package com.github.kristofa.brave.okhttp; import com.github.kristofa.brave.Brave; import com.github.kristofa.brave.ClientTracer; import com.github.kristofa.brave.InheritableServerClientAndLocalSpanState; import com.github.kristofa.brave.KeyValueAnnotation; import com.github.kristofa.brave.LocalTracer; import com.github.kristofa.brave.SpanId; import com.github.kristofa.brave.http.BraveHttpHeaders; import com.twitter.zipkin.gen.Endpoint; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.List; import okhttp3.Connection; import okhttp3.Interceptor; import okhttp3.OkHttpClient; import okhttp3.Request; import okhttp3.Response; import zipkin.Constants; import zipkin.TraceKeys; import static com.github.kristofa.brave.IdConversion.convertToString; import static com.github.kristofa.brave.http.BraveHttpHeaders.Sampled; import static com.github.kristofa.brave.internal.Util.checkNotNull; /** * This is an OkHttp interceptor which traces client requests. It should be applied as both an * {@link OkHttpClient#interceptors() application interceptor} and as a {@link * OkHttpClient#networkInterceptors() network interceptor}. * * <p>The implementation models the application request as a local span. Each network request will * be a child span. For example, if there's a redirect, there will be one for the application * request and two spans for the associated network requests. * * Trace identifiers of each network attempt are propagated to the server via headers prefixed with * `X-B3`. These spans are also reported out of band, with {@link zipkin.Constants#CLIENT_SEND} and * {@link zipkin.Constants#CLIENT_RECV} annotations, binary annotations (tags) like {@link * TraceKeys#HTTP_URL} and {@link zipkin.Constants#SERVER_ADDR the server's ip and port}. * * <h3>Configuration</h3> * * <p>Since this interceptor creates nested spans, you should use nesting-aware * span state like {@link InheritableServerClientAndLocalSpanState}. If using * asynchronous calls, you must also wrap the dispatcher's executor * service. Regardless, the interceptor must be registered as both an * application and network interceptor. * * <p>Here's how to add tracing to OkHttp: * <pre>{@code * brave = new Brave.Builder(new InheritableServerClientAndLocalSpanState(localEndpoint)).. * * // The request dispatcher uses an executor service.. wrap it! * tracePropagatingExecutor = new BraveExecutorService( * new Dispatcher().executorService(), * brave.serverSpanThreadBinder() * ); * * client = new OkHttpClient.Builder() * .addInterceptor(tracingInterceptor) * .addNetworkInterceptor(tracingInterceptor) * .dispatcher(new Dispatcher(tracePropagatingExecutor)); * .build(); * }</pre> * * @deprecated Replaced by {@code TracingInterceptor} from brave-instrumentation-okhttp3 */ @Deprecated public final class BraveTracingInterceptor implements Interceptor { public static BraveTracingInterceptor create(Brave brave) { return builder(brave).build(); } /** Defaults to use {@link OkHttpParser} */ public static Builder builder(Brave brave) { return new Builder(brave); } public static final class Builder { final Brave brave; String serverName = ""; OkHttpParser parser = new OkHttpParser(); Builder(Brave brave) { // intentionally hidden this.brave = checkNotNull(brave, "brave"); } /** * Indicates the service name used for the {@link Constants#SERVER_ADDR server address}.Default * is empty string. * * <p>Setting this is not important when the server is instrumented with Zipkin. This is * important when the server is not instrumented with Zipkin. For example, if you are calling a * cloud service, you will see this name as a leaf in your service dependency graph. */ public Builder serverName(String serverName) { this.serverName = checkNotNull(serverName, "serverName"); return this; } /** Controls the metadata recorded in spans representing http operations. */ public Builder parser(OkHttpParser parser) { this.parser = checkNotNull(parser, "parser"); return this; } public BraveTracingInterceptor build() { return new BraveTracingInterceptor(this); } } final LocalTracer localTracer; final ClientTracer clientTracer; final OkHttpParser parser; final String serverName; BraveTracingInterceptor(Builder builder) { localTracer = builder.brave.localTracer(); clientTracer = builder.brave.clientTracer(); parser = builder.parser; serverName = builder.serverName; } @Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException { Connection connection = chain.connection(); boolean applicationRequest = connection == null; Request request = chain.request(); SpanId spanId; if (applicationRequest) { spanId = localTracer.startNewSpan("okhttp", parser.applicationSpanName(request)); } else { spanId = clientTracer.startNewSpan(parser.networkSpanName(request)); } if (spanId == null) { // trace was unsampled return applicationRequest ? chain.proceed(request) : chain.proceed(request.newBuilder().header(Sampled.getName(), "0").build()); } else if (applicationRequest) { return traceApplicationRequest(chain, request); } else { Request tracedRequest = addTraceHeaders(request, spanId).build(); return traceNetworkRequest(chain, tracedRequest); } } static Request.Builder addTraceHeaders(Request request, SpanId spanId) { Request.Builder tracedRequest = request.newBuilder(); tracedRequest.header(BraveHttpHeaders.TraceId.getName(), spanId.traceIdString()); tracedRequest.header(BraveHttpHeaders.SpanId.getName(), convertToString(spanId.spanId)); if (spanId.nullableParentId() != null) { tracedRequest.header(BraveHttpHeaders.ParentSpanId.getName(), convertToString(spanId.parentId)); } tracedRequest.header(BraveHttpHeaders.Sampled.getName(), "1"); return tracedRequest; } /** We do not add trace headers to the application request, as it never leaves the process */ Response traceApplicationRequest(Chain chain, Request request) throws IOException { try { return chain.proceed(request); } catch (IOException | RuntimeException | Error e) { // TODO: revisit String message = e.getMessage(); if (message == null) message = e.getClass().getSimpleName(); localTracer.submitBinaryAnnotation(Constants.ERROR, message); throw e; } finally { localTracer.finishSpan(); // span must be closed! } } Response traceNetworkRequest(Chain chain, Request request) throws IOException { appendToSpan(parser.networkRequestTags(request)); try { clientTracer.setClientSent(serverAddress(chain.connection())); Response response = chain.proceed(request); appendToSpan(parser.networkResponseTags(response)); return response; } catch (IOException | RuntimeException | Error e) { // TODO: revisit String message = e.getMessage(); if (message == null) message = e.getClass().getSimpleName(); clientTracer.submitBinaryAnnotation(Constants.ERROR, message); throw e; } finally { clientTracer.setClientReceived(); // span must be closed! } } void appendToSpan(List<KeyValueAnnotation> annotations) { for (int i = 0, length = annotations.size(); i < length; i++) { KeyValueAnnotation tag = annotations.get(i); clientTracer.submitBinaryAnnotation(tag.getKey(), tag.getValue()); } } Endpoint serverAddress(Connection connection) { InetSocketAddress sa = connection.route().socketAddress(); Endpoint.Builder builder = Endpoint.builder().serviceName(serverName).port(sa.getPort()); byte[] address = sa.getAddress().getAddress(); if (address.length == 4) { builder.ipv4(ByteBuffer.wrap(address).getInt()); } else if (address.length == 16) { builder.ipv6(address); } return; } }