package; import static marubinotto.util.CollectionUtils.list; import static marubinotto.util.web.WebUtils.escapeHtml; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import marubinotto.piggydb.model.Classification; import marubinotto.piggydb.model.Filter; import marubinotto.piggydb.model.Fragment; import marubinotto.piggydb.model.Tag; import marubinotto.piggydb.model.entity.RawFilter; import marubinotto.piggydb.model.query.FragmentsAllButTrash; import marubinotto.piggydb.model.query.FragmentsQuery; import marubinotto.piggydb.model.query.FragmentsSortOption; import; import marubinotto.piggydb.util.PiggydbUtils; import marubinotto.util.RegexUtils; import marubinotto.util.paging.Page; import marubinotto.util.paging.PageUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public abstract class AbstractFragments extends AbstractPartial { // // Input // public String viewId; public Integer scale; // 0 - 1000 public Integer orderBy; public Boolean ascending; public Boolean shuffle; private FragmentsSortOption sortOption; public int pi = 0; public static final String SK_SCALE = "fragmentsViewScale"; public static final String SK_ORDERBY = "fragmentsViewOrderBy"; public static final String SK_ASCENDING = "fragmentsViewAscending"; public String query; public String tagsToInclude; public Boolean tagsToIncludeAnd; public String tagsToExclude; @Override public void onInit() { super.onInit(); // restore the session values if (this.scale == null) { this.scale = (Integer)ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull( getContext().getSessionAttribute(SK_SCALE), getWarSetting().getDefaultFragmentsViewScale()); } if (this.orderBy == null) { this.orderBy = (Integer)getContext().getSessionAttribute(SK_ORDERBY); } if (this.ascending == null) { this.ascending = (Boolean)getContext().getSessionAttribute(SK_ASCENDING); } // create a sortOption this.sortOption = new FragmentsSortOption(this.orderBy, this.ascending); if (this.shuffle != null) { this.sortOption.shuffle = this.shuffle; } if (isNotBlank(this.query)) { this.query = modifyIfGarbledByTomcat(this.query); } } // // Model // public FragmentsView view; public String label = ""; public boolean hideHeader = false; public Page<Fragment> fragments; public Classification contextTags; public boolean firstSet = true; public boolean lastSet = false; public String keywordRegex; public Filter filter; @Override protected void setModels() throws Exception { super.setModels(); this.view = new FragmentsView(this.viewId); this.view.setScale(this.scale); setSelectedFragments(); checkFragmentRef(); this.filter = createFilter(); if (this.fragments == null) setFragmentsByFilter(); if (this.fragments == null) setFragments(); if (this.fragments != null) { this.firstSet = (this.pi == 0); this.lastSet = this.fragments.isLastPage(); } saveStateToSession(); } private void checkFragmentRef() throws Exception { if (isBlank(this.query)) return; // query == "#<number>" if (this.query.matches(DefaultWikiParser.PS_FRAGMENT_REF)) { long id = Long.parseLong(this.query.substring(1)); Fragment fragment = getDomain().getFragmentRepository().get(id); this.fragments = fragment != null ? PageUtils.getPage(list(fragment), this.view.getPageSize(), this.pi) : emptyFragments(); this.label = this.query; } } private Page<Fragment> emptyFragments() { return PageUtils.<Fragment>empty(this.view.getPageSize()); } protected Filter createFilter() throws Exception { return null; } private void setFragmentsByFilter() throws Exception { if (this.filter == null) return; // add tags to include if (isNotBlank(this.tagsToInclude)) { this.tagsToInclude = modifyIfGarbledByTomcat(this.tagsToInclude); for (String tagName : StringUtils.split(this.tagsToInclude, ',')) { Tag tag = getTagByName(tagName); if (tag == null) { this.fragments = emptyFragments(); continue; } ((RawFilter)this.filter).getIncludes().addTag(tag); } if (this.tagsToIncludeAnd != null) { ((RawFilter)this.filter).setAnd(this.tagsToIncludeAnd); } } this.contextTags = this.filter.getIncludes(); // add tag to exclude if (isNotBlank(this.tagsToExclude)) { this.tagsToExclude = modifyIfGarbledByTomcat(this.tagsToExclude); for (String tagName : StringUtils.split(this.tagsToExclude, ',')) { Tag tag = getTagByName(tagName); if (tag != null) { ((RawFilter)this.filter).getExcludes().addTag(tag); } } } if (this.fragments != null) return; // query if (this.filter.isEmpty() && isBlank(this.query)) { this.label = getMessage("all"); FragmentsQuery query = getQuery(FragmentsAllButTrash.class); this.fragments = getPage(query); if (this.fragments.getTotalSize() == 0 && isBlank(this.query)) { this.hideHeader = true; } } else { appendFilterLabel(this.filter); marubinotto.piggydb.model.query.FragmentsByFilter query = (marubinotto.piggydb.model.query.FragmentsByFilter)getQuery( marubinotto.piggydb.model.query.FragmentsByFilter.class); query.setFilter(this.filter); if (isNotBlank(this.query)) { query.setKeywords(this.query); setKeywordRegex(this.query); appendKeywordSearchLabel(); } this.fragments = getPage(query); } } private Tag getTagByName(String name) throws Exception { return isNotBlank(name) ? getDomain().getTagRepository().getByName(name.trim()) : null; } protected void setKeywordRegex(String keywords) { StringBuilder keywordRegex = new StringBuilder(); for (String word : PiggydbUtils.splitToKeywords(keywords)) { if (keywordRegex.length() > 0) keywordRegex.append("|"); word = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(word); word = RegexUtils.escapeRegex(word); keywordRegex.append(word); } this.keywordRegex = "(" + keywordRegex.toString() + ")"; } protected FragmentsQuery getQuery(Class<? extends FragmentsQuery> queryClass) throws Exception { FragmentsQuery query = (FragmentsQuery) getDomain().getFragmentRepository().getQuery(queryClass); query.setSortOption(this.sortOption); query.setEagerFetching(this.view.needsEagerFetching()); query.setEagerFetchingMore(this.view.needsEagerFetchingMore()); return query; } protected Page<Fragment> getPage(FragmentsQuery query) throws Exception { return query.getPage(this.view.getPageSize(), this.pi); } protected void setFragments() throws Exception { } private void saveStateToSession() { if (this.scale != null) getContext().setSessionAttribute(SK_SCALE, this.scale); if (this.orderBy != null) getContext().setSessionAttribute(SK_ORDERBY, this.orderBy); if (this.ascending != null) getContext().setSessionAttribute(SK_ASCENDING, this.ascending); } protected static String makeKeywordSearchLabel(String keywords) { String label = "<span class=\"search-icon-mini\"> </span> "; for (String keyword : PiggydbUtils.splitToKeywords(keywords)) { label += "\"" + keyword + "\" "; } return label.trim(); } protected void appendKeywordSearchLabel() { if (isBlank(this.query)) return; if (isNotBlank(this.label)) { this.label += " + "; } this.label += makeKeywordSearchLabel(this.query); } private String makeTagLabel(String tagName) { return "<span class=\"" + this.html.miniTagIconClass(tagName) + "\"> </span> " + escapeHtml(tagName); } protected void appendFilterLabel(Filter filter) { String separator = filter.isAnd() ? " & " : " | "; separator = "<span class=\"tag-separator\">" + separator + "</span>"; boolean first = true; for (Tag tag : filter.getIncludes()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { this.label += separator; } this.label += makeTagLabel(tag.getName()); } } }