package jbehave; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.jbehave.core.annotations.BeforeStories; import org.jbehave.core.annotations.Given; import org.jbehave.core.annotations.Then; import org.jbehave.core.annotations.When; import org.jbehave.core.model.ExamplesTable; import com.rhc.drools.reference.ClasspathKnowledgeBaseBuilder; import com.rhc.drools.reference.ReflectiveExecutionResultsTransformer; import com.rhc.drools.reference.StatelessDroolsComponent; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class MortgageApplicationStepper { StatelessDroolsComponent droolsComponent; private MortgageApplicationRequest request; private MortgageApplicationResponse response; @BeforeStories public void setUp() { droolsComponent = new StatelessDroolsComponent(); droolsComponent.setCommandListBuilder( new MortgageApplicationCommandListBuilder() ); droolsComponent.setKnowledgeBaseBuilder( new ClasspathKnowledgeBaseBuilder( buildDrls() ) ); ReflectiveExecutionResultsTransformer resultsTransformer = new ReflectiveExecutionResultsTransformer(); droolsComponent.setResultsTransformer( resultsTransformer ); request = new MortgageApplicationRequest( null, null ); } @Given("there are these applications $applicationsTable") public void givenTheseApplications( ExamplesTable applicationsTable ) { Set<Application> appSet = new HashSet<Application>(); for ( Map<String, String> row : applicationsTable.getRows() ) { // System.out.println( Long.parseLong( row.get( "app_ID" ) ) ); BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal( row.get( "amount" ) ); Long customerId = new Long( row.get( "custId" ) ); Long applicationId = new Long( row.get( "appId" ) ); Application app = new Application( amount, customerId, applicationId ); appSet.add( app ); } request.setApplications( appSet ); } @Given("these customers $customerTable") public void andTheseCustomers( ExamplesTable customersTable ) { Set<Customer> custSet = new HashSet<Customer>(); for ( Map<String, String> row : customersTable.getRows() ) { String name = row.get( "name" ); Integer age = new Integer( row.get( "age" ) ); Integer creditScore = new Integer( row.get( "creditScore" ) ); Long id = new Long( row.get( "id" ) ); Customer cust = new Customer( name, age, creditScore, id ); custSet.add( cust ); } request.setCustomers( custSet ); } @When("I evaluate these objects in the mortgage application") public void whenIEvaluateTheseObjectsInTheMortgageApplication() { response = droolsComponent.execute( request, MortgageApplicationResponse.class ); } @Then("I expect the mortgages added to be $mortgagesTable") public void iExpectTheNumberOfMortgageApplicationsToBe( ExamplesTable mortgagesTable ) { Set<Mortgage> expectedSet = makeMortgages( mortgagesTable ); Collection<Mortgage> actualList = response.getNewMortgagesCreated(); Set<Mortgage> actualSet = new HashSet<Mortgage>(); actualSet.addAll( actualList ); assertEquals( expectedSet, actualSet ); } private Set<Mortgage> makeMortgages( ExamplesTable mortgagesTable ) { Set<Mortgage> tempSet = new HashSet<Mortgage>(); for ( Map<String, String> row : mortgagesTable.getRows() ) { Long customerId = new Long( row.get( "custId" ) ); Long applicationId = new Long( row.get( "appId" ) ); BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal( row.get( "amount" ) ); Mortgage temp = new Mortgage( customerId, applicationId, amount ); tempSet.add( temp ); } return tempSet; } public static Set<String> buildDrls() { Set<String> drls = new HashSet<String>(); drls.add( "Queries.drl" ); drls.add( "ApplicationValidation.drl" ); drls.add( "CustomerValidation.drl" ); drls.add( "MortgageRules.drl" ); return drls; } }