package com.ctrip.platform.dal.exceptions; public enum ErrorCode { /** * It is expected to return only %s result. But the actually count is %s */ AssertEqual(ErrorClassify.Assert, 5000, "It is expected to return only %s result. But the actually count is %s"), /** * There is no result found! */ AssertGreatThan(ErrorClassify.Assert, 5001, "There is no result found!"), /** * It is expected to return only 1 or no result. But the actually count is more than 1. */ AssertSingle(ErrorClassify.Assert, 5002, "It is expected to return only 1 result. But the actually count is more than 1"), /** * It is expected to return 1 result. But found none */ AssertNull(ErrorClassify.Assert, 5003, "It is expected to return 1 result. But found none"), /** * The requested operation is not supported. */ NotSupported(ErrorClassify.Assert, 5004, "The requested operation is not supported"), /** * The requested operation is not supported. */ MoreThanOneVersionColumn(ErrorClassify.Assert, 5005, "The entity contains more than one version annotation"), /** * The primary key of this table is consists of more than one column */ ValidatePrimaryKeyCount(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5100, "The primary key of this table is consists of more than one column"), /** * There is no column to be updated. Please check if needed fields have been set in pojo */ ValidateFieldCount(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5101, "There is no column to be updated. Please check if needed fields have been set in pojo"), /** * Non or More than one generated keys are returned: %s */ ValidateKeyHolderSize(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5102, "Non or More than one generated keys are returned: %s"), /** * Non or More than one entries found for the generated key: %s */ ValidateKeyHolderFetchSize(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5103, "Non or More than one entries found for the generated key: %s"), /** * Can not convert generated key to number */ ValidateKeyHolderConvert(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5104, "Can not convert generated key to number"), /** * The insertion is fail or not completed yet. */ KeyGenerationFailOrNotCompleted(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5105, "The insertion is fail or not completed yet."), /** * The insertion is fail or not completed yet. */ FieldNotExists(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5106, "There is no field defined in pojo %s for column %s."), /** * Sql cannot be null */ ValidateSql(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5200, "The given sql is null"), /** * Pojos cannot be null */ ValidatePojoList(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5201, "The given pojo list is null"), /** * Pojos cannot be null */ ValidatePojo(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5202, "The given pojo is null"), /** * Task cannot be null */ ValidateTask(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5203, "The given dao task is null. Means the calling DAO method is not supported. Please contact your DAL team."), /** * Version column is null */ ValidateVersion(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5204, "Version column can not be null"), /** * Column type is not defined */ TypeNotDefined(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5206, "Column type is not defined"), /** * Duplicated column name is found */ DuplicateColumnName(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5207, "Column name is already used by other field"), /** * No Database annotation found. */ NoDatabaseDefined(ErrorClassify.Validate, 5208, "The entity must configure Database annotation."), /** * Can not locate shard for %s */ ShardLocated(ErrorClassify.Shard, 5900, "Can not locate shard for %s"), /** * No shard defined for id: */ NoShardId(ErrorClassify.Shard, 5901,"No shard defined for id: %s"), /** * No sharding stradegy defined */ NoShardStradegy(ErrorClassify.Shard, 5902, "No sharding stradegy defined"), /** * The current transaction is already rolled back or completed */ TransactionState(ErrorClassify.Transaction, 5600, "The current transaction is already rolled back or completed"), /** * Transaction level mismatch. Expected: %d Actual: %d */ TransactionLevelMatch(ErrorClassify.Transaction, 5601, "Transaction level mismatch. Expected: %d Actual: %d"), /** * DAL do not support distributed transaction. Current DB: %s, DB requested: %s */ TransactionDistributed(ErrorClassify.Transaction, 5602, "DAL do not support distributed transaction. Current DB: %s, DB requested: %s"), /** * Calling endTransaction with empty ConnectionCache */ TransactionEnd(ErrorClassify.Transaction, 5603, "Calling endTransaction with empty ConnectionCache"), /** * Calling endTransaction with empty ConnectionCache */ TransactionNoFound(ErrorClassify.Transaction, 5604, "There is no transaction found"), /** * Can not get connection from DB %s */ CantGetConnection(ErrorClassify.Connection, 5300, "Can not get connection from DB %s"), MarkdownConnection(ErrorClassify.Connection, 5301, "The DB or allinonekey [%s] has bean marked down"), NullLogicDbName(ErrorClassify.Connection, 5302, "The master/slave database set is empty"), NoMoreConnectionToFailOver(ErrorClassify.Connection, 5303, "There is no more fail over connections to try"), MarkdownLogicDb(ErrorClassify.Connection, 5304, "Database Set %s has been marked down"), /** * Logic Db Name is empty! */ LogicDbEmpty(ErrorClassify.Connection, 5305, "Logic Db Name is empty!"), InvalidDatabaseKeyName(ErrorClassify.Connection, 5306, "The given database key name is not qualified: %s"), Unknown(ErrorClassify.Unknown, 9999 , "Unknown Exception, caused by: %s"); private final ErrorClassify classify; private final int code; private final String msg; ErrorCode(ErrorClassify classify, int code, String msg){ this.classify = classify; this.code = code; this.msg = msg; } public int getCode(){ return this.code; } public String getMessage(){ return this.msg; } public ErrorClassify getErrorClassify(){ return this.classify; } }