/* * Copyright 2002-2009 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.sf.json; import net.sf.json.util.JSONTokener; import net.sf.json.util.JSONUtils; /** * Transforms java objects into JSON and back.<br> * Transformation from java to JSON is pretty straightforward, but the other way * around needs certain configuration, otherwise the java objects produced will * be DynaBeans and Lists, because the JSON notation does not carry any * information on java classes.<br> * * @author Andres Almiray <aalmiray@users.sourceforge.net> */ public class JSONSerializer { /** * Transform a JSON value to a java object.<br> * Depending on the configured values for conversion this will return a * DynaBean, a bean, a List, or and array. * * @param json a JSON value * @return depends on the nature of the source object (JSONObject, JSONArray, * JSONNull). */ public static Object toJava( JSON json ) { return toJava( json, new JsonConfig() ); } /** * Transform a JSON value to a java object.<br> * Depending on the configured values for conversion this will return a * DynaBean, a bean, a List, or and array. * * @param json a JSON value * @param jsonConfig additional configuration * @return depends on the nature of the source object (JSONObject, JSONArray, * JSONNull) and the configured rootClass, classMap and arrayMode */ public static Object toJava( JSON json, JsonConfig jsonConfig ) { if( JSONUtils.isNull( json ) ){ return null; } Object object = null; if( json instanceof JSONArray ){ if( jsonConfig.getArrayMode() == JsonConfig.MODE_OBJECT_ARRAY ){ object = JSONArray.toArray( (JSONArray) json, jsonConfig ); }else{ object = JSONArray.toCollection( (JSONArray) json, jsonConfig ); } }else{ object = JSONObject.toBean( (JSONObject) json, jsonConfig ); } return object; } /** * Creates a JSONObject, JSONArray or a JSONNull from object.<br> * Accepts JSON formatted strings, Maps, arrays, Collections, DynaBeans and * JavaBeans. * * @param object any java Object * @throws JSONException if the object can not be converted */ public static JSON toJSON( Object object ) { return toJSON( object, new JsonConfig() ); } /** * Creates a JSONObject, JSONArray or a JSONNull from object.<br> * Accepts JSON formatted strings, Maps, arrays, Collections, DynaBeans and * JavaBeans. * * @param object any java Object * @param jsonConfig additional configuration * @throws JSONException if the object can not be converted */ public static JSON toJSON( Object object, JsonConfig jsonConfig ) { JSON json = null; if( object == null ){ json = JSONNull.getInstance(); }else if( object instanceof JSONString ){ json = toJSON( (JSONString) object, jsonConfig ); }else if( object instanceof String ){ json = toJSON( (String) object, jsonConfig ); }else if( JSONUtils.isArray( object ) ){ json = JSONArray.fromObject( object, jsonConfig ); }else{ try{ json = JSONObject.fromObject( object, jsonConfig ); }catch( JSONException e ){ if( object instanceof JSONTokener ){ ((JSONTokener) object).reset(); } json = JSONArray.fromObject( object, jsonConfig ); } } return json; } /** * Creates a JSONObject, JSONArray or a JSONNull from a JSONString. * * @throws JSONException if the string is not a valid JSON string */ private static JSON toJSON( JSONString string, JsonConfig jsonConfig ) { return toJSON( string.toJSONString(), jsonConfig ); } /** * Creates a JSONObject, JSONArray or a JSONNull from a JSONString. * * @throws JSONException if the string is not a valid JSON string */ private static JSON toJSON( String string, JsonConfig jsonConfig ) { JSON json = null; if( string.startsWith( "[" ) ){ json = JSONArray.fromObject( string, jsonConfig ); }else if( string.startsWith( "{" ) ){ json = JSONObject.fromObject( string, jsonConfig ); }else if( "null".equals( string ) ){ json = JSONNull.getInstance(); }else{ throw new JSONException( "Invalid JSON String" ); } return json; } }