package; import; import; import com.aptoide.amethyst.downloadmanager.model.Download; import com.aptoide.models.stores.Login; import com.aptoide.models.stores.Store; import com.aptoide.models.displayables.UpdateRow; import com.aptoide.amethyst.downloadmanager.state.StatusState; import java.util.List; import lombok.Getter; /** * Created by hsousa on 29-06-2015. */ public class OttoEvents { public static class ExcludedUpdateAddedEvent { private final int position; public ExcludedUpdateAddedEvent(int position) { this.position = position; } public int getPosition() { return position; } } public static class ExcludedUpdateRemovedEvent { } // /** * Renamed from UnInstalledApkEvent * {@link GetUpdatesFinishedEvent#numUpdates} ( * -1 Error getting updates * 0 No updates available * >=1 Number of updates * )} */ public static class GetUpdatesFinishedEvent { public final int numUpdates; public GetUpdatesFinishedEvent(int numUpdates) { this.numUpdates = numUpdates; } } /** ****************** Repo-related Events *******************************/ public static class RepoAddedEvent { } public static class RepoDeletedEvent { public List<Store> stores; public RepoDeletedEvent(List<Store> stores) { this.stores = stores; } } public static class RepoCompleteEvent { public long getRepoId() { return repoId; } private final long repoId; public RepoCompleteEvent(long repoId) { this.repoId = repoId; } } /** * Used to Subscribe a repo */ public static class RepoSubscribeEvent { private final String storeName; public RepoSubscribeEvent(String storeName) { this.storeName = storeName; } public String getStoreName() { return storeName; } } /** ****************** Download-related Events *******************************/ public static class DownloadEvent { public long getId() { return id; } private final long id; private StatusState mStatusState; public DownloadEvent(long id, StatusState mStatusState){ = id; this.mStatusState = mStatusState; } public StatusState getmStatusState() { return mStatusState; } } public static class DownloadServiceConnected { } public static class DownloadInProgress { private final Download download; public DownloadInProgress(Download download) { = download; } public Download getDownload() { return download; } } public static class StartDownload { private final List <UpdateRow> row; public StartDownload(List<UpdateRow> row) { this.row = row; } public List <UpdateRow> getRow() { return row; } } public static class InstalledApkEvent { } public static class UnInstalledApkEvent { private String packageName; public UnInstalledApkEvent(String packageName) { this.packageName = packageName; } public String getPackageName() { return packageName; } } public static class MatureEvent { private boolean mature; public MatureEvent(boolean mature) { this.mature = mature; } public boolean isMature() { return mature; } } public static class AppViewRefresh {} public static class SocialTimelineInitEvent { private boolean isRefresh; public SocialTimelineInitEvent(boolean isRefresh) { this.isRefresh = isRefresh; } public boolean isRefresh() { return isRefresh; } } public class SocialTimelineEvent { private boolean isRefresh; public SocialTimelineEvent(boolean isRefresh) { this.isRefresh = isRefresh; } public boolean isRefresh() { return isRefresh; } } public static class RedrawNavigationDrawer { } public static class InstallAppFromManager { private long id; public long getId() { return id; } public InstallAppFromManager(long id) { = id; } } public static class StoreAuthorizationEvent{ private final long id; @NonNull private final Login login; public StoreAuthorizationEvent(final long id, final Login login) { = id; this.login = login; } public long getId() { return id; } @NonNull public Login getLogin() { return login; } } public static class ActivityLifeCycleEvent { @Getter LifeCycle state; @Getter Activity activity; public ActivityLifeCycleEvent(Activity activity, LifeCycle state) { this.state = state; this.activity = activity; } public enum LifeCycle { CREATE, START, RESUME, PAUSE, STOP, DESTROY } } }