* Copyright 2012-2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. A copy of the License is located at
* http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
package com.amazonaws.services.kinesis;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import com.amazonaws.*;
import com.amazonaws.regions.*;
import com.amazonaws.services.kinesis.model.*;
import com.amazonaws.services.kinesis.waiters.AmazonKinesisWaiters;
* Interface for accessing Kinesis.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> Do not directly implement this interface, new methods are added to it regularly. Extend from
* {@link com.amazonaws.services.kinesis.AbstractAmazonKinesis} instead.
* </p>
* <p>
* <fullname>Amazon Kinesis Streams Service API Reference</fullname>
* <p>
* Amazon Kinesis Streams is a managed service that scales elastically for real time processing of streaming big data.
* </p>
public interface AmazonKinesis {
* The region metadata service name for computing region endpoints. You can use this value to retrieve metadata
* (such as supported regions) of the service.
* @see RegionUtils#getRegionsForService(String)
String ENDPOINT_PREFIX = "kinesis";
* Overrides the default endpoint for this client ("https://kinesis.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"). Callers can use this
* method to control which AWS region they want to work with.
* <p>
* Callers can pass in just the endpoint (ex: "kinesis.us-east-1.amazonaws.com") or a full URL, including the
* protocol (ex: "https://kinesis.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"). If the protocol is not specified here, the default
* protocol from this client's {@link ClientConfiguration} will be used, which by default is HTTPS.
* <p>
* For more information on using AWS regions with the AWS SDK for Java, and a complete list of all available
* endpoints for all AWS services, see: <a
* href="http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=3912">
* http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=3912</a>
* <p>
* <b>This method is not threadsafe. An endpoint should be configured when the client is created and before any
* service requests are made. Changing it afterwards creates inevitable race conditions for any service requests in
* transit or retrying.</b>
* @param endpoint
* The endpoint (ex: "kinesis.us-east-1.amazonaws.com") or a full URL, including the protocol (ex:
* "https://kinesis.us-east-1.amazonaws.com") of the region specific AWS endpoint this client will
* communicate with.
* @deprecated use {@link AwsClientBuilder#setEndpointConfiguration(AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration)} for
* example:
* {@code builder.setEndpointConfiguration(new EndpointConfiguration(endpoint, signingRegion));}
void setEndpoint(String endpoint);
* An alternative to {@link AmazonKinesis#setEndpoint(String)}, sets the regional endpoint for this client's service
* calls. Callers can use this method to control which AWS region they want to work with.
* <p>
* By default, all service endpoints in all regions use the https protocol. To use http instead, specify it in the
* {@link ClientConfiguration} supplied at construction.
* <p>
* <b>This method is not threadsafe. A region should be configured when the client is created and before any service
* requests are made. Changing it afterwards creates inevitable race conditions for any service requests in transit
* or retrying.</b>
* @param region
* The region this client will communicate with. See {@link Region#getRegion(com.amazonaws.regions.Regions)}
* for accessing a given region. Must not be null and must be a region where the service is available.
* @see Region#getRegion(com.amazonaws.regions.Regions)
* @see Region#createClient(Class, com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider, ClientConfiguration)
* @see Region#isServiceSupported(String)
* @deprecated use {@link AwsClientBuilder#setRegion(String)}
void setRegion(Region region);
* <p>
* Adds or updates tags for the specified Amazon Kinesis stream. Each stream can have up to 10 tags.
* </p>
* <p>
* If tags have already been assigned to the stream, <code>AddTagsToStream</code> overwrites any existing tags that
* correspond to the specified tag keys.
* </p>
* @param addTagsToStreamRequest
* Represents the input for <code>AddTagsToStream</code>.
* @return Result of the AddTagsToStream operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @throws ResourceInUseException
* The resource is not available for this operation. For successful operation, the resource needs to be in
* the <code>ACTIVE</code> state.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @throws LimitExceededException
* The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests
* exceeds the maximum number allowed (5).
* @sample AmazonKinesis.AddTagsToStream
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/AddTagsToStream" target="_top">AWS API
* Documentation</a>
AddTagsToStreamResult addTagsToStream(AddTagsToStreamRequest addTagsToStreamRequest);
* <p>
* Creates an Amazon Kinesis stream. A stream captures and transports data records that are continuously emitted
* from different data sources or <i>producers</i>. Scale-out within a stream is explicitly supported by means of
* shards, which are uniquely identified groups of data records in a stream.
* </p>
* <p>
* You specify and control the number of shards that a stream is composed of. Each shard can support reads up to 5
* transactions per second, up to a maximum data read total of 2 MB per second. Each shard can support writes up to
* 1,000 records per second, up to a maximum data write total of 1 MB per second. You can add shards to a stream if
* the amount of data input increases and you can remove shards if the amount of data input decreases.
* </p>
* <p>
* The stream name identifies the stream. The name is scoped to the AWS account used by the application. It is also
* scoped by region. That is, two streams in two different accounts can have the same name, and two streams in the
* same account, but in two different regions, can have the same name.
* </p>
* <p>
* <code>CreateStream</code> is an asynchronous operation. Upon receiving a <code>CreateStream</code> request,
* Amazon Kinesis immediately returns and sets the stream status to <code>CREATING</code>. After the stream is
* created, Amazon Kinesis sets the stream status to <code>ACTIVE</code>. You should perform read and write
* operations only on an <code>ACTIVE</code> stream.
