package com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.sqlbuilder; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.common.enums.DatabaseCategory; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.DalHintEnum; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.DalHints; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.DalResultSetExtractor; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.DalRowMapper; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.ResultMerger; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.StatementParameters; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.helper.DalFirstResultMerger; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.helper.DalListMerger; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.helper.DalObjectRowMapper; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.helper.DalRangedResultMerger; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.helper.DalRowMapperExtractor; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.helper.DalSingleResultExtractor; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.helper.DalSingleResultMerger; import com.ctrip.platform.dal.dao.helper.SupportPartialResultMapping; /** * This builder is only for internal use of DalTableDao * @author jhhe * */ public class BaseTableSelectBuilder implements TableSelectBuilder { private static final String ALL_COLUMNS = "*"; private static final String COUNT = "COUNT(1)"; private static final String SPACE = " "; private static final String ORDER_BY = "ORDER BY "; private static final String ASC = " ASC"; private static final String DESC = " DESC"; private static final String ORDER_BY_SEPARATOR = ", "; private static final String QUERY_ALL_CRITERIA = "1=1"; /** * 对于select first,会在语句中追加limit 0,1(MySQL)或者top 1(SQL Server): * @return */ private String tableName; private DatabaseCategory dbCategory; private String[] selectedColumns; private String customized; private String whereClause; private Map<String, Boolean> orderBys = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private StatementParameters parameters; private DalRowMapper mapper; private ResultMerger merger; private DalResultSetExtractor extractor; private boolean requireFirst = false; private boolean requireSingle = false; private boolean nullable = false; private int count; private int start; public BaseTableSelectBuilder() { selectAll(); } public BaseTableSelectBuilder(String tableName, DatabaseCategory dbCategory) throws SQLException { this(); from(tableName).setDatabaseCategory(dbCategory); } public BaseTableSelectBuilder from(String tableName) throws SQLException { if(tableName ==null || tableName.isEmpty()) throw new SQLException("table name is illegal."); this.tableName = tableName; return this; } public BaseTableSelectBuilder setDatabaseCategory(DatabaseCategory dbCategory) throws SQLException { Objects.requireNonNull(dbCategory, "DatabaseCategory can't be null."); this.dbCategory = dbCategory; return this; } public BaseTableSelectBuilder select(String... selectedColumns) { this.selectedColumns = selectedColumns; customized = null; return this; } public BaseTableSelectBuilder selectAll() { this.customized = ALL_COLUMNS; selectedColumns = null; return this; } public BaseTableSelectBuilder selectCount() { this.customized = COUNT; selectedColumns = null; mergerWith(new LongNumberSummary()); requireSingle(); return this.simpleType(); } public BaseTableSelectBuilder where(String whereClause) { whereClause = whereClause.trim(); this.whereClause = whereClause.length() == 0 ? QUERY_ALL_CRITERIA : whereClause; return this; } public BaseTableSelectBuilder orderBy(String orderBy, boolean ascending) { orderBys.put(orderBy, ascending); return this; } public BaseTableSelectBuilder with(StatementParameters parameters) { this.parameters = parameters; return this; } public <T> BaseTableSelectBuilder mapWith(DalRowMapper<T> mapper) { this.mapper = mapper; return this; } public <T> BaseTableSelectBuilder mapWith(Class<T> type) { return mapWith(new DalObjectRowMapper(type)); } public BaseTableSelectBuilder simpleType() { return mapWith(new DalObjectRowMapper()); } public String build() { return internalBuild(tableName); } @Override public String build(String shardStr) { return internalBuild(tableName + shardStr); } private String internalBuild(String effectiveTableName) { effectiveTableName = wrapField(effectiveTableName); if(requireFirst) return buildFirst(effectiveTableName); if(start == 0 && count > 0) return buildTop(effectiveTableName); if(start > 0 && count > 0) return