package cyano.poweradvantage; import cyano.poweradvantage.api.ConduitType; import cyano.poweradvantage.init.WorldGen; import cyano.poweradvantage.registry.FuelRegistry; import cyano.poweradvantage.registry.MachineGUIRegistry; import cyano.poweradvantage.registry.still.recipe.DistillationRecipeRegistry; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameData; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.Parameter; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.*; // NOTE: other mods dependant on this one need to add the following to their @Mod annotation: // dependencies = "required-after:poweradvantage" /* IDEA list * drain block ✓ * fluid pipes ✓ * portable tank block ✓ * item chute ✓ * fluid discharge block ✓ * example crusher machine (SteamAfvantage will be the example mod) ✓ * -- SteamAdvantage mod -- * Coal-Fired Steam Boiler ✓ * Boiler Tank ✓ * Steam Conduit ✓ * Steam Powered Rock Crusher ✓ * Steam Powered Blast Furnace ✓ * Steam Powered Drill ✓ * Steam Powered Lift (pushes up special lift blocks, like an extendable piston) ✓ * Steam Powered Machine Shop (automatable crafter) * Musket (slow-loading ranged weapon) ✓ * Steam Powered Defense Cannon (manual aiming and requires redstone trigger) * Oil-Burning Steam Boiler * Bioreactor (slowly makes liquid fuel from organic matter) * -- ElectricalAdvantage -- * Electricity Conduit ✓ * Steam Powered Generator ✓ * Solar Generator ✓ * Water Turbine Generator ✓ * Wind Turbine Generator * Electric Boiler (makes steam power from electricity) * Electric Battery ✓ * Electric Furnace ✓ * Electric Arc Furnace ✓ * Electric Rock Crusher ✓ * Electric Drill ✓ * Electric Assembler ✓ * Revolver Pistol (six-shots between slow reloads) * Electric Defense Cannon (auto-aiming and automatically attacks hostile mobs) ✓ * Electric Lift (electric version of steam lift) * Electric Tools * Electric Charging Station * Electric Robot Station * Robots: * - Farm-bot (farms) * - Lumber-bot (cuts and plants trees) * - Kill-bot (kills mobs with arrows or bullets) * - Drill-bot (digs) * - Construction-bot (builds villager homes) * - Chef-bot (cooks food) * - Fish-bot (fishes) * * IDEAS: * -- MagicAdvantage -- (power from colored mana) * Mana: * - Red (fire) * - Blue (water) * - White (air) * - Brown (earth) * - Purple (darkness, not found naturally in overworld) * - Yellow (light, not found naturally in overworld) * mana crystal generates in the world and slowly grow over time * fully grown mana crystals are hazardous to be near and sprout new crystals in neighboring air blocks * mining a mana crystal drops mana * magical machines are powered by mana and have extra effects depending on mane used for power * Mana Pool (stores mana and powers near-by magic machines) * Mana Focus (giant crystal that extends the range of the mana pool) * Red Mana Condenser (turns fuel into red mana) * Blue Mana Condenser (generates blue mana if submerged in water) * Brown Mana Condenser (turns plants into brown mana) * White Mana Condenser (generates white mana while high in the sky) * Yellow Mana Condenser (generates yellow mana while sunlight shines on it) * Purple Mana Condenser (hurts nearby entities and generates purple mana) * Magical Excavator (mines the area) * - red mana: smelt items as they're mined * - blue mana: mine faster * - brown mana: fill mined area with dirt * - white mana: mine larger area * - yellow mana: occasionally mines a duplicate block (+10% yield) * - purple mana: destroy worthless blocks instead of mining them * Magical Conjurer (summons entities/items) * - red mana: random treasure chest loot item * - blue mana: random fishing result * - brown mana: random ore or crop * - white mana: random animal * - yellow mana: random mana shard * - purple mana: random hostile mob, occasionally from Nether * Magical Spirit Shrine * - red mana: attacks hostile mobs and smelts near-by blocks (turns trees into charcoal and cobblestone into stone) * - blue mana: plants crops and trees using items in nearby chests * - brown mana: adds mining haste effect to nearby players * - white mana: harvests crops and leaves and picks-up nearby items and puts them in a chest * - yellow mana: lights up the area (places fae lights) * - purple mana: hurts all mobs and steals from player inventories * Magical Furnace (expanded furnace 3x3) * - red mana: smelts more items per mana shard * - blue mana: unsmelts items * - brown mana: has small change of spitting out a random mana shard after each smelt * - white mana: smelts faster (but does not smelt more items per mana shard) * - yellow mana: has chance of not consuming input items * - purple mana: smelts super fast, with 12.5% loss * Magical Mystery Box (does stuff to items placed inside) * - red mana: smelts items * - blue mana: turns water buckets into ice blocks, lava buckets into obsidian * - brown mana: grows/duplicates plant items * - white mana: crafts blocks into fancier forms (e.g. stone into stone bricks) * - yellow mana: repairs items * - purple mana: destroys items, creating XP orbs * * -- QuantumAdvantage -- (wireless power) * Fusion Generator (burns water for electricity) * Quantum Entanglement Generator (powered by electricity, wirelessly sends power to quantum machines and also recharges quantum batteries in player inventories) * Quantum Relay (range extender for Quantum Entanglement Generator) * Quantum Furnace (super-fast 3x3 expanded furnace) * Quantum Teleporter * Quantum Disassembler (like crusher, but also yields 1 stone block per ore) * Quantum Defense Cannon (automatically hurts all enemy mobs within range) * Quantum Quarry (like BuildCraft Quarry) * Quantum Farm (manages farming in nearby area) * Quantum Tools (powered by a quantum battery in player inventory) * Ray Gun (gun with no reload time, powered by a quantum battery in player inventory) * Private Quantum Storage Chest (like ender chest with bigger inventory) * Public Quantum Storage Chest (like ender chest, but all players on same team have access) * Quantum Shield (worn as chestplate, provides full armor protection and repairs with quantum energy) * Quantum Goggles (worn as helmet, lets user see ores and entity through walls and see in the dark) * Quantum Leg Enhancements (worn as leggings, bestows fast speed and player can walk up 1-block height change without jumping) * Quantum Shoes (slow fall and air jumping, allows for primitive flight) * Instant *** (place on ground to make building instantly appear) * Instant Camp * Instant Farm * Instant House * Instant Castle */ /** * <p>This is the main mod class for Power Advantage. Forge/FML will create an * instance of this class and call its initializer functions. There are some * utility functions in this class that makers of add-on mods may wish to use, * such as PowerAdvantage.getInstance(). </p> * <p> * Note that to make a mod that uses the PowerAdvantage API, you will need to make a few * adjustments to add the appropriate dependancies. * </p><p> * First, you need to add the required libraries to your project. Create a folder in your project * called <b>lib</b>. Then grab the PowerAdvantage and BaseMetals API .jar files and put them in * the <b>lib</b> folder. It will also be helpful to put the javadoc .zip files in this folder as * well. * </p><p> * Next, you need to specify the dependencies in the @mod annotation. For example:<br> * <code>@Mod(modid = MyMod.MODID, version = MyMod.VERSION, name=MyMod.NAME, dependencies = "required-after:poweradvantage;required-after:basemetals")</code> * </p><p> * After that, you need to update your gradle build script to include the dependencies. Add the * following to <b>build.gradle</b> (adjusting the version numbers on the .jar filenames as * neessary):<br><code> allprojects { apply plugin: 'java' sourceCompatibility = 1.8 targetCompatibility = 1.8 } dependencies { compile files( 'lib/basemetals-1.6.0-dev.jar' 'lib/PowerAdvantage-API-1.4.0.jar' ) } </code><br>This is necessary to include the API in your compile build path and also specify that you * are compiling with Java 7 (Java 6 will not work). * </p><p> * Finally, you need to add the API .jar files to your IDE project configuration. In Eclipse, * right-click on your project and go to <i>Properties</i>, then click on <i>Java Build Path</i> and * click on the <i>Libraries</i> tab. Then click <i>Add Jars...