/******************************************************************************* * CogTool Copyright Notice and Distribution Terms * CogTool 1.3, Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Carnegie Mellon University * This software is distributed under the terms of the FSF Lesser * Gnu Public License (see LGPL.txt). * * CogTool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CogTool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with CogTool; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * CogTool makes use of several third-party components, with the * following notices: * * Eclipse SWT version 3.448 * Eclipse GEF Draw2D version 3.2.1 * * Unless otherwise indicated, all Content made available by the Eclipse * Foundation is provided to you under the terms and conditions of the Eclipse * Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL"). A copy of the EPL is provided with this * Content and is also available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html. * * CLISP version 2.38 * * Copyright (c) Sam Steingold, Bruno Haible 2001-2006 * This software is distributed under the terms of the FSF Gnu Public License. * See COPYRIGHT file in clisp installation folder for more information. * * ACT-R 6.0 * * Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Dan Bothell, Mike Byrne, Christian Lebiere & * John R Anderson. * This software is distributed under the terms of the FSF Lesser * Gnu Public License (see LGPL.txt). * * Apache Jakarta Commons-Lang 2.1 * * This product contains software developed by the Apache Software Foundation * (http://www.apache.org/) * * jopt-simple version 1.0 * * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Paul R. Holser, Jr. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Mozilla XULRunner * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/. * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * The J2SE(TM) Java Runtime Environment version 5.0 * * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 * Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All * rights reserved. U.S. * See the LICENSE file in the jre folder for more information. ******************************************************************************/ package edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EventObject; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.DuplicateNameException; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.GlobalAttributed; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.GraphicsUtil; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.NameChangeAlert; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.NamedObject; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.NullSafe; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.ObjectLoader; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.ObjectSaver; /** * The standard implementation of the CogTool <code>Frame</code> interface. * * @author mlh */ public class Frame extends GlobalAttributed implements NamedObject, Cloneable { /** * Version number * 0 is initial version * 1 is the version which supports backgroundBounds. * New loader required for migration. * Does an image load/dispose to get image size. */ public static final int edu_cmu_cs_hcii_cogtool_model_Frame_version = 1; public static final String nameVAR = "name"; public static final String widgetColorVAR = "widgetColor"; public static final String widgetsVAR = "widgets"; public static final String eltGroupsVAR = "eltGroups"; public static final String devicesVAR = "devices"; public static final String originVAR = "origin"; public static final String backgroundVAR = "background"; public static final String backgroundBoundsVAR = "backgroundBounds"; public static final String incidentTransitionsVAR = "incidentTransitions"; public static final String listenTimeVAR = "listenTimeInSecs"; public static final String speakerTextVAR = "speakerText"; /** * The containing design */ protected Design design; /** * The name used, must be unique */ protected String name; /** * The set of widgets on a frame. */ protected Set<IWidget> widgets = new LinkedHashSet<IWidget>(); /** * The set of element groups in a frame. */ protected Set<FrameElementGroup> eltGroups = new LinkedHashSet<FrameElementGroup>(); /** * The map of input devices that is used. Keyboard, touchscreen.. etc * Maps DeviceType to InputDevice. */ protected Map<DeviceType, InputDevice> devices = new LinkedHashMap<DeviceType, InputDevice>(); /** * The default origin point, (0,0) */ protected DoublePoint origin = new DoublePoint(0.0, 0.0); /** * The background image for this frame. * Stored as a byte array for storage purposes. */ protected byte[] background = null; /** * The background image size. This is needed to implement lazy loading and * for accurately determining the frame's size without loading the image. * Also needed for future support of non-0,0 origin images. */ protected DoubleRectangle backgroundBounds = null; /** * The set of INCOMING transitions. */ protected Set<Transition> incidentTransitions = new HashSet<Transition>(); /** * The color widgets should be. This is used for differentiating widgets * from images. */ protected int widgetColor = GraphicsUtil.defaultWidgetColor; /** * The time in seconds that the modeled user is expected to listen to * the auditory output of the frame's speaker. */ protected double listenTimeInSecs = Frame.NO_LISTEN_TIME; /** * The text that defines the auditory output from the frame's speaker. */ protected String speakerText = ""; // The alerter event object for