package com.pam.harvestcraft.blocks.growables; import java.util.Random; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import com.pam.harvestcraft.HarvestCraft; import com.pam.harvestcraft.worldgen.FruitTreeGen; import com.pam.harvestcraft.worldgen.LogFruitTreeGen; import com.pam.harvestcraft.worldgen.WorldGenHelper; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockBush; import net.minecraft.block.BlockLeaves; import net.minecraft.block.BlockOldLeaf; import net.minecraft.block.BlockOldLog; import net.minecraft.block.BlockPlanks; import net.minecraft.block.IGrowable; import net.minecraft.block.SoundType; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.util.BlockRenderLayer; import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.TerrainGen; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog; public class BlockPamSapling extends BlockBush implements IGrowable { public final String name; private static final AxisAlignedBB SAPLING_AABB = new AxisAlignedBB(0.09999999403953552D, 0.0D, 0.09999999403953552D, 0.8999999761581421D, 0.800000011920929D, 0.8999999761581421D); private Block fruit; private Item fruitItem; private final SaplingType saplingType; // Caching information for sapling. private final BlockPlanks.EnumType planks; private final int rarity; private final IBlockState logState; private final IBlockState leavesState; public BlockPamSapling(String name, SaplingType saplingType) { super(); this.setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT); this.setHardness(0.0F); this.setCreativeTab(HarvestCraft.modTab); this.saplingType = saplingType; = name; // Generating information for saplings switch (saplingType) { case WARM: planks = BlockPlanks.EnumType.JUNGLE; rarity = HarvestCraft.config.tropicalfruittreeRarity; break; case COLD: planks = BlockPlanks.EnumType.SPRUCE; rarity = HarvestCraft.config.coniferousfruittreeRarity; break; case TEMPERATE: default: planks = BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK; rarity = HarvestCraft.config.temperatefruittreeRarity; } logState = Blocks.LOG.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockOldLog.VARIANT, planks); leavesState = Blocks.LEAVES.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockOldLeaf.VARIANT, planks) .withProperty(BlockLeaves.CHECK_DECAY, false); } @Override public AxisAlignedBB getBoundingBox(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess source, BlockPos pos) { return SAPLING_AABB; } public String getName() { return name; } @Override public boolean canPlaceBlockAt(World world, BlockPos pos) { Block soilBlock = world.getBlockState(pos.down()).getBlock(); return this.isSuitableSoilBlock(soilBlock); } public void neighborChanged(IBlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Block blockIn) { validatePosition(worldIn, pos, state); } private void validatePosition(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { if (!this.canPlaceBlockAt(world, pos)) { this.dropBlockAsItem(world, pos, state, 0); world.setBlockToAir(pos); } } @Override public boolean isOpaqueCube(IBlockState state) { return false; } @Override public boolean isFullCube(IBlockState state) { return false; } private boolean isSuitableSoilBlock(Block soilBlock) { return soilBlock == Blocks.GRASS || soilBlock == Blocks.DIRT || soilBlock == Blocks.FARMLAND; } @Override public void updateTick(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, Random rand) { if (!worldIn.isRemote) { super.updateTick(worldIn, pos, state, rand); if (worldIn.getLightFromNeighbors(pos.up()) >= 9 && rand.nextInt(7) == 0) { this.grow(worldIn, pos, state, rand); } } } private void grow(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, Random rand) { generateTree(worldIn, pos, state, rand); } private void generateTree(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, Random rand) { if (!TerrainGen.saplingGrowTree(worldIn, rand, pos)) { return; } worldIn.setBlockToAir(pos); final IBlockState fruitState = getFruit().getDefaultState(); if (getFruit() instanceof BlockPamFruit) { if (!new FruitTreeGen(5, logState, leavesState, false, fruitState).generate(worldIn, rand, pos)) { worldIn.setBlockState(pos, state); //Re-add the sapling if the tree failed to grow } } else if (getFruit() instanceof BlockPamFruitLog) { if (!new LogFruitTreeGen(5, logState, leavesState, fruitState).generate(worldIn, rand, pos)) { worldIn.setBlockState(pos, state); } } } public void worldGenTree(World world, Random random, int x, int z) { if (random.nextFloat() > rarity / 64.0f) return; final BlockPos pos = WorldGenHelper.getGroundPos(world, x, z); if (pos == null) return; final IBlockState fruitState = getFruit().getDefaultState(); if (getFruit() instanceof BlockPamFruit) { new FruitTreeGen(5, logState, leavesState, false, fruitState).generate(world, random, pos); } else if (getFruit() instanceof BlockPamFruitLog) { new LogFruitTreeGen(5, logState, leavesState, fruitState).generate(world, random, pos); } } @Override public boolean canGrow(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, boolean isClient) { return true; } @Override public boolean canUseBonemeal(World worldIn, Random rand, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { return rand.nextFloat() < 0.45D; } @Override public void grow(World worldIn, Random rand, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { this.grow(worldIn, pos, state, rand); } @Override public BlockRenderLayer getBlockLayer() { return BlockRenderLayer.CUTOUT; } @Override public IBlockState getPlant( world, BlockPos pos) { final IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos); if (state.getBlock() != this) return getDefaultState(); return state; } public Item getFruitItem() { return this.fruitItem; } public void setFruit(@Nonnull Block fruit) { this.fruit = fruit; if (fruit instanceof BlockPamFruit) { this.fruitItem = ((BlockPamFruit) fruit).getFruitItem(); return; } if (fruit instanceof BlockPamFruitLog) { this.fruitItem = ((BlockPamFruitLog) fruit).getFruitItem(); return; } FMLLog.severe("Given fruit block %s is invalid.", fruit.getUnlocalizedName()); } public Block getFruit() { if (fruit == null) { FMLLog.bigWarning("Fruit for sapling %s not found.", getUnlocalizedName()); return null; } return fruit; } public enum SaplingType { TEMPERATE, WARM, COLD } }