/******************************************************************************* * CogTool Copyright Notice and Distribution Terms * CogTool 1.3, Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Carnegie Mellon University * This software is distributed under the terms of the FSF Lesser * Gnu Public License (see LGPL.txt). * * CogTool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CogTool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with CogTool; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * CogTool makes use of several third-party components, with the * following notices: * * Eclipse SWT version 3.448 * Eclipse GEF Draw2D version 3.2.1 * * Unless otherwise indicated, all Content made available by the Eclipse * Foundation is provided to you under the terms and conditions of the Eclipse * Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL"). A copy of the EPL is provided with this * Content and is also available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html. * * CLISP version 2.38 * * Copyright (c) Sam Steingold, Bruno Haible 2001-2006 * This software is distributed under the terms of the FSF Gnu Public License. * See COPYRIGHT file in clisp installation folder for more information. * * ACT-R 6.0 * * Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Dan Bothell, Mike Byrne, Christian Lebiere & * John R Anderson. * This software is distributed under the terms of the FSF Lesser * Gnu Public License (see LGPL.txt). * * Apache Jakarta Commons-Lang 2.1 * * This product contains software developed by the Apache Software Foundation * (http://www.apache.org/) * * jopt-simple version 1.0 * * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Paul R. Holser, Jr. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Mozilla XULRunner * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/. * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * The J2SE(TM) Java Runtime Environment version 5.0 * * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 * Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All * rights reserved. U.S. * See the LICENSE file in the jre folder for more information. ******************************************************************************/ package edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.events.DisposeEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.DisposeListener; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; /** * Support for creating application menus, both menu bars and pop-up menus. * <p> * It is not necessary (and therefore not allowed) to create an instance * of <code>MenuUtil</code>. * <p> * Menu items have both optional mnemonics (a letter in the menu item's text) * and optional accelerators (a keystroke). * <p> * Mnemonics are indicated by an '&' in the name field that causes the * next character to be the mnemonic. * Example: "&Quit" means that 'q' is the mnemonic. * <p> * An accelerator is the bit-wise OR of zero or more modifier masks * and a key. * <code><literal> * Examples: SWT.NONE | SWT.MOD1 | SWT.MOD2 | 'T', * SWT.MOD3 | SWT.F2 * SWT.CONTROL | SWT.SHIFT | 'T', * SWT.ALT | SWT.F2. * </literal></code><br> * When using Accelerator keys, * "command" is standard on the Mac, "control" on Windows. * There is no META key as in Swing. * Thus, methods are provided that decide based on the operating system. */ public class MenuUtil { /** * Separator for menus */ final static public SimpleMenuItemDefinition SEPARATOR = new SimpleMenuItemDefinition(); protected MenuUtil() { } // Prevent instantiation /** * Utility to determine which modifier mask to use based on * the operating system on which the application is executing. * * @author alex */ public static int platformControlKey() { if (OSUtils.MACOSX) { return SWT.COMMAND; } return SWT.CONTROL; } /** * Utility to determine the other modifier mask to use based on * the operating system on which the application is executing. * * @author alex */ public static int notPlatformControlKey() { if (OSUtils.MACOSX) { return SWT.CONTROL; } return SWT.COMMAND; } /** * Base class for declarative definitions of menus. * <p> * Whether defining a simple menu item or a menu containing * other items, label components are allowed (localized text name * and image, both optional). * * @author alex, mlh */ public static abstract class MenuItemDefinition { public String name; public Image image = null; /** * Initializes the label components. * <p> * This version initializes the image label component to * <code>null</code>. * * @param inName the localized