* </p>
* <p>
* You receive a <code>LimitExceededException</code> when making a <code>CreateStream</code> request if you try to
* do one of the following:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>
* <p>
* Have more than five streams in the <code>CREATING</code> state at any point in time.
* </p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>
* Create more shards than are authorized for your account.
* </p>
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* For the default shard limit for an AWS account, see <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/service-sizes-and-limits.html">Streams Limits</a> in the
* <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>. If you need to increase this limit, <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws_service_limits.html">contact AWS Support</a>.
* </p>
* <p>
* You can use <code>DescribeStream</code> to check the stream status, which is returned in
* <code>StreamStatus</code>.
* </p>
* <p>
* <a>CreateStream</a> has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account.
* </p>
* @param createStreamRequest
* Represents the input for <code>CreateStream</code>.
* @return Result of the CreateStream operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceInUseException
* The resource is not available for this operation. For successful operation, the resource needs to be in
* the <code>ACTIVE</code> state.
* @throws LimitExceededException
* The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests
* exceeds the maximum number allowed (5).
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @sample AmazonKinesis.CreateStream
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/CreateStream" target="_top">AWS API
* Documentation</a>
CreateStreamResult createStream(CreateStreamRequest createStreamRequest);
* Simplified method form for invoking the CreateStream operation.
* @see #createStream(CreateStreamRequest)
CreateStreamResult createStream(String streamName, Integer shardCount);
* <p>
* Decreases the Amazon Kinesis stream's retention period, which is the length of time data records are accessible
* after they are added to the stream. The minimum value of a stream's retention period is 24 hours.
* </p>
* <p>
* This operation may result in lost data. For example, if the stream's retention period is 48 hours and is
* decreased to 24 hours, any data already in the stream that is older than 24 hours is inaccessible.
* </p>
* @param decreaseStreamRetentionPeriodRequest
* Represents the input for <a>DecreaseStreamRetentionPeriod</a>.
* @return Result of the DecreaseStreamRetentionPeriod operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceInUseException
* The resource is not available for this operation. For successful operation, the resource needs to be in
* the <code>ACTIVE</code> state.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @sample AmazonKinesis.DecreaseStreamRetentionPeriod
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/DecreaseStreamRetentionPeriod"
* target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a>
DecreaseStreamRetentionPeriodResult decreaseStreamRetentionPeriod(DecreaseStreamRetentionPeriodRequest decreaseStreamRetentionPeriodRequest);
* <p>
* Deletes an Amazon Kinesis stream and all its shards and data. You must shut down any applications that are
* operating on the stream before you delete the stream. If an application attempts to operate on a deleted stream,
* it will receive the exception <code>ResourceNotFoundException</code>.
* </p>
* <p>
* If the stream is in the <code>ACTIVE</code> state, you can delete it. After a <code>DeleteStream</code> request,
* the specified stream is in the <code>DELETING</code> state until Amazon Kinesis completes the deletion.
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> Amazon Kinesis might continue to accept data read and write operations, such as <a>PutRecord</a>,
* <a>PutRecords</a>, and <a>GetRecords</a>, on a stream in the <code>DELETING</code> state until the stream
* deletion is complete.
* </p>
* <p>
* When you delete a stream, any shards in that stream are also deleted, and any tags are dissociated from the
* stream.
* </p>
* <p>
* You can use the <a>DescribeStream</a> operation to check the state of the stream, which is returned in
* <code>StreamStatus</code>.
* </p>
* <p>
* <a>DeleteStream</a> has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account.
* </p>
* @param deleteStreamRequest
* Represents the input for <a>DeleteStream</a>.
* @return Result of the DeleteStream operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @throws LimitExceededException
* The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests
* exceeds the maximum number allowed (5).
* @sample AmazonKinesis.DeleteStream
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/DeleteStream" target="_top">AWS API
* Documentation</a>
DeleteStreamResult deleteStream(DeleteStreamRequest deleteStreamRequest);
* Simplified method form for invoking the DeleteStream operation.
* @see #deleteStream(DeleteStreamRequest)
DeleteStreamResult deleteStream(String streamName);
* <p>
* Describes the shard limits and usage for the account.
* </p>
* <p>
* If you update your account limits, the old limits might be returned for a few minutes.
* </p>
* <p>
* This operation has a limit of 1 transaction per second per account.
* </p>
* @param describeLimitsRequest
* @return Result of the DescribeLimits operation returned by the service.
* @throws LimitExceededException
* The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests
* exceeds the maximum number allowed (5).
* @sample AmazonKinesis.DescribeLimits
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/DescribeLimits" target="_top">AWS API
* Documentation</a>
DescribeLimitsResult describeLimits(DescribeLimitsRequest describeLimitsRequest);
* <p>
* Describes the specified Amazon Kinesis stream.
* </p>
* <p>
* The information returned includes the stream name, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), creation time, enhanced metric
* configuration, and shard map. The shard map is an array of shard objects. For each shard object, there is the
* hash key and sequence number ranges that the shard spans, and the IDs of any earlier shards that played in a role
* in creating the shard. Every record ingested in the stream is identified by a sequence number, which is assigned
* when the record is put into the stream.
