/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.impl.ned; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.media.jai.InterpolationBilinear; import org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D; import org.geotools.coverage.grid.Interpolator2D; import org.geotools.geometry.DirectPosition2D; import org.opengis.coverage.Coverage; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.DistanceLibrary; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.PackedCoordinateSequence; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.SphericalDistanceLibrary; import org.opentripplanner.common.pqueue.BinHeap; import org.opentripplanner.gbannotation.ElevationFlattened; import org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.impl.extra_elevation_data.ElevationPoint; import org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.services.GraphBuilder; import org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.services.ned.NEDGridCoverageFactory; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.EdgeWithElevation; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Edge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Graph; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Vertex; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; /** * {@link GraphBuilder} plugin that takes a constructed (@link Graph} and overlays it onto National * Elevation Dataset (NED) raster data, creating elevation profiles for each Street encountered in * the Graph. The elevation profile is stored as a {@link PackedCoordinateSequence}, where each * (x,y) pair represents one sample, with the x-coord representing the distance along the edge as, * measured from the start, and the y-coord representing the sampled elevation at that point (both * in meters). * * @author demory, novalis (missing elevation interp) * */ public class NEDGraphBuilderImpl implements GraphBuilder { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NEDGraphBuilderImpl.class); private NEDGridCoverageFactory gridCoverageFactory; private Coverage coverage; /** * The distance between samples in meters. Defaults to 10m, the approximate resolution of 1/3 * arc-second NED data. */ private double distanceBetweenSamplesM = 10; private DistanceLibrary distanceLibrary = SphericalDistanceLibrary.getInstance(); public List<String> provides() { return Arrays.asList("elevation"); } public List<String> getPrerequisites() { return Arrays.asList("streets"); } public void setGridCoverageFactory(NEDGridCoverageFactory factory) { gridCoverageFactory = factory; } public void setDistanceBetweenSamplesM(double distance) { distanceBetweenSamplesM = distance; } @Override public void buildGraph(Graph graph, HashMap<Class<?>, Object> extra) { gridCoverageFactory.setGraph(graph); Coverage gridCov = gridCoverageFactory.getGridCoverage(); // If gridCov is a GridCoverage2D, apply a bilinear interpolator. Otherwise, just use the // coverage as is (note: UnifiedGridCoverages created by NEDGridCoverageFactoryImpl handle // interpolation internally) coverage = (gridCov instanceof GridCoverage2D) ? Interpolator2D.create( (GridCoverage2D) gridCov, new InterpolationBilinear()) : gridCov; log.info("setting street elevation profiles from NED data..."); List<EdgeWithElevation> edgesWithElevation = new ArrayList<EdgeWithElevation>(); int nProcessed = 0; int nTotal = graph.countEdges(); for (Vertex gv : graph.getVertices()) { for (Edge ee : gv.getOutgoing()) { if (ee instanceof EdgeWithElevation) { EdgeWithElevation edgeWithElevation = (EdgeWithElevation) ee; processEdge(graph, edgeWithElevation); if (edgeWithElevation.getElevationProfile() != null && !edgeWithElevation.isElevationFlattened()) { edgesWithElevation.add(edgeWithElevation); } nProcessed += 1; if (nProcessed % 50000 == 0) log.info("set elevation on {}/{} edges", nProcessed, nTotal); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") HashMap<Vertex, Double> extraElevation = (HashMap<Vertex, Double>) extra.get(ElevationPoint.class); assignMissingElevations(graph, edgesWithElevation, extraElevation); } class ElevationRepairState { /* This uses an intuitionist approach to elevation inspection */ public EdgeWithElevation backEdge; public ElevationRepairState backState; public Vertex vertex; public double distance; public double initialElevation; public ElevationRepairState(EdgeWithElevation backEdge, ElevationRepairState backState, Vertex vertex, double distance, double initialElevation) { this.backEdge = backEdge; this.backState = backState; this.vertex = vertex; this.distance = distance; this.initialElevation = initialElevation; } } /** * Assign