</i> and select the BaseMetals and * PowerAdvantage API jars in your <b>lib</b> folder and close the window by clicking OK. * </p> * @author DrCyano * */ @Mod(modid = PowerAdvantage.MODID, version = PowerAdvantage.VERSION, name=PowerAdvantage.NAME, dependencies = "required-after:basemetals", acceptedMinecraftVersions = "[1.10.2,)") public class PowerAdvantage { /** The identifier for this mod */ public static final String MODID = "poweradvantage"; /** The display name for this mod */ public static final String NAME = "Power Advantage"; /** The version of this mod, in the format major.minor.update */ public static final String VERSION = "2.3.0"; // TODO: add condenser (makes water from steam) // TODO: add ice machine (uses water and electricity to make blocks of ice) /* TODO: new tutorial: 1. Download and setup IDE (IntelliJ) 2. Simple steam-powered food oven ("pressure cooker") 3. Add animated GUI to steam-powered food oven 4. Bucket filler (with universal bucket) 5. Steam battery 6. Redstone-powered steam boiler (dual-energy machine) */ /** singleton instance */ private static PowerAdvantage instance; /** * This is the recipe mode set for this mod. Add-on mods may want to adjust their recipes * accordingly. */ public static RecipeMode recipeMode = RecipeMode.NORMAL; public static boolean useOtherFluids = false; /** adjustment for frequency of loot spawns in treasure chests */ public static float chestLootFactor = 0.5f; /** If true, plastic will be registered as rubber in ore dictionary */ public static boolean plasticIsAlsoRubber = true; /** used to convert energy to RF types when attempting autmoatic conversion */ public static final Map<ConduitType, Float> rfConversionTable = new HashMap<>(); /** used to convert energy to Tech Reborn types when attempting automatic conversion */ public static final Map<ConduitType, Float> trConversionTable = new HashMap<>(); public static boolean detectedRF = false; public static boolean detectedTechReborn = false; private String[] distillRecipes = new String[0]; // used to pass config data to the init() method /** * Pre-initialization step. Used for initializing objects and reading the * config file * @param event FML event object */ @EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {"%s: loading config file", MODID); instance = this; Configuration config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); config.load(); String[] presets = {"NORMAL", "TECH_PROGRESSION", "APOCALYPTIC"}; String mode = config.getString("recipe_mode", "options", "NORMAL", "NORMAL, APOCALYPTIC, or TECH_PROGRESSION. \n" + "Sets the style of recipes used in your game. \n" + "In NORMAL mode, everything needed is craftable from vanilla items and the machines are \n" + "available pretty much as soon as the player returns from their first mining expedition. \n" + "In APOCALYPTIC mode, some important items are not craftable, but can be found in \n" + "treasure chests, requiring the players to pillage for their machines. \n" + "In TECH_PROGRESSION mode, important items are very complicated to craft using vanilla \n" + "items, but are easy to duplicate once they are made. This gives the players a sense of \n" + "invention and rising throught the ages from stone-age to space-age.",presets).toUpperCase(Locale.US).trim(); switch (mode){ case "NORMAL": recipeMode = RecipeMode.NORMAL; break; case "APOCALYPTIC": recipeMode = RecipeMode.APOCALYPTIC; break; case "TECH_PROGRESSION": recipeMode = RecipeMode.TECH_PROGRESSION; break; default: FMLLog.severe(MODID+" does not recognize recipe_mode '"+mode+"'"); throw new IllegalArgumentException("'"+mode+"' is not valid for config option 'recipe_mode'. Valid options are: NORMAL, APOCALYPTIC, or TECH_PROGRESSION"); } chestLootFactor = config.getFloat("treasure_chest_loot_factor", "options", 0.5f, 0.0f, 1000.0f, "Controls the rarity of items from this mod being found in treasure chests relative to \n" + "the frequency of other chest loot items. Set to 0 to disable metal ingots from \n" + "appearing in treasure chests."); plasticIsAlsoRubber = config.getBoolean("plastic_equals_rubber", "options", plasticIsAlsoRubber, "If true, then plastic will be useable in recipes as if it were rubber (for cross-mod compatibility)"); distillRecipes = config.getString("distiller_recipes", "recipes", "2*crude_oil->1*refined_oil;2*oil->1*refined_oil", "List of distiller recipes in the format of #*name1->#*name2 where # is an \n" + "integer number and name1 and name2 are the fluid names of the input and \n" + "output of the recipe") .split(";"); useOtherFluids = config.getBoolean("use_other_fluids", "Other Power Mods", useOtherFluids, "If true, then Power Advantage will use existing fluids added by other mods where possible"); String[] conversions = config.getString("RF_conversions", "Other Power Mods", "steam=8;electricity=0.25;quantum=8", "List