* </p>
* <p>
* You can limit the number of shards returned by each call. For more information, see <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/kinesis-using-sdk-java-retrieve-shards.html">Retrieving
* Shards from a Stream</a> in the <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>.
* </p>
* <p>
* There are no guarantees about the chronological order shards returned. To process shards in chronological order,
* use the ID of the parent shard to track the lineage to the oldest shard.
* </p>
* <p>
* This operation has a limit of 10 transactions per second per account.
* </p>
* @param describeStreamRequest
* Represents the input for <code>DescribeStream</code>.
* @return Result of the DescribeStream operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @throws LimitExceededException
* The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests
* exceeds the maximum number allowed (5).
* @sample AmazonKinesis.DescribeStream
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/DescribeStream" target="_top">AWS API
* Documentation</a>
DescribeStreamResult describeStream(DescribeStreamRequest describeStreamRequest);
* Simplified method form for invoking the DescribeStream operation.
* @see #describeStream(DescribeStreamRequest)
DescribeStreamResult describeStream(String streamName);
* Simplified method form for invoking the DescribeStream operation.
* @see #describeStream(DescribeStreamRequest)
DescribeStreamResult describeStream(String streamName, String exclusiveStartShardId);
* Simplified method form for invoking the DescribeStream operation.
* @see #describeStream(DescribeStreamRequest)
DescribeStreamResult describeStream(String streamName, Integer limit, String exclusiveStartShardId);
* <p>
* Disables enhanced monitoring.
* </p>
* @param disableEnhancedMonitoringRequest
* Represents the input for <a>DisableEnhancedMonitoring</a>.
* @return Result of the DisableEnhancedMonitoring operation returned by the service.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @throws LimitExceededException
* The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests
* exceeds the maximum number allowed (5).
* @throws ResourceInUseException
* The resource is not available for this operation. For successful operation, the resource needs to be in
* the <code>ACTIVE</code> state.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @sample AmazonKinesis.DisableEnhancedMonitoring
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/DisableEnhancedMonitoring"
* target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a>
DisableEnhancedMonitoringResult disableEnhancedMonitoring(DisableEnhancedMonitoringRequest disableEnhancedMonitoringRequest);
* <p>
* Enables enhanced Amazon Kinesis stream monitoring for shard-level metrics.
* </p>
* @param enableEnhancedMonitoringRequest
* Represents the input for <a>EnableEnhancedMonitoring</a>.
* @return Result of the EnableEnhancedMonitoring operation returned by the service.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @throws LimitExceededException
* The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests
* exceeds the maximum number allowed (5).
* @throws ResourceInUseException
* The resource is not available for this operation. For successful operation, the resource needs to be in
* the <code>ACTIVE</code> state.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @sample AmazonKinesis.EnableEnhancedMonitoring
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/EnableEnhancedMonitoring"
* target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a>
EnableEnhancedMonitoringResult enableEnhancedMonitoring(EnableEnhancedMonitoringRequest enableEnhancedMonitoringRequest);
* <p>
* Gets data records from an Amazon Kinesis stream's shard.
* </p>
* <p>
* Specify a shard iterator using the <code>ShardIterator</code> parameter. The shard iterator specifies the
* position in the shard from which you want to start reading data records sequentially. If there are no records
* available in the portion of the shard that the iterator points to, <a>GetRecords</a> returns an empty list. Note
* that it might take multiple calls to get to a portion of the shard that contains records.
* </p>
* <p>
* You can scale by provisioning multiple shards per stream while considering service limits (for more information,
* see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/service-sizes-and-limits.html">Streams Limits</a> in
* the <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>). Your application should have one thread per shard, each
* reading continuously from its stream. To read from a stream continually, call <a>GetRecords</a> in a loop. Use
* <a>GetShardIterator</a> to get the shard iterator to specify in the first <a>GetRecords</a> call.
* <a>GetRecords</a> returns a new shard iterator in <code>NextShardIterator</code>. Specify the shard iterator
* returned in <code>NextShardIterator</code> in subsequent calls to <a>GetRecords</a>. Note that if the shard has
* been closed, the shard iterator can't return more data and <a>GetRecords</a> returns <code>null</code> in
* <code>NextShardIterator</code>. You can terminate the loop when the shard is closed, or when the shard iterator
* reaches the record with the sequence number or other attribute that marks it as the last record to process.
* </p>
* <p>
* Each data record can be up to 1 MB in size, and each shard can read up to 2 MB per second. You can ensure that
* your calls don't exceed the maximum supported size or throughput by using the <code>Limit</code> parameter to
* specify the maximum number of records that <a>GetRecords</a> can return. Consider your average record size when
* determining this limit.
* </p>
* <p>
* The size of the data returned by <a>GetRecords</a> varies depending on the utilization of the shard. The maximum
* size of data that <a>GetRecords</a> can return is 10 MB. If a call returns this amount of data, subsequent calls
* made within the next 5 seconds throw <code>ProvisionedThroughputExceededException</code>. If there is
* insufficient provisioned throughput on the shard, subsequent calls made within the next 1 second throw
* <code>ProvisionedThroughputExceededException</code>. Note that <a>GetRecords</a> won't return any data when it
* throws an exception. For this reason, we recommend that you wait one second between calls to <a>GetRecords</a>;
* however, it's possible that the application will get exceptions for longer than 1 second.