string label component * @author alex, mlh */ protected MenuItemDefinition(String inName) { name = inName; } /** * Initializes the label components. * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inImage the image label component * @author alex, mlh */ protected MenuItemDefinition(String inName, Image inImage) { name = inName; image = inImage; } /** * Answers whether this instance represents a single menu item * or a cascading menu. * * @return true iff this instance represents a single menu item * * @author alex, mlh */ public abstract boolean isSingle(); } /** * Constant indicating that menu item should be enabled initially. */ public static final boolean ENABLED = true; /** * Constant indicating that menu item should be disabled initially. */ public static final boolean DISABLED = false; /** * Class for declarative definitions of singleton menu items. * <p> * Each singleton menu item may have an associated accelerator key. * <p> * In addition, to facilitate separating controller from view, * each item can be assigned a <code>ListenerIdentifier</code> * that may be used by the controller to specify the actions to perform * when the associated menu item is selected. * <p> * A separator is an unselectable menu item that has no label * components. No action may be associated with a menu separator, * so no <code>ListenerIdentifier</code> should be assigned. * See the zero-parameter constructor. * * @author alex, mlh */ public static class SimpleMenuItemDefinition extends MenuItemDefinition { public int accelerator = SWT.NONE; public int style = SWT.PUSH; public ListenerIdentifier listenerID; public boolean enabledInitially = DISABLED; public boolean selectedInitially = DISABLED; /** * Specifies the separator menu item. * * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition() { super(null); style = SWT.SEPARATOR; listenerID = null; } /** * Specifies a menu item with just a text label without * an accelerator key. * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inLID the listener ID for later action assignment * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition(String inName, ListenerIdentifier inLID) { super(inName); listenerID = inLID; } /** * Specifies a menu item with just a text label and an initial * enabled state, but without an accelerator key. * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inLID the listener ID for later action assignment * @param enabled whether the item should be enabled initially * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition(String inName, ListenerIdentifier inLID, boolean enabled) { super(inName); listenerID = inLID; enabledInitially = enabled; } /** * Specifies a menu item with both a text and image label but without * an accelerator key. * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inImage the image label component * @param inLID the listener ID for later action assignment * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition(String inName, Image inImage, ListenerIdentifier inLID) { super(inName, inImage); listenerID = inLID; } /** * Specifies a menu item with both a text and image label, an initial * enabled state, but without an accelerator key. * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inImage the image label component * @param inLID the listener ID for later action assignment * @param enabled whether the item should be enabled initially * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition(String inName, Image inImage, ListenerIdentifier inLID, boolean enabled) { super(inName, inImage); listenerID = inLID; enabledInitially = enabled; } /** * Specifies a menu item with just a text label with * an accelerator key. * <p> * Specify <code>SWT.NONE</code> for the accelerator key * if not desired. * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inLID the listener ID for later action assignment * @param inAccelerator the accelerator's keycode * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition(String inName, ListenerIdentifier inLID, int inAccelerator) { super(inName); listenerID = inLID; accelerator = inAccelerator; } /** * Specifies a menu item with just a text label with * an accelerator key and initial enabled state. * <p> * Specify <code>SWT.NONE</code> for the accelerator key * if not desired. * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inLID the listener ID for later action assignment * @param inAccelerator the accelerator's keycode * @param enabled whether the item should be enabled initially * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition(String