package kernel; import static; import static; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JPanel; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.Frame; import rescuecore2.connection.ConnectionException; import rescuecore2.connection.ConnectionManager; import rescuecore2.config.Config; import rescuecore2.config.ConfigException; import rescuecore2.config.IntegerValueConstraint; import rescuecore2.config.ClassNameSetValueConstraint; import rescuecore2.config.ClassNameValueConstraint; import rescuecore2.components.ComponentLauncher; import rescuecore2.components.Component; import rescuecore2.components.ComponentInitialisationException; import rescuecore2.components.ComponentConnectionException; import rescuecore2.registry.Registry; import rescuecore2.registry.MessageFactory; import rescuecore2.registry.EntityFactory; import rescuecore2.registry.PropertyFactory; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.WorldModel; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.Entity; import rescuecore2.misc.Pair; import rescuecore2.misc.MutableBoolean; import rescuecore2.misc.CommandLineOptions; import; import; import rescuecore2.Constants; import rescuecore2.GUIComponent; import rescuecore2.log.LogException; import rescuecore2.log.Logger; import rescuecore2.score.ScoreFunction; import kernel.ui.KernelStartupPanel; import kernel.ui.KernelGUI; import kernel.ui.ScoreTable; import kernel.ui.ScoreGraph; /** A class for launching the kernel. */ public final class StartKernel { private static final String NO_STARTUP_MENU = "--nomenu"; private static final String NO_GUI = "--nogui"; private static final String AUTORUN = "--autorun"; private static final String GIS_MANIFEST_KEY = "Gis"; private static final String PERCEPTION_MANIFEST_KEY = "Perception"; private static final String COMMUNICATION_MANIFEST_KEY = "CommunicationModel"; private static final String COMMAND_COLLECTOR_KEY = "kernel.commandcollectors"; private static final String TERMINATION_KEY = "kernel.termination"; private static final String GIS_REGEX = "(.+WorldModelCreator).class"; private static final String PERCEPTION_REGEX = "(.+Perception).class"; private static final String COMMUNICATION_REGEX = "(.+CommunicationModel).class"; private static final LoadableType GIS_LOADABLE_TYPE = new LoadableType(GIS_MANIFEST_KEY, GIS_REGEX, WorldModelCreator.class); private static final LoadableType PERCEPTION_LOADABLE_TYPE = new LoadableType(PERCEPTION_MANIFEST_KEY, PERCEPTION_REGEX, Perception.class); private static final LoadableType COMMUNICATION_LOADABLE_TYPE = new LoadableType(COMMUNICATION_MANIFEST_KEY, COMMUNICATION_REGEX, CommunicationModel.class); private static final String KERNEL_STARTUP_TIME_KEY = "kernel.startup.connect-time"; private static final String COMMAND_FILTERS_KEY = "kernel.commandfilters"; private static final String AGENT_REGISTRAR_KEY = "kernel.agents.registrar"; private static final String GUI_COMPONENTS_KEY = "kernel.ui.components"; /** Utility class: private constructor. */ private StartKernel() {} /** Start a kernel. @param args Command line arguments. */ public static void main(String[] args) { Config config = new Config(); boolean showStartupMenu = true; boolean showGUI = true; boolean autorun = false; Logger.setLogContext("startup"); try { args = CommandLineOptions.processArgs(args, config); int i = 0; for (String arg : args) { if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase(NO_GUI)) { showGUI = false; } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase(NO_STARTUP_MENU)) { showStartupMenu = false; } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase(AUTORUN)) { autorun = true; } else { Logger.warn("Unrecognised option: " + arg); } } // Process jar files processJarFiles(config); Registry localRegistry = new Registry("Kernel local registry"); // Register preferred message, entity and property factories for (String next : config.getArrayValue(Constants.MESSAGE_FACTORY_KEY, "")) { MessageFactory factory = instantiateFactory(next, MessageFactory.class); if (factory != null) { localRegistry.registerMessageFactory(factory);"Registered local message factory: " + next); } } for (String next : config.getArrayValue(Constants.ENTITY_FACTORY_KEY, "")) { EntityFactory factory = instantiateFactory(next, EntityFactory.class); if (factory != null) { localRegistry.registerEntityFactory(factory);"Registered local entity factory: " + next); } } for (String next : config.getArrayValue(Constants.PROPERTY_FACTORY_KEY, "")) { PropertyFactory factory = instantiateFactory(next, PropertyFactory.class); if (factory != null) { localRegistry.registerPropertyFactory(factory);"Registered local property factory: " + next); } } // CHECKSTYLE:OFF:MagicNumber config.addConstraint(new IntegerValueConstraint(Constants.KERNEL_PORT_NUMBER_KEY, 1, 65535)); // CHECKSTYLE:ON:MagicNumber config.addConstraint(new IntegerValueConstraint(KERNEL_STARTUP_TIME_KEY, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE)); config.addConstraint(new ClassNameSetValueConstraint(Constants.MESSAGE_FACTORY_KEY, MessageFactory.class)); config.addConstraint(new ClassNameSetValueConstraint(Constants.ENTITY_FACTORY_KEY, EntityFactory.class)); config.addConstraint(new ClassNameSetValueConstraint(Constants.PROPERTY_FACTORY_KEY, PropertyFactory.class)); config.addConstraint(new ClassNameSetValueConstraint(COMMAND_FILTERS_KEY, CommandFilter.class)); config.addConstraint(new ClassNameSetValueConstraint(TERMINATION_KEY, TerminationCondition.class)); config.addConstraint(new ClassNameSetValueConstraint(COMMAND_COLLECTOR_KEY, CommandCollector.class)); config.addConstraint(new ClassNameSetValueConstraint(GUI_COMPONENTS_KEY, GUIComponent.class)); config.addConstraint(new ClassNameValueConstraint(AGENT_REGISTRAR_KEY, AgentRegistrar.class)); config.addConstraint(new ClassNameValueConstraint(Constants.SCORE_FUNCTION_KEY, ScoreFunction.class)); Logger.setLogContext("kernel"); final KernelInfo kernelInfo = createKernel(config, showStartupMenu); if (kernelInfo == null) { System.exit(0); } KernelGUI gui = null; if (showGUI) { gui = new KernelGUI(kernelInfo.kernel, kernelInfo.componentManager, config, localRegistry, !autorun); for (GUIComponent next : kernelInfo.guiComponents) { gui.addGUIComponent(next); if (next instanceof KernelListener) { kernelInfo.kernel.addKernelListener((KernelListener)next); } } JFrame frame = new JFrame("Kernel GUI"); frame.getContentPane().add(gui); frame.pack(); frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { kernelInfo.kernel.shutdown(); System.exit(0); } }); frame.setVisible(true); } initialiseKernel(kernelInfo, config, localRegistry); autostartComponents(kernelInfo, localRegistry, gui, config); if (!showGUI || autorun) { waitForComponentManager(kernelInfo, config); Kernel kernel = kernelInfo.kernel; while (!kernel.hasTerminated()) { kernel.timestep(); } kernel.shutdown(); } } catch (ConfigException e) { Logger.fatal("Couldn't start kernel", e); } catch (KernelException e) { Logger.fatal("Couldn't start kernel", e); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.fatal("Couldn't start kernel", e); } catch (LogException e) { Logger.fatal("Couldn't write log", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Logger.fatal("Kernel interrupted"); } } private static KernelInfo createKernel(Config config, boolean showMenu) throws KernelException { KernelStartupOptions options = new KernelStartupOptions(config); // Show the chooser GUI if (showMenu) { final JDialog dialog = new JDialog((Frame)null, "Setup kernel options", true); KernelStartupPanel panel = new KernelStartupPanel(config, options); JButton okButton = new JButton("OK"); JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel"); JPanel buttons = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); buttons.add(okButton); buttons.add(cancelButton); dialog.getContentPane().add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER); dialog.getContentPane().add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH); final MutableBoolean ok = new MutableBoolean(true); okButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ok.set(true); dialog.setVisible(false); dialog.dispose(); } }); cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ok.set(false); dialog.setVisible(false); dialog.dispose(); } }); dialog.pack(); dialog.setVisible(true); if (!ok.get()) { return null; } } WorldModelCreator gis = options.getWorldModelCreator(); Perception perception = options.getPerception(); CommunicationModel comms = options.getCommunicationModel(); CommandFilter filter = makeCommandFilter(config); TerminationCondition termination = makeTerminationCondition(config); ScoreFunction score = makeScoreFunction(config); CommandCollector collector = makeCommandCollector(config); // Get the world model WorldModel<? extends Entity> worldModel = gis.buildWorldModel(config); // Create the kernel ScoreGraph graph = new ScoreGraph(score); Kernel kernel = new Kernel(config, perception, comms, worldModel, gis, filter, termination, graph, collector); // Create the component manager ComponentManager componentManager = new ComponentManager(kernel, worldModel, config); KernelInfo result = new KernelInfo(kernel, options, componentManager, makeGUIComponents(config, componentManager, perception, comms, termination, filter, graph, collector, score)); return result; } private static void initialiseKernel(KernelInfo kernel, Config config, Registry registry) throws KernelException { registerInitialAgents(config, kernel.componentManager, kernel.kernel.getWorldModel()); if (!config.getBooleanValue(KernelConstants.INLINE_ONLY_KEY, false)) { // Start the connection manager ConnectionManager connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(); try { connectionManager.listen(config.getIntValue(Constants.KERNEL_PORT_NUMBER_KEY), registry, kernel.componentManager); } catch (IOException e) { throw new KernelException("Couldn't open kernel port", e); } } } private static void waitForComponentManager(final KernelInfo kernel, Config config) throws KernelException { // Wait for all connections // Set up a CountDownLatch final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final long timeout = config.getIntValue(KERNEL_STARTUP_TIME_KEY, -1); Thread timeoutThread = null; if (timeout > 0) { timeoutThread = new Thread() { public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(timeout); latch.countDown(); } // CHECKSTYLE:OFF:EmptyBlock catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignore } // CHECKSTYLE:ON:EmptyBlock } }; } Thread waitThread = new Thread() { public void run() { try { kernel.componentManager.waitForAllAgents(); kernel.componentManager.waitForAllSimulators(); kernel.componentManager.waitForAllViewers(); } // CHECKSTYLE:OFF:EmptyBlock catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignore } // CHECKSTYLE:ON:EmptyBlock latch.countDown(); } }; waitThread.start(); if (timeoutThread != null) { timeoutThread.start(); } // Wait at the latch until either everything is connected or the connection timeout expires"Waiting for all agents, simulators and viewers to connect."); if (timeout > -1) {"Connection timeout is " + timeout + "ms"); } try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { waitThread.interrupt(); if (timeoutThread != null) { timeoutThread.interrupt(); } throw new KernelException("Interrupted"); } } private static void autostartComponents(KernelInfo info, Registry registry, KernelGUI gui, Config config) throws InterruptedException { KernelStartupOptions options = info.options; Collection<Callable<Void>> all = new ArrayList<Callable<Void>>(); Config launchConfig = new Config(config); launchConfig.removeExcept(Constants.RANDOM_SEED_KEY, Constants.RANDOM_CLASS_KEY); for (Pair<String, Integer> next : options.getInlineComponents()) { if (next.second() > 0) { all.add(new ComponentStarter(next.first(), info.componentManager, next.second(), registry, gui, launchConfig)); } } ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); service.invokeAll(all); } private static void registerInitialAgents(Config config, ComponentManager c, WorldModel<? extends Entity> model) throws KernelException { AgentRegistrar ar = instantiate(config.getValue(AGENT_REGISTRAR_KEY), AgentRegistrar.class); if (ar == null) { throw new KernelException("Couldn't instantiate agent registrar"); } ar.registerAgents(model, config, c); } private static CommandFilter makeCommandFilter(Config config) { ChainedCommandFilter result = new ChainedCommandFilter(); List<String> classNames = config.getArrayValue(COMMAND_FILTERS_KEY, null); for (String next : classNames) { Logger.debug("Command filter found: '" + next + "'"); CommandFilter f = instantiate(next, CommandFilter.class); if (f != null) { result.addFilter(f); } } return result; } private static TerminationCondition makeTerminationCondition(Config config) { List<TerminationCondition> result = new ArrayList<TerminationCondition>(); for (String