package com.anjlab.csv2db;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import com.codahale.metrics.RatioGauge;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
public class SharedBlockingQueueMediator implements Mediator
private final int[] deadQueueConsumers;
private final int[] deadRouterProducers;
private final BlockingQueue<Map<String, Object>>[] routerQueues;
private final BlockingQueue<String[]> queue;
private final Map<String, Object> terminalNameValues;
private final String terminalMessage;
private final Timer queuePuts;
private final Timer queueTakes;
private final Timer[] routerQueuePuts;
private final Timer[] routerQueueTakes;
public SharedBlockingQueueMediator(Configuration config, int numberOfThreads)
// Each thread will take batch of lines with the size of batchSize from the queue,
// that's why it's necessary to always have enough lines for those who read from its thread
queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<String[]>(config.getBatchSize() * numberOfThreads);
terminalNameValues = new HashMap<>();
terminalMessage = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
deadRouterProducers = new int[numberOfThreads];
Arrays.fill(deadRouterProducers, 0);
deadQueueConsumers = new int[numberOfThreads];
Arrays.fill(deadQueueConsumers, 0);
if (config.isIgnoreDuplicatePK())
routerQueues = new BlockingQueue[numberOfThreads];
if (Import.isMetricsEnabled())
routerQueuePuts = new Timer[numberOfThreads];
routerQueueTakes = new Timer[numberOfThreads];
routerQueuePuts = null;
routerQueueTakes = null;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++)
// This is likely not the best estimation of router's queue size,
// but we need to limit it with some value
routerQueues[i] = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(config.getBatchSize() * numberOfThreads);
if (Import.isMetricsEnabled())
routerQueuePuts[i] = Import.METRIC_REGISTRY.timer("mediator.router." + i + ".queue.puts");
routerQueueTakes[i] = Import.METRIC_REGISTRY.timer("mediator.router." + i + ".queue.takes");
final int threadId = i;
Import.registerMetric("mediator.router." + i + ".queue.ratio", new RatioGauge()
protected Ratio getRatio()
return Ratio.of(
routerQueues = null;
routerQueuePuts = null;
routerQueueTakes = null;
if (Import.isMetricsEnabled())
queuePuts = Import.METRIC_REGISTRY.timer("mediator.queue.puts");
queueTakes = Import.METRIC_REGISTRY.timer("mediator.queue.takes");
Import.registerMetric("mediator.queue.ratio", new RatioGauge()
protected Ratio getRatio()
return Ratio.of(queuePuts.getOneMinuteRate(), queueTakes.getOneMinuteRate());
queuePuts = null;
queueTakes = null;
public void dispatch(String[] line) throws InterruptedException
Import.measureTime(queuePuts, new VoidCallable<InterruptedException>()
public void run() throws InterruptedException
public void producerDone() throws InterruptedException
Import.measureTime(queuePuts, new VoidCallable<InterruptedException>()
public void run() throws InterruptedException
queue.put(new String[] { terminalMessage });
public Object take(int forThreadId) throws InterruptedException
if (isInTerminalPhase(forThreadId))
return terminalPhaseTake(forThreadId);
while (routerQueueHasData(forThreadId))
Object nameValues = takeFromRouter(forThreadId);
if (nameValues == terminalNameValues)
return nameValues;
String[] line = Import.measureTime(queueTakes, new Callable<String[]>()
public String[] call() throws InterruptedException
return queue.take();
if (!isTerminalLine(line))
return line;
// Let other consumers know that producer has finished reading lines,
// and there won't be new records in the shared queue
if (isRouterEnabled())
// Notify other consumers that this thread has done processing shared queue,
// and is waiting for confirmation from other consumers that they don't have any
// messages for it
for (int i = 0; i < routerQueues.length; i++)
if (i != forThreadId)
dispatch(terminalNameValues, i);
return terminalPhaseTake(forThreadId);
// Empty array is a terminal line
return new String[0];
private boolean isInTerminalPhase(int threadId)
// Some other thread might completed earlier
// which could increment deadRouterProducers for this thread
// before it went through `producerDone` execution path.
// That's why we can not rely on deadRouterProducers here.
return deadQueueConsumers[threadId] > 0;
private Object takeFromRouter(int forThreadId)
Timer timer = routerQueueTakes == null
? null
: routerQueueTakes[forThreadId];
return Import.measureTime(timer, new Callable<Object>()
public Object call() throws InterruptedException
return routerQueues[forThreadId].take();
private Object terminalPhaseTake(int forThreadId)
while (deadRouterProducers[forThreadId] < deadRouterProducers.length)
Object nameValues = takeFromRouter(forThreadId);
if (nameValues == terminalNameValues)
return nameValues;
// Empty array is a terminal line
return new String[0];
private boolean routerQueueHasData(int forThreadId)
return isRouterEnabled() && !routerQueues[forThreadId].isEmpty();
private boolean isRouterEnabled()
return routerQueues != null;
private boolean isTerminalLine(String[] line)
return line.length == 0 || terminalMessage.equals((line)[0]);
public void consumerDone(int threadId) throws InterruptedException
Import.measureTime(queuePuts, new VoidCallable<InterruptedException>()
public void run() throws InterruptedException
queue.put(new String[] { terminalMessage, String.valueOf(threadId) });
public void dispatch(final Map<String, Object> nameValues, final int forThreadId)
throws InterruptedException
Timer timer = routerQueuePuts == null
? null
: routerQueuePuts[forThreadId];
Import.measureTime(timer, new VoidCallable<InterruptedException>()
public void run() throws InterruptedException