package org.coldswap.util; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnList; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.TypeInsnNode; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * (C) Copyright 2013 Faur Ioan-Aurel. * <p/> * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * (LGPL) version 2.1 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * <p/> * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * <p/> * Contributors: * faur * <p/> * Created at: * 5:06 PM 5/14/13 */ /** * Instructions for boxing and unboxing the primitives. */ public class AutoBoxing { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AutoBoxing.class.getName()); static { logger.setLevel(ClassUtil.logLevel); } public static String getBoxClassName(Type type) { String t = type.getDescriptor(); if (t.length() > 1) { return null; } else if ("Z".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Boolean"; } else if ("B".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Byte"; } else if ("C".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Character"; } else if ("S".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Short"; } else if ("I".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Integer"; } else if ("J".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Long"; } else if ("F".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Float"; } else if ("D".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Double"; } return null; } public static String getUnBoxInvoke(Type type) { String t = type.getDescriptor(); if (t.length() > 1) { return null; } else if ("Z".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Boolean.booleanValue"; } else if ("B".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Number.byteVale"; } else if ("C".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Character.charValue"; } else if ("S".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Number.shortValue"; } else if ("I".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Number.intValue"; } else if ("J".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Number.longValue"; } else if ("F".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Number.floatValue"; } else if ("D".equals(t)) { return "java/lang/Number.doubleValue"; } return null; } public static InsnList box(char type) { switch (type) { case 'Z': return boxBoolean(); case 'B': return boxByte(); case 'C': return boxChar(); case 'S': return boxShort(); case 'I': return boxInt(); case 'J': return boxLong(); case 'F': return boxFloat(); case 'D': return boxDouble(); default: logger.severe("Could not identify type:" + type + " while trying to box!"); return null; } } public static InsnList box(Type type) { String t = type.getDescriptor(); if (t.length() > 1) { return null; } else if ("Z".equals(t)) { return box('Z'); } else if ("B".equals(t)) { return box('B'); } else if ("C".equals(t)) { return box('C'); } else if ("S".equals(t)) { return box('S'); } else if ("I".equals(t)) { return box('I'); } else if ("J".equals(t)) { return box('J'); } else if ("F".equals(t)) { return box('F'); } else if ("D".equals(t)) { return box('D'); } return null; } public static InsnList unbox(char type) { switch (type) { case 'Z': return unboxBoolean(); case 'B': return unboxByte(); case 'C': return unboxChar(); case 'S': return unboxShort(); case 'I': return unboxInt(); case 'J': return unboxLong(); case 'F': return unboxFloat(); case 'D': return unboxDouble(); default: logger.severe("Could not identify type:" + type + " while trying to unbox!"); return null; } } public static InsnList unbox(Type type) { String t = type.getDescriptor(); if (t.length() > 1) { return null; } else if ("Z".equals(t)) { return unbox('Z'); } else if ("B".equals(t)) { return unbox('B'); } else if ("C".equals(t)) { return unbox('C'); } else if ("S".equals(t)) { return unbox('S'); } else if ("I".equals(t)) { return unbox('I'); } else if ("J".equals(t)) { return unbox('J'); } else if ("F".equals(t)) { return unbox('F'); } else if ("D".equals(t)) { return unbox('D'); } return null; } public static boolean isPrimitive(String type) { if (type.length() > 1) { return false; } else if ("Z".equals(type)) { return true; } else if ("B".equals(type)) { return true; } else if ("C".equals(type)) { return true; } else if ("S".equals(type)) { return true; } else if ("I".equals(type)) { return true; } else if ("J".equals(type)) { return true; } else if ("F".equals(type)) { return true; } else if ("D".equals(type)) { return true; } return false; } private static InsnList boxBoolean() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Boolean", "valueOf", "(Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;")); return il; } private static InsnList unboxBoolean() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new TypeInsnNode(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, "java/lang/Boolean")); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Boolean", "booleanValue", "()Z")); return il; } private static InsnList boxByte() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Byte", "valueOf", "(B)Ljava/lang/Byte;")); return il; } private static InsnList unboxByte() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new TypeInsnNode(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, "java/lang/Number")); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Number", "byteValue", "()B")); return il; } private static InsnList boxChar() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Character", "valueOf", "(C)Ljava/lang/Character;")); return il; } private static InsnList unboxChar() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new TypeInsnNode(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, "java/lang/Character")); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Character", "charValue", "()C")); return il; } private static InsnList boxShort() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Short", "valueOf", "(S)Ljava/lang/Short;")); return il; } private static InsnList unboxShort() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new TypeInsnNode(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, "java/lang/Number")); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Number", "shortValue", "()S")); return il; } private static InsnList boxInt() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Integer", "valueOf", "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;")); return il; } private static InsnList unboxInt() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new TypeInsnNode(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, "java/lang/Number")); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Number", "intValue", "()I")); return il; } private static InsnList boxLong() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Long", "valueOf", "(J)Ljava/lang/Long;")); return il; } private static InsnList unboxLong() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new TypeInsnNode(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, "java/lang/Number")); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Number", "longValue", "()J")); return il; } private static InsnList boxFloat() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Float", "valueOf", "(F)Ljava/lang/Float;")); return il; } private static InsnList unboxFloat() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new TypeInsnNode(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, "java/lang/Number")); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Number", "floatValue", "()F")); return il; } private static InsnList boxDouble() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Double", "valueOf", "(D)Ljava/lang/Double;")); return il; } private static InsnList unboxDouble() { InsnList il = new InsnList(); il.add(new TypeInsnNode(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, "java/lang/Number")); il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Number", "doubleValue", "()D")); return il; } }