next : config.getArrayValue(TERMINATION_KEY, null)) { TerminationCondition t = instantiate(next, TerminationCondition.class); if (t != null) { result.add(t); } } return new OrTerminationCondition(result); } private static ScoreFunction makeScoreFunction(Config config) { String className = config.getValue(Constants.SCORE_FUNCTION_KEY); ScoreFunction result = instantiate(className, ScoreFunction.class); return new ScoreTable(result); } private static CommandCollector makeCommandCollector(Config config) { List<String> classNames = config.getArrayValue(COMMAND_COLLECTOR_KEY); CompositeCommandCollector result = new CompositeCommandCollector(); for (String next : classNames) { CommandCollector c = instantiate(next, CommandCollector.class); if (c != null) { result.addCommandCollector(c); } } return result; } private static List<GUIComponent> makeGUIComponents(Config config, Object... objectsToTest) { List<GUIComponent> result = new ArrayList<GUIComponent>(); List<String> classNames = config.getArrayValue(GUI_COMPONENTS_KEY, null); for (String next : classNames) { Logger.debug("GUI component found: '" + next + "'"); GUIComponent c = instantiate(next, GUIComponent.class); if (c != null) { result.add(c); } } for (Object next : objectsToTest) { if (next instanceof GUIComponent) { result.add((GUIComponent)next); } } return result; } private static void processJarFiles(Config config) throws IOException { LoadableTypeProcessor processor = new LoadableTypeProcessor(config); processor.addFactoryRegisterCallbacks(Registry.SYSTEM_REGISTRY); processor.addConfigUpdater(LoadableType.AGENT, config, KernelConstants.AGENTS_KEY); processor.addConfigUpdater(LoadableType.SIMULATOR, config, KernelConstants.SIMULATORS_KEY); processor.addConfigUpdater(LoadableType.VIEWER, config, KernelConstants.VIEWERS_KEY); processor.addConfigUpdater(LoadableType.COMPONENT, config, KernelConstants.COMPONENTS_KEY); processor.addConfigUpdater(GIS_LOADABLE_TYPE, config, KernelConstants.GIS_KEY); processor.addConfigUpdater(PERCEPTION_LOADABLE_TYPE, config, KernelConstants.PERCEPTION_KEY); processor.addConfigUpdater(COMMUNICATION_LOADABLE_TYPE, config, KernelConstants.COMMUNICATION_MODEL_KEY);"Looking for gis, perception, communication, agent, simulator and viewer implementations"); processor.process(); } private static class ComponentStarter implements Callable<Void> { private String className; private ComponentManager componentManager; private int count; private Registry registry; private KernelGUI gui; private Config config; public ComponentStarter(String className, ComponentManager componentManager, int count, Registry registry, KernelGUI gui, Config config) { this.className = className; this.componentManager = componentManager; this.count = count; this.registry = registry; this.gui = gui; this.config = config; Logger.debug("New ComponentStarter: " + className + " * " + count); } public Void call() throws InterruptedException { Logger.debug("ComponentStarter running: " + className + " * " + count); ComponentLauncher launcher = new InlineComponentLauncher(componentManager, config); launcher.setDefaultRegistry(registry);"Launching " + count + " instances of component '" + className + "'..."); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Component c = instantiate(className, Component.class); if (c == null) { break; }"Launching " + className + " instance " + (i + 1) + "..."); try { c.initialise(); launcher.connect(c); if (gui != null && c instanceof GUIComponent) { gui.addGUIComponent((GUIComponent)c); } + "instance " + (i + 1) + " launched successfully"); } catch (ComponentConnectionException e) { + "instance " + (i + 1) + " failed: " + e.getMessage()); break; } catch (ComponentInitialisationException e) { + "instance " + (i + 1) + " failed", e); } catch (ConnectionException e) { + "instance " + (i + 1) + " failed", e); } } return null; } } private static class KernelInfo { Kernel kernel; KernelStartupOptions options; ComponentManager componentManager; List<GUIComponent> guiComponents; public KernelInfo(Kernel kernel, KernelStartupOptions options, ComponentManager componentManager, List<GUIComponent> otherComponents) { this.kernel = kernel; this.options = options; this.componentManager = componentManager; guiComponents = new ArrayList<GUIComponent>(otherComponents); } } }