speaker changes protected Frame.SpeakerChange speakerChgEvent = new Frame.SpeakerChange(this); /** * Constants for supporting cut/copy clipboard modes; * these will ultimately be used for the purpose in the ObjectSaver. * NOTE: By convention, null is used to signify normal file persistence. */ public static final String COPY_FRAME_ONLY = "FrameOnly"; /** * Indication that the listen time is not specified by the user. */ public static final double NO_LISTEN_TIME = 0.0; /** * The saver model for version 0. * Saves * name * WidgetColor * devices * widgets * associations * origin * background * incident transitions. */ private static ObjectSaver.IDataSaver<Frame> SAVER = new ObjectSaver.ADataSaver<Frame>() { @Override public int getVersion() { return edu_cmu_cs_hcii_cogtool_model_Frame_version; } @Override public void saveData(Frame v, ObjectSaver saver) throws IOException { saver.saveString(v.name, nameVAR); saver.saveInt(v.widgetColor, widgetColorVAR); saver.saveObject(v.widgets, widgetsVAR); saver.saveObject(v.eltGroups, eltGroupsVAR); saver.saveObject(v.devices, devicesVAR); saver.saveObject(v.origin, originVAR); saver.saveObject(v.background, backgroundVAR); saver.saveObject(v.backgroundBounds, backgroundBoundsVAR); saver.saveDouble(v.listenTimeInSecs, listenTimeVAR); saver.saveString(v.speakerText, speakerTextVAR); Object purpose = saver.getPurpose(); // If copying only selected frames to the clipboard, // do not save incident transitions if (purpose == Frame.COPY_FRAME_ONLY) { saver.saveObject(new HashSet<Transition>(), incidentTransitionsVAR); } else { saver.saveObject(v.incidentTransitions, incidentTransitionsVAR); } } }; /** * Function to register a saver * */ public static void registerSaver() { ObjectSaver.registerSaver(Frame.class.getName(), SAVER); } /** * Functions to load a saver for Version 1 * * Loads name, origin, background, backgroundBounds, widgetColor, widgets, * associations, devices, and incident transitions */ public static class FrameLoader extends ObjectLoader.AObjectLoader<Frame> { @Override public Frame createObject() { return new Frame(); } /** * set the name, origin and background objects */ @Override public void set(Frame target, String variable, Object value) { if (variable != null) { if (variable.equals(nameVAR)) { target.name = (String) value; } else if (variable.equals(originVAR)) { target.origin = (DoublePoint) value; } else if (variable.equals(backgroundVAR)) { target.background = (byte[]) value; } else if (variable.equals(backgroundBoundsVAR)) { target.backgroundBounds = (DoubleRectangle) value; } else if (variable.equals(speakerTextVAR)) { target.speakerText = (String) value; } } } /** * Set the integer value for the widget color. */ @Override public void set(Frame target, String variable, int value) { if (variable != null) { if (variable.equals(widgetColorVAR)) { target.widgetColor = value; } } } @Override public void set(Frame target, String variable, double value) { if (variable != null) { if (variable.equals(listenTimeVAR)) { target.listenTimeInSecs = value; } } } /** * Create the collection for incident transitions, widgets, * and associations. */ @Override public Collection<?> createCollection(Frame target, String variable, int size) { if (variable != null) { if (variable.equals(widgetsVAR)) { return target.widgets; } else if (variable.equals(eltGroupsVAR)) { return target.eltGroups; } else if (variable.equals(incidentTransitionsVAR)) { return target.incidentTransitions; } } return null; } /** * Set up the map for Devices. */ @Override public Map<?, ?> createMap(Frame target, String variable, int size) { if (variable != null) { if (variable.equals(devicesVAR)) { return target.devices; } } return null; } @Override public ObjectLoader.IAggregateLoader getLoader(String variable) { if (variable.equals(widgetsVAR)) { return new ObjectLoader.AAggregateLoader() { @Override public <T> void addToCollection(ObjectLoader l, Collection<? super T> c, T v) { super.addToCollection(l, c, v); // Collection is 0, Frame is 1 Object parent = l.getPendingObject(1); ((IWidget) v).setFrame((Frame) parent); } }; } if (variable.equals(devicesVAR)) { return new ObjectLoader.AAggregateLoader() { @Override public <K, V> void putInMap(ObjectLoader l, Map<K, V> m, K key, V v) { super.putInMap(l, m, key, v); // Map is 0, Frame is 1 Object parent = l.getPendingObject(1); ((InputDevice) v).setFrame((Frame) parent); } }; } return super.getLoader(variable); } } private static ObjectLoader.IObjectLoader<Frame> LOADER = new FrameLoader(); /** * Loader for version 0 overrides * public void set(Object target, String variable, Object value) * to call a utility function for getting the size of an image. * This slightly breaks the bounds of the model to the ui * but it is isolated into a util method and besides it's more or less * required anyway. */ private static ObjectLoader.IObjectLoader<Frame> frameLoaderV0 = new FrameLoader() { @Override public void set(Frame target, String variable, Object value) { // When the background is loaded, get the size and store it. // If the background is null, leave the bounds as null. if (variable.equals(backgroundVAR) && (value != null)) { target.backgroundBounds = GraphicsUtil.getImageBounds((byte[]) value); } super.set(target, variable, value); } }; public static ObjectLoader.IObjectLoader<Frame> getImportLoader() { return frameLoaderV0; } /** * Register the loader */ public static void registerLoader() { ObjectLoader.registerLoader(Frame.class.getName(), 0, frameLoaderV0); ObjectLoader.registerLoader(Frame.class.getName(), edu_cmu_cs_hcii_cogtool_model_Frame_version, LOADER); } /** * Checks