inName, ListenerIdentifier inLID, int inAccelerator, boolean enabled) { super(inName); listenerID = inLID; accelerator = inAccelerator; enabledInitially = enabled; } /** * Specifies a menu item with both a text and image label, with * an accelerator key. * <p> * Specify <code>SWT.NONE</code> for the accelerator key * if not desired. * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inImage the image label component * @param inLID the listener ID for later action assignment * @param inAccelerator the accelerator's keycode * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition(String inName, Image inImage, ListenerIdentifier inLID, int inAccelerator) { super(inName, inImage); listenerID = inLID; accelerator = inAccelerator; } /** * Specifies a menu item with both a text and image label, with * an accelerator key and initial enabled state. * <p> * Specify <code>SWT.NONE</code> for the accelerator key * if not desired. * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inImage the image label component * @param inLID the listener ID for later action assignment * @param inAccelerator the accelerator's keycode * @param enabled whether the item should be enabled initially * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition(String inName, Image inImage, ListenerIdentifier inLID, int inAccelerator, boolean enabled) { super(inName, inImage); listenerID = inLID; accelerator = inAccelerator; enabledInitially = enabled; } /** * Specifies a menu item with just a text label with * an accelerator key. * <p> * Specify <code>SWT.NONE</code> for the accelerator key * if not desired. * <p> * Choices for SWT style: * <code>CHECK, CASCADE, PUSH, RADIO, SEPARATOR</code> * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inLID the listener ID for later action assignment * @param inAccelerator the accelerator's keycode * @param inStyle the menu item style * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition(String inName, ListenerIdentifier inLID, int inAccelerator, int inStyle) { super(inName); listenerID = inLID; accelerator = inAccelerator; style = inStyle; } /** * Specifies a menu item with a text label, an accelerator key, * that is enabled, * <p> * Specify <code>SWT.NONE</code> for the accelerator key * if not desired. * <p> * Choices for SWT style: * <code>CHECK, CASCADE, PUSH, RADIO, SEPARATOR</code> * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inLID the listener ID for later action assignment * @param inAccelerator the accelerator's keycode * @param inStyle the menu item style * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition(String inName, ListenerIdentifier inLID, int inAccelerator, int inStyle, boolean inEnabled) { super(inName); listenerID = inLID; accelerator = inAccelerator; style = inStyle; enabledInitially = inEnabled; } /** * Specifies a menu item with a text label, an accelerator key, * that is enabled, and selected * <p> * Specify <code>SWT.NONE</code> for the accelerator key * if not desired. * <p> * Choices for SWT style: * <code>CHECK, CASCADE, PUSH, RADIO, SEPARATOR</code> * * Selected * Used to cause checkboxes or radio buttons to appear selected * No effect if the SWT.Style is not Check, or Radio * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inLID the listener ID for later action assignment * @param inAccelerator the accelerator's keycode * @param inStyle the menu item style * @param inEnabled is the menu item visible. * @param inSelected is the menu item selected. * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition(String inName, ListenerIdentifier inLID, int inAccelerator, int inStyle, boolean inEnabled, boolean inSelected) { super(inName); listenerID = inLID; accelerator = inAccelerator; style = inStyle; enabledInitially = inEnabled; selectedInitially = inSelected; } /** * Specifies a menu item with both a text and image label, with * an accelerator key. Allows setting the SWT style. * <p> * Specify <code>SWT.NONE</code> for the accelerator key * if not desired. * <p> * Choices for SWT style: * <code>CHECK, CASCADE, PUSH, RADIO, SEPARATOR</code> * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inImage the image label component * @param inLID the listener ID for later action assignment * @param inAccelerator the accelerator's keycode * @param inStyle the menu item style * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition(String inName, Image inImage, ListenerIdentifier inLID, int inAccelerator, int inStyle) { super(inName, inImage); listenerID = inLID; accelerator = inAccelerator; style = inStyle; } /** * Specifies a menu item with both a text and image label, with * an accelerator key and initial enabled state. * Allows setting the SWT style. * <p> * Specify <code>SWT.NONE</code> for the accelerator key * if not desired. * <p> * Choices for SWT style: * <code>CHECK, CASCADE, PUSH, RADIO, SEPARATOR</code> * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inImage the image label component * @param inLID the listener ID for later action assignment * @param inAccelerator the accelerator's keycode * @param inStyle the menu item style * @param enabled whether the item should be enabled initially * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition(String inName, Image inImage, ListenerIdentifier inLID, int inAccelerator, int inStyle, boolean enabled) { super(inName, inImage); listenerID = inLID; accelerator = inAccelerator; style = inStyle; enabledInitially = enabled; } /** * Specifies a menu item with both a text and image label, with * an accelerator key, initial enabled state, and if it is selected * Allows setting the SWT style. * <p> * Specify <code>SWT.NONE</code> for the accelerator key * if not desired. * <p> * Choices for SWT style: * <code>CHECK, CASCADE, PUSH, RADIO, SEPARATOR</code> * * Selected * Used to cause checkboxes or radio buttons to appear selected * No effect if the SWT.Style is not Check, or Radio * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inImage the image label component * @param inLID the listener ID for later action assignment * @param inAccelerator the accelerator's keycode * @param inStyle the menu item style * @param enabled whether the item should be enabled initially * @author alex, mlh */ public SimpleMenuItemDefinition(String inName, Image inImage, ListenerIdentifier inLID, int inAccelerator, int inStyle, boolean enabled, boolean selected) { super(inName, inImage); listenerID = inLID; accelerator = inAccelerator; style = inStyle; enabledInitially = enabled; selectedInitially = selected; } /** * Answers whether this instance represents a single menu item * or a cascading menu. * <p> * Indicates that this instance is a single menu item. * * @return true * * @author alex, mlh */ @Override public boolean isSingle() { return true; } } /** * Class for declarative definitions of cascading menus. * * @author alex, mlh */ public static class CascadingMenuItemDefinition extends MenuItemDefinition { public MenuItemDefinition[] menuItems; public Object data; /** * Specifies a cascading menu definition with just a text label. * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inMenuItems the menu items within the cascade * @author alex, mlh */ public CascadingMenuItemDefinition(String inName, MenuItemDefinition[] inMenuItems) { this(inName, inMenuItems, null); } public CascadingMenuItemDefinition(String inName, MenuItemDefinition[] inMenuItems, Object d) { super(inName); menuItems = inMenuItems; data = d; } /** * Specifies a cascading menu definition with both a text * and image label. * * @param inName the localized string label component * @param inImage the image label component * @param inMenuItems the menu items within the cascade * @author alex, mlh */ public CascadingMenuItemDefinition(String inName, Image inImage, MenuItemDefinition[] inMenuItems) { super(inName, inImage); menuItems = inMenuItems; } public void setMenuItems(MenuItemDefinition[] inMenuItems) { menuItems = inMenuItems; } /** * Answers whether this instance represents a single menu item * or a cascading menu. * <p> * Indicates that this instance is a cascading menu definition. * * @return false * * @author alex, mlh */ @Override public boolean isSingle() { return false; } } /** * Recursive support method for navigating the tree of * menu item definitions to construct actual menus and menu items. * <p> * Each menu item created is associated with its * <code>ListenerIdentifier</code>. */ protected static void createMenuStep(Shell shell, Menu parent, MenuItemDefinition defn, Boolean availability, Listener selectionListener, final ListenerIdentifierMap lIDMap) { if (defn.isSingle()) { SimpleMenuItemDefinition itemDef = (SimpleMenuItemDefinition) defn; renderShortcut(itemDef); final MenuItem item = addMenuItem(parent, itemDef.name, itemDef.image, itemDef.style, itemDef.accelerator, itemDef.enabledInitially, itemDef.selectedInitially); // pull the lid out to a local so the whole SimpleMenuItemDefinition // doesn't get stored in the dispose listener final ListenerIdentifier lid = itemDef.listenerID; if (lid != null) { // avoid separator // Associate