package; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.util.IThreadListener; import; import; import; import; import; import net.mcft.copy.backpacks.misc.util.ClientUtils; public abstract class BackpacksMessageHandler<T extends IMessage> implements IMessageHandler<T, IMessage> { /** Returns whether the message handling should be scheduled, meaning it * will be executed on the world thread instead of the network thread. */ public boolean isScheduled() { return true; } public abstract void handle(T message, MessageContext ctx); // IMessageHandler implementation @Override public final IMessage onMessage(T message, MessageContext ctx) { if (!isScheduled()) handle(message, ctx); else getScheduler(ctx).addScheduledTask(() -> handle(message, ctx)); return null; } // Utility methods /** Returns the player associated with this message context. * On the server, returns the player who sent the message. * On the client, returns the local player entity. */ public static EntityPlayer getPlayer(MessageContext ctx) { return (ctx.side.isServer() ? ctx.getServerHandler().player : ClientUtils.getPlayer()); } /** Returns the world associated with this message context. * On the server, returns the world the player is in who sent the message. * On the client, returns the local world. */ public static World getWorld(MessageContext ctx) { return getPlayer(ctx).world; } /** Returns the appropriate thread scheduler for this message context. * On the server, returns the world the player is in (world's thread). * On the client, returns the Minecraft instance (main game thread). */ public static IThreadListener getScheduler(MessageContext ctx) { return (ctx.side.isServer() ? (WorldServer)getWorld(ctx) : ClientUtils.getScheduler()); } }