* </p>
* <p>
* To detect whether the application is falling behind in processing, you can use the
* <code>MillisBehindLatest</code> response attribute. You can also monitor the stream using CloudWatch metrics and
* other mechanisms (see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/monitoring.html">Monitoring</a> in
* the <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>).
* </p>
* <p>
* Each Amazon Kinesis record includes a value, <code>ApproximateArrivalTimestamp</code>, that is set when a stream
* successfully receives and stores a record. This is commonly referred to as a server-side timestamp, whereas a
* client-side timestamp is set when a data producer creates or sends the record to a stream (a data producer is any
* data source putting data records into a stream, for example with <a>PutRecords</a>). The timestamp has
* millisecond precision. There are no guarantees about the timestamp accuracy, or that the timestamp is always
* increasing. For example, records in a shard or across a stream might have timestamps that are out of order.
* </p>
* @param getRecordsRequest
* Represents the input for <a>GetRecords</a>.
* @return Result of the GetRecords operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @throws ProvisionedThroughputExceededException
* The request rate for the stream is too high, or the requested data is too large for the available
* throughput. Reduce the frequency or size of your requests. For more information, see <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/service-sizes-and-limits.html">Streams Limits</a> in
* the <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>, and <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/api-retries.html">Error Retries and Exponential
* Backoff in AWS</a> in the <i>AWS General Reference</i>.
* @throws ExpiredIteratorException
* The provided iterator exceeds the maximum age allowed.
* @sample AmazonKinesis.GetRecords
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/GetRecords" target="_top">AWS API
* Documentation</a>
GetRecordsResult getRecords(GetRecordsRequest getRecordsRequest);
* <p>
* Gets an Amazon Kinesis shard iterator. A shard iterator expires five minutes after it is returned to the
* requester.
* </p>
* <p>
* A shard iterator specifies the shard position from which to start reading data records sequentially. The position
* is specified using the sequence number of a data record in a shard. A sequence number is the identifier
* associated with every record ingested in the stream, and is assigned when a record is put into the stream. Each
* stream has one or more shards.
* </p>
* <p>
* You must specify the shard iterator type. For example, you can set the <code>ShardIteratorType</code> parameter
* to read exactly from the position denoted by a specific sequence number by using the
* <code>AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER</code> shard iterator type, or right after the sequence number by using the
* <code>AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER</code> shard iterator type, using sequence numbers returned by earlier calls to
* <a>PutRecord</a>, <a>PutRecords</a>, <a>GetRecords</a>, or <a>DescribeStream</a>. In the request, you can specify
* the shard iterator type <code>AT_TIMESTAMP</code> to read records from an arbitrary point in time,
* <code>TRIM_HORIZON</code> to cause <code>ShardIterator</code> to point to the last untrimmed record in the shard
* in the system (the oldest data record in the shard), or <code>LATEST</code> so that you always read the most
* recent data in the shard.
* </p>
* <p>
* When you read repeatedly from a stream, use a <a>GetShardIterator</a> request to get the first shard iterator for
* use in your first <a>GetRecords</a> request and for subsequent reads use the shard iterator returned by the
* <a>GetRecords</a> request in <code>NextShardIterator</code>. A new shard iterator is returned by every
* <a>GetRecords</a> request in <code>NextShardIterator</code>, which you use in the <code>ShardIterator</code>
* parameter of the next <a>GetRecords</a> request.
* </p>
* <p>
* If a <a>GetShardIterator</a> request is made too often, you receive a
* <code>ProvisionedThroughputExceededException</code>. For more information about throughput limits, see
* <a>GetRecords</a>, and <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/service-sizes-and-limits.html">Streams Limits</a> in the
* <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>.
* </p>
* <p>
* If the shard is closed, <a>GetShardIterator</a> returns a valid iterator for the last sequence number of the
* shard. Note that a shard can be closed as a result of using <a>SplitShard</a> or <a>MergeShards</a>.
* </p>
* <p>
* <a>GetShardIterator</a> has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account per open shard.
* </p>
* @param getShardIteratorRequest
* Represents the input for <code>GetShardIterator</code>.
* @return Result of the GetShardIterator operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @throws ProvisionedThroughputExceededException
* The request rate for the stream is too high, or the requested data is too large for the available
* throughput. Reduce the frequency or size of your requests. For more information, see <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/service-sizes-and-limits.html">Streams Limits</a> in
* the <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>, and <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/api-retries.html">Error Retries and Exponential
* Backoff in AWS</a> in the <i>AWS General Reference</i>.
* @sample AmazonKinesis.GetShardIterator
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/GetShardIterator" target="_top">AWS API
* Documentation</a>
GetShardIteratorResult getShardIterator(GetShardIteratorRequest getShardIteratorRequest);
* Simplified method form for invoking the GetShardIterator operation.
* @see #getShardIterator(GetShardIteratorRequest)
GetShardIteratorResult getShardIterator(String streamName, String shardId, String shardIteratorType);
* Simplified method form for invoking the GetShardIterator operation.
* @see #getShardIterator(GetShardIteratorRequest)
GetShardIteratorResult getShardIterator(String streamName, String shardId, String shardIteratorType, String startingSequenceNumber);
* <p>
* Increases the Amazon Kinesis stream's retention period, which is the length of time data records are accessible
* after they are added to the stream. The maximum value of a stream's retention period is 168 hours (7 days).
