/* * AbstractMetricsContext.java * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.metrics.spi; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics.ContextFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics.MetricsContext; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics.MetricsException; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics.MetricsRecord; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics.Updater; /** * The main class of the Service Provider Interface. This class should be * extended in order to integrate the Metrics API with a specific metrics * client library. <p/> * * This class implements the internal table of metric data, and the timer * on which data is to be sent to the metrics system. Subclasses must * override the abstract <code>emitRecord</code> method in order to transmit * the data. <p/> */ public abstract class AbstractMetricsContext implements MetricsContext { private int period = MetricsContext.DEFAULT_PERIOD; private Timer timer = null; private boolean computeRate = true; private Set<Updater> updaters = new HashSet<Updater>(1); private volatile boolean isMonitoring = false; private ContextFactory factory = null; private String contextName = null; static class TagMap extends TreeMap<String,Object> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3546309335061952993L; TagMap() { super(); } TagMap(TagMap orig) { super(orig); } /** * Returns true if this tagmap contains every tag in other. */ public boolean containsAll(TagMap other) { for (Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : other.entrySet()) { Object value = get(entry.getKey()); if (value == null || !value.equals(entry.getValue())) { // either key does not exist here, or the value is different return false; } } return true; } } static class MetricMap extends TreeMap<String,Number> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7495051861141631609L; } static class RecordMap extends HashMap<TagMap,MetricMap> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 259835619700264611L; } private Map<String,RecordMap> bufferedData = new HashMap<String,RecordMap>(); /** * Creates a new instance of AbstractMetricsContext */ protected AbstractMetricsContext() { } /** * Initializes the context. */ public void init(String contextName, ContextFactory factory) { this.contextName = contextName; this.factory = factory; } /** * Convenience method for subclasses to access factory attributes. */ protected String getAttribute(String attributeName) { String factoryAttribute = contextName + "." + attributeName; return (String) factory.getAttribute(factoryAttribute); } /** * Returns an attribute-value map derived from the factory attributes * by finding all factory attributes that begin with * <i>contextName</i>.<i>tableName</i>. The returned map consists of * those attributes with the contextName and tableName stripped off. */ protected Map<String,String> getAttributeTable(String tableName) { String prefix = contextName + "." + tableName + "."; Map<String,String> result = new HashMap<String,String>(); for (String attributeName : factory.getAttributeNames()) { if (attributeName.startsWith(prefix)) { String name = attributeName.substring(prefix.length()); String value = (String) factory.getAttribute(attributeName); result.put(name, value); } } return result; } /** * Returns the context name. */ public String getContextName() { return contextName; } /** * Returns the factory by which this context was created. */ public ContextFactory getContextFactory() { return factory; } /** * Starts or restarts monitoring, the emitting of metrics records. */ public synchronized void startMonitoring() throws IOException { if (!isMonitoring) { startTimer(); isMonitoring = true; } } /** * Stops monitoring. This does not free buffered data. * @see #close() */ public synchronized void stopMonitoring() { if (isMonitoring) { stopTimer(); isMonitoring = false; } } /** * Returns true if monitoring is currently in progress. */ public boolean isMonitoring() { return isMonitoring; } /** * Stops monitoring and frees buffered data, returning this * object to its initial state. */ public synchronized void close() { stopMonitoring(); clearUpdaters(); } /** * Creates a new AbstractMetricsRecord instance with the given <code>recordName</code>. * Throws an exception if the metrics implementation is configured with a fixed * set of record names and <code>recordName</code> is not in that set. * * @param recordName the name of the record * @throws MetricsException if recordName conflicts with configuration data */ public final synchronized MetricsRecord createRecord(String recordName) { if (bufferedData.get(recordName) == null) { bufferedData.put(recordName, new RecordMap()); } return newRecord(recordName); } /** * Subclasses should override this if they subclass MetricsRecordImpl. * @param recordName the name of the record * @return newly created instance of MetricsRecordImpl or subclass */ protected MetricsRecord newRecord(String recordName) { return new MetricsRecordImpl(recordName, this); } /** * Registers a callback to be called at time intervals determined by * the configuration. * * @param updater object