LID with menu item so that it can be used to find // the associated semantic action by the selectionListener. item.setData(lid); item.addListener(SWT.Selection, selectionListener); lIDMap.addWidget(lid, item, availability); // If this menu item gets disposed, as for example from a // dynamic menu, we don't want the LID still pointing at it item.addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() { public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) { lIDMap.removeWidget(lid, item); } }); } } else { CascadingMenuItemDefinition itemDef = (CascadingMenuItemDefinition) defn; MenuItem item = addMenuItem(parent, itemDef.name, itemDef.image, SWT.CASCADE); Menu cascadeParent = new Menu(shell, SWT.DROP_DOWN); item.setMenu(cascadeParent); item.setData(itemDef.data); if (itemDef.menuItems != null) { for (MenuItemDefinition menuItem : itemDef.menuItems) { createMenuStep(shell, cascadeParent, menuItem, availability, selectionListener, lIDMap); } } } } /** * Create a complete menu of the specified style from the given * definition, associating menu items with their corresponding * <code>ListenerIdentifier</code>. * <p> * <code>rootStyle</code> must be one of <code>SWT.BAR</code>, * <code>SWT.POP_UP</code>, or <code>SWT.DROP_DOWN</code> optionally OR'ed * with one of <code>LEFT_TO_RIGHT</code> or <code>RIGHT_TO_LEFT</code>, * and optionally OR'ed with <code>NO_RADIO_GROUP</code>. * * @param shell the application window that is to contain the menu * @param rootStyle the style of the base menu (such as menu bar, pop up, * or drop down) * @param defn the arrangement of the menu items within the menu * @param availability the availability of the created MenuItem's * @param selectionListener the selection Listener instance for each * created MenuItem instance; this Listener * should use the ListenerIdentifier stored * in the MenuItem "data" (by calling getData()) * @return the constructed SWT Menu object * @author alex/mlh * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu */ public static Menu createMenu(Shell shell, int rootStyle, MenuItemDefinition[] defn, Boolean availability, Listener selectionListener, ListenerIdentifierMap lIDMap) { // TODO: check the rootStyle to ensure it's a SWT.BAR or SWT.POPUP??? Menu root = new Menu(shell, rootStyle); for (MenuItemDefinition element : defn) { createMenuStep(shell, root, element, availability, selectionListener, lIDMap); } return root; } /** * Add a new item to end of the given menu; used by * <code>createMenu</code>. * <p> * It is expected that the given item name text is localized * (that is, translated). * <p> * Choices for SWT style: * <code>CHECK, CASCADE, PUSH, RADIO, SEPARATOR</code> * * @param parentMenu the menu in which the new * <code>MenuItem</code> is to reside * @param menuItemName the localized text label for the * <code>MenuItem</code> * @param menuItemImage the (optional) icon for the constructed * <code>MenuItem</code> * @param menuItemStyle the SWT style for the new <code>MenuItem</code> * @param accelerator the accelerator's keycode (<code>SWT.NONE</code> * if not desired) * @return the constructed <code>MenuItem</code> * @author alex/mlh * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem */ public static MenuItem addMenuItem(Menu parentMenu, String menuItemName, Image menuItemImage, int menuItemStyle, int accelerator, boolean enabled, boolean selected) { MenuItem mItem = new MenuItem(parentMenu, menuItemStyle); if (menuItemName != null) { mItem.setText(menuItemName); } if (menuItemImage != null) { mItem.setImage(menuItemImage); } mItem.setAccelerator(accelerator); mItem.setEnabled(enabled); mItem.setSelection(selected); return mItem; } /** * Add a new unselected item without an accelerator to end of the * given menu; used by <code>createMenu</code>. * <p> * It is expected that the given item name text is localized * (that is, translated). * <p> * Choices for SWT style: * <code>CHECK, CASCADE, PUSH, RADIO, SEPARATOR</code> * * @param parentMenu the menu in which the new * <code>MenuItem</code> is to reside * @param menuItemName the localized text label for the * <code>MenuItem</code> * @param menuItemImage the (optional) icon for the constructed * <code>MenuItem</code> * @param menuItemStyle the SWT style for the new <code>MenuItem</code> * if not desired) * @return the constructed <code>MenuItem</code> * @author alex/mlh * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem */ public static MenuItem addMenuItem(Menu parentMenu, String menuItemName, Image menuItemImage, int menuItemStyle) { // 0 (ie. SWT.NONE) accelerator means no accelerator. :) return addMenuItem(parentMenu, menuItemName, menuItemImage, menuItemStyle, SWT.NONE, true, false); } /** * Add a new unselected item with text label only to end of the given menu. * <p> * It is expected that the given item name text is localized * (that is, translated). * <p> * Choices for SWT style: * <code>CHECK, CASCADE, PUSH, RADIO, SEPARATOR</code> * * @param parentMenu the menu in which the new * <code>MenuItem</code> is to reside * @param menuItemName the localized text label for the * <code>MenuItem</code> * @param menuItemStyle the SWT style for the new <code>MenuItem</code> * @param accelerator the accelerator's keycode (<code>SWT.NONE</code> * if not desired) * @return the constructed <code>MenuItem</code> * @author alex/mlh * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem */ public static MenuItem addMenuItem(Menu parentMenu, String menuItemName, int menuItemStyle, int accelerator) { return addMenuItem(parentMenu, menuItemName, null, menuItemStyle, accelerator, true, false); } /** * Add a new unselected item with text label only and no accelerator to * the end of the given menu. * <p> * It is expected that the given item name text is localized * (that is, translated). * <p> * Choices for SWT style: * <code>CHECK, CASCADE, PUSH, RADIO, SEPARATOR</code> * * @param parentMenu the menu in which the new * <code>MenuItem</code> is to reside * @param menuItemName the localized text label for the * <code>MenuItem</code> * @param menuItemStyle the SWT style for the new <code>MenuItem</code> * @return the constructed <code>MenuItem</code> * @author alex/mlh * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem */ public static MenuItem addMenuItem(Menu parentMenu, String menuItemName, int menuItemStyle) { // 0 (ie. SWT.NONE) accelerator means no accelerator. :) return addMenuItem(parentMenu, menuItemName, null, menuItemStyle, SWT.NONE, true, false); } /** * Add a new unselected item with image only to end of the given menu. * <p> * It is expected that the given item name text is localized * (that is, translated). * <p> * Choices for SWT style: * <code>CHECK, CASCADE, PUSH, RADIO, SEPARATOR</code> * * @param parentMenu the menu in which the new * <code>MenuItem</code> is to reside * @param menuItemImage the (optional) icon for the constructed * <code>MenuItem</code> * @param menuItemStyle the SWT style for the new <code>MenuItem</code> * @param accelerator the accelerator's keycode (<code>SWT.NONE</code> * if not desired) * @return the constructed <code>MenuItem</code> * @author alex/mlh * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem */ public static MenuItem addMenuItem(Menu parentMenu, Image menuItemImage, int menuItemStyle, int accelerator) { return addMenuItem(parentMenu, null, menuItemImage, menuItemStyle, accelerator, true, false); } /** * Add a new unselected item with image only and no accelerator to end of * the given menu. * <p> * It is expected that the given item name text is localized * (that is, translated). * <p> * Choices for SWT style: * <code>CHECK, CASCADE, PUSH, RADIO, SEPARATOR</code> * * @param parentMenu the menu in which the new * <code>MenuItem</code> is to reside * @param menuItemImage the (optional) icon for the constructed * <code>MenuItem</code> * @param menuItemStyle the SWT style for the new <code>MenuItem</code> * @return the constructed <code>MenuItem</code> * @author alex/mlh * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem */ public static MenuItem addMenuItem(Menu parentMenu, Image menuItemImage, int menuItemStyle) { // 0 (ie. SWT.NONE) accelerator means no accelerator. :) return addMenuItem(parentMenu, null, menuItemImage, menuItemStyle, SWT.NONE, true, false); } /** * This function takes arrays of String text labels, styles, accelerators * to create a set of <code>MenuItem</code> instances. * <p> * Deprecated; thought it might be useful, but hasn't come up yet. * <p> * The sizes of all arrays must match. * * @param parentMenu the menu in which the new * <code>MenuItems</code> are to reside * @param menuItemNames the localized text labels for the * <code>MenuItem</code>s * @param menuItemStyles the SWT styles for the new <code>MenuItem</code>s * @param accelerator the accelerator keycodes (<code>SWT.NONE</code> * if not desired) * @return the constructed <code>MenuItem</code>s with * the specified properties * @author alex/mlh * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem */ public static MenuItem[] addMenuItemSet(Menu