if 2 objects are identical */ public static boolean isIdentical(Frame l, Frame r) { return l.name.equals(r.name) && l.widgets.equals(r.widgets) && l.eltGroups.equals(r.eltGroups) && l.devices.equals(r.devices) && l.origin.equals(r.origin) && ((l.background == r.background) || ((l.background != null) && Arrays.equals(l.background, r.background))) && l.incidentTransitions.equals(r.incidentTransitions) && (l.widgetColor == r.widgetColor) ; } /* really, package visibility! */ public static void setFrameDevices(Frame f, Set<DeviceType> deviceTypes) { if (deviceTypes == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("InputDeviceType set cannot be null!"); } // Create InputDevice objects for the input-only devices // used by the Design. Iterator<DeviceType> types = deviceTypes.iterator(); while (types.hasNext()) { DeviceType type = types.next(); f.addInputDevice(type); } } /** * Initialize the frame with the given name and an empty widget set. * * @param nm the name of the frame (for display), must not be null or empty * @param deviceTypes set of DeviceType instances for defining * transitions from devices to frames * @throws IllegalArgumentException if nm is null or empty * @author mlh */ public Frame(String nm, Set<DeviceType> deviceTypes) { if ((nm == null) || nm.equals("")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Frame name cannot be null or empty!"); } name = nm; setFrameDevices(this, deviceTypes); } /** * Zero-argument constructor for use by persistence loading. */ protected Frame() { } /** * Fetch the design that contains this frame. * * @return the design containing this frame * @author mlh */ public Design getDesign() { return design; } /** * Reset the design containing this frame. * * @param d the design that contains this frame */ public void setDesign(Design d) { design = d; } /** * Fetch the name of the frame, used for display. * * @return the frame's name * @author mlh */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Change the name of the frame, used for display. * <p> * When done, registered alert handlers are notified with * a <code>NameChangeAlert</code> instance. * * @param newName the new frame name, must not be null or empty * @throws IllegalArgumentException if newName is null or empty * @author mlh */ public void setName(String newName) { if ((newName == null) || newName.equals("")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Frame name cannot be null or empty!"); } name = newName; raiseAlert(new NameChangeAlert(this)); } /** * Get the current location of the Frame in the structure view. * * @return the current location of the Frame * @author mlh */ public DoublePoint getFrameOrigin() { return origin; } /** * Set the location of the top-left corner of the Frame. * <p> * When done, registered alert handlers are notified with * a <code>OriginChange</code> instance. * * @param newX the x-coordinate of the new location * @param newY the y-coordinate of the new location * @author mlh */ public void setFrameOrigin(double newX, double newY) { DoublePoint oldOrigin = new DoublePoint(origin); origin.x = newX; origin.y = newY; raiseAlert(new Frame.OriginChange(this, oldOrigin)); } /** * Set the location of the top-left corner of the Frame. * <p> * When done, registered alert handlers are notified with * a <code>OriginChange</code> instance. * * @param newOrigin the new location * @author mlh */ public void setFrameOrigin(DoublePoint newOrigin) { setFrameOrigin(newOrigin.x, newOrigin.y); } /** * Determine frame's extent; union of all widget bounds and * the background image's bounds (if any). If totally empty, * a zero width/height rectangle at 0.0, 0.0 is returned. * Unless there are negative coordinates, the top left will be 0.0, 0.0 */ public DoubleRectangle getFrameBounds() { DoubleRectangle extent = new DoubleRectangle(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (backgroundBounds != null) { extent.unionInto(backgroundBounds.getX(), backgroundBounds.getY(), backgroundBounds.getWidth(), backgroundBounds.getHeight()); } Iterator<IWidget> allWidgets = widgets.iterator(); while (allWidgets.hasNext()) { IWidget widget = allWidgets.next(); DoubleRectangle widgetBds = widget.getEltBounds(); extent.unionInto(widgetBds.getX(), widgetBds.getY(), widgetBds.getWidth(), widgetBds.getHeight()); } return extent; } /** * Move the location of the top-left corner of the Frame. * <p> * When done, registered alert handlers are notified with * a <code>OriginChange</code> instance. * * @param deltaX the amount to move the x-coordinate * @param deltaY the amount to move the y-coordinate * @author mlh */ public void moveFrameOrigin(double deltaX, double deltaY) { DoublePoint oldOrigin = new DoublePoint(origin); origin.x += deltaX; origin.y += deltaY; raiseAlert(new Frame.OriginChange(this, oldOrigin)); } /** * Move the location of the top-left corner of the Frame. * <p> * When done, registered alert handlers are notified with * a <code>OriginChange</code> instance. * * @param deltaOrigin the vector by which to move the Frame * @author mlh */ public void moveFrameOrigin(DoublePoint deltaOrigin) { moveFrameOrigin(deltaOrigin.x, deltaOrigin.y); } /** * Return the data associated with the frame's background image. * * @return the data associated with the frame's background image */ public byte[] getBackgroundImage() { return background; } /** * Set the frame's background image with the given image data. * * Require that callers also set the bounds at the same time. * image bounds