to be run periodically; it should update * some metrics records */ public synchronized void registerUpdater(final Updater updater) { if (!updaters.contains(updater)) { updaters.add(updater); } } /** * Removes a callback, if it exists. * * @param updater object to be removed from the callback list */ public synchronized void unregisterUpdater(Updater updater) { updaters.remove(updater); } private synchronized void clearUpdaters() { updaters.clear(); } /** * Starts timer if it is not already started */ private synchronized void startTimer() { if (timer == null) { timer = new Timer("Timer thread for monitoring " + getContextName(), true); TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { public void run() { try { timerEvent(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } }; long millis = period * 1000; timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, millis, millis); } } /** * Stops timer if it is running */ private synchronized void stopTimer() { if (timer != null) { timer.cancel(); timer = null; } } /** * Timer callback. */ private void timerEvent() throws IOException { if (isMonitoring) { Collection<Updater> myUpdaters; synchronized (this) { myUpdaters = new ArrayList<Updater>(updaters); } // Run all the registered updates without holding a lock // on this context for (Updater updater : myUpdaters) { try { updater.doUpdates(this); } catch (Throwable throwable) { throwable.printStackTrace(); } } emitRecords(); } } /** * Emits the records. */ private synchronized void emitRecords() throws IOException { for (String recordName : bufferedData.keySet()) { RecordMap recordMap = bufferedData.get(recordName); synchronized (recordMap) { Set<Entry<TagMap, MetricMap>> entrySet = recordMap.entrySet (); for (Entry<TagMap, MetricMap> entry : entrySet) { OutputRecord outRec = new OutputRecord(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); emitRecord(contextName, recordName, outRec); } } } flush(); } /** * Sends a record to the metrics system. */ protected abstract void emitRecord(String contextName, String recordName, OutputRecord outRec) throws IOException; /** * Called each period after all records have been emitted, this method does nothing. * Subclasses may override it in order to perform some kind of flush. */ protected void flush() throws IOException { } /** * Called by MetricsRecordImpl.update(). Creates or updates a row in * the internal table of metric data. */ protected void update(MetricsRecordImpl record) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); String recordName = record.getRecordName(); TagMap tagTable = record.getTagTable(); Map<String,MetricValue> metricUpdates = record.getMetricTable(); RecordMap recordMap = getRecordMap(recordName); synchronized (recordMap) { MetricMap metricMap = recordMap.get(tagTable); if (metricMap == null) { metricMap = new MetricMap(); TagMap tagMap = new TagMap(tagTable); // clone tags recordMap.put(tagMap, metricMap); } Set<Entry<String, MetricValue>> entrySet = metricUpdates.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, MetricValue> entry : entrySet) { String metricName = entry.getKey (); MetricValue updateValue = entry.getValue (); Number updateNumber = updateValue.getNumber(); Number currentNumber = metricMap.get(metricName); if (currentNumber == null || updateValue.isAbsolute()) { metricMap.put(metricName, updateNumber); } else { Number newNumber = sum(updateNumber, currentNumber); metricMap.put(metricName, newNumber); metricMap.put(metricName+"_raw", updateNumber); if (computeRate ) { double rate = updateNumber.doubleValue() * 60.0 / period; metricMap.put(metricName+"_rate", rate); } computeRate = true; } } } } private synchronized RecordMap getRecordMap(String recordName) { return bufferedData.get(recordName); } /** * Adds two numbers, coercing the second to the type of the first. * */ private Number sum(Number a, Number b) { if (a instanceof Integer) { return Integer.valueOf(a.intValue() + b.intValue()); } else if (a instanceof Float) { return new Float(a.floatValue() + b.floatValue()); } else if (a instanceof Short) { return Short.valueOf((short)(a.shortValue() + b.shortValue())); } else if (a instanceof Byte) { return Byte.valueOf((byte)(a.byteValue() + b.byteValue())); } else if (a instanceof Long) { return Long.valueOf((a.longValue() + b.longValue())); } else { // should never happen throw new MetricsException("Invalid number type"); } } /** * Called by MetricsRecordImpl.remove(). Removes all matching rows in * the internal table of metric data. A row matches if it has the same * tag names and values as record, but it may also have additional * tags. */ protected void remove(MetricsRecordImpl record) { String recordName = record.getRecordName(); TagMap tagTable = record.getTagTable(); RecordMap recordMap = getRecordMap(recordName); synchronized (recordMap) { Iterator<TagMap> it = recordMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { TagMap rowTags = it.next(); if (rowTags.containsAll(tagTable)) { it.remove(); } } } } /** * Returns the timer period. */ public int getPeriod() { return period; } /** * Sets the timer period */ protected void setPeriod(int period) { this.period = period; } }