* </p>
* <p>
* Upon choosing a longer stream retention period, this operation will increase the time period records are
* accessible that have not yet expired. However, it will not make previous data that has expired (older than the
* stream's previous retention period) accessible after the operation has been called. For example, if a stream's
* retention period is set to 24 hours and is increased to 168 hours, any data that is older than 24 hours will
* remain inaccessible to consumer applications.
* </p>
* @param increaseStreamRetentionPeriodRequest
* Represents the input for <a>IncreaseStreamRetentionPeriod</a>.
* @return Result of the IncreaseStreamRetentionPeriod operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceInUseException
* The resource is not available for this operation. For successful operation, the resource needs to be in
* the <code>ACTIVE</code> state.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @sample AmazonKinesis.IncreaseStreamRetentionPeriod
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/IncreaseStreamRetentionPeriod"
* target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a>
IncreaseStreamRetentionPeriodResult increaseStreamRetentionPeriod(IncreaseStreamRetentionPeriodRequest increaseStreamRetentionPeriodRequest);
* <p>
* Lists your Amazon Kinesis streams.
* </p>
* <p>
* The number of streams may be too large to return from a single call to <code>ListStreams</code>. You can limit
* the number of returned streams using the <code>Limit</code> parameter. If you do not specify a value for the
* <code>Limit</code> parameter, Amazon Kinesis uses the default limit, which is currently 10.
* </p>
* <p>
* You can detect if there are more streams available to list by using the <code>HasMoreStreams</code> flag from the
* returned output. If there are more streams available, you can request more streams by using the name of the last
* stream returned by the <code>ListStreams</code> request in the <code>ExclusiveStartStreamName</code> parameter in
* a subsequent request to <code>ListStreams</code>. The group of stream names returned by the subsequent request is
* then added to the list. You can continue this process until all the stream names have been collected in the list.
* </p>
* <p>
* <a>ListStreams</a> has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account.
* </p>
* @param listStreamsRequest
* Represents the input for <code>ListStreams</code>.
* @return Result of the ListStreams operation returned by the service.
* @throws LimitExceededException
* The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests
* exceeds the maximum number allowed (5).
* @sample AmazonKinesis.ListStreams
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/ListStreams" target="_top">AWS API
* Documentation</a>
ListStreamsResult listStreams(ListStreamsRequest listStreamsRequest);
* Simplified method form for invoking the ListStreams operation.
* @see #listStreams(ListStreamsRequest)
ListStreamsResult listStreams();
* Simplified method form for invoking the ListStreams operation.
* @see #listStreams(ListStreamsRequest)
ListStreamsResult listStreams(String exclusiveStartStreamName);
* Simplified method form for invoking the ListStreams operation.
* @see #listStreams(ListStreamsRequest)
ListStreamsResult listStreams(Integer limit, String exclusiveStartStreamName);
* <p>
* Lists the tags for the specified Amazon Kinesis stream.
* </p>
* @param listTagsForStreamRequest
* Represents the input for <code>ListTagsForStream</code>.
* @return Result of the ListTagsForStream operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @throws LimitExceededException
* The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests
* exceeds the maximum number allowed (5).
* @sample AmazonKinesis.ListTagsForStream
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/ListTagsForStream" target="_top">AWS API
* Documentation</a>
ListTagsForStreamResult listTagsForStream(ListTagsForStreamRequest listTagsForStreamRequest);
* <p>
* Merges two adjacent shards in an Amazon Kinesis stream and combines them into a single shard to reduce the
* stream's capacity to ingest and transport data. Two shards are considered adjacent if the union of the hash key
* ranges for the two shards form a contiguous set with no gaps. For example, if you have two shards, one with a
* hash key range of 276...381 and the other with a hash key range of 382...454, then you could merge these two
* shards into a single shard that would have a hash key range of 276...454. After the merge, the single child shard
* receives data for all hash key values covered by the two parent shards.
* </p>
* <p>
* <code>MergeShards</code> is called when there is a need to reduce the overall capacity of a stream because of
* excess capacity that is not being used. You must specify the shard to be merged and the adjacent shard for a
* stream. For more information about merging shards, see <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/kinesis-using-sdk-java-resharding-merge.html">Merge Two
* Shards</a> in the <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>.
* </p>
* <p>
* If the stream is in the <code>ACTIVE</code> state, you can call <code>MergeShards</code>. If a stream is in the
* <code>CREATING</code>, <code>UPDATING</code>, or <code>DELETING</code> state, <code>MergeShards</code> returns a
* <code>ResourceInUseException</code>. If the specified stream does not exist, <code>MergeShards</code> returns a
* <code>ResourceNotFoundException</code>.
* </p>
* <p>
* You can use <a>DescribeStream</a> to check the state of the stream, which is returned in
* <code>StreamStatus</code>.
* </p>
* <p>
* <code>MergeShards</code> is an asynchronous operation. Upon receiving a <code>MergeShards</code> request, Amazon
* Kinesis immediately returns a response and sets the <code>StreamStatus</code> to <code>UPDATING</code>. After the
* operation is completed, Amazon Kinesis sets the <code>StreamStatus</code> to <code>ACTIVE</code>. Read and write
* operations continue to work while the stream is in the <code>UPDATING</code> state.
* </p>
* <p>
* You use <a>DescribeStream</a> to determine the shard IDs that are specified in the <code>MergeShards</code>
* request.
