/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.camel.component.mqtt; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext; import org.apache.camel.spi.UriParam; import org.apache.camel.spi.UriParams; import org.fusesource.hawtdispatch.DispatchQueue; import org.fusesource.hawtdispatch.transport.TcpTransport; import org.fusesource.mqtt.client.MQTT; import org.fusesource.mqtt.client.QoS; @UriParams public class MQTTConfiguration extends MQTT { public static final String MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC = "CamelMQTTSubscribeTopic"; public static final String MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC = "CamelMQTTPublishTopic"; // inherited options from MQTT @UriParam(defaultValue = "tcp://") URI host; @UriParam URI localAddress; @UriParam SSLContext sslContext; @UriParam DispatchQueue dispatchQueue; @UriParam Executor blockingExecutor; @UriParam int maxReadRate; @UriParam int maxWriteRate; @UriParam(defaultValue = "" + TcpTransport.IPTOS_THROUGHPUT) int trafficClass = TcpTransport.IPTOS_THROUGHPUT; @UriParam(defaultValue = "" + 1024 * 64) int receiveBufferSize = 1024 * 64; @UriParam(defaultValue = "" + 1024 * 64) int sendBufferSize = 1024 * 64; @UriParam(defaultValue = "10") long reconnectDelay = 10; @UriParam(defaultValue = "" + 30 * 1000) long reconnectDelayMax = 30 * 1000; @UriParam(defaultValue = "2.0") double reconnectBackOffMultiplier = 2.0f; @UriParam(defaultValue = "-1") long reconnectAttemptsMax = -1; @UriParam(defaultValue = "-1") long connectAttemptsMax = -1; @UriParam String clientId; @UriParam boolean cleanSession; @UriParam short keepAlive; @UriParam String willTopic; @UriParam String willMessage; @UriParam(enums = "AtMostOnce,AtLeastOne,ExactlyOnce", defaultValue = "AtMostOnce") QoS willQos = QoS.AT_MOST_ONCE; @UriParam QoS willRetain; @UriParam(defaultValue = "3.1") String version; @UriParam(label = "producer,advanced", defaultValue = "true") private boolean lazySessionCreation = true; /** * These a properties that are looked for in an Exchange - to publish to */ @UriParam(defaultValue = "MQTTTopicPropertyName") private String mqttTopicPropertyName = "MQTTTopicPropertyName"; @UriParam(defaultValue = "MQTTRetain") private String mqttRetainPropertyName = "MQTTRetain"; @UriParam(defaultValue = "MQTTQos") private String mqttQosPropertyName = "MQTTQos"; /** * These are set on the Endpoint - together with properties inherited from MQTT */ @UriParam @Deprecated private String subscribeTopicName = ""; @UriParam private String subscribeTopicNames = ""; @UriParam(defaultValue = "camel/mqtt/test") private String publishTopicName = "camel/mqtt/test"; @UriParam(defaultValue = "10") private int connectWaitInSeconds = 10; @UriParam(defaultValue = "5") private int disconnectWaitInSeconds = 5; @UriParam(defaultValue = "5") private int sendWaitInSeconds = 5; @UriParam private boolean byDefaultRetain; @UriParam(enums = "AtMostOnce,AtLeastOne,ExactlyOnce", defaultValue = "AtLeastOnce") private String qualityOfService = QoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE.name(); private QoS qos = QoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE; public String getQualityOfService() { return qualityOfService; } /** * Quality of service level to use for topics. */ public void setQualityOfService(String qualityOfService) { this.qos = getQoS(qualityOfService); this.qualityOfService = qualityOfService; } public QoS getQoS() { return qos; } @Deprecated public String getSubscribeTopicName() { return subscribeTopicName; } /** * The name of the Topic to subscribe to for messages. */ @Deprecated public void setSubscribeTopicName(String subscribeTopicName) { this.subscribeTopicName = subscribeTopicName; } public String getSubscribeTopicNames() { return subscribeTopicNames; } /** * A comma-delimited list of Topics to subscribe to for messages. * Note that each item of this list can contain MQTT wildcards (+ and/or #), in order to subscribe * to topics matching a certain pattern within a hierarchy. * For example, + is a wildcard for all topics at a level within the hierarchy, * so if a broker has topics topics/one and topics/two, then topics/+ can be used to subscribe to both. * A caveat to consider here is that if the broker adds topics/three, the route would also begin to receive messages from that topic. */ public void setSubscribeTopicNames(String subscribeTopicNames) { this.subscribeTopicNames = subscribeTopicNames; } public String getPublishTopicName() { return publishTopicName; } /** * The default Topic to publish messages on */ public void setPublishTopicName(String publishTopicName) { this.publishTopicName = publishTopicName; } /** * Please use MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC and MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC to set or get the topic name */ @Deprecated public String getMqttTopicPropertyName() { return mqttTopicPropertyName; } /** * Please use MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC and MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC to set or get the topic name */ @Deprecated public void setMqttTopicPropertyName(String mqttTopicPropertyName) { this.mqttTopicPropertyName = mqttTopicPropertyName; } public