/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.camel.component.syslog; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import org.apache.camel.Converter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @Converter public final class SyslogConverter { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SyslogConverter.class); private enum MONTHS { jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec } private static Map<String, MONTHS> monthValueMap = new HashMap<String, MONTHS>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; { put("jan", MONTHS.jan); put("feb", MONTHS.feb); put("mar", MONTHS.mar); put("apr", MONTHS.apr); put("may", MONTHS.may); put("jun", MONTHS.jun); put("jul", MONTHS.jul); put("aug", MONTHS.aug); put("sep", MONTHS.sep); put("oct", MONTHS.oct); put("nov", MONTHS.nov); put("dec", MONTHS.dec); } }; private SyslogConverter() { // Utility class } @Converter public static String toString(SyslogMessage message) { boolean isRfc5424 = message instanceof Rfc5424SyslogMessage; StringBuilder sbr = new StringBuilder(); sbr.append("<"); if (message.getFacility() == null) { message.setFacility(SyslogFacility.USER); } if (message.getSeverity() == null) { message.setSeverity(SyslogSeverity.INFO); } if (message.getHostname() == null) { // This is massively ugly.. try { message.setHostname(InetAddress.getLocalHost().toString()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { message.setHostname("UNKNOWN_HOST"); } } sbr.append(message.getFacility().ordinal() * 8 + message.getSeverity().ordinal()); sbr.append(">"); // version number if (isRfc5424) { sbr.append("1"); sbr.append(" "); } if (message.getTimestamp() == null) { message.setTimestamp(Calendar.getInstance()); } if (isRfc5424) { sbr.append(DatatypeConverter.printDateTime(message.getTimestamp())); } else { addRfc3164TimeStamp(sbr, message); } sbr.append(" "); sbr.append(message.getHostname()); sbr.append(" "); if (isRfc5424) { Rfc5424SyslogMessage rfc5424SyslogMessage = (Rfc5424SyslogMessage) message; sbr.append(rfc5424SyslogMessage.getAppName()); sbr.append(" "); sbr.append(rfc5424SyslogMessage.getProcId()); sbr.append(" "); sbr.append(rfc5424SyslogMessage.getMsgId()); sbr.append(" "); sbr.append(rfc5424SyslogMessage.getStructuredData()); sbr.append(" "); } sbr.append(message.getLogMessage()); return sbr.toString(); } @Converter public static SyslogMessage toSyslogMessage(String body) { return parseMessage(body.getBytes()); } public static SyslogMessage parseMessage(byte[] bytes) { ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bytes.length); byteBuffer.put(bytes); byteBuffer.rewind(); Character charFound = (char) byteBuffer.get(); SyslogFacility foundFacility = null; SyslogSeverity foundSeverity = null; while (charFound != '<') { // Ignore noise in beginning of message. charFound = (char) byteBuffer.get(); } char priChar = 0; if (charFound == '<') { int facility = 0; while (Character.isDigit(priChar = (char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xff))) { facility *= 10; facility += Character.digit(priChar, 10); } foundFacility = SyslogFacility.values()[facility >> 3]; foundSeverity = SyslogSeverity.values()[facility & 0x07]; } if (priChar != '>') { // Invalid character - this is not a well defined syslog message. LOG.error("Invalid syslog message, missing a > in the Facility/Priority part"); } SyslogMessage syslogMessage = new SyslogMessage(); boolean isRfc5424 = false; // Read next character charFound = (char) byteBuffer.get(); // If next character is a 1, we have probably found an rfc 5424 message // message if (charFound == '1') { syslogMessage = new Rfc5424SyslogMessage(); isRfc5424 = true; } else { // go back one to parse the rfc3164 date byteBuffer.position(byteBuffer.position() - 1); } syslogMessage.setFacility(foundFacility); syslogMessage.setSeverity(foundSeverity); if (!isRfc5424) { // Parse rfc 3164 date syslogMessage.setTimestamp(parseRfc3164Date(byteBuffer)); } else { charFound = (char) byteBuffer.get(); if (charFound != ' ') { LOG.error("Invalid syslog message, missing a mandatory space after version"); } // This should be the timestamp StringBuilder date = new StringBuilder(); while ((charFound = (char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xff)) != ' ') { date.append(charFound); } syslogMessage.setTimestamp(DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(date.toString())); } // The host is the char sequence until the next ' ' StringBuilder host = new StringBuilder(); while ((charFound = (char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xff)) != ' ') { host.append(charFound); } syslogMessage.setHostname(host.toString()); if (isRfc5424) { Rfc5424SyslogMessage rfc5424SyslogMessage = (Rfc5424SyslogMessage) syslogMessage; StringBuilder appName = new StringBuilder(); while ((charFound = (char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xff)) != ' ') { appName.append(charFound); } rfc5424SyslogMessage.setAppName(appName.toString()); StringBuilder procId = new StringBuilder(); while ((charFound = (char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xff)) != ' ') { procId.append(charFound); } rfc5424SyslogMessage.setProcId(procId.toString()); StringBuilder msgId = new StringBuilder(); while ((charFound = (char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xff)) != ' ') { msgId.append(charFound); } rfc5424SyslogMessage.setMsgId(msgId.toString()); StringBuilder structuredData = new StringBuilder(); boolean inblock = false; while (((charFound = (char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xff)) != ' ') || inblock) { if (charFound == '[') { inblock = true; } if (charFound == ']') { inblock = false; } structuredData.append(charFound); } rfc5424SyslogMessage.setStructuredData(structuredData.toString()); } StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); while (byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) { charFound = (char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xff); msg.append(charFound); } syslogMessage.setLogMessage(msg.toString()); LOG.trace("Syslog message : {}", syslogMessage.toString()); return syslogMessage; } private static void addRfc3164TimeStamp(StringBuilder sbr, SyslogMessage message) { // SDF isn't going to help much here. Calendar cal = message.getTimestamp(); String firstLetter = MONTHS.values()[cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)].toString().substring(0, 1); // Get // first // letter String remainder = MONTHS.values()[cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)].toString().substring(1); // Get // remainder // of // word. String capitalized = firstLetter.toUpperCase() + remainder.toLowerCase(); sbr.append(capitalized); sbr.append(" "); if (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) < 10) { sbr.append(" ").append(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); } else { sbr.append(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); } sbr.append(" "); if (cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) < 10) { sbr.append("0").append(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); } else { sbr.append(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); } sbr.append(":"); if (cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) < 10) { sbr.append("0").append(cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); } else { sbr.append(cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); } sbr.append(":"); if (cal.get(Calendar.SECOND) < 10) { sbr.append("0").append(cal.get(Calendar.SECOND)); } else { sbr.append(cal.get(Calendar.SECOND)); } } private static Calendar parseRfc3164Date(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { char charFound; // Done parsing severity and facility // <169>Oct 22 10:52:01 TZ-6 scapegoat.dmz.example.org // sched[0]: That's All Folks! // Need to parse the date. /** * The TIMESTAMP field is the local time and is in the format of * "Mmm dd hh:mm:ss" (without the quote marks) where: Mmm is the English * language abbreviation for the month of the year with the first * character in uppercase and the other two characters in lowercase. The * following are the only acceptable values: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, * Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec dd is the day of the month. If the * day of the month is less than 10, then it MUST be represented as a * space and then the number. For example, the 7th day of August would * be represented as "Aug 7", with two spaces between the "g" and the * "7". hh:mm:ss is the local time. The hour (hh) is represented in a * 24-hour format. Valid entries are between 00 and 23, inclusive. The * minute (mm) and second (ss) entries are between 00 and 59 inclusive. */ char[] month = new char[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { month[i] = (char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xff); } charFound = (char) byteBuffer.get(); if (charFound != ' ') { // Invalid Message - missing mandatory space. LOG.error("Invalid syslog message, missing a mandatory space after month"); } charFound = (char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xff); int day = 0; if (charFound == ' ') { // Extra space for the day - this is okay. // Just ignored per the spec. } else { day *= 10; day += Character.digit(charFound, 10); } while (Character.isDigit(charFound = (char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xff))) { day *= 10; day += Character.digit(charFound, 10); } int hour = 0; while (Character.isDigit(charFound = (char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xff))) { hour *= 10; hour += Character.digit(charFound, 10); } int minute = 0; while (Character.isDigit(charFound = (char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xff))) { minute *= 10; minute += Character.digit(charFound, 10); } int second = 0; while (Character.isDigit(charFound = (char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xff))) { second *= 10; second += Character.digit(charFound, 10); } Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, monthValueMap.get(String.valueOf(month).toLowerCase()).ordinal()); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, second); return calendar; } }