies, ownershipDistribution.size()); SocketAddress owner = createSocketAddress(initialPort); // remove non-existent host won't change anything SocketAddress nonExistentAddr = createSocketAddress(initialPort + 999); cache.removeAllStreamsFromOwner(nonExistentAddr); ownershipMap = cache.getStreamOwnerMapping(); assertEquals("There should still be " + (numProxies * numStreamsPerProxy) + " entries in cache", numProxies * numStreamsPerProxy, ownershipMap.size()); ownershipDistribution = cache.getStreamOwnershipDistribution(); assertEquals("There should still be " + numProxies + " proxies cached", numProxies, ownershipDistribution.size()); // remove existent host should remove ownership mapping cache.removeAllStreamsFromOwner(owner); ownershipMap = cache.getStreamOwnerMapping(); assertEquals("There should be " + ((numProxies - 1) * numStreamsPerProxy) + " entries left in cache", (numProxies - 1) * numStreamsPerProxy, ownershipMap.size()); ownershipDistribution = cache.getStreamOwnershipDistribution(); assertEquals("There should be " + (numProxies - 1) + " proxies cached", numProxies - 1, ownershipDistribution.size()); assertFalse("Host " + owner + " should not be cached", ownershipDistribution.containsKey(owner)); } @Test(timeout = 60000) public void testReplaceOwner() { OwnershipCache cache = createOwnershipCache(); int initialPort = 2000; int numProxies = 2; int numStreamsPerProxy = 2; for (int i = 0; i < numProxies; i++) { SocketAddress addr = createSocketAddress(initialPort + i); for (int j = 0; j < numStreamsPerProxy; j++) { String stream = runtime.getMethodName() + "_" + i + "_" + j; cache.updateOwner(stream, addr); } } Map<String, SocketAddress> ownershipMap = cache.getStreamOwnerMapping(); assertEquals("There should be " + (numProxies * numStreamsPerProxy) + " entries in cache", numProxies * numStreamsPerProxy, ownershipMap.size()); Map<SocketAddress, Set<String>> ownershipDistribution = cache.getStreamOwnershipDistribution(); assertEquals("There should be " + numProxies + " proxies cached", numProxies, ownershipDistribution.size()); String stream = runtime.getMethodName() + "_0_0"; SocketAddress oldOwner = createSocketAddress(initialPort); SocketAddress newOwner = createSocketAddress(initialPort + 999); cache.updateOwner(stream, newOwner); assertEquals("Owner of " + stream + " should be changed from " + oldOwner + " to " + newOwner, newOwner, cache.getOwner(stream)); ownershipMap = cache.getStreamOwnerMapping(); assertEquals("There should be " + (numProxies * numStreamsPerProxy) + " entries in cache", numProxies * numStreamsPerProxy, ownershipMap.size()); assertEquals("Owner of " + stream + " should be " + newOwner, newOwner, ownershipMap.get(stream)); ownershipDistribution = cache.getStreamOwnershipDistribution(); assertEquals("There should be " + (numProxies + 1) + " proxies cached", numProxies + 1, ownershipDistribution.size()); Set<String> oldOwnedStreams = ownershipDistribution.get(oldOwner); assertEquals("There should be only " + (numStreamsPerProxy - 1) + " streams owned by " + oldOwner, numStreamsPerProxy - 1, oldOwnedStreams.size()); assertFalse("Stream " + stream + " should not be owned by " + oldOwner, oldOwnedStreams.contains(stream)); Set<String> newOwnedStreams = ownershipDistribution.get(newOwner); assertEquals("There should be only " + (numStreamsPerProxy - 1) + " streams owned by " + newOwner, 1, newOwnedStreams.size()); assertTrue("Stream " + stream + " should be owned by " + newOwner, newOwnedStreams.contains(stream)); } }