and the image are TIED together, you should * not be able to change the image with out also changing the frame * of course, we can just require this, with out enforcing it this way. * * TODO: This needs more description of what the image data represents. * * note: Bounds only examined if i is DIFFERENT then currently stored. * * @param i the image data */ public void setBackgroundImage(byte[] img, DoubleRectangle bounds) { if (img != background) { background = img; backgroundBounds = bounds; raiseAlert(new Frame.BackgroundImageChange(this, Frame.BackgroundImageChange.IMAGE_CONTENT_CHANGE)); } } /** * Get the background's bounds * Can be null if the background image is null. * @return */ public DoubleRectangle getBackgroundBounds() { return backgroundBounds; } /** * Set the background image's bounds. * The bounds are normally centered at 0,0. * * This method should only be called to MOVE the image to a new location * Currently this is not supported in the UI Model. * * Please specify the bounds when you set the background image. * @param bounds */ public void setBackgroundBounds(DoubleRectangle bounds) { if ((background == null) && (bounds != null)) { throw new GraphicsUtil.ImageException("Trying to set a non-null bounds " + "for a null background on Frame: " + toString()); } else if ((background != null) && (bounds == null)) { throw new GraphicsUtil.ImageException("Trying to set a null bounds for " + "a non-null background on Frame: " + toString()); } else if ((background == null) && (bounds == null)) { bounds = null; // No need to raise a new alert. } else if (! bounds.equals(backgroundBounds)) { backgroundBounds = bounds; raiseAlert(new Frame.BackgroundImageChange(this, Frame.BackgroundImageChange.IMAGE_BOUNDS_CHANGE)); } } /** * Fetch the entire set of widgets. * * @return the frame's widgets * @author mlh */ public Set<IWidget> getWidgets() { return widgets; } /** * Fetch the entire set of element groups. * * @return the frame's groups * @author mlh */ public Set<FrameElementGroup> getEltGroups() { return eltGroups; } /** * Fetch the association with the given name. */ public FrameElementGroup getEltGroup(String name) { for (FrameElementGroup testGrp : eltGroups) { String testName = testGrp.getName(); if ((testName != null) && testName.equals(name)) { return testGrp; } } return null; } /** * Fetch the widget of the frame of the specified name. * <p> * A frame's widgets must have mutually distinct names. * <p> * If the widget is not found, <code>null</code> is returned. * * @param widgetName the name of the widget to find * @return the widget of the given name held by the frame, * or <code>null</code> if not found * @author mlh */ public IWidget getWidget(String widgetName) { for (IWidget testWidget : widgets) { if (testWidget.getName().equals(widgetName)) { return testWidget; } } return null; } /** * Does this frame contain the specified widget */ public boolean containsWidget(IWidget widget) { return widgets.contains(widget); } /** * Add the given widget to the end of the frame's list of widgets. * <p> * Each implementation must check for widget name uniqueness. * <p> * When done, registered alert handlers are notified with * a <code>WidgetChange</code> instance. * <p> * Throws <code>DuplicateNameException</code> if given widget * has the same name as one already held by the frame. * * @param newWidget the widget to add * @exception DuplicateNameException * @author mlh */ public void addWidget(IWidget newWidget) throws DuplicateNameException { // Check for name collisions before adding the widget if (isWidgetNameTaken(newWidget.getName())) { throw new DuplicateNameException(); } int newLevel = widgets.size(); IWidget groupMember = getGroupMember(newWidget); if (groupMember != null) { newLevel = groupMember.getLevel(); } // Create the new widget at the top level newWidget.setLevel(newLevel); widgets.add(newWidget); // Set the frame parent for this widget. newWidget.setFrame(this); raiseAlert(new Frame.WidgetChange(this, newWidget, Frame.WidgetChange.ELEMENT_ADD)); } /** * Find the widget of the given name and, if found, remove from * the frame's list of widgets. * <p> * When done, registered alert handlers are notified with * a <code>WidgetChange</code> instance. * * @param widgetName the name of the widget to remove * @return true iff the widget was successfully removed * @author mlh */ public boolean removeWidget(String widgetName) { IWidget widgetToRemove = getWidget(widgetName); if (widgetToRemove != null) { return removeWidget(widgetToRemove); } return false; } /** * Remove the given widget from the frame's list of widgets, * if it contains that widget. * <p> * When done, registered alert handlers are notified with * a <code>WidgetChange</code> instance. * * @param widgetToRemove the widget to remove * @return true iff the widget was successfully removed * @author mlh */ public boolean removeWidget(IWidget widgetToRemove) { // Bring the widget to the top layer so our layering system does not // get confused. setWidgetLevel(Integer.MAX_VALUE, widgetToRemove); if (widgets.remove(widgetToRemove)) { raiseAlert(new Frame.WidgetChange(this, widgetToRemove, Frame.WidgetChange.ELEMENT_DELETE)); return true; } return false; } /** * Add the given association to the end of the frame's list of associations. * <p> * Each implementation must check for association name uniqueness. * <p> * When done, registered alert handlers are notified with * a <code>ElementChange</code> instance. * * @param newEltGroup the widget to add * @author mlh */ public void addEltGroup(FrameElementGroup