package de.jpaw.bonaparte.refs;
import java.util.List;
import de.jpaw.bonaparte.core.BonaPortable;
import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.api.SearchFilter;
import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.api.SortColumn;
import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.api.TrackingBase;
import de.jpaw.util.ApplicationException;
/** Common superinterface for refsp.RefResolver, refsw.RefResolver and refsc.RefResolver.
* Defines common (not key type specific) methods. */
public interface BaseRefResolver<REF extends BonaPortable, DTO extends REF, TRACKING extends TrackingBase> {
* Returns the DTO for a given unique index. Null-safe, returns null for a null index value. Throws an exception if the key does not exist.
DTO getDTO(REF refObject) throws ApplicationException;
* Creates the DTO as provided in the database. Throws an exception if the key does already exist or the key is invalid (<= 0).
void create(DTO obj) throws ApplicationException;
* Updates the DTO as provided in the database. Throws an exception if no record with the provided key exists or the key is invalid (<= 0).
void update(DTO obj) throws ApplicationException;
* Clears the cache (should be called at end of a transaction).
void clear();
* Flushes all modified but not yet written data to the database.
void flush();
* Creates a key object from a ref. Returns null for ref <= 0.
REF createKey(long ref);
* Creates a key object from a ref. Returns null for ref = null.
* Similar method to previous, in order to avoid object allocation overhead.
REF createKey(Long ref);
/** Returns a number of (technical) keys for a query.
* In case of objects where no technical key of type Long can be determined, throws UnsupportedOperationException.
* In this case, refsc will define an alternate query returning List<KEY>
List<Long> queryKeys(int limit, int offset, SearchFilter filter, List<SortColumn> sortColumns) throws ApplicationException;