* </p>
* <p>
* If you try to operate on too many streams in parallel using <a>CreateStream</a>, <a>DeleteStream</a>,
* <code>MergeShards</code> or <a>SplitShard</a>, you will receive a <code>LimitExceededException</code>.
* </p>
* <p>
* <code>MergeShards</code> has limit of 5 transactions per second per account.
* </p>
* @param mergeShardsRequest
* Represents the input for <code>MergeShards</code>.
* @return Result of the MergeShards operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @throws ResourceInUseException
* The resource is not available for this operation. For successful operation, the resource needs to be in
* the <code>ACTIVE</code> state.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @throws LimitExceededException
* The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests
* exceeds the maximum number allowed (5).
* @sample AmazonKinesis.MergeShards
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/MergeShards" target="_top">AWS API
* Documentation</a>
MergeShardsResult mergeShards(MergeShardsRequest mergeShardsRequest);
* Simplified method form for invoking the MergeShards operation.
* @see #mergeShards(MergeShardsRequest)
MergeShardsResult mergeShards(String streamName, String shardToMerge, String adjacentShardToMerge);
* <p>
* Writes a single data record into an Amazon Kinesis stream. Call <code>PutRecord</code> to send data into the
* stream for real-time ingestion and subsequent processing, one record at a time. Each shard can support writes up
* to 1,000 records per second, up to a maximum data write total of 1 MB per second.
* </p>
* <p>
* You must specify the name of the stream that captures, stores, and transports the data; a partition key; and the
* data blob itself.
* </p>
* <p>
* The data blob can be any type of data; for example, a segment from a log file, geographic/location data, website
* clickstream data, and so on.
* </p>
* <p>
* The partition key is used by Amazon Kinesis to distribute data across shards. Amazon Kinesis segregates the data
* records that belong to a stream into multiple shards, using the partition key associated with each data record to
* determine which shard a given data record belongs to.
* </p>
* <p>
* Partition keys are Unicode strings, with a maximum length limit of 256 characters for each key. An MD5 hash
* function is used to map partition keys to 128-bit integer values and to map associated data records to shards
* using the hash key ranges of the shards. You can override hashing the partition key to determine the shard by
* explicitly specifying a hash value using the <code>ExplicitHashKey</code> parameter. For more information, see <a
* href=
* "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/developing-producers-with-sdk.html#kinesis-using-sdk-java-add-data-to-stream"
* >Adding Data to a Stream</a> in the <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>.
* </p>
* <p>
* <code>PutRecord</code> returns the shard ID of where the data record was placed and the sequence number that was
* assigned to the data record.
* </p>
* <p>
* Sequence numbers increase over time and are specific to a shard within a stream, not across all shards within a
* stream. To guarantee strictly increasing ordering, write serially to a shard and use the
* <code>SequenceNumberForOrdering</code> parameter. For more information, see <a href=
* "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/developing-producers-with-sdk.html#kinesis-using-sdk-java-add-data-to-stream"
* >Adding Data to a Stream</a> in the <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>.
* </p>
* <p>
* If a <code>PutRecord</code> request cannot be processed because of insufficient provisioned throughput on the
* shard involved in the request, <code>PutRecord</code> throws <code>ProvisionedThroughputExceededException</code>.
* </p>
* <p>
* Data records are accessible for only 24 hours from the time that they are added to a stream.
* </p>
* @param putRecordRequest
* Represents the input for <code>PutRecord</code>.
* @return Result of the PutRecord operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @throws ProvisionedThroughputExceededException
* The request rate for the stream is too high, or the requested data is too large for the available
* throughput. Reduce the frequency or size of your requests. For more information, see <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/service-sizes-and-limits.html">Streams Limits</a> in
* the <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>, and <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/api-retries.html">Error Retries and Exponential
* Backoff in AWS</a> in the <i>AWS General Reference</i>.
* @sample AmazonKinesis.PutRecord
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/PutRecord" target="_top">AWS API
* Documentation</a>
PutRecordResult putRecord(PutRecordRequest putRecordRequest);
* Simplified method form for invoking the PutRecord operation.
* @see #putRecord(PutRecordRequest)
PutRecordResult putRecord(String streamName, java.nio.ByteBuffer data, String partitionKey);
* Simplified method form for invoking the PutRecord operation.
* @see #putRecord(PutRecordRequest)
PutRecordResult putRecord(String streamName, java.nio.ByteBuffer data, String partitionKey, String sequenceNumberForOrdering);
* <p>
* Writes multiple data records into an Amazon Kinesis stream in a single call (also referred to as a
* <code>PutRecords</code> request). Use this operation to send data into the stream for data ingestion and
* processing.
* </p>
* <p>
* Each <code>PutRecords</code> request can support up to 500 records. Each record in the request can be as large as
* 1 MB, up to a limit of 5 MB for the entire request, including partition keys. Each shard can support writes up to
* 1,000 records per second, up to a maximum data write total of 1 MB per second.
* </p>
* <p>
* You must specify the name of the stream that captures, stores, and transports the data; and an array of request
* <code>Records</code>, with each record in the array requiring a partition key and data blob. The record size
* limit applies to the total size of the partition key and data blob.
* </p>
* <p>
* The data blob can be any type of data; for example, a segment from a log file, geographic/location data, website
* clickstream data, and so on.