newEltGroup) { eltGroups.add(newEltGroup); raiseAlert(new Frame.FrameEltGrpChange(this, newEltGroup, Frame.FrameEltGrpChange.ELEMENT_ADD)); } /** * Remove the given association from the frame's list of associations, * if it contains that association. * <p> * When done, registered alert handlers are notified with * a <code>ElementtChange</code> instance. * * @param groupToRemove the association to remove * @return true iff the widget was successfully removed * @author mlh */ public boolean removeEltGroup(FrameElementGroup groupToRemove) { if (eltGroups.remove(groupToRemove)) { raiseAlert(new Frame.FrameEltGrpChange(this, groupToRemove, Frame.FrameEltGrpChange.ELEMENT_DELETE)); return true; } return false; } /** * Returns another member of the widget's group, if it has a group and * another member exists; null otherwise */ protected IWidget getGroupMember(IWidget newWidget) { SimpleWidgetGroup group = newWidget.getParentGroup(); if (group != null) { int index = 0; if (group.size() > 1) { IWidget w = group.get(index); if (w != newWidget) { return w; } return group.get(index + 1); } if (newWidget instanceof ChildWidget) { return ((ChildWidget) newWidget).getParent(); } } return null; } /** * Set the level on a widget. * The level will be adjusted to lie in the range from 0-widgetListSize * * Other widgets are adjusted up or down depending on what the new value is * * An alert is generated at the end of all changes. */ public void setWidgetLevel(int newLevel, IWidget widget) { // Store the old level int oldLevel = widget.getLevel(); // Validate the new level; we want new widgets to be on top! int maxLevel = widgets.size() - 1; if (newLevel > maxLevel) { newLevel = maxLevel; } else if (newLevel < 0) { newLevel = 0; } // If there is a change, move through list realigning other widgets if (newLevel != oldLevel) { SimpleWidgetGroup parentGroup = widget.getParentGroup(); Iterator<IWidget> widgetIterator = widgets.iterator(); while (widgetIterator.hasNext()) { IWidget otherWidget = widgetIterator.next(); int level = otherWidget.getLevel(); // Every widget in the same SimpleWidgetGroup has the same level if ((parentGroup != null) && (otherWidget.getParentGroup() == parentGroup)) { otherWidget.setLevel(newLevel); } // Send backward if was above and is now below else if ((oldLevel < level) && (level <= newLevel)) { otherWidget.setLevel(level - 1); } // bring forward if was below and is now above else if ((newLevel <= level) && (level < oldLevel)) { otherWidget.setLevel(level + 1); } // otherwise, the other widget's level is either below // both the old/new levels or above both the old/new levels. } // Invoke raiseAlert here to maintain efficiency instead of // invoking it once for every widget whose level is changed above // in the while loop. widget.setLevel(newLevel); raiseAlert(new Frame.WidgetChange(this, widget, Frame.WidgetChange.WIDGET_LEVEL_CHANGED)); } } /** * Fetch the input device associated with the Frame of the given type. * * @param type * @return the input device associated with the Frame of the given type * @author mlh */ public InputDevice getInputDevice(DeviceType type) { return devices.get(type); } /** * Add a new input device to the frame of the given device type */ public void addInputDevice(DeviceType type) { if ((devices.get(type) == null) && (type.getNature() != DeviceType.OUTPUT_ONLY) && ! type.isModeledByDisplay()) { InputDevice newDevice = new InputDevice(type.toString(), type); devices.put(type, newDevice); newDevice.setFrame(this); raiseAlert(new Frame.InputDeviceChange(this, newDevice)); } } /** * Return all input devices associated with the Frame. * The collection contains InputDevice instances. * * @return all input devices associated with the Frame */ public Collection<InputDevice> getInputDevices() { return devices.values(); } /** * Record that the given Transition is incident upon this Frame. * * @param transition the object expressing the Transition to this Frame * @throws IllegalArgumentException if transition == null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if transition is not incident on this frame * @author mlh */ public void addIncidentTransition(Transition transition) { if (transition == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incident transition to add must not be null!"); } if (this != transition.getDestination()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transition to add must be incident on this Frame!"); } incidentTransitions.add(transition); } /** * Record that the given Transitions are incident upon this Frame. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if transition.getDestination() != this * @param transitions an array of Transitions to this Frame * @author centgraf */ public void addIncidentTransitions(Transition[] transitions) { // Maps Transition to the IWidget that is its source. for (Transition transition : transitions) { addIncidentTransition(transition); } } /** * Remove the specified Transition that is incident upon this Frame. * * @param transition the object expressing the Transition to this Frame * @throws IllegalArgumentException if transition == null * @return true if the removal was successful, false if there was no such transition here * @author mlh */ public boolean removeIncidentTransition(Transition transition) { if (transition == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incident transition to remove must not be null!"); } return incidentTransitions.remove(transition); } /** * Remove all incident Transitions * * @return the array of all removed Transitions * @author mlh */ public Transition[] removeIncidentTransitions() { int i = -1; Transition[] transitions = new Transition[incidentTransitions.size()]; // Maps Transition to the IWidget that is its source. Iterator<Transition> iTransitions = incidentTransitions.iterator(); while (iTransitions.hasNext()) { Transition transition = iTransitions.next(); transitions[++i] = transition; // Try to avoid concurrent modify exception iTransitions.remove(); transition.getSource().removeTransition(transition); } return transitions; } /** * Returns the mapping of incident Transition instances to the * corresponding source instances. * * @return the object reflecting the mapping of Transition instances * to their corresponding source instances * @author mlh */ public Set<Transition> getIncidentTransitions() { return incidentTransitions; } /** * Check to see if the widget's name is take by another widget. */ public boolean isWidgetNameTaken(String widgetName) { return getWidget(widgetName) != null; } /** * Set the name of a widget, throws a duplicate name exception if * the name is already used. */ public void setWidgetName(String widgetName, IWidget widget) throws DuplicateNameException { if (! widget.getName().equals(widgetName)) { // Check whether the requested name is already in use if (isWidgetNameTaken(widgetName)) { throw new DuplicateNameException(); } // set the name widget.setName(widgetName); } } /** * Set the name of an element group, throws a duplicate name exception if * the name is already used. */ public void setEltGroupName(String eltGroupName, FrameElementGroup eltGrp) throws DuplicateNameException { String oldName = eltGrp.getName(); if ((oldName == null) || ! oldName.equals(eltGroupName)) { // Check whether the requested name is already in use if (getEltGroup(eltGroupName) != null) { throw new DuplicateNameException(); } // set the name eltGrp.setName(eltGroupName); } } /** * * The platform-independent color value is encoded in the following format: * bits 0-7: blue; bits 7-15: green; bits 16-23: red; bits 24-31: alpha */ public int getWidgetColor() { return widgetColor; } /** * Set the color for this widget. * Takes an int which uses is encoded * The platform-independent color value is encoded in the following format: * bits 0-7: blue; bits 7-15: green; bits 16-23: red; bits 24-31: alpha */ public void setWidgetColor(int color) { if (widgetColor != color) { widgetColor = color; raiseAlert(new Frame.WidgetChange(this, null, Frame.WidgetChange.WIDGET_COLORS_CHANGED)); } } /** * Get the time in seconds that the user is expected to * listen to the auditory output from the Frame's speaker. */ public double getListenTimeInSecs() { return listenTimeInSecs; } /** * Set the time in seconds that the user is expected to * listen to the auditory output from the Frame's speaker. */ public void setListenTimeInSecs(double listenTime) { listenTimeInSecs = listenTime; raiseAlert(speakerChgEvent); } /** * Get the text that defines the auditory output from the Frame's speaker. */ public String getSpeakerText() { return speakerText; } /** * Set the text that defines the auditory output from the Frame's speaker. */ public void setSpeakerText(String speakerTxt) { if (speakerTxt == null) { speakerTxt = ""; } speakerText = speakerTxt; raiseAlert(speakerChgEvent); } protected static class DuplicateWidgetSituator extends SimpleWidgetGroup.AWidgetDuplicator { protected Frame frameCopy = null; protected Map<IWidget, IWidget> widgetMap = new HashMap<IWidget, IWidget>(); protected int recursionDepth = 0; public void placeInContext(IWidget origWidget, IWidget widgetCopy) { frameCopy.addWidget(widgetCopy); widgetMap.put(origWidget, widgetCopy); } public IWidget getDuplicate(IWidget origWidget) { return widgetMap.get(origWidget); } public Frame getCurrentFrameContext() { return frameCopy; } public void resetRecursion(Frame frame) { frameCopy = frame; // Prevent leak recursionDepth--; if (recursionDepth == 0) { widgetMap.clear(); reset(); } } public void reset(Frame frame) { recursionDepth++; frameCopy = frame; } } public static class ElementChange<T extends FrameElement> extends EventObject { /** * Added a new element. * The new element is passed in the event */ public static final int ELEMENT_ADD = 0; /** * The element is deleted. * The deleted element is passed in the message */ public static final int ELEMENT_DELETE = 1; /** * Holder for the action that occurred */ public int action; /** * If not null, the element effected by the action */ protected T element; /** * Initialize the semantic change representing an add or a remove. * * @param frame the frame that was modified * @param elementChg the element added or removed * @param act the type of action * @author alex */ public ElementChange(Frame frame, T elementChg, int act) { super(frame); this.element = elementChg; this.action = act; } public T getChangeElement() { return this.element; } } /** * Semantic change for <code>addWidget</code> and * <code>removeWidget</code>. * <p> * Widgets are added in no particular order. Thus, only one kind * of add is allowed. * * @author mlh * @see ListChange */ public static class WidgetChange extends ElementChange<IWidget> { /** * Changing level of a widget. * Best to redraw all on this event. */ public static final int WIDGET_LEVEL_CHANGED = 2; /** * Change color of all widgets. Redraw all. */ public static final int WIDGET_COLORS_CHANGED = 3; /** * Moved widget from one group to another */ public static final int WIDGET_REORDER = 4; /** * Initialize the semantic change representing an add or a