/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.extraction.demux; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URI; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.conf.ChukwaConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.List; import org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.extraction.CHUKWA_CONSTANT; import org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.util.HierarchyDataType; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter; // TODO // First version of the Spill // need some polishing public class MoveToRepository implements CHUKWA_CONSTANT{ static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MoveToRepository.class); static ChukwaConfiguration conf = null; static FileSystem fs = null; static final String HadoopLogDir = "_logs"; static final String hadoopTempDir = "_temporary"; static SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); static Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); static void processClusterDirectory(Path srcDir, String destDir) throws Exception { log.info("processClusterDirectory (" + srcDir.getName() + "," + destDir + ")"); FileStatus fstat = fs.getFileStatus(srcDir); if (!fstat.isDir()) { throw new IOException(srcDir + " is not a directory!"); } else { FileStatus[] datasourceDirectories = fs.listStatus(srcDir); for (FileStatus datasourceDirectory : datasourceDirectories) { log.info(datasourceDirectory.getPath() + " isDir?" + datasourceDirectory.isDir()); if (!datasourceDirectory.isDir()) { throw new IOException( "Top level datasource directory should be a directory :" + datasourceDirectory.getPath()); } PathFilter filter = new PathFilter() {public boolean accept(Path file) { return file.getName().endsWith(".evt"); } }; List<FileStatus> eventfiles = HierarchyDataType.globStatus(fs, datasourceDirectory.getPath(),filter,true); for (FileStatus eventfile : eventfiles){ Path datatypeDir = eventfile.getPath().getParent(); String dirName = HierarchyDataType.getDataType(datatypeDir, srcDir); Path destPath = new Path(destDir + "/" + dirName); log.info("dest directory path: " + destPath); log.info("processClusterDirectory processing Datasource: (" + dirName + ")"); StringBuilder dtDir = new StringBuilder(srcDir.toString()).append("/").append(dirName); log.debug("srcDir: " + dtDir.toString()); processDatasourceDirectory(srcDir.toString(), new Path(dtDir.toString()), destDir + "/" + dirName); } } } } static void processDatasourceDirectory(String clusterpath, Path srcDir, String destDir) throws Exception { Path cPath = new Path(clusterpath); String cluster = cPath.getName(); String fileName = null; int fileDay = 0; int fileHour = 0; int fileMin = 0; FileStatus[] recordFiles = fs.listStatus(srcDir); for (FileStatus recordFile : recordFiles) { // dataSource_20080915_18_15.1.evt // <datasource>_<yyyyMMdd_HH_mm>.1.evt fileName = recordFile.getPath().getName(); log.info("processDatasourceDirectory processing RecordFile: (" + fileName + ")"); log.info("fileName: " + fileName); int l = fileName.length(); String dataSource = HierarchyDataType.getDataType(srcDir, cPath); log.info("Datasource: " + dataSource); if (fileName.endsWith(".D.evt")) { // Hadoop_dfs_datanode_20080919.D.evt fileDay = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(l - 14, l - 6)); writeRecordFile(destDir + "/" + fileDay + "/", recordFile.getPath(), dataSource.replace("/", HIERARCHY_CONNECTOR) + "_" + fileDay); } else if (fileName.endsWith(".H.evt")) { // Hadoop_dfs_datanode_20080925_1.H.evt // Hadoop_dfs_datanode_20080925_12.H.evt String day = null; String hour = null; if (fileName.charAt(l - 8) == '_') { day = fileName.substring(l - 16, l - 8); log.info("day->" + day); hour = "" + fileName.charAt(l - 7); log.info("hour->" + hour); } else { day = fileName.substring(l - 17, l - 9); log.info("day->" + day); hour = fileName.substring(l - 8, l - 6); log.info("hour->" + hour); } fileDay = Integer.parseInt(day); fileHour = Integer.parseInt(hour); // rotate there so spill writeRecordFile(destDir + "/" + fileDay + "/" + fileHour + "/", recordFile.getPath(), dataSource.replace("/", HIERARCHY_CONNECTOR) + "_" + fileDay + "_" + fileHour); // mark this directory for daily rotate addDirectory4Rolling(true, fileDay, fileHour, cluster, dataSource); } else if (fileName.endsWith(".R.evt")) { if (fileName.charAt(l - 11) == '_') { fileDay = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(l - 19, l - 11)); fileHour = Integer.parseInt("" + fileName.charAt(l - 10)); fileMin = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(l - 8, l - 6)); } else { fileDay = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(l - 20, l - 12)); fileHour = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(l - 11, l - 9)); fileMin = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(l - 8, l - 6)); } log.info("fileDay: " + fileDay); log.info("fileHour: " + fileHour); log.info("fileMin: " + fileMin); writeRecordFile(destDir + "/" + fileDay + "/" + fileHour + "/" + fileMin, recordFile.getPath(), HierarchyDataType.trimSlash(dataSource).replace("/", HIERARCHY_CONNECTOR) + "_" + fileDay + "_" + fileHour + "_" + fileMin); // mark this directory for hourly rotate addDirectory4Rolling(false, fileDay, fileHour, cluster, dataSource); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Wrong fileName format! [" + fileName + "]"); } } } static void addDirectory4Rolling(boolean isDailyOnly, int day, int hour, String cluster, String dataSource) throws IOException { // TODO get root directory from config String rollingDirectory = "/chukwa/rolling/"; Path path = new Path(rollingDirectory + "/daily/" + day + "/" + cluster + "/" + dataSource); if (!fs.exists(path)) { fs.mkdirs(path); } if (!isDailyOnly) { path = new Path(rollingDirectory + "/hourly/" + day + "/" + hour + "/" + cluster + "/" + dataSource); if (!fs.exists(path)) { fs.mkdirs(path); } } } static void writeRecordFile(String destDir, Path recordFile, String fileName) throws IOException { boolean done = false; int count = 1; do { Path destDirPath = new Path(destDir); Path destFilePath = new Path(destDir + "/" + fileName + "." + count + ".evt"); if (!fs.exists(destDirPath)) { fs.mkdirs(destDirPath); log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>> create Dir" + destDirPath); } if (!fs.exists(destFilePath)) { log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>> Before Rename" + recordFile + " -- " + destFilePath); boolean rename = fs.rename(recordFile,destFilePath); done = true; log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>> after Rename" + destFilePath + " , rename:"+rename); } count++; if (count > 1000) { log.warn("too many files in this directory: " + destDir); } } while (!done); } static boolean checkRotate(String directoryAsString, boolean createDirectoryIfNotExist) throws IOException { Path directory = new Path(directoryAsString); boolean exist = fs.exists(directory); if (!exist) { if (createDirectoryIfNotExist == true) { fs.mkdirs(directory); } return false; } else { return fs.exists(new Path(directoryAsString + "/rotateDone")); } } /** * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { conf = new ChukwaConfiguration(); String fsName = conf.get("writer.hdfs.filesystem"); fs = FileSystem.get(new URI(fsName), conf); Path srcDir = new Path(args[0]); String destDir = args[1]; log.info("Start MoveToRepository main()"); FileStatus fstat = fs.getFileStatus(srcDir); if (!fstat.isDir()) { throw new IOException(srcDir + " is not a directory!"); } else { FileStatus[] clusters = fs.listStatus(srcDir); // Run a moveOrMerge on all clusters String name = null; for (FileStatus cluster : clusters) { name = cluster.getPath().getName(); // Skip hadoop M/R outputDir if ((name.intern() == HadoopLogDir.intern()) || (name.intern() == hadoopTempDir.intern())) { continue; } log .info("main procesing Cluster (" + cluster.getPath().getName() + ")"); processClusterDirectory(cluster.getPath(), destDir + "/" + cluster.getPath().getName()); // Delete the demux's cluster dir FileUtil.fullyDelete(fs, cluster.getPath()); } } log.info("Done with MoveToRepository main()"); } }