package testcases.bigDecimal;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import de.jpaw.bonaparte.core.CompactByteArrayComposer;
import de.jpaw.bonaparte.core.CompactByteArrayParser;
import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.tests1.Longtest;
import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.tests1.TestBigDecimal;
import de.jpaw.bonaparte.pojos.tests1.TestBigInteger;
public class TestBigCompact {
private void runTest(BigInteger n, int run) throws Exception {
TestBigInteger tbigi = new TestBigInteger(n);
CompactByteArrayComposer cbac = new CompactByteArrayComposer();
cbac.writeObject(new Longtest(7824687777326L));
byte [] result = cbac.getBytes();
CompactByteArrayParser cbap = new CompactByteArrayParser(result, 0, -1);
TestBigInteger rbigi = cbap.readObject(TestBigInteger.meta$$this, TestBigInteger.class);
Longtest rlngt = cbap.readObject(Longtest.meta$$this, Longtest.class);
Assert.assertEquals(rlngt.getL(), 7824687777326L);
//System.out.println("Byte len is " + result.length);
// test the fractional ones, unless we exceed the mantissa size
if (run >= 20)
for (int i = -4; i <= 9; ++i) {
if (i >= 0 || run <= 11) {
// System.out.println("Run " + run + ", scale " + i);
BigDecimal org = new BigDecimal(n, i);
TestBigDecimal tbigd = new TestBigDecimal(org);
cbac.writeObject(new Longtest(7824687777326L));
result = cbac.getBytes();
cbap = new CompactByteArrayParser(result, 0, -1);
TestBigDecimal rbigd = cbap.readObject(TestBigDecimal.meta$$this, TestBigDecimal.class);
rlngt = cbap.readObject(Longtest.meta$$this, Longtest.class);
Assert.assertEquals(rlngt.getL(), 7824687777326L);
Assert.assertTrue(org.compareTo(rbigd.getBigdecnum()) == 0);
public void testBigIntegers() throws Exception {
BigInteger n = BigInteger.ZERO;
BigInteger one = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
BigInteger three = BigInteger.valueOf(3);
for (int i = 0; i < 63; ++i) {
runTest(n, i);
runTest(n.negate(), i);
n = n.multiply(three).add(one);