* </p>
* <p>
* The partition key is used by Amazon Kinesis as input to a hash function that maps the partition key and
* associated data to a specific shard. An MD5 hash function is used to map partition keys to 128-bit integer values
* and to map associated data records to shards. As a result of this hashing mechanism, all data records with the
* same partition key map to the same shard within the stream. For more information, see <a href=
* "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/developing-producers-with-sdk.html#kinesis-using-sdk-java-add-data-to-stream"
* >Adding Data to a Stream</a> in the <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>.
* </p>
* <p>
* Each record in the <code>Records</code> array may include an optional parameter, <code>ExplicitHashKey</code>,
* which overrides the partition key to shard mapping. This parameter allows a data producer to determine explicitly
* the shard where the record is stored. For more information, see <a href=
* "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/developing-producers-with-sdk.html#kinesis-using-sdk-java-putrecords"
* >Adding Multiple Records with PutRecords</a> in the <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>.
* </p>
* <p>
* The <code>PutRecords</code> response includes an array of response <code>Records</code>. Each record in the
* response array directly correlates with a record in the request array using natural ordering, from the top to the
* bottom of the request and response. The response <code>Records</code> array always includes the same number of
* records as the request array.
* </p>
* <p>
* The response <code>Records</code> array includes both successfully and unsuccessfully processed records. Amazon
* Kinesis attempts to process all records in each <code>PutRecords</code> request. A single record failure does not
* stop the processing of subsequent records.
* </p>
* <p>
* A successfully-processed record includes <code>ShardId</code> and <code>SequenceNumber</code> values. The
* <code>ShardId</code> parameter identifies the shard in the stream where the record is stored. The
* <code>SequenceNumber</code> parameter is an identifier assigned to the put record, unique to all records in the
* stream.
* </p>
* <p>
* An unsuccessfully-processed record includes <code>ErrorCode</code> and <code>ErrorMessage</code> values.
* <code>ErrorCode</code> reflects the type of error and can be one of the following values:
* <code>ProvisionedThroughputExceededException</code> or <code>InternalFailure</code>. <code>ErrorMessage</code>
* provides more detailed information about the <code>ProvisionedThroughputExceededException</code> exception
* including the account ID, stream name, and shard ID of the record that was throttled. For more information about
* partially successful responses, see <a href=
* "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/kinesis-using-sdk-java-add-data-to-stream.html#kinesis-using-sdk-java-putrecords"
* >Adding Multiple Records with PutRecords</a> in the <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>.
* </p>
* <p>
* By default, data records are accessible for only 24 hours from the time that they are added to an Amazon Kinesis
* stream. This retention period can be modified using the <a>DecreaseStreamRetentionPeriod</a> and
* <a>IncreaseStreamRetentionPeriod</a> operations.
* </p>
* @param putRecordsRequest
* A <code>PutRecords</code> request.
* @return Result of the PutRecords operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @throws ProvisionedThroughputExceededException
* The request rate for the stream is too high, or the requested data is too large for the available
* throughput. Reduce the frequency or size of your requests. For more information, see <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/service-sizes-and-limits.html">Streams Limits</a> in
* the <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>, and <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/api-retries.html">Error Retries and Exponential
* Backoff in AWS</a> in the <i>AWS General Reference</i>.
* @sample AmazonKinesis.PutRecords
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/PutRecords" target="_top">AWS API
* Documentation</a>
PutRecordsResult putRecords(PutRecordsRequest putRecordsRequest);
* <p>
* Removes tags from the specified Amazon Kinesis stream. Removed tags are deleted and cannot be recovered after
* this operation successfully completes.
* </p>
* <p>
* If you specify a tag that does not exist, it is ignored.
* </p>
* @param removeTagsFromStreamRequest
* Represents the input for <code>RemoveTagsFromStream</code>.
* @return Result of the RemoveTagsFromStream operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @throws ResourceInUseException
* The resource is not available for this operation. For successful operation, the resource needs to be in
* the <code>ACTIVE</code> state.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @throws LimitExceededException
* The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests
* exceeds the maximum number allowed (5).
* @sample AmazonKinesis.RemoveTagsFromStream
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/RemoveTagsFromStream" target="_top">AWS
* API Documentation</a>
RemoveTagsFromStreamResult removeTagsFromStream(RemoveTagsFromStreamRequest removeTagsFromStreamRequest);
* <p>
* Splits a shard into two new shards in the Amazon Kinesis stream to increase the stream's capacity to ingest and
* transport data. <code>SplitShard</code> is called when there is a need to increase the overall capacity of a
* stream because of an expected increase in the volume of data records being ingested.
* </p>
* <p>
* You can also use <code>SplitShard</code> when a shard appears to be approaching its maximum utilization; for
* example, the producers sending data into the specific shard are suddenly sending more than previously
* anticipated. You can also call <code>SplitShard</code> to increase stream capacity, so that more Amazon Kinesis
* applications can simultaneously read data from the stream for real-time processing.
* </p>
* <p>
* You must specify the shard to be split and the new hash key, which is the position in the shard where the shard
* gets split in two. In many cases, the new hash key might simply be the average of the beginning and ending hash
* key, but it can be any hash key value in the range being mapped into the shard. For more information about
* splitting shards, see <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/kinesis-using-sdk-java-resharding-split.html">Split a
* Shard</a> in the <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>.
