package com.rhc.stock; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * * @author Red Hat Consulting * * Public class Stock holds information on a given stock listing, as well as the most recent quote * for the given stock. The Stock class also holds a map with a history of days, * which include day's highs, lows, etc. Stock is the central reference object for the day-trader example. * */ public class Stock{ private String name; private String ticker; private StockQuote quote; private Map<Date, StockDay> history = new HashMap<Date, StockDay>(); public Map<Date, StockDay> getHistory() { return history; } public void setHistory(Map<Date, StockDay> history) { this.history = history; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getTicker() { return ticker; } public void setTicker(String ticker) { this.ticker = ticker; } public StockQuote getQuote() { return quote; } public void setQuote(StockQuote quote) { this.quote = quote; } /** * Populates the history with trading information from the * past 30 calendar days from Yahoo Finance. * Creates a URL to access Yahoo Finance and get information in .csv format. * Parses .csv file and loads information into an instance of StockDay for each line. * Each day is then loaded into history. * * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException * @throws MalformedURLException */ public void populateHistory() throws IOException, ParseException, MalformedURLException { Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); // Set up a connection to the Yahoo Finance CSV url URL url = new URL(getHistoryUrl()); URLConnection urlConn = url.openConnection(); InputStreamReader inStream = new InputStreamReader(urlConn.getInputStream()); BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(inStream); // Spreadsheet Header (1st row) is ommitted buff.readLine(); // Prepare each line of spreadsheet data and assign values to POJOs String data; String [] line; while((data = buff.readLine()) != null){ line = data.split(","); date = sdf.parse(line[0]); StockDay stockDay = new StockDay(); stockDay.setDay(date); stockDay.setDayOpen((float) Double.parseDouble(line[1])); stockDay.setDayHigh((float) Double.parseDouble(line[2])); stockDay.setDayLow((float) Double.parseDouble(line[3])); stockDay.setDayClose((float) Double.parseDouble(line[4])); this.getHistory().put(date, stockDay); } inStream.close(); this.updateQuote(); } /** * Updates the quote with information from the most recent day in history. * */ public void updateQuote() { StockQuote quote = new StockQuote(); quote.setStock(this); List<Date> dates = new ArrayList<Date>(); dates.addAll(getHistory().keySet()); Collections.sort(dates); Collections.reverse(dates); StockDay stockDay = new StockDay(); stockDay = getHistory().get(dates.get(0)); quote.setPrice(stockDay.getDayClose()); setQuote(quote); } /** * Creates the URL to access Yahoo Finance historical information from last 30 calendar days. * Uses the current date to get the day for a month earlier. * Creates a URL of format needed to access Yahoo Finance. * * @return URL to access Yahoo Finance data for last 30 days. */ private String getHistoryUrl(){ String url = new String(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); //Yahoo Finance requires the month field in the URL to be the current month - 1 (ex: October would be 9 instead of 10) Integer startMonth = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH) - 1; Integer startDay = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DATE); Integer startYear = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); Integer endMonth = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH); Integer endDay = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DATE); Integer endYear = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); sb.append(""); sb.append(getTicker()); sb.append("&a="); sb.append( startMonth ); sb.append("&b="); sb.append(startDay); sb.append("&c="); sb.append(startYear); sb.append("&d="); sb.append( endMonth ); sb.append("&e="); sb.append(endDay); sb.append("&f="); sb.append(endYear); url = sb.toString(); return url; } /** * Populates Bollinger bands of a specific day * Based on availability of history, Bollinger Band information is calculated. * The middle band is the average of the close price of days used for data. * The upper band is the middle band + (2 * standard deviation of middle band). * The lower band is the middle band - (2 * standard deviation of middle band). * */ // public void populateBollingerBands(StockDay day) { // //If there is not enough history, the band for that day will not be created // //If there is enough history, the band will be created using all historical information available // if(!history.isEmpty() && history.size() > BOLLINGER_LENGTH) { // float middleBand = new Float(0); // float upperBand = new Float(0); // float lowerBand = new Float(0); // // // Determine the middle Bollinger Band // for (Date date : getHistory().keySet()){ // middleBand += history.get(date).getDayClose() ; // // } // middleBand /= history.size(); // day.setMiddleBand(middleBand); // // float sd = standardDeviation(middleBand); // // // Determine the bands based on the standard deviation // upperBand = middleBand + 2*sd; // lowerBand = middleBand - 2*sd; // day.setUpperBand(upperBand); // day.setLowerBand(lowerBand); // // System.out.println(day.getDay().toString() + "--MB--" + middleBand + "--SD--" + sd + "--LB--" + lowerBand + "--UB--" + upperBand); // } // } // /** * Finds the standard deviation of the history given the average */ // private float standardDeviation(float average) { // // Determine the std deviation for the Upper & Lower Bands // float sd = new Float(0.0); // for (Date date : getHistory().keySet()){ // sd = (float) (sd + Math.pow(history.get(date).getDayClose() - average, 2)); // } // // sd = (float) Math.sqrt(sd/(history.size()-1)); // return sd; // } }