/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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package org.opentripplanner.routing.util;
import java.security.InvalidParameterException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.opentripplanner.common.pqueue.BinHeap;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Edge;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Vertex;
* Path finder for use in debugging and testing the vehicle location inference
* engine. Specs from Brandon Willard: Given an origin and destination edge,
* find all paths of a given length that could connect the two. The path length
* is to be interpreted as being exact, but some degree of tolerance is provided
* by the fact that edges have length. The complexity is exponential in path
* length. However, these methods will only be used over timesteps of around 30
* seconds, so search space should still be limited in practice. The paths are
* not necessarily needed - only the edges that make up those paths are
* essential. This fact can be exploited to reduce complexity by not storing
* back pointers and just keeping a set of edges touched. Rather than finding
* all paths with some exact length, we can also just place an upper bound on
* shortest path length, and include all edges that are in any such shortest
* path. We may actually want to index turn *vertices* and use them to begin at
* all turn edges in a bundle.
* Apparently skipping paths containing cycles is in fact not a win. Tracking which
* edges have been visited with a multiset doubles the run time, and runtime remains
* almost unchanged when using a plain old hashset. There are just not that many
* solution paths with repeated loops to eliminate!
* This is likely because the length of loops must be "tuned" just right to hit the
* target edge given the distance constraint. In a naive recursive enumeration, these
* useless loops would still be followed in circles until the target length is
* exceeded. Our pre-computed lower bound on distance to the destination helps
* prune paths containing repeated occurrences of "out of tune" loops before
* they branch out of control.
* @author abyrd
public class LengthConstrainedPathFinder {
//these represent being somewhere on the linestring
private final Edge startEdge, targetEdge;
private final double targetLength, epsilon;
private Set<State> solutions;
// cached derived values
private final boolean reverse;
public final Map<Vertex, Double> bounds;
public LengthConstrainedPathFinder (Edge startVertex, Edge targetVertex,
double targetLength, double epsilon, boolean calculateBounds) {
this.startEdge = startVertex;
this.targetEdge = targetVertex;
reverse = targetLength < 0;
targetLength = Math.abs(targetLength);
this.targetLength = targetLength;
if (epsilon < 0)
throw new InvalidParameterException();
this.epsilon = epsilon;
this.bounds = calculateBounds ? findBounds() : null;
// use reverse search from the target edge to find lower bounds on distance for pruning
private Map<Vertex, Double> findBounds() {
Map<Vertex, Double> ret = new HashMap<Vertex, Double>();
ret.put(targetEdge.getToVertex(), 0.0);
BinHeap<Vertex> pq = new BinHeap<Vertex>();
pq.insert(targetEdge.getToVertex(), 0.0);
while ( ! pq.empty()) {
double length0 = pq.peek_min_key();
Vertex v0 = pq.extract_min();
for (Edge edge : getOutgoing(v0, !reverse)) {
double length1 = length0 + edge.getDistance();
// sense intentionally swapped because this is a search backward from target
Vertex v1 = reverse ? edge.getToVertex() : edge.getFromVertex();
if (length1 < targetLength) {
Double existingLength = ret.get(v1);
if (existingLength == null || length1 < existingLength) {
ret.put(v1, length1);
pq.insert(v1, length1);
return ret;
/** returns cached solutions if any are present, otherwise finds them with DFS */
public Set<State> getSolutions() {
if (solutions == null)
return solutions;
/** accounts for negative target distances */
private Iterable<Edge> getOutgoing(Vertex vertex, boolean reverse) {
if (reverse)
return vertex.getIncoming();
return vertex.getOutgoing();
// /** breadth-first search */
// public Set<State> solveBreadthFirst() {
// solutions = new HashSet<State>();
// Queue<State> q = new LinkedList<State>();
// q.add(new State(startEdge));
// while ( ! q.isEmpty()) {
// State s0 = q.poll();
// //System.out.println(s0.toString());
// if (s0.isSolution())
// solutions.add(s0);
// for (Edge edge : getAdjacentEdges(s0.edge, reverse)) {
// State s1 = s0.traverse(edge);
// if (s1.isCandidate())
// q.add(s1);
// }
// }
// return getSolutions();
// }
/** recursive depth-first search using JVM stack */
public Set<State> solveDepthFirst() {
solutions = new HashSet<State>();
depthFirst(new State(startEdge.getFromVertex()));
return getSolutions();
private void depthFirst(State s0) {
if (s0.isSolution())
for (Edge edge : getOutgoing(s0.vertex, reverse)) {
//skip direct back-and-forthing
if (s0.back != null && (reverse ? edge.getFromVertex() : edge.getToVertex()) == s0.back.vertex) {
State s1 = s0.traverse(edge);
if (s1.isCandidate())
public class State {
final Vertex vertex;
final double minLength; // before traversing the edge, without initial/final edge fragments
final State back;
public State(Vertex vertex) {
// make initial state. min distance should be 0 paths of length 2.
// zero is harmless because it is only used as a lower bound
this(vertex, 0, null);
private State(Vertex vertex, double minLength, State back) {
this.vertex = vertex;
this.minLength = minLength;
this.back = back;
public List<Vertex> toVertexList() {
List<Vertex> ret = new LinkedList<Vertex>();
for (State s = this; s != null; s = s.back)
ret.add(0, s.vertex);
return ret;
private boolean isCandidate() {
Double lBound = 0.0;
if (bounds != null)
lBound = bounds.get(this.vertex);
if (lBound == null)
return this.minLength - epsilon + lBound < targetLength;
private double getMaxLength() {
return this.minLength;
private boolean isSolution() {
return vertex == targetEdge.getToVertex() &&
this.minLength - epsilon <= targetLength &&
this.getMaxLength() + epsilon >= targetLength;
private State traverse(Edge edge) {
return new State(reverse ? edge.getFromVertex() : edge.getToVertex(), this.minLength + edge.getDistance(), this);
public String toString() {
return String.format("%5.0f %s", minLength, vertex);
public String toStringVerbose() {
List<Vertex> vertices = this.toVertexList();
return String.format("%5.0f %d %s", this.minLength, vertices.size(), vertices);
public Map<Vertex, Double> pathProportions() {
Map<Vertex, Double> vertexCounts = new HashMap<Vertex, Double>();
for (State path : getSolutions()) {
for (Vertex vertex : path.toVertexList()) {
Double count = vertexCounts.get(vertex);
if (count == null)
count = 0.0;
vertexCounts.put(vertex, count + 1);
int nPaths = getSolutions().size();
List<Vertex> vs = new ArrayList<Vertex>(vertexCounts.keySet());
for (Vertex v : vs) {
Double count = vertexCounts.get(v);
vertexCounts.put(v, count / nPaths);
return vertexCounts;