package com.ctrip.platform.dal.exceptions;
public enum ErrorCode {
* It is expected to return only %s result. But the actually count is %s
AssertEqual(ErrorClassify.Assert, 5000, "It is expected to return only %s result. But the actually count is %s"),
* There is no result found!
AssertGreatThan(ErrorClassify.Assert, 5001, "There is no result found!"),
* It is expected to return only 1 or no result. But the actually count is more than 1.
AssertSingle(ErrorClassify.Assert, 5002, "It is expected to return only 1 result. But the actually count is more than 1"),
* It is expected to return 1 result. But found none
AssertNull(ErrorClassify.Assert, 5003, "It is expected to return 1 result. But found none"),
* The requested operation is not supported.
NotSupported(ErrorClassify.Assert, 5004, "The requested operation is not supported"),
* The requested operation is not supported.
MoreThanOneVersionColumn(ErrorClassify.Assert, 5005, "The entity contains more than one version annotation"),
* The primary key of this table is consists of more than one column
ValidatePrimaryKeyCount(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5100, "The primary key of this table is consists of more than one column"),
* There is no column to be updated. Please check if needed fields have been set in pojo
ValidateFieldCount(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5101, "There is no column to be updated. Please check if needed fields have been set in pojo"),
* Non or More than one generated keys are returned: %s
ValidateKeyHolderSize(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5102, "Non or More than one generated keys are returned: %s"),
* Non or More than one entries found for the generated key: %s
ValidateKeyHolderFetchSize(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5103, "Non or More than one entries found for the generated key: %s"),
* Can not convert generated key to number
ValidateKeyHolderConvert(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5104, "Can not convert generated key to number"),
* The insertion is fail or not completed yet.
KeyGenerationFailOrNotCompleted(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5105, "The insertion is fail or not completed yet."),
* The insertion is fail or not completed yet.
FieldNotExists(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5106, "There is no field defined in pojo %s for column %s."),
* Sql cannot be null
ValidateSql(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5200, "The given sql is null"),
* Pojos cannot be null
ValidatePojoList(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5201, "The given pojo list is null"),
* Pojos cannot be null
ValidatePojo(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5202, "The given pojo is null"),
* Task cannot be null
ValidateTask(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5203, "The given dao task is null. Means the calling DAO method is not supported. Please contact your DAL team."),
* Version column is null
ValidateVersion(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5204, "Version column can not be null"),
* Column type is not defined
TypeNotDefined(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5206, "Column type is not defined"),
* Duplicated column name is found
DuplicateColumnName(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5207, "Column name is already used by other field"),
* No Database annotation found.
NoDatabaseDefined(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5208, "The entity must configure Database annotation."),
* Can not locate shard for %s
ShardLocated(ErrorClassify.Shard, 5900, "Can not locate shard for %s"),
* No shard defined for id:
NoShardId(ErrorClassify.Shard, 5901,"No shard defined for id: %s"),
* No sharding stradegy defined
NoShardStradegy(ErrorClassify.Shard, 5902, "No sharding stradegy defined"),
* The current transaction is already rolled back or completed
TransactionState(ErrorClassify.Transaction, 5600, "The current transaction is already rolled back or completed"),
* Transaction level mismatch. Expected: %d Actual: %d
TransactionLevelMatch(ErrorClassify.Transaction, 5601, "Transaction level mismatch. Expected: %d Actual: %d"),
* DAL do not support distributed transaction. Current DB: %s, DB requested: %s
TransactionDistributed(ErrorClassify.Transaction, 5602, "DAL do not support distributed transaction. Current DB: %s, DB requested: %s"),
* Calling endTransaction with empty ConnectionCache
TransactionEnd(ErrorClassify.Transaction, 5603, "Calling endTransaction with empty ConnectionCache"),
* Calling endTransaction with empty ConnectionCache
TransactionNoFound(ErrorClassify.Transaction, 5604, "There is no transaction found"),
* Can not get connection from DB %s
CantGetConnection(ErrorClassify.Connection, 5300, "Can not get connection from DB %s"),
MarkdownConnection(ErrorClassify.Connection, 5301, "The DB or allinonekey [%s] has bean marked down"),
NullLogicDbName(ErrorClassify.Connection, 5302, "The master/slave database set is empty"),
NoMoreConnectionToFailOver(ErrorClassify.Connection, 5303, "There is no more fail over connections to try"),
MarkdownLogicDb(ErrorClassify.Connection, 5304, "Database Set %s has been marked down"),
* Logic Db Name is empty!
LogicDbEmpty(ErrorClassify.Connection, 5305, "Logic Db Name is empty!"),
InvalidDatabaseKeyName(ErrorClassify.Connection, 5306, "The given database key name is not qualified: %s"),
Unknown(ErrorClassify.Unknown, 9999 , "Unknown Exception, caused by: %s");
private final ErrorClassify classify;
private final int code;
private final String msg;
ErrorCode(ErrorClassify classify, int code, String msg){
this.classify = classify;
this.code = code;
this.msg = msg;
public int getCode(){
return this.code;
public String getMessage(){
return this.msg;
public ErrorClassify getErrorClassify(){
return this.classify;