String getMqttRetainPropertyName() { return mqttRetainPropertyName; } /** * The property name to look for on an Exchange for an individual published message. * If this is set (expects a Boolean value) - then the retain property will be set on the message sent to the MQTT message broker. */ public void setMqttRetainPropertyName(String mqttRetainPropertyName) { this.mqttRetainPropertyName = mqttRetainPropertyName; } public String getMqttQosPropertyName() { return mqttQosPropertyName; } /** * The property name to look for on an Exchange for an individual published message. * If this is set (one of AtMostOnce, AtLeastOnce or ExactlyOnce ) - then that QoS will be set on the message sent to the MQTT message broker. */ public void setMqttQosPropertyName(String mqttQosPropertyName) { this.mqttQosPropertyName = mqttQosPropertyName; } public int getConnectWaitInSeconds() { return connectWaitInSeconds; } /** * Delay in seconds the Component will wait for a connection to be established to the MQTT broker */ public void setConnectWaitInSeconds(int connectWaitInSeconds) { this.connectWaitInSeconds = connectWaitInSeconds; } public int getDisconnectWaitInSeconds() { return disconnectWaitInSeconds; } /** * The number of seconds the Component will wait for a valid disconnect on stop() from the MQTT broker */ public void setDisconnectWaitInSeconds(int disconnectWaitInSeconds) { this.disconnectWaitInSeconds = disconnectWaitInSeconds; } public int getSendWaitInSeconds() { return sendWaitInSeconds; } /** * The maximum time the Component will wait for a receipt from the MQTT broker to acknowledge a published message before throwing an exception */ public void setSendWaitInSeconds(int sendWaitInSeconds) { this.sendWaitInSeconds = sendWaitInSeconds; } public boolean isByDefaultRetain() { return byDefaultRetain; } /** * The default retain policy to be used on messages sent to the MQTT broker */ public void setByDefaultRetain(boolean byDefaultRetain) { this.byDefaultRetain = byDefaultRetain; } static QoS getQoS(String qualityOfService) { for (QoS q : QoS.values()) { if (q.name().equalsIgnoreCase(qualityOfService)) { return q; } } if (qualityOfService.equalsIgnoreCase("ATMOSTONCE")) { return QoS.AT_MOST_ONCE; } if (qualityOfService.equalsIgnoreCase("EXACTLYONCE")) { return QoS.EXACTLY_ONCE; } if (qualityOfService.equalsIgnoreCase("ATLEASTONCE")) { return QoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no QoS with name " + qualityOfService); } /** * Use to set the client Id of the session. * This is what an MQTT server uses to identify a session where setCleanSession(false); is being used. * The id must be 23 characters or less. Defaults to auto generated id (based on your socket address, port and timestamp). */ @Override public void setClientId(String clientId) { super.setClientId(clientId); } /** * Set to false if you want the MQTT server to persist topic subscriptions and ack positions across client sessions. Defaults to true. */ @Override public void setCleanSession(boolean cleanSession) { super.setCleanSession(cleanSession); } /** * Configures the Keep Alive timer in seconds. Defines the maximum time interval between messages received from a client. * It enables the server to detect that the network connection to a client has dropped, without having to wait for the long TCP/IP timeout. */ @Override public void setKeepAlive(short keepAlive) { super.setKeepAlive(keepAlive); } /** * Password to be used for authentication against the MQTT broker */ @Override public void setPassword(String password) { super.setPassword(password); } /** * Username to be used for authentication against the MQTT broker */ @Override public void setUserName(String userName) { super.setUserName(userName); } /** * The Will message to send. Defaults to a zero length message. */ @Override public void setWillMessage(String willMessage) { super.setWillMessage(willMessage); } /** * Sets the quality of service to use for the Will message. Defaults to AT_MOST_ONCE. */ @Override public void setWillQos(QoS willQos) { super.setWillQos(willQos); } /** * Set to 3.1.1 to use MQTT version 3.1.1. Otherwise defaults to the 3.1 protocol version. */ @Override public void setVersion(String version) { super.setVersion(version); } @Override public String getVersion() { return super.getVersion(); } /** * Set to true if you want the Will to be published with the retain option. */ @Override public void setWillRetain(boolean willRetain) { super.setWillRetain(willRetain); } /** * If set the server will publish the client's Will message to the specified topics if the client has an unexpected disconnection. */ @Override public void setWillTopic(String willTopic) { super.setWillTopic(willTopic); } @Override public Executor getBlockingExecutor() { return super.getBlockingExecutor(); } /** * SSL connections perform blocking operations against internal thread pool unless you call the setBlockingExecutor method to configure that executor they will use instead. */ @Override public void setBlockingExecutor(Executor blockingExecutor) { super.setBlockingExecutor(blockingExecutor); } @Override public DispatchQueue getDispatchQueue() { return super.getDispatchQueue(); } /** * A