remove. * * @param frame the frame that was modified * @param widgetChg the widget added or removed * @param add a flag indicating whether the change is an add * or a remove * @author alex */ public WidgetChange(Frame frame, IWidget widgetChg, int act) { super(frame, widgetChg, act); } } public static class FrameEltGrpChange extends ElementChange<FrameElementGroup> { public FrameEltGrpChange(Frame frame, FrameElementGroup elementChg, int act) { super(frame, elementChg, act); } } /** * Event for changing the background image of a frame. * */ public static class BackgroundImageChange extends EventObject { public static int IMAGE_CONTENT_CHANGE = 0; public static int IMAGE_BOUNDS_CHANGE = 1; int changeType; /** * @param frame * @param type: one of IMAGE_CONENT_CHANGE, IMAGE_BOUNDS_CHANGE */ public BackgroundImageChange(Frame frame, int type) { super(frame); changeType = type; } } /** * Event to indicate that the origin of a frame has changed. * The old origin is included in the message, * the new origin must be obtained from the source of the event. */ public static class OriginChange extends EventObject { public DoublePoint oldOrigin; /** * @param frame the frame whose origin was changed * @param oldOrigin the previous origin of the frame */ public OriginChange(Frame frame, DoublePoint oldValue) { super(frame); oldOrigin = oldValue; } } /** * Event to indicate that the characteristics of the auditory output * from the Frame's speaker have changed. The new user listening time * and speaker text must be obtained from the source of the event. */ public static class SpeakerChange extends EventObject { /** * @param frame the frame whose speaker properties were changed */ public SpeakerChange(Frame frame) { super(frame); } } /** * Event to indicate that a new input device has been added to the frame */ public static class InputDeviceChange extends EventObject { public InputDevice newDevice; /** * @param frame the frame whose speaker properties were changed */ public InputDeviceChange(Frame frame, InputDevice d) { super(frame); newDevice = d; } } /** * Support for duplicating Frames in a context. The difficulty * is that deep copies of a Frame requires copying Transitions * emanating from the Frame's Widgets and InputDevices and * the Transitions track destination Frames, which may or may not * be in the set of Frames being duplicated. * <p> * An implementation of this interface may choose to add the * duplicated Frame during getOrDuplicateFrame or not; * recordDuplicateFrame will be called whenever * getOrDuplicateFrame decides it needs to duplicate (vs. fetch). * * @author mlh */ public static interface IFrameDuplicator { /** * Fetch the given Frame's duplicate if it has already * been duplicated or duplicate it otherwise. * * @param frameToCopy the frame that should be duplicated * @return the frame copy */ public Frame getOrDuplicate(Frame frameToCopy); /** * Record the given duplicate Frame so that, if referenced * in a graph-like fashion, it may be fetched instead of * duplicated again. * * @param originalFrame the original frame that was duplicated * @param frameDuplicate the frame that is the duplicate */ public void recordDuplicateFrame(Frame originalFrame, Frame frameDuplicate); } public static IWidget duplicateWidget(IWidget widget, Frame.IFrameDuplicator duplicator, SimpleWidgetGroup.IWidgetDuplicator widgetSituator) { // If already copied, simply return the copy. IWidget widgetCopy = widgetSituator.getDuplicate(widget); if (widgetCopy != null) { // TODO: (dfm) does the following, or something like it, // need to be here, perhaps? It seems to have been omitted // from duplicate(String, IFrameDuplicator) as part of a // complex refactoring in revision 3050? Or is this done // somewhere else? // widgetSituator.placeInContext(widget, widgetCopy); return widgetCopy; } if (widget instanceof MenuHeader) { SimpleWidgetGroup newHdrGroup = widgetSituator.getGroup(widget.getParentGroup()); widgetCopy = ((MenuHeader) widget).duplicate(newHdrGroup, duplicator, widgetSituator); } else if (widget instanceof PullDownHeader) { widgetCopy = ((PullDownHeader) widget).duplicate(duplicator, widgetSituator); IWidget origSelected = (IWidget) widget.getAttribute(WidgetAttributes.SELECTION_ATTR); if (! NullSafe.equals(origSelected, WidgetAttributes.NONE_SELECTED)) { IWidget selectedCopy = widgetSituator.getDuplicate(origSelected); widgetCopy.setAttribute(WidgetAttributes.SELECTION_ATTR, selectedCopy); } } else if (widget instanceof ListItem) { SimpleWidgetGroup newListGroup = widgetSituator.getGroup(widget.getParentGroup()); widgetCopy = ((ListItem) widget).duplicate(newListGroup, duplicator); } else if (widget instanceof GridButton) { SimpleWidgetGroup newGridGroup = widgetSituator.getGroup(widget.getParentGroup()); widgetCopy = ((GridButton) widget).duplicate(newGridGroup, duplicator); } else if (widget instanceof ContextMenu) { widgetCopy = ((ContextMenu) widget).duplicate(duplicator, widgetSituator); } else if (! (widget instanceof ChildWidget)) { widgetCopy = widget.duplicate(duplicator); } if (widgetCopy != null) { widgetSituator.placeInContext(widget, widgetCopy); } return widgetCopy; } // duplicateWidget public static IWidget duplicateWidget(IWidget widget, Frame.IFrameDuplicator duplicator, SimpleWidgetGroup.IWidgetDuplicator widgetSituator, double moveByX, double moveByY) { IWidget widgetCopy = duplicateWidget(widget, duplicator, widgetSituator); if (widgetCopy == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Incorrect type for duplicating a structured