package com.anjlab.csv2db; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import javax.script.ScriptEngine; import javax.script.ScriptException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; public abstract class AbstractInsertUpdateRecordHandler extends AbstractRecordHandler { private Map<Integer, PreparedStatement> selectStatements; private final Timer selectStatementTimer; private StringBuilder whereClause; private final List<Pair<String, Map<String, Object>>> nameValuesBuffer; public AbstractInsertUpdateRecordHandler( Configuration config, ScriptEngine scriptEngine, Connection connection, Router router, int threadId, int threadCount) throws SQLException { super(config, scriptEngine, connection, router, threadId, threadCount); if (config.getPrimaryKeys() == null || config.getPrimaryKeys().isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("primaryKeys required for " + config.getOperationMode() + " mode"); } nameValuesBuffer = new ArrayList<>(config.getBatchSize()); selectStatements = new HashMap<>(); selectStatementTimer = Import.METRIC_REGISTRY.timer("thread-" + threadId + ".selects"); } private PreparedStatement getOrCreateSelectStatement(int batchSize) throws SQLException { if (batchSize < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("batchSize < 1"); } PreparedStatement statement = selectStatements.get(batchSize); if (statement == null) { StringBuilder selectClause = new StringBuilder("SELECT ") .append(StringUtils.join(getOrderedTableColumnNames(), ", ")) .append(" FROM ") .append(config.getTargetTable()) .append(" WHERE ") .append(buildWhereClause()); for (int i = 1; i < batchSize; i++) { selectClause.append(" OR (") .append(buildWhereClause()) .append(")"); } statement = connection.prepareStatement(selectClause.toString()); if (Import.isVerboseEnabled()) { Import.logVerbose("SELECT statement used: " + selectClause); } selectStatements.put(batchSize, statement); } return statement; } protected StringBuilder buildWhereClause() { if (whereClause == null) { whereClause = new StringBuilder(); for (String columnName : config.getPrimaryKeys()) { if (whereClause.length() > 0) { whereClause.append(" AND "); } whereClause.append(columnName).append(" = ?"); } } return whereClause; } @Override public void handleRecord(Map<String, Object> nameValues) throws SQLException, ConfigurationException, ScriptException, InterruptedException { if (Import.isVerboseEnabled()) { printNameValues(nameValues); } if (addBatch(nameValues)) { return; } executeBatch(); } protected void executeBatch() throws SQLException, ConfigurationException, ScriptException, InterruptedException { if (nameValuesBuffer.isEmpty()) { return; } try (ResultSet resultSet = selectBatch()) { disableBatchExecution(); handleRecordsBatch(toPrimaryKeysHashMap(resultSet)); } finally { nameValuesBuffer.clear(); enableBatchExecution(); } } private void handleRecordsBatch(Map<String, Map<String, Object>> primaryKeysHashMap) throws SQLException, ConfigurationException, ScriptException, InterruptedException { for (Pair<String, Map<String, Object>> pair : nameValuesBuffer) { Map<String, Object> nameValues = pair.getValue(); Map<String, Object> parsedResultSet = primaryKeysHashMap.get(pair.getKey()); if (parsedResultSet != null) { if (!config.isForceUpdate()) { boolean dataChanged = false; for (String targetTableColumnName : getOrderedTableColumnNames()) { Object oldValue = parsedResultSet.get(targetTableColumnName); Object newValue = transform(targetTableColumnName, nameValues); if (Import.isVerboseEnabled()) { printNameValue(targetTableColumnName, newValue); } if (ObjectUtils.notEqual(oldValue, newValue)) { dataChanged = true; break; } } if (!dataChanged) { // No need to update the data, because there's no changes return; } } performUpdate(nameValues); } else { // Note: If INSERT batch will be flushed during this run, // we may need to re-select remaining records from nameValuesBuffer. // To avoid that we temporary disable batch executions performInsert(nameValues); } } } private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> toPrimaryKeysHashMap(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { final Map<String, Map<String, Object>> result = new HashMap<>(); while ( { Map<String, Object> parsedResultSet = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (String columnName : getOrderedTableColumnNames()) { parsedResultSet.put(columnName, resultSet.getObject(columnName)); } result.put(config.joinPrimaryKeys(parsedResultSet), parsedResultSet); } return result; } private ResultSet selectBatch() throws SQLException, ConfigurationException, ScriptException { PreparedStatement selectStatement = getOrCreateSelectStatement(nameValuesBuffer.size()); selectStatement.clearParameters(); int parameterIndex = 1; for (int i = 0; i < nameValuesBuffer.size(); i++) { Map<String, Object> nameValues = nameValuesBuffer.get(i).getValue(); for (String primaryKeyColumnName : config.getPrimaryKeys()) { Object columnValue = transform(primaryKeyColumnName, nameValues); if (Import.isVerboseEnabled()) { printNameValue(primaryKeyColumnName, columnValue); } selectStatement.setObject(parameterIndex++, columnValue); } } return Import.measureTime(selectStatementTimer, new Callable<ResultSet>() { @Override public ResultSet call() throws SQLException { return selectStatement.executeQuery(); } }); } private boolean addBatch(Map<String, Object> nameValues) throws InterruptedException { String keys = config.joinPrimaryKeys(nameValues); // Re-route early before strategy closed and while not all consumers were shutdown // XXX Copy-paste: // XXX Check duplicates should be performed on eval'ed/transformed values, // right now it's partially true (i.e. eval'ed but not transformed values are used), // and only if map function is declared in configuration if (config.isIgnoreDuplicatePK()) { // If needed re-route this to another handler based on keys hash int partitionId = Math.abs(keys.hashCode() % threadCount); if (partitionId != threadId) { router.dispatch(nameValues, partitionId); return true; } } nameValuesBuffer.add(Pair.of(keys, nameValues)); return nameValuesBuffer.size() < config.getBatchSize(); } protected abstract void performInsert(Map<String, Object> nameValues) throws SQLException, ConfigurationException, ScriptException, InterruptedException; protected abstract void performUpdate(Map<String, Object> nameValues) throws SQLException, ConfigurationException, ScriptException; @Override public void close() { try { if (!nameValuesBuffer.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Subclasses should flush batched records prior to close"); } } finally { for (Entry<Integer, PreparedStatement> entry : selectStatements.entrySet()) { closeQuietly(entry.getValue()); } super.close(); } } }