package org.coldswap.asm.method; import org.coldswap.asm.MemberReplacer; import org.coldswap.asm.MethodBox; import org.coldswap.asm.VirtualMethodReplacer; import org.coldswap.transformer.ReferenceReplacerManager; import org.coldswap.util.*; import org.objectweb.asm.*; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * (C) Copyright 2013 Faur Ioan-Aurel. * <p/> * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * (LGPL) version 2.1 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * <p/> * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * <p/> * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: faur * Date: 6/8/13 * Time: 2:55 PM */ /** * Finds any new method with this definition: public <any return type> <any method name>(int <any arg name>) * and insert them in the helper methods. If there are greater new methods than maximum of methods allowed, they * will be removed. */ public class PublicIntMethodReplacer implements MemberReplacer { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PublicIntMethodReplacer.class.getName()); private final int maxNumberOfMethods; private ReferenceReplacerManager refManager = ReferenceReplacerManager.getInstance(); private Class<?> aClass; private byte[] bytes; static { logger.setLevel(ClassUtil.logLevel); } public PublicIntMethodReplacer(Class<?> aClass, byte[] bytes, int maxMethods) { this.aClass = aClass; this.bytes = bytes; this.maxNumberOfMethods = maxMethods; } @Override public byte[] replace() { int counter = -1; final ClassNode cn = new ClassNode(Opcodes.ASM5); ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(bytes); ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(cr, ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES | ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS); cr.accept(cn, 0); List<MethodBox> factory = new ArrayList<MethodBox>(); // find first the helper method MethodNode[] helperMethod = new MethodNode[maxNumberOfMethods]; for (int i = 0; i < maxNumberOfMethods; i++) { helperMethod[i] = MethodUtil.createIntHelperMethod(, i); cn.methods.add(helperMethod[i]); } // get a list of public/protected/package/private methods but exclude // inherited methods. Method[] methods = aClass.getDeclaredMethods(); List asmMethods = cn.methods; Iterator iterator = asmMethods.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final MethodNode mNode = (MethodNode); // exclude <init>() and <clinit>() if (!"<clinit>".equals( && !"<init>".equals( { boolean foundIt = false; int publicAccessor = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC; // search only for public methods if ((mNode.access == publicAccessor)) { // check if this method exist in the old loaded class // and if not proceed with the trick. Type mRetType = MethodUtil.getReturnType(mNode); Type[] mParamType = MethodUtil.getParamsType(mNode); for (Method method : methods) { if ( { Type fRetType = Type.getType(method).getReturnType(); if (mRetType.equals(fRetType)) { Type[] fParamType = MethodUtil.classToType(method.getParameterTypes()); boolean tmp = true; if (mParamType.length == fParamType.length) { for (int i = 0; i < mParamType.length; i++) { if (!mParamType[i].equals(fParamType[i])) { tmp = false; } } } foundIt = tmp; } } } if (!foundIt) { // ignore any method that has return type of void if (!mRetType.equals(Type.VOID_TYPE)) { // work only with methods that have as a parameter int. if (mParamType.length == 1 && mParamType[0].equals(Type.getType("I"))) { if (counter < maxNumberOfMethods) { counter++; refManager.registerFieldReferenceReplacer(new PublicMethodReferenceReplacer(,, mRetType, mParamType, Constants.INT, counter)); // autobox return type. if (AutoBoxing.isPrimitive(mRetType.getDescriptor())) { // replace any return reference with a boxing call and a areturn call mNode.instructions = replaceReturn(mNode.instructions, mRetType); } helperMethod[counter] = ByteCodeGenerator.insertNewNotVoidMethod(helperMethod[counter], mNode); // replace method call factory.add(new VirtualMethodReplacer(,, mRetType, mParamType, Constants.INT, counter)); } // remove method iterator.remove(); } } } } } } // start replacing references for (Object asmMethod : asmMethods) { MethodNode container = (MethodNode) asmMethod; for (MethodBox methodReplacer : factory) { methodReplacer.replaceInvoke(container); } } cn.accept(cw); return cw.toByteArray(); } private InsnList replaceReturn(InsnList insnList, Type retType) { final Type rretType = retType; int retOpcode = MethodUtil.getRetOpcodeToReplace(retType); for (int i = 0; i < insnList.size(); i++) { AbstractInsnNode absIns = insnList.get(i); int opcode = absIns.getOpcode(); if (opcode == retOpcode) { // if tries to return a Reference type into a primitive then // remove the unbox( we return an Object). If a primitive is returned // into a primitive then we must try to box from primitive to Object/Integer, etc.. // check if an unbox takes place before return final boolean[] isBoxUnbox = {false, false}; AbstractInsnNode valueOf = null; AbstractInsnNode primitiveValue = null; if (i > 1) { valueOf = insnList.get(i - 1); primitiveValue = insnList.get(i - 2); if (valueOf.getOpcode() == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC) { valueOf.accept(new MethodVisitor(Opcodes.ASM5) { @Override public void visitMethodInsn(int i, String s, String s2, String s3) { if (AutoBoxing.isPrimitive(rretType.getDescriptor())) { if ((AutoBoxing.getBoxClassName(rretType) + ".valueOf").equals(s + s2)) { isBoxUnbox[0] = true; } } super.visitMethodInsn(i, s, s2, s3); } }); } if (isBoxUnbox[0] && primitiveValue.getOpcode() == Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL) { primitiveValue.accept(new MethodVisitor(Opcodes.ASM5) { @Override public void visitMethodInsn(int i, String s, String s2, String s3) { if ((s + s2).equals(AutoBoxing.getUnBoxInvoke(rretType))) { isBoxUnbox[1] = true; } super.visitMethodInsn(i, s, s2, s3); } }); } } if (isBoxUnbox[0] && isBoxUnbox[1]) { // remove indexes insnList.remove(valueOf); insnList.remove(primitiveValue); } else { InsnList iList = new InsnList(); iList.add(; iList.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.ARETURN)); insnList.insertBefore(absIns, iList); insnList.remove(absIns); } } } return insnList; } }