HawtDispatch dispatch queue is used to synchronize access to the connection. * If an explicit queue is not configured via the setDispatchQueue method, then a new queue will be created for the connection. * Setting an explicit queue might be handy if you want multiple connection to share the same queue for synchronization. */ @Override public void setDispatchQueue(DispatchQueue dispatchQueue) { super.setDispatchQueue(dispatchQueue); } @Override public URI getLocalAddress() { return super.getLocalAddress(); } /** * The local InetAddress and port to use */ @Override public void setLocalAddress(String localAddress) throws URISyntaxException { super.setLocalAddress(localAddress); } @Override public void setLocalAddress(URI localAddress) { super.setLocalAddress(localAddress); } @Override public int getMaxReadRate() { return super.getMaxReadRate(); } /** * Sets the maximum bytes per second that this transport will receive data at. * This setting throttles reads so that the rate is not exceeded. Defaults to 0 which disables throttling. */ @Override public void setMaxReadRate(int maxReadRate) { super.setMaxReadRate(maxReadRate); } @Override public int getMaxWriteRate() { return super.getMaxWriteRate(); } /** * Sets the maximum bytes per second that this transport will send data at. * This setting throttles writes so that the rate is not exceeded. Defaults to 0 which disables throttling. */ @Override public void setMaxWriteRate(int maxWriteRate) { super.setMaxWriteRate(maxWriteRate); } @Override public int getReceiveBufferSize() { return super.getReceiveBufferSize(); } /** * Sets the size of the internal socket receive buffer. Defaults to 65536 (64k) */ @Override public void setReceiveBufferSize(int receiveBufferSize) { super.setReceiveBufferSize(receiveBufferSize); } @Override public URI getHost() { return super.getHost(); } /** * The URI of the MQTT broker to connect too - this component also supports SSL - e.g. ssl:// */ @Override public void setHost(String host) throws URISyntaxException { super.setHost(host); } /** * The URI of the MQTT broker to connect too - this component also supports SSL - e.g. ssl:// */ @Override public void setHost(URI host) { super.setHost(host); } @Override public int getSendBufferSize() { return super.getSendBufferSize(); } /** * Sets the size of the internal socket send buffer. Defaults to 65536 (64k) */ @Override public void setSendBufferSize(int sendBufferSize) { super.setSendBufferSize(sendBufferSize); } @Override public SSLContext getSslContext() { return super.getSslContext(); } /** * To configure security using SSLContext configuration */ @Override public void setSslContext(SSLContext sslContext) { super.setSslContext(sslContext); } @Override public int getTrafficClass() { return super.getTrafficClass(); } /** * Sets traffic class or type-of-service octet in the IP header for packets sent from the transport. * Defaults to 8 which means the traffic should be optimized for throughput. */ @Override public void setTrafficClass(int trafficClass) { super.setTrafficClass(trafficClass); } @Override public long getConnectAttemptsMax() { return super.getConnectAttemptsMax(); } /** * The maximum number of reconnect attempts before an error is reported back to the client on the first attempt * by the client to connect to a server. Set to -1 to use unlimited attempts. Defaults to -1. */ @Override public void setConnectAttemptsMax(long connectAttemptsMax) { super.setConnectAttemptsMax(connectAttemptsMax); } @Override public long getReconnectAttemptsMax() { return super.getReconnectAttemptsMax(); } /** * The maximum number of reconnect attempts before an error is reported back to the client after a server * connection had previously been established. Set to -1 to use unlimited attempts. Defaults to -1. */ @Override public void setReconnectAttemptsMax(long reconnectAttemptsMax) { super.setReconnectAttemptsMax(reconnectAttemptsMax); } @Override public double getReconnectBackOffMultiplier() { return super.getReconnectBackOffMultiplier(); } /** * The Exponential backoff be used between reconnect attempts. Set to 1 to disable exponential backoff. Defaults to 2. */ @Override public void setReconnectBackOffMultiplier(double reconnectBackOffMultiplier) { super.setReconnectBackOffMultiplier(reconnectBackOffMultiplier); } @Override public long getReconnectDelay() { return super.getReconnectDelay(); } /** * How long to wait in ms before the first reconnect attempt. Defaults to 10. */ @Override public void setReconnectDelay(long reconnectDelay) { super.setReconnectDelay(reconnectDelay); } @Override public long getReconnectDelayMax() { return super.getReconnectDelayMax(); } /** * The maximum amount of time in ms to wait between reconnect attempts. Defaults to 30,000. */ @Override public void setReconnectDelayMax(long reconnectDelayMax) { super.setReconnectDelayMax(reconnectDelayMax); } public boolean isLazySessionCreation() { return lazySessionCreation; } /** * Sessions can be lazily created to avoid exceptions, if the remote server is not up and running when the Camel producer is started. */ public void setLazySessionCreation(boolean lazySessionCreation) { this.lazySessionCreation = lazySessionCreation; } }