parentMenu, String[] menuItemNames, int[] menuItemStyles, int[] accelerators) { int count = menuItemNames.length; MenuItem[] result = null; if ((menuItemStyles.length == count) && (accelerators.length == count)) { result = new MenuItem[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // ensure each element of menuItems is a string result[i] = addMenuItem(parentMenu, menuItemNames[i], menuItemStyles[i], accelerators[i]); } } return result; } /** * Ensure when relabeling a menu item that the shortcut (if it exists) * is displayed. * <p> * Shortcut strings are separated from the normal item label by a tab. * * @param item the menu to relabel * @param newLabel the new label for the menu item */ public static void relabelItem(MenuItem item, String newLabel) { // If running windows, shortcut might already be rendered. int tabIdx = item.getText().indexOf('\t'); if ((OSUtils.WINDOWS) && (tabIdx >= 0)) { String shortcut = new String(item.getText().substring(tabIdx)); item.setText(newLabel + shortcut); } else { item.setText(newLabel); } } /** * Ensure that shortcut(s) (if assigned) are part of the labels * for the menu items in the given definition. * <p> * Shortcut strings are separated from the normal item label by a tab. * * @param itemDef the item definition whose label to add the shortcut to */ public static void renderShortcut(SimpleMenuItemDefinition itemDef) { // Only needed on Windows when the item's label does not already // have a shortcut indicator. if ((OSUtils.WINDOWS) && (itemDef.name != null) && (itemDef.name.indexOf('\t') == -1)) { // Construct the shortcut string String shortcut = "\t"; if ((itemDef.accelerator & SWT.CTRL) > 0) { shortcut += L10N.get("MU.Ctrl+", "Ctrl+"); } if ((itemDef.accelerator & SWT.ALT) > 0) { shortcut += L10N.get("MU.Alt+", "Alt+"); } if ((itemDef.accelerator & SWT.SHIFT) > 0) { shortcut += L10N.get("MU.Shift+", "Shift+"); } boolean done = false; int key = (itemDef.accelerator & SWT.KEY_MASK); for (int i = 0; i < keyCodes.length; i++) { if (key == keyCodes[i]) { shortcut += keyLabels[i]; done = true; } } if (! done) { shortcut += Character.toUpperCase((char) key); } itemDef.name += shortcut; } } // Array of special shortcut keys to determine the index // into the shortcut key label array. public static final int[] keyCodes = { SWT.ARROW_DOWN, SWT.ARROW_UP, SWT.ARROW_LEFT, SWT.ARROW_RIGHT, SWT.BREAK, SWT.BS, SWT.CR, SWT.DEL, SWT.END, SWT.ESC, SWT.F1, SWT.F2, SWT.F3, SWT.F4, SWT.F5, SWT.F6, SWT.F7, SWT.F8, SWT.F9, SWT.F10, SWT.F11, SWT.F12, SWT.F13, SWT.F14, SWT.F15, SWT.HELP, SWT.HOME, SWT.INSERT, SWT.KEYPAD_0, SWT.KEYPAD_1, SWT.KEYPAD_2, SWT.KEYPAD_3, SWT.KEYPAD_4, SWT.KEYPAD_5, SWT.KEYPAD_6, SWT.KEYPAD_7, SWT.KEYPAD_8, SWT.KEYPAD_9, SWT.KEYPAD_ADD, SWT.KEYPAD_CR, SWT.KEYPAD_DECIMAL, SWT.KEYPAD_DIVIDE, SWT.KEYPAD_EQUAL, SWT.KEYPAD_MULTIPLY, SWT.KEYPAD_SUBTRACT, SWT.PAGE_DOWN, SWT.PAGE_UP, SWT.PAUSE, SWT.PRINT_SCREEN, ' ', SWT.TAB }; // Array of shortcut key labels. public static final String[] keyLabels = { L10N.get("MU.Down", "Down"), L10N.get("MU.Up", "Up"), L10N.get("MU.Left", "Left"), L10N.get("MU.Right", "Right"), L10N.get("MU.Break", "Break"), L10N.get("MU.Backspace", "Backspace"), L10N.get("MU.Enter", "Enter"), L10N.get("MU.Delete", "Delete"), L10N.get("MU.End", "End"), L10N.get("MU.Esc", "Esc"), L10N.get("MU.F1", "F1"), L10N.get("MU.F2", "F2"), L10N.get("MU.F3", "F3"), L10N.get("MU.F4", "F4"), L10N.get("MU.F5", "F5"), L10N.get("MU.F6", "F6"), L10N.get("MU.F7", "F7"), L10N.get("MU.F8", "F8"), L10N.get("MU.F9", "F9"), L10N.get("MU.F10", "F10"), L10N.get("MU.F11", "F11"), L10N.get("MU.F12", "F12"), L10N.get("MU.F13", "F13"), L10N.get("MU.F14", "F14"), L10N.get("MU.F15", "F15"), L10N.get("MU.Help", "Help"), L10N.get("MU.Home", "Home"), L10N.get("MU.Insert", "Insert"), L10N.get("MU.Keypad0", "Keypad0"), L10N.get("MU.Keypad1", "Keypad1"), L10N.get("MU.Keypad2", "Keypad2"), L10N.get("MU.Keypad3", "Keypad3"), L10N.get("MU.Keypad4", "Keypad4"), L10N.get("MU.Keypad5", "Keypad5"), L10N.get("MU.Keypad6", "Keypad6"), L10N.get("MU.Keypad7", "Keypad7"), L10N.get("MU.Keypad8", "Keypad8"), L10N.get("MU.Keypad9", "Keypad9"), L10N.get("MU.Keypad+", "Keypad+"), L10N.get("MU.KeypadEnter", "KeypadEnter"), L10N.get("MU.KeypadPeriod", "KeypadPeriod"), L10N.get("MU.Keypad/", "Keypad/"), L10N.get("MU.Keypad=", "Keypad="), L10N.get("MU.Keypad*", "Keypad*"), L10N.get("MU.Keypad-", "Keypad-"), L10N.get("MU.PageDown", "PageDown"), L10N.get("MU.PageUp", "PageUp"), L10N.get("MU.Pause", "Pause"), L10N.get("MU.PrintScreen", "PrintScreen"), L10N.get("MU.Space", "Space"), L10N.get("MU.Tab", "Tab") }; }