widget"); } widgetCopy.moveElement(moveByX, moveByY); return widgetCopy; } public static void duplicateRemoteLabel(FrameElement elt, FrameElement eltCopy, Frame.IFrameDuplicator duplicator, SimpleWidgetGroup.IWidgetDuplicator widgetSituator, double moveByX, double moveByY) { // Must check if this element has a remote label widget; since labels // cannot have labels, the recursive call to duplicateWidget // will terminate! FrameElement remoteLabelOwner = elt.getRemoteLabelOwner(); // If the given element cannot have a remote label, nothing to do if (remoteLabelOwner == null) { return; } IWidget remoteLabel = (IWidget) remoteLabelOwner.getAttribute(WidgetAttributes.REMOTE_LABEL_ATTR); // If the element does not have a remote label, nothing to do // Otherwise, duplicate the remote label and reset both attributes // (duplicated label and duplicated owner) to refer to each other. // If the label has already been duplicated, the duplicateWidget will // simply use widgetSituator to return the copy. if (! NullSafe.equals(remoteLabel, WidgetAttributes.NONE_SELECTED)) { IWidget remoteLabelCopy = duplicateWidget(remoteLabel, duplicator, widgetSituator, moveByX, moveByY); FrameElement ownerCopy = eltCopy.getRemoteLabelOwner(); ownerCopy.setAttribute(WidgetAttributes.REMOTE_LABEL_ATTR, remoteLabelCopy); // Update the label copy to refer to the element copy as its owner remoteLabelCopy.setAttribute(WidgetAttributes.REMOTE_LABEL_OWNER_ATTR, ownerCopy); } } // duplicateRemoteLabel protected static DuplicateWidgetSituator widgetSituator = new DuplicateWidgetSituator(); protected FrameElementGroup duplicateGroup(FrameElementGroup eltGroup, Map<FrameElementGroup, FrameElementGroup> copies, Frame frameCopy, Frame.IFrameDuplicator duplicator) { FrameElementGroup eltGroupCopy = copies.get(eltGroup); if (eltGroupCopy == null) { eltGroupCopy = eltGroup.twin(); Iterator<FrameElement> grpMembers = eltGroup.iterator(); while (grpMembers.hasNext()) { FrameElement mbrElt = grpMembers.next(); FrameElement eltCopy = null; if (mbrElt instanceof IWidget) { eltCopy = widgetSituator.getDuplicate((IWidget) mbrElt); } else if (mbrElt instanceof SimpleWidgetGroup) { eltCopy = widgetSituator.getGroup((SimpleWidgetGroup) mbrElt); } else if (mbrElt instanceof FrameElementGroup) { eltCopy = duplicateGroup((FrameElementGroup) mbrElt, copies, frameCopy, duplicator); } if (eltCopy != null) { eltGroupCopy.add(eltCopy); } } duplicateRemoteLabel(eltGroup, eltGroupCopy, duplicator, widgetSituator, 0.0, 0.0); frameCopy.addEltGroup(eltGroupCopy); copies.put(eltGroup, eltGroupCopy); } return eltGroupCopy; } // duplicateGroup /** * Create a "deep" copy of this frame. * <p> * Because a "deep" copy involves the Transitions that emanate from * this frame's Widgets and/or InputDevices, a FrameDuplicator * is required to manage the generated duplicates. * <p> * When called from Design.duplicate, the FrameDuplicator will * "place" the copy in the duplicate Design. Otherwise, it may * be the responsibility of the caller to "place" the copy * (usually by adding it to an Design). * * @param newName the name of the resulting copy * @param duplicator the manager of duplicate Frame instances * @return the frame copy * @author mlh */ public Frame duplicate(String newName, Frame.IFrameDuplicator duplicator) { Frame frameCopy = new Frame(newName, devices.keySet()); // Invoke in stack-like manner since nested duplication may // call this duplicate method recursively. Frame oldFrameContext = widgetSituator.getCurrentFrameContext(); widgetSituator.reset(frameCopy); duplicator.recordDuplicateFrame(this, frameCopy); // Deep copy transitions for each InputDevice Iterator<InputDevice> deviceIt = devices.values().iterator(); while (deviceIt.hasNext()) { InputDevice device = deviceIt.next(); InputDevice deviceCopy = frameCopy.getInputDevice(device.getDeviceType()); deviceCopy.duplicateTransitions(device, duplicator); } // Adjust properties frameCopy.setFrameOrigin(origin); frameCopy.setBackgroundImage(background, backgroundBounds); frameCopy.setWidgetColor(widgetColor); frameCopy.setSpeakerText(speakerText); frameCopy.setListenTimeInSecs(listenTimeInSecs); // Copy list of widgets so we may sort according to level // (BECAUSE! addWidget will reset the level!) List<IWidget> widgetsCopy = new ArrayList<IWidget>(widgets); Collections.sort(widgetsCopy, Widget.WidgetLevelComparator.ONLY); // Add deep copies of the contained widgets. Iterator<IWidget> widgetIt = widgetsCopy.iterator(); while (widgetIt.hasNext()) { IWidget widget = widgetIt.next(); IWidget widgetCopy = duplicateWidget(widget, duplicator, widgetSituator); duplicateRemoteLabel(widget, widgetCopy, duplicator, widgetSituator, 0.0, 0.0); } widgetSituator.completeWork(); // To hold copied frame element groups Map<FrameElementGroup, FrameElementGroup> eltGroupCopies = new HashMap<FrameElementGroup, FrameElementGroup>(); // All of the widgets and IWidgetGroups have been copied as well // as their remote labels; now handle frame element groups. Iterator<FrameElementGroup> eltGroupIt = eltGroups.iterator(); while (eltGroupIt.hasNext()) { FrameElementGroup eltGroup = eltGroupIt.next(); FrameElementGroup eltGroupCopy = duplicateGroup(eltGroup, eltGroupCopies, frameCopy, duplicator); duplicateRemoteLabel(eltGroup, eltGroupCopy, duplicator, widgetSituator, 0.0, 0.0); } // Reset frame context in case called recursively // Now can reset recursion -- note: used by duplicateGroup and // duplicateRemoteLabel above widgetSituator.resetRecursion(oldFrameContext); frameCopy.copyAttributes(this); return frameCopy; } // duplicate }