buildPage(effectiveTableName); return buildList(effectiveTableName); } private String getCompleteWhereExp() { return orderBys.size() == 0 ? whereClause : whereClause + SPACE + buildOrderbyExp(); } private String buildOrderbyExp(){ StringBuilder orderbyExp = new StringBuilder(); orderbyExp.append(ORDER_BY); boolean first = true; for(String orderBy: orderBys.keySet()) { if(first) first = false; else orderbyExp.append(ORDER_BY_SEPARATOR); orderbyExp.append(wrapField(orderBy)); orderbyExp.append(orderBys.get(orderBy) ? ASC: DESC); } return orderbyExp.toString(); } /** * 对字段进行包裹,数据库是MySQL则用 `进行包裹,数据库是SqlServer则用[]进行包裹 * @param fieldName * @return */ public String wrapField(String fieldName){ return AbstractSqlBuilder.wrapField(dbCategory, fieldName); } @Override public <T> BaseTableSelectBuilder mergerWith(ResultMerger<T> merger) { this.merger = merger; return this; } @Override public <T> BaseTableSelectBuilder extractorWith(DalResultSetExtractor<T> extractor) { this.extractor = extractor; return this; } public <T> ResultMerger<T> getResultMerger(DalHints hints){ if( return (ResultMerger<T>)hints.get(DalHintEnum.resultMerger); if(merger != null) return merger; if(isRequireSingle() || isRequireFirst()) return isRequireSingle() ? new DalSingleResultMerger() : new DalFirstResultMerger((Comparator)hints.getSorter()); return count > 0 ? new DalRangedResultMerger((Comparator)hints.getSorter(), count): new DalListMerger((Comparator)hints.getSorter()); } public <T> DalResultSetExtractor<T> getResultExtractor(DalHints hints) throws SQLException { if(extractor != null) return extractor; DalRowMapper<T> mapper = checkAllowPartial(hints); if(isRequireSingle() || isRequireFirst()) return new DalSingleResultExtractor<>(mapper, isRequireSingle()); return count > 0 ? new DalRowMapperExtractor(mapper, count) : new DalRowMapperExtractor(mapper); } private <T> DalRowMapper<T> checkAllowPartial(DalHints hints) throws SQLException { if(!(mapper instanceof SupportPartialResultMapping)) return mapper; // If it is COUNT case, we do nothing here if(customized == COUNT) return mapper; if(customized == ALL_COLUMNS && ! return mapper; String[] queryColumns = ? hints.getPartialQueryColumns() : selectedColumns; select(queryColumns); //It is partial query, we need to create another mapper for this. return ((SupportPartialResultMapping)mapper).mapWith(queryColumns,; } private String buildFirst(String effectiveTableName){ count = 1; return buildTop(effectiveTableName); } private String buildTop(String effectiveTableName){ return dbCategory.buildTop(effectiveTableName, buildColumns(), getCompleteWhereExp(), count); } private String buildPage(String effectiveTableName){ return dbCategory.buildPage(effectiveTableName, buildColumns(), getCompleteWhereExp(), start, count); } private String buildList(String effectiveTableName){ return dbCategory.buildList(effectiveTableName, buildColumns(), getCompleteWhereExp()); } private String buildColumns() { if(customized != null) return customized; if(selectedColumns != null) { StringBuilder fieldBuf = new StringBuilder(); for(int i=0, count= selectedColumns.length; i < count; i++){ fieldBuf.append(this.wrapField(selectedColumns[i])); if(i<count-1){ fieldBuf.append(", "); } } return fieldBuf.toString(); } // This will be an exceptional case return SPACE; } @Override public StatementParameters buildParameters() { return parameters; } @Override public String getTableName() { return tableName; } public BaseTableSelectBuilder requireFirst() { requireFirst = true; return this; } public BaseTableSelectBuilder requireSingle() { requireSingle = true; return this; } public BaseTableSelectBuilder nullable() { nullable = true; return this; } public boolean isRequireFirst () { return requireFirst; } public boolean isRequireSingle() { return requireSingle; } public boolean isNullable() { return nullable; } public BaseTableSelectBuilder top(int count) { this.count = count; return this; } public BaseTableSelectBuilder range(int start, int count) { this.start = start; this.count = count; return this; } public DatabaseCategory getDbCategory() { return dbCategory; } public BaseTableSelectBuilder atPage(int pageNo, int pageSize) throws SQLException { if(pageNo < 1 || pageSize < 1) throw new SQLException("Illigal pagesize or pageNo, please check"); range((pageNo - 1) * pageSize, pageSize); return this; } private static class LongNumberSummary implements ResultMerger<Number>{ private long total; @Override public void addPartial(String shard, Number partial) { total += partial.longValue(); } @Override public Number merge() { return total; } } }