package net.mcft.copy.backpacks.config; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier; import java.util.function.Consumer; import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase; import net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.mcft.copy.backpacks.WearableBackpacks; import net.mcft.copy.backpacks.client.config.EntrySetting; /** Represents a single configuration setting. */ public abstract class Setting<T> { /** Controls whether get() returns getEntryValue() or the setting's value. */ private static boolean _checkEntryValue = false; /** Default value, used when no config file is present. */ private final T _defaultValue; /** Loaded "own" value, directly from the config file (or using the default). */ private T _value; /** Holds the setting's Forge Configuration. */ private Configuration _config; /** Holds the setting's Forge Configuration Property. */ private Property _property = null; /** Holds the setting's current entry instance in the config GUI (if open). */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private EntrySetting<T> _entry; /** The setting category, for example "general". */ private String _category; /** The setting name, for example "equipAsChestArmor". */ private String _name; /** Stores a function which is called to determine if requirements are met. */ private BooleanSupplier _requireFunc = () -> true; /** Whether changing the setting requires rejoining the current world. */ private boolean _requiresWorldRejoin = false; /** Whether changing the setting requires restarting the Minecraft instance. */ private boolean _requiresMinecraftRestart = false; /** Stores a function which is called to determine if recommendations are met (returns hint). */ private Supplier<List<String>> _recommendFunc = () -> null; /** The setting's valid values as a string array, or null if none. */ private T[] _validValues = null; /** Stores whether the setting will be synced to players joining a world. */ private boolean _doesSync = false; /** Stores whether the setting is currently synced (_syncedValue stores current value). */ private boolean _isSynced = false; /** Current synced value, returned from get() if _isSynced is true. */ private T _syncedValue = null; /** Action fired when setting is updated (synced or changed ingame), null if none. */ private Consumer<T> _updateAction = null; /** Holds the setting's custom config entry class to use in place of the default, if any. */ private String _entryClass = null; /** The setting's comment used in the config file, if any. */ private String _comment = null; public Setting(T defaultValue) { _defaultValue = defaultValue; } /** Set the setting's configuration, category and name. * This is called automatically. Category and name are taken from * reflected field names. Keeps the constructor short and simple. */ protected void init(Configuration config, String category, String name) { _config = config; _category = category; _name = name; } /** Sets a function that determines if the setting's requirements are met. */ public final Setting<T> setRequirement(BooleanSupplier requireFunc) { _requireFunc = requireFunc; return this; } /** Sets the specified settings to be required for this setting. */ @SafeVarargs public final Setting<T> setRequired(Setting<Boolean>... settings) { return setRequirement(() -> Arrays.asList(settings).stream().allMatch(setting -> setting.get())); } /** Sets the setting to require rejoining the world after being changed. */ public Setting<T> setRequiresWorldRejoin() { _requiresWorldRejoin = true; return this; } /** Sets the setting to require restarting the game after being changed. */ public Setting<T> setRequiresMinecraftRestart() { _requiresMinecraftRestart = true; return this; } /** Sets a function that determines if the setting's recommendations are met. */ public final Setting<T> setRecommendation(Supplier<List<String>> recommendFunc) { _recommendFunc = recommendFunc; return this; } /** Sets the specified setting to be recommended for this setting. */ @SafeVarargs public final Setting<T> setRecommended(Setting<Boolean>... settings) { // TODO: This should probably be moved somewhere else. return setRecommendation(() -> { if (Arrays.asList(settings).stream().allMatch(setting -> setting.get())) return null; String key = "config." + WearableBackpacks.MOD_ID + "." + getFullName() + ".hint"; List<String> tooltip = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList( (TextFormatting.YELLOW + I18n.format(key)).split("\\\\n"))); for (Setting<Boolean> setting : settings) if (!setting.get()) tooltip.add(TextFormatting.AQUA + "[" + setting.getFullName() + " = false]"); return tooltip; }); } /** Sets the valid values for this setting. */ @SafeVarargs public final Setting<T> setValidValues(T... values) { _validValues = values; return this; } /** Sets the setting to be synchronized to players joining a world. */ public Setting<T> setSynced() { _doesSync = true; return this; } /** Sets the setting to be synchronized to players joining a world. * The specified action is fired when the setting is synced on the receiving player's side. */ public Setting<T> setSynced(Consumer<T> action) { setSynced(); return