package com.aptoide.amethyst.webservices; import com.aptoide.amethyst.preferences.SecurePreferences; import com.aptoide.dataprovider.webservices.interfaces.v7.IGetAppV7WebService; import com.aptoide.dataprovider.webservices.models.Constants; import com.aptoide.dataprovider.webservices.models.GetAppModel; import com.aptoide.dataprovider.webservices.models.v7.Apiv7; import com.aptoide.dataprovider.webservices.models.v7.GetApp; import com.aptoide.dataprovider.webservices.models.v7.ViewItem; import com.aptoide.models.displayables.MoreVersionsAppViewItem; import; import retrofit.RetrofitError; /** * Created by hsousa on 28/10/15. * This could (and should) be refactored, but there is no time */ public class GetAppRequest extends RetrofitSpiceRequest<GetAppModel, IGetAppV7WebService> { public String token; public Boolean mature; public String lang; public Integer aptoideVercode; public String filters; public String md5; public long appId; public String packageName; public String storeName; public String user; public String password; private int numColumns; /** * Tested with static. Although probably not needed, it needs testing if you convert it to a field */ static int attempts = 0; public GetAppRequest(int numColumns) { super(GetAppModel.class, IGetAppV7WebService.class); this.numColumns = numColumns; } @Override public GetAppModel loadDataFromNetwork() throws Exception { attempts++; try { return bind(getService().getApp(getApi())); } catch (RetrofitError error) { if (attempts == 1) { OauthErrorHandler.handle(error); } throw error; } } private GetAppModel bind(GetApp getApp) { GetAppModel model = new GetAppModel(); model.getApp = getApp; for (ViewItem item : getApp.nodes.versions.list) { model.list.add(createMore(item)); } return model; } /** * Given a Json POJO, creates a MoreVersionsAppViewItem displayable in order to * populate the moreVersions recyclerView * * @param item POJO coming from the webservice's Json * @return A MoreVersionsAppViewItem displayable item */ private MoreVersionsAppViewItem createMore(ViewItem item) { MoreVersionsAppViewItem moreVersionsItem = new MoreVersionsAppViewItem(numColumns); =; moreVersionsItem.storeName =; moreVersionsItem.storeAvatar =; moreVersionsItem.storeId =; moreVersionsItem.storeTheme =; moreVersionsItem.appName =; moreVersionsItem.packageName = item.packageName; moreVersionsItem.versionName = item.file.vername; moreVersionsItem.icon = item.icon; moreVersionsItem.versionCode = item.file.vercode.intValue(); return moreVersionsItem; } /** * This API has no mandatory arguments, except app_id * <p> * However, it has one specific "feature": * <p> * In order to appear the latest "global" version of an app, it is necessary to * 1) pass along the packageName so it will be passed along to the "versions" node, and * 2) do _not_ pass the storeName. * According to the web team, passing the packageName and ignoring the storeName * will search this app on other stores other than "apps". * <p> * Right now, the "versions" node only returns trusted versions when no store is defined as * an api parameter, so it may happen the that the "versions" node may come empty, * even when there are other apks. * </p> * * @return Apiv7 the Api params */ public Apiv7 getApi() { Apiv7 api = new Apiv7(); api.mature = mature; api.q = filters; api.lang = lang; api.aptoide_vercode = aptoideVercode; if (attempts < 3) { api.access_token = SecurePreferences.getInstance().getString(Constants.ACCESS_TOKEN, null); } else { attempts = 0; } Apiv7.NodeParams metaParams = new Apiv7.NodeParams("meta"); metaParams.package_name = packageName; Apiv7.NodeParams versionsParams = new Apiv7.NodeParams("versions"); versionsParams.package_name = packageName; if (appId == 0) { metaParams.apk_md5sum = md5; versionsParams.apk_md5sum = md5; metaParams.store_name = storeName; api.setNodeParams(versionsParams); } else { metaParams.app_id = String.valueOf(appId); if (packageName == null) { versionsParams.app_id = String.valueOf(appId); } } api.setNodeParams(versionsParams); api.setNodeParams(metaParams); api.store_user = user; api.store_pass_sha1 = password; return api; } }