missing elevations by interpolating from nearby points with known * elevation; also handle osm ele tags */ private void assignMissingElevations(Graph graph, List<EdgeWithElevation> edgesWithElevation, HashMap<Vertex, Double> knownElevations) { log.debug("Assigning missing elevations"); BinHeap<ElevationRepairState> pq = new BinHeap<ElevationRepairState>(); // elevation for each vertex (known or interpolated) // knownElevations will be null if there are no ElevationPoints in the data // for instance, with the Shapefile loader.) HashMap<Vertex, Double> elevations; if (knownElevations != null) elevations = (HashMap<Vertex, Double>) knownElevations.clone(); else elevations = new HashMap<Vertex, Double>(); HashSet<Vertex> closed = new HashSet<Vertex>(); // initialize queue with all vertices which already have known elevation for (EdgeWithElevation e : edgesWithElevation) { PackedCoordinateSequence profile = e.getElevationProfile(); if (!elevations.containsKey(e.getFromVertex())) { double firstElevation = profile.getOrdinate(0, 1); ElevationRepairState state = new ElevationRepairState(null, null, e.getFromVertex(), 0, firstElevation); pq.insert(state, 0); elevations.put(e.getFromVertex(), firstElevation); } if (!elevations.containsKey(e.getToVertex())) { double lastElevation = profile.getOrdinate(profile.size() - 1, 1); ElevationRepairState state = new ElevationRepairState(null, null, e.getToVertex(), 0, lastElevation); pq.insert(state, 0); elevations.put(e.getToVertex(), lastElevation); } } // Grow an SPT outward from vertices with known elevations into regions where the // elevation is not known. when a branch hits a region with known elevation, follow the // back pointers through the region of unknown elevation, setting elevations via interpolation. while (!pq.empty()) { ElevationRepairState state = pq.extract_min(); if (closed.contains(state.vertex)) continue; closed.add(state.vertex); ElevationRepairState curState = state; Vertex initialVertex = null; while (curState != null) { initialVertex = curState.vertex; curState = curState.backState; } double bestDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE; double bestElevation = 0; for (Edge e : state.vertex.getOutgoing()) { if (!(e instanceof EdgeWithElevation)) { continue; } EdgeWithElevation edge = (EdgeWithElevation) e; Vertex tov = e.getToVertex(); if (tov == initialVertex) continue; Double elevation = elevations.get(tov); if (elevation != null) { double distance = e.getDistance(); if (distance < bestDistance) { bestDistance = distance; bestElevation = elevation; } } else { // continue ElevationRepairState newState = new ElevationRepairState(edge, state, tov, e.getDistance() + state.distance, state.initialElevation); pq.insert(newState, e.getDistance() + state.distance); } } // end loop over outgoing edges for (Edge e : state.vertex.getIncoming()) { if (!(e instanceof EdgeWithElevation)) { continue; } EdgeWithElevation edge = (EdgeWithElevation) e; Vertex fromv = e.getFromVertex(); if (fromv == initialVertex) continue; Double elevation = elevations.get(fromv); if (elevation != null) { double distance = e.getDistance(); if (distance < bestDistance) { bestDistance = distance; bestElevation = elevation; } } else { // continue ElevationRepairState newState = new ElevationRepairState(edge, state, fromv, e.getDistance() + state.distance, state.initialElevation); pq.insert(newState, e.getDistance() + state.distance); } } // end loop over incoming edges //limit elevation propagation to at max 2km; this prevents an infinite loop //in the case of islands missing elevation (and some other cases) if (bestDistance == Double.MAX_VALUE && state.distance > 2000) { log.warn("While propagating elevations, hit 2km distance limit at " + state.vertex); bestDistance = state.distance; bestElevation = state.initialElevation; } if (bestDistance != Double.MAX_VALUE) { // we have found a second vertex with elevation, so we can interpolate the elevation // for this point double totalDistance = bestDistance + state.distance; // trace backwards, setting states as we go while (true) { // watch out for division by 0 here, which will propagate NaNs // all the way out to edge lengths if (totalDistance == 0) elevations.put(state.vertex, bestElevation); else { double elevation = (bestElevation * state.distance + state.initialElevation * bestDistance) / totalDistance; elevations.put(state.vertex, elevation); } if (state.backState == null) break; bestDistance += state.backEdge.getDistance(); state = state.backState; if (elevations.containsKey(state.vertex)) break; } } } // end loop over states // do actual