setUpdate(action); } /** Sets the update function to be fired when the setting is updated (config changed or syncronized). */ public Setting<T> setUpdate(Consumer<T> action) { _updateAction = action; return this; } /** Sets the setting's config entry class, to be used in place of the default. */ public Setting<T> setConfigEntryClass(String entryClass) { _entryClass = entryClass; return this; } /** Sets the setting's comment, to be used in the config file. */ public Setting<T> setComment(String comment) { _comment = comment; return this; } /** Returns the setting's category, for example "general". */ public String getCategory() { return _category; } /** Returns the setting's name, for example "equipAsChestArmor". */ public String getName() { return _name; } /** Returns the setting's full name, for example "general.equipAsChestArmor". */ public String getFullName() { return _category + "." + _name; } /** Returns the setting's default value. */ public T getDefault() { return _defaultValue; } /** Returns the setting's current value. */ public T get() { return (_checkEntryValue ? getEntryValue() : (_isSynced ? _syncedValue : _value)); } /** Sets the setting's current value. */ public void set(T value) { _value = value; _property.set(Objects.toString(value)); } /** Returns if this setting is enabled based on its requirements. */ public boolean isEnabled() { return _requireFunc.getAsBoolean(); } /** Returns if this setting is enabled based on its requirements (uses config entry values). */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public boolean isEnabledConfig() { _checkEntryValue = true; boolean enabled = isEnabled(); _checkEntryValue = false; return enabled; } /** Returns whether changing the setting requires a world rejoin. */ public boolean requiresWorldRejoin() { return _requiresWorldRejoin; } /** Returns whether changing the setting requires Minecraft to be restarted. */ public boolean requiresMinecraftRestart() { return _requiresMinecraftRestart; } /** Returns a recommendation hint for this setting if * not all recommendations are met, or null otherwise. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public List<String> getRecommendationHint() { _checkEntryValue = true; List<String> hintTooltip = _recommendFunc.get(); _checkEntryValue = false; return hintTooltip; } /** Returns if the setting is synced to players when they join a (multiplayer/LAN) world. */ public boolean doesSync() { return _doesSync; } /** Returns if the setting is currently synced and get() * should return the synced instead of the "own" value. */ public boolean isSynced() { return _isSynced; } /** Sets the setting's config entry class, to be used in place of the default. */ public String getConfigEntryClass() { return _entryClass; } /** Returns the setting's comment, as used in the config file. */ public String getComment() { return _comment; } /** Returns the setting's current entry value in the config GUI. */ private T getEntryValue() { return _entry.getValue(); } /** Sets the setting's current config entry in the config GUI to the specified entry. * Used for disabling config entries dynamically based on which settings they require. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void setEntry(EntrySetting<T> entry) { _entry = entry; } /** Resets the setting's current config entry in the config GUI. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void resetEntry() { _entry = null; } /** Calls the update action if present * and any required setting is enabled. */ public void update() { if ((_updateAction != null) && isEnabled()) _updateAction.accept(_value); } // Forge Configuration related /** Grabs the Property object from the Forge Configuration object. */ protected abstract Property getPropertyFromConfig(Configuration config); /** Returns the Forge config Property associated with this setting. */ public Property getProperty() { if (_property == null) { // Initialize the property if it hasn't been already. _property = getPropertyFromConfig(_config); _property.setRequiresWorldRestart(_requiresWorldRejoin); _property.setRequiresMcRestart(_requiresMinecraftRestart); if (_validValues != null) _property.setValidValues( (String[]) .map(Object::toString).toArray()); } return _property; } /** Attempts to parse the specified string as a value of this setting. * Throws an exception if the specified string is not valid. */ public abstract T parse(String str); /** Called when the Configuration is loaded. */ protected void onPropertyLoaded() { _value = parse(getProperty().getString()); } // Synchronization /** Reads the synced value from the specified NBT tag. */ public void readSynced(NBTBase tag) { _isSynced = true; _syncedValue = read(tag); if (_updateAction != null) _updateAction.accept(_syncedValue); } /** Writes the own value to an NBT tag, returning it. */ public NBTBase writeSynced() { return write(_value); } /** Resets the synced value when players exit the world / disconnect from a server. */ protected void resetSynced() { _isSynced = false; _syncedValue = null; } public abstract T read(NBTBase tag); public abstract NBTBase write(T value); }