* </p>
* <p>
* You can use <a>DescribeStream</a> to determine the shard ID and hash key values for the <code>ShardToSplit</code>
* and <code>NewStartingHashKey</code> parameters that are specified in the <code>SplitShard</code> request.
* </p>
* <p>
* <code>SplitShard</code> is an asynchronous operation. Upon receiving a <code>SplitShard</code> request, Amazon
* Kinesis immediately returns a response and sets the stream status to <code>UPDATING</code>. After the operation
* is completed, Amazon Kinesis sets the stream status to <code>ACTIVE</code>. Read and write operations continue to
* work while the stream is in the <code>UPDATING</code> state.
* </p>
* <p>
* You can use <code>DescribeStream</code> to check the status of the stream, which is returned in
* <code>StreamStatus</code>. If the stream is in the <code>ACTIVE</code> state, you can call
* <code>SplitShard</code>. If a stream is in <code>CREATING</code> or <code>UPDATING</code> or
* <code>DELETING</code> states, <code>DescribeStream</code> returns a <code>ResourceInUseException</code>.
* </p>
* <p>
* If the specified stream does not exist, <code>DescribeStream</code> returns a
* <code>ResourceNotFoundException</code>. If you try to create more shards than are authorized for your account,
* you receive a <code>LimitExceededException</code>.
* </p>
* <p>
* For the default shard limit for an AWS account, see <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/service-sizes-and-limits.html">Streams Limits</a> in the
* <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>. If you need to increase this limit, <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws_service_limits.html">contact AWS Support</a>.
* </p>
* <p>
* If you try to operate on too many streams simultaneously using <a>CreateStream</a>, <a>DeleteStream</a>,
* <a>MergeShards</a>, and/or <a>SplitShard</a>, you receive a <code>LimitExceededException</code>.
* </p>
* <p>
* <code>SplitShard</code> has limit of 5 transactions per second per account.
* </p>
* @param splitShardRequest
* Represents the input for <code>SplitShard</code>.
* @return Result of the SplitShard operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @throws ResourceInUseException
* The resource is not available for this operation. For successful operation, the resource needs to be in
* the <code>ACTIVE</code> state.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @throws LimitExceededException
* The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests
* exceeds the maximum number allowed (5).
* @sample AmazonKinesis.SplitShard
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/SplitShard" target="_top">AWS API
* Documentation</a>
SplitShardResult splitShard(SplitShardRequest splitShardRequest);
* Simplified method form for invoking the SplitShard operation.
* @see #splitShard(SplitShardRequest)
SplitShardResult splitShard(String streamName, String shardToSplit, String newStartingHashKey);
* <p>
* Updates the shard count of the specified stream to the specified number of shards.
* </p>
* <p>
* Updating the shard count is an asynchronous operation. Upon receiving the request, Amazon Kinesis returns
* immediately and sets the status of the stream to <code>UPDATING</code>. After the update is complete, Amazon
* Kinesis sets the status of the stream back to <code>ACTIVE</code>. Depending on the size of the stream, the
* scaling action could take a few minutes to complete. You can continue to read and write data to your stream while
* its status is <code>UPDATING</code>.
* </p>
* <p>
* To update the shard count, Amazon Kinesis performs splits and merges and individual shards. This can cause
* short-lived shards to be created, in addition to the final shards. We recommend that you double or halve the
* shard count, as this results in the fewest number of splits or merges.
* </p>
* <p>
* This operation has a rate limit of twice per rolling 24 hour period. You cannot scale above double your current
* shard count, scale below half your current shard count, or exceed the shard limits for your account.
* </p>
* <p>
* For the default limits for an AWS account, see <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/service-sizes-and-limits.html">Streams Limits</a> in the
* <i>Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide</i>. If you need to increase a limit, <a
* href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws_service_limits.html">contact AWS Support</a>.
* </p>
* @param updateShardCountRequest
* @return Result of the UpdateShardCount operation returned by the service.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information,
* see the returned message.
* @throws LimitExceededException
* The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests
* exceeds the maximum number allowed (5).
* @throws ResourceInUseException
* The resource is not available for this operation. For successful operation, the resource needs to be in
* the <code>ACTIVE</code> state.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.
* @sample AmazonKinesis.UpdateShardCount
* @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesis-2013-12-02/UpdateShardCount" target="_top">AWS API
* Documentation</a>
UpdateShardCountResult updateShardCount(UpdateShardCountRequest updateShardCountRequest);
* Shuts down this client object, releasing any resources that might be held open. This is an optional method, and
* callers are not expected to call it, but can if they want to explicitly release any open resources. Once a client
* has been shutdown, it should not be used to make any more requests.
void shutdown();
* Returns additional metadata for a previously executed successful request, typically used for debugging issues
* where a service isn't acting as expected. This data isn't considered part of the result data returned by an
* operation, so it's available through this separate, diagnostic interface.
* <p>
* Response metadata is only cached for a limited period of time, so if you need to access this extra diagnostic
* information for an executed request, you should use this method to retrieve it as soon as possible after
* executing a request.
* @param request
* The originally executed request.
* @return The response metadata for the specified request, or null if none is available.
ResponseMetadata getCachedResponseMetadata(AmazonWebServiceRequest request);
AmazonKinesisWaiters waiters();