of conversions from Power Advantage power types to RF, in units of RF per energy unit") .split(";"); for(String c : conversions){ if(!c.contains("=")) continue; String name = c.substring(0, c.indexOf('=')).trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US); String val = c.substring(c.indexOf('=')+1).trim(); try{ Number d; if(val.contains(".")){ d = new Double(Double.parseDouble(val)); } else { d = Long.parseLong(val); }"Adding conversion factor of "+d+" units of RF per unit of "+name); rfConversionTable.put(new ConduitType(name), d.floatValue()); }catch(NumberFormatException ex){ FMLLog.severe("Cannot parse '"+val+"' as number"); } } String[] conversions2 = config.getString("TechReborn_conversions", "Other Power Mods", "electricity=0.25", "List of conversions from Power Advantage power types to EU, in units of EU per energy unit") .split(";"); for(String c : conversions2){ if(!c.contains("=")) continue; String name = c.substring(0, c.indexOf('=')).trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US); String val = c.substring(c.indexOf('=')+1).trim(); try{ Number d; if(val.contains(".")){ d = new Double(Double.parseDouble(val)); } else { d = Long.parseLong(val); }"Adding conversion factor of "+d+" EU per unit of "+name); trConversionTable.put(new ConduitType(name), d.floatValue()); }catch(NumberFormatException ex){ FMLLog.severe("Cannot parse '"+val+"' as number"); } };"%s: creating orespawn file (if it doesn't already exist)", MODID); Path orespawnFolder = Paths.get(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile().toPath().getParent().toString(),"orespawn"); Path orespawnFile = Paths.get(orespawnFolder.toString(),MODID+".json"); if(!Files.exists(orespawnFile)){ try{ Files.createDirectories(orespawnFile.getParent()); Files.write(orespawnFile, Arrays.asList(WorldGen.ORESPAWN_FILE_CONTENTS.split("\n")), Charset.forName("UTF-8")); } catch (IOException e) { FMLLog.severe(MODID+": Error: Failed to write file "+orespawnFile); } }"%s: initializing fluids, blocks, items, and loot tables", MODID); cyano.poweradvantage.init.Fluids.init(); cyano.poweradvantage.init.Blocks.init(); cyano.poweradvantage.init.Items.init(); cyano.poweradvantage.init.TreasureChests.init(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile().toPath().getParent()); // keep this next comment, it is useful for finding Vanilla recipes //OreDictionary.initVanillaEntries(); if(event.getSide() == Side.CLIENT){ clientPreInit(event); } if(event.getSide() == Side.SERVER){ serverPreInit(event); }"%s: preinit complete", MODID); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private void clientPreInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){ // client-only code cyano.poweradvantage.init.Blocks.bakeModels(); } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) private void serverPreInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){ // client-only code } /** * Initialization step. Used for adding renderers and most content to the * game * @param event FML event object */ @EventHandler public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {"%s: starting main inititalization", MODID); try {"%s: testing whether we have to support redstone flux", MODID); Class rfClass = Class.forName("", false, getClass().getClassLoader()); detectedRF = rfClass != null;"%s: RF class detected: %s", MODID, rfClass); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { detectedRF = false;"%s: did not detect RF classes: %s", MODID, e.getMessage()); } try {"%s: testing whether we have to support Tech Reborn", MODID); Class trClass = Class.forName("reborncore.api.power.IEnergyInterfaceTile", false, getClass().getClassLoader()); detectedTechReborn = trClass != null;"%s: Tech Reborn class detected: %s", MODID, trClass); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { detectedTechReborn = false;"%s: did not detect Tech Reborn classes: %s", MODID, e.getMessage()); }"%s: adding GUI handler", MODID); NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.registerGuiHandler(PowerAdvantage.getInstance(), MachineGUIRegistry.getInstance()); GameRegistry.registerFuelHandler(FuelRegistry.getInstance());"%s: initializing more content", MODID); cyano.poweradvantage.init.Fuels.init(); cyano.poweradvantage.init.Entities.init(); cyano.poweradvantage.init.Recipes.init(); cyano.poweradvantage.init.Recipes.initDistillationRecipes(distillRecipes); cyano.poweradvantage.init.Villages.init(); cyano.poweradvantage.init.GUI.init();"%s: mod support data registries", MODID); cyano.poweradvantage.init.ModSupport.init(detectedRF,detectedTechReborn); if(event.getSide() == Side.CLIENT){ clientInit(event); } if(event.getSide() == Side.SERVER){ serverInit(event); }"%s: initialize phase complete", MODID); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private void clientInit(FMLInitializationEvent event){ // client-only code"%s: initializing renders", MODID); cyano.poweradvantage.init.Items.registerItemRenders(event); cyano.poweradvantage.init.Blocks.registerItemRenders(event); cyano.poweradvantage.init.ModSupport.registerItemRenders(event); } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) private void serverInit(FMLInitializationEvent event){ // client-only code } /** * Post-initialization step. Used for cross-mod options * @param event FML event object */ @EventHandler public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event) {"%s: starting post-inititalization phase", MODID); // alternative sprockets and other recipe adjustments (there may or may not be rods, depending on Base Metals version for(ItemStack s : OreDictionary.getOres("gearSteel")){ OreDictionary.registerOre("sprocket",s); } if(recipeMode == RecipeMode.NORMAL){ for(ItemStack s : OreDictionary.getOres("gear")){ OreDictionary.registerOre("sprocket",s); } OreDictionary.registerOre("rod", Items.STICK); } if(recipeMode == RecipeMode.TECH_PROGRESSION && OreDictionary.getOres("rod").isEmpty()){ // no rod items, need substitute OreDictionary.getOres("barsSteel").stream().forEach((ItemStack i)->OreDictionary.registerOre("rod",i)); }"%s: clearing cached data", MODID); // Clear caches DistillationRecipeRegistry.clearRecipeCache(); // Handle inter-mod action Map<String,Set<Block>> modBlocks = sortBlocksByModID(); // hacking //printHackingInfo(); // XXX: hacker stuff if(event.getSide() == Side.CLIENT){ clientPostInit(event); } if(event.getSide() == Side.SERVER){ serverPostInit(event); }"%s: post-init phase complete", MODID); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private void clientPostInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event){ // client-only code } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) private void serverPostInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event){ // client-only code } /** * Gets a singleton instance of this mod. Is null until the completion of the * pre-initialization step * @return The global instance of this mod */ public static PowerAdvantage getInstance() { return instance; } private Map<String, Set<Block>> sortBlocksByModID() { Map<String, Set<Block>> modMap = new HashMap<>(); GameData.getBlockRegistry().forEach((Block b)->{ final String modid = GameData.getBlockRegistry().getNameForObject(b).getResourceDomain(); modMap.computeIfAbsent(modid, (String id)->new HashSet<Block>()); modMap.get(modid).add(b); }); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(modMap); } private void printHackingInfo() { try { // Object dump all blocks and class dump all tile entities GameData.getBlockRegistry().forEach((Block b) -> {"Block: %s %s", b.getUnlocalizedName(), objectDump(b)); }); GameData.getItemRegistry().forEach((Item i) -> {"Item: %s %s", i.getUnlocalizedName(), objectDump(i)); });"class TileEntity: %s", superDump(null, TileEntity.class)); try { Field f = TileEntity.class.getDeclaredField("field_145853_j"); f.setAccessible(true); Map m = (Map) f.get(null); // do TileEntity class dump for (Object o : m.keySet()) {"TileEntity: %s", superDump(null, (Class) o)); } } catch (Exception ex) { FMLLog.severe("%s: Exception\n%s", MODID, ex); } }catch(Exception ex){ FMLLog.log(Level.INFO,ex,"Java reflection error during dump operation"); } } private static String objectDump(Object o){ if(o == null) return "null"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n"); Class c = o.getClass(); sb.append(c.getName()).append(" extends ").append(c.getSuperclass()).append("\n\t"); Class[] interfaces = c.getInterfaces(); if(interfaces != null && interfaces.length > 0){ sb.append("\t").append("Interfaces").append("\n\t"); for(Class i : interfaces){ sb.append(i.getName()).append("\n\t"); } } sb.append("\t").append("Variables").append("\n\t"); Field[] variables = c.getDeclaredFields(); for(Field f : variables){ if(Modifier.isPrivate(f.getModifiers())) sb.append("private "); if(Modifier.isProtected(f.getModifiers())) sb.append("protected "); if(Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers())) sb.append("public "); if(Modifier.isStatic( f.getModifiers())) sb.append("static "); if(Modifier.isFinal( f.getModifiers())) sb.append("final "); sb.append(f.getType().getName()).append(" "); sb.append(f.getName()); sb.append(" = "); f.setAccessible(true); if(Modifier.isStatic( f.getModifiers())){ try { sb.append(f.get(null)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { sb.append(e.getMessage()); } } else { try { sb.append(f.get(o)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { sb.append(e.getMessage()); } } sb.append("\n\t"); } sb.append("\n\t"); sb.append("\t").append("Methods").append("\n\t"); Method[] functions = c.getDeclaredMethods(); for(Method f : functions){ if(Modifier.isPrivate(f.getModifiers())) sb.append("private "); if(Modifier.isProtected(f.getModifiers())) sb.append("protected "); if(Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers())) sb.append("public "); if(Modifier.isStatic( f.getModifiers())) sb.append("static "); sb.append(f.getReturnType().getName()).append(" "); sb.append(f.getName()).append("("); Parameter[] params = f.getParameters(); if(params != null && params.length > 0){ for(int i = 0; i < params.length; i++){ Parameter p = params[i]; if(i > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(p.getType().getSimpleName()); } } sb.append(")\n\t"); } return sb.toString(); } private static String dumpField(Field f, Object inst) throws IllegalAccessException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if(Modifier.isPrivate(f.getModifiers())) sb.append("private "); if(Modifier.isProtected(f.getModifiers())) sb.append("protected "); if(Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers())) sb.append("public "); if(Modifier.isStatic( f.getModifiers())) sb.append("static "); if(Modifier.isFinal( f.getModifiers())) sb.append("final "); sb.append(f.getType().getCanonicalName()).append(" "); if(inst != null || Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) { f.setAccessible(true); sb.append(f.getName()).append(" = "); if (Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) { sb.append(String.valueOf(f.get(null))); } else { sb.append(String.valueOf(f.get(inst))); } } return sb.toString(); } private static String dumpMethod(Method m) throws IllegalAccessException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if(Modifier.isPrivate(m.getModifiers())) sb.append("private "); if(Modifier.isProtected(m.getModifiers())) sb.append("protected "); if(Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers())) sb.append("public "); if(Modifier.isStatic( m.getModifiers())) sb.append("static "); if(Modifier.isFinal( m.getModifiers())) sb.append("final "); sb.append(m.getReturnType().getCanonicalName()).append(" "); sb.append(m.getName()).append("("); boolean b = false; for(Class p : m.getParameterTypes()){ if(b) sb.append(", "); if(p.isArray()){ sb.append(p.getComponentType().getSimpleName()).append("[]"); } else { sb.append(p.getSimpleName()); } b = true; } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public static String superDump(Object o) throws IllegalAccessException { Class c = o.getClass(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(c.getCanonicalName()).append(" ") .append(String.valueOf(o)) .append(" {"); sb.append("\n\t").append( superDump(o, c)); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } public static String superDump(Object o, Class c) throws IllegalAccessException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("class ").append(c.getCanonicalName()); if(c.getInterfaces().length > 0) sb.append(" implements "); boolean b = false; for(Class i : c.getInterfaces()){ if(b) sb.append(", "); sb.append(i.getSimpleName()); b = true; } sb.append(":\n"); for(Field f : c.getDeclaredFields()){ sb.append("\t").append(dumpField(f,o)).append("\n"); } for(Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()){ sb.append("\t").append(dumpMethod(m)).append("\n"); } for(Class i : c.getInterfaces()){ for(Method m : i.getDeclaredMethods()){ sb.append("\t@Implementation(").append(i.getCanonicalName()).append(") ") .append(dumpMethod(m)).append("\n"); } } if(c.getSuperclass() != null && !c.equals(Object.class)){ sb.append("\nextends ").append(superDump(o,c.getSuperclass())); } return sb.toString(); } }