package; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import marubinotto.piggydb.model.auth.User; import marubinotto.piggydb.service.WarSetting; import; import marubinotto.util.Assert; import marubinotto.util.time.DateTime; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; public class Session { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(Session.class); public static final String SK_MESSAGE = "message"; private static final String SK_CLIENT_ADDRESS = "clientAddress"; private static final String SK_USER_AGENT = "userAgent"; private static final String SK_SELECTED_FRAGMENTS = "selectedFragments"; public static final String SK_UI_STATE = "ui-state"; private Context context; private HttpServletRequest request; private WarSetting warSetting; private boolean anonymousEnabled = false; public Session(Context context, WarSetting warSetting, boolean anonymousEnabled) { this.context = context; this.request = this.context.getRequest(); this.warSetting = warSetting; this.anonymousEnabled = anonymousEnabled; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public void log() { if (!logger.isDebugEnabled()) return; HttpSession session = getHttpSessionIfExists(); if (session == null) { logger.debug("No session."); return; } logger.debug("Session {"); for (Enumeration e = session.getAttributeNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String name = (String)e.nextElement(); logger.debug(" " + name + " => " + session.getAttribute(name)); } logger.debug("}"); } public void start(User user, boolean rememberMe) { Assert.Arg.notNull(user, "user"); HttpSession newSession = this.request.getSession(true); newSession.setAttribute(User.KEY, user); newSession.setAttribute(SK_CLIENT_ADDRESS, this.request.getRemoteAddr()); newSession.setAttribute(SK_USER_AGENT, this.request.getHeader("User-Agent")); if (rememberMe) { storeSession(newSession); user.setSessionPersisted(true); logger.debug("Set the session persisted"); } } public User getUser() { if (!this.context.hasSession()) { return null; } // Avoid the session hijacking if (!validateRemoteAddress()) { this.context.getSession().invalidate(); logger.warn("Session invalidated for an invalid client address"); return null; } if (!validateUserAgent()) { this.context.getSession().invalidate(); logger.warn("Session invalidated for an invalid user agent"); return null; } // Get the user object in this session User user = (User)this.context.getSessionAttribute(User.KEY); if (user == null) return null; // While a session is persisted, the setting of anonymous access could be changed if (!this.anonymousEnabled && user.isAnonymous()) { this.context.getSession().invalidate(); logger.warn("Invalid anonymous session invalidated"); return null; } if (user.hasSessionPersisted()) { setSessionCookieWhenPersistentCookieIsAboutToBeExpired(this.context.getSession()); } return user; } public void invalidateIfExists() { HttpSession httpSession = getHttpSessionIfExists(); if (httpSession != null) httpSession.invalidate(); } protected HttpSession getHttpSessionIfExists() { return this.request.getSession(false); } private boolean validateRemoteAddress() { if (!this.warSetting.isClientAddressAuthEnabled()) { return true; } String expected = (String)this.context.getSessionAttribute(SK_CLIENT_ADDRESS); String actual = this.request.getRemoteAddr();"Validate the remote address: " + actual + " (expected: " + expected + ")"); return actual.equals(expected); } private boolean validateUserAgent() { if (!this.warSetting.isUserAgentAuthEnabled()) { return true; } String expected = (String)this.context.getSessionAttribute(SK_USER_AGENT); String actual = this.request.getHeader("User-Agent");"Validate the user agent: " + actual + " (expected: " + expected + ")"); return ObjectUtils.equals(actual, expected); } // Message public void setFlashMessage(String message) { this.context.setFlashAttribute(SK_MESSAGE, message); } public String getMessage() { return (String)this.context.getSessionAttribute(SK_MESSAGE); } // Session objects @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T createOrGet(String name, Factory<T> factory) { Assert.Arg.notNull(name, "name"); Assert.Arg.notNull(factory, "factory"); T object = (T)this.context.getSessionAttribute(name); if (object == null) { object = factory.create(); this.context.setSessionAttribute(name, object); } return object; } public static interface Factory<T> { public T create(); } public SelectedFragments getSelectedFragments() { return createOrGet( SK_SELECTED_FRAGMENTS, new Factory<SelectedFragments>() { public SelectedFragments create() { return new SelectedFragments(); } }); } public Map<String, Object> getUiState() { return createOrGet( SK_UI_STATE, new Factory<Map<String, Object>>() { public Map<String, Object> create() { return new HashMap<String, Object>(); } }); } // Session persistence private static final int PERSISTED_SESSION_MAX_AGE = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 2; // 2 weeks private static final String COOKIE_NAME_SESSION_ID = "JSESSIONID"; private void storeSession(HttpSession session) { session.setMaxInactiveInterval(PERSISTED_SESSION_MAX_AGE); Cookie cookie = createSessionCookie(session); cookie.setMaxAge(PERSISTED_SESSION_MAX_AGE); this.context.getResponse().addCookie(cookie); } private Cookie createSessionCookie(HttpSession session) { Cookie cookie = new Cookie(COOKIE_NAME_SESSION_ID, session.getId()); cookie.setPath(this.request.getContextPath()); return cookie; } private static final long THRESHOLD_TO_BE_EXPIRED = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1 hour private void setSessionCookieWhenPersistentCookieIsAboutToBeExpired( HttpSession session) { if (isPersistentCookieAboutToBeExpired(session)) { this.context.getResponse().addCookie(createSessionCookie(session)); logger.debug("The persistent Cookie to be overwritten with a session cookie."); } } private static boolean isPersistentCookieAboutToBeExpired(HttpSession session) { long sessionAge = DateTime.getCurrentTime().getTime() - session.getCreationTime(); long left = (PERSISTED_SESSION_MAX_AGE * 1000) - sessionAge; return left < THRESHOLD_TO_BE_EXPIRED; } }