package com.link_intersystems.junit.jgit; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit; import org.junit.Assert; public class ActualAuthor { private PersonIdent authorIdent; private RevCommit revCommit; ActualAuthor(PersonIdent authorIdent, RevCommit revCommit) { this.authorIdent = authorIdent; this.revCommit = revCommit; } public void assertEmailEquals(String expectedEmail) throws Exception { String email = authorIdent.getEmailAddress(); Assert.assertEquals("Author email of commit " + getShortCommitId() + " ", expectedEmail, email); } public void assertNameEquals(String expectedName) throws Exception { String name = authorIdent.getName(); Assert.assertEquals( "Author name of commit " + getShortCommitId() + " ", expectedName, name); } private String getShortCommitId() { return revCommit.getId().abbreviate(7).name(); } }