assignments for (Vertex v : graph.getVertices()) { Double fromElevation = elevations.get(v); for (Edge e : v.getOutgoing()) { if (e instanceof EdgeWithElevation) { EdgeWithElevation edge = ((EdgeWithElevation) e); Double toElevation = elevations.get(edge.getToVertex()); if (fromElevation == null || toElevation == null) { log.warn("Unexpectedly missing elevation for edge " + edge); continue; } if (edge.getElevationProfile() != null && edge.getElevationProfile().size() > 2) { continue; } Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[2]; coords[0] = new Coordinate(0, fromElevation); coords[1] = new Coordinate(edge.getDistance(), toElevation); PackedCoordinateSequence profile = new PackedCoordinateSequence.Double(coords); if(edge.setElevationProfile(profile, true)) { log.trace(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new ElevationFlattened(edge))); } } } } } /** * Processes a single {@link Street} edge, creating and assigning the elevation profile. * * @param ee the street edge * @param graph the graph (used only for error handling) */ private void processEdge(Graph graph, EdgeWithElevation ee) { if (ee.getElevationProfile() != null) { return; /* already set up */ } Geometry g = ee.getGeometry(); Coordinate[] coords = g.getCoordinates(); List<Coordinate> coordList = new LinkedList<Coordinate>(); // calculate the total edge length in meters double edgeLenM = 0; for (int i = 0; i < coords.length - 1; i++) { edgeLenM += distanceLibrary.distance(coords[i].y, coords[i].x, coords[i + 1].y, coords[i + 1].x); } // initial sample (x = 0) coordList.add(new Coordinate(0, getElevation(coords[0]))); // loop for edge-internal samples for (double x = distanceBetweenSamplesM; x < edgeLenM; x += distanceBetweenSamplesM) { // avoid final-segment samples less than half the distance between samples: if (edgeLenM - x < distanceBetweenSamplesM / 2) { break; } Coordinate internal = getPointAlongEdge(coords, edgeLenM, x / edgeLenM); coordList.add(new Coordinate(x, getElevation(internal))); } // final sample (x = edge length) coordList.add(new Coordinate(edgeLenM, getElevation(coords[coords.length - 1]))); // construct the PCS Coordinate coordArr[] = new Coordinate[coordList.size()]; PackedCoordinateSequence elevPCS = new PackedCoordinateSequence.Double( coordList.toArray(coordArr)); if(ee.setElevationProfile(elevPCS, false)) { log.trace(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new ElevationFlattened(ee))); } } /** * Returns a coordinate along a path located at a specific point indicated by the percentage of * distance covered from start to end. * * @param coords the list of (x,y) coordinates that form the path * @param length the total length of the path * @param t the percentage (ranges from 0 to 1) * @return the (x,y) coordinate at t */ public Coordinate getPointAlongEdge(Coordinate[] coords, double length, double t) { double pctThrough = 0; // current percentage of the edge length traversed // endpoints of current segment within edge: double x1 = coords[0].x, y1 = coords[0].y, x2, y2; for (int i = 1; i < coords.length - 1; i++) { // loop through inner points Coordinate innerPt = coords[i]; x2 = innerPt.x; y2 = innerPt.y; // percentage of total edge length represented by current segment: double pct = distanceLibrary .distance(y1, x1, y2, x2) / length; if (pctThrough + pct > t) { // if current segment contains 't,' we're done double pctAlongSeg = (t - pctThrough) / pct; return new Coordinate(x1 + (pctAlongSeg * (x2 - x1)), y1 + (pctAlongSeg * (y2 - y1))); } pctThrough += pct; x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } // handle the final segment separately x2 = coords[coords.length - 1].x; y2 = coords[coords.length - 1].y; double pct = distanceLibrary.distance(y1, x1, y2, x2) / length; double pctAlongSeg = (t - pctThrough) / pct; return new Coordinate(x1 + (pctAlongSeg * (x2 - x1)), y1 + (pctAlongSeg * (y2 - y1))); } /** * Method for retrieving the elevation at a given Coordinate. * * @param c the coordinate (NAD83) * @return elevation in meters */ private double getElevation(Coordinate c) { return getElevation(c.x, c.y); } /** * Method for retrieving the elevation at a given (x, y) pair. * * @param x the query longitude (NAD83) * @param y the query latitude (NAD83) * @return elevation in meters */ private double getElevation(double x, double y) { double values[] = new double[1]; try { coverage.evaluate(new DirectPosition2D(x, y), values); } catch (org.opengis.coverage.PointOutsideCoverageException e) { // skip this for now } return values[0]; } @Override public void checkInputs() { gridCoverageFactory.checkInputs(); } }