package com.github.kristofa.brave.okhttp; import com.github.kristofa.brave.KeyValueAnnotation; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import okhttp3.Request; import okhttp3.Response; import zipkin.TraceKeys; /** * Extend this type to change metadata recorded in spans representing http operations. * * <p><em>Be careful when customizing</em>, particularly not to add too much data. Large spans (ex * large orders of kilobytes) can be problematic and/or dropped. Also, be careful that span names * have low cardinality (ex no embedded variables). Finally, prefer names in {@link TraceKeys} where * possible, so that lookup keys are coherent. * * For more information, look at our <a href="">instrumentation * docs</a> */ public class OkHttpParser { /** Returns the {@link Request#tag()} or the http method when absent. */ public String applicationSpanName(Request request) { return !(request.tag() instanceof Request) ? request.tag().toString() : request.method(); } /** Returns the http method. */ public String networkSpanName(Request request) { return request.method(); } /** Returns the {@link zipkin.TraceKeys#HTTP_URL} */ public List<KeyValueAnnotation> networkRequestTags(Request request) { return Collections.singletonList( KeyValueAnnotation.create(TraceKeys.HTTP_URL, request.url().toString()) ); } /** Returns the {@link zipkin.TraceKeys#HTTP_STATUS_CODE} if unsuccessful */ public List<KeyValueAnnotation> networkResponseTags(Response response) { int code = response.code(); if (response.isSuccessful()) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; return Collections.singletonList( KeyValueAnnotation.create(TraceKeys.HTTP_STATUS_CODE, String.valueOf(code)) ); } }