package com.link_intersystems.gitdirstat.cli; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import com.link_intersystems.gitdirstat.GitDirStatArgumentsParseException; import com.link_intersystems.gitdirstat.domain.TreeObjectSortBy; import com.link_intersystems.util.SortOrder; public class GitDirStatListFilesArguments { private static final String WORKING_DIR_SYS_PROP = "user.dir"; private CommandLine commandLine; static Options OPTIONS; private static Option OPTION_OUTFILE; private static Option OPTION_SORT_ORDER; private static Option OPTION_SORT_BY; static { OPTIONS = new Options(); OPTION_OUTFILE = new Option( "outfile", true, "The file where the output should be written to. " + "If not specified or - is specified the stdout will be used."); OPTION_SORT_ORDER = new Option("so", "sort_order", true, "The output's sort order. Either asc or desc. " + " Output will be sorted by object sizes"); OPTION_SORT_BY = new Option("sb", "sort_by", true, "The property by which the output should be sorted. Either size or name. " + "Default is size."); OPTIONS.addOption(OPTION_OUTFILE); OPTIONS.addOption(OPTION_SORT_ORDER); OPTIONS.addOption(OPTION_SORT_BY); } public static GitDirStatListFilesArguments parse(String[] args) throws GitDirStatArgumentsParseException { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); try { CommandLine commandLine = parser.parse(OPTIONS, args); GitDirStatListFilesArguments gitDirStatArguments = new GitDirStatListFilesArguments( commandLine); File gitRepositoryDir = gitDirStatArguments.getGitRepositoryDir(); if (gitRepositoryDir == null) { throw new ParseException( "A git repository directory must be provided"); } return gitDirStatArguments; } catch (ParseException e) { throw new GitDirStatArgumentsParseException(e, "java " + GitDirStatListFilesApplication.class.getName() + " [GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR]", SerializationUtils.clone(OPTIONS)); } } public GitDirStatListFilesArguments(CommandLine commandLine) { this.commandLine = commandLine; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public File getGitRepositoryDir() { List<String> argList = commandLine.getArgList(); if (argList.isEmpty()) { return null; } String gitDirPathname = argList.get(0); if (StringUtils.isBlank(gitDirPathname)) { gitDirPathname = System.getProperty(WORKING_DIR_SYS_PROP); } File gitDir = new File(gitDirPathname); if (!gitDir.isDirectory()) { String message = MessageFormat.format( "{0} does not seem to be a directory", gitDir); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } return gitDir; } public OutputStream getOutputStream() { OutputStream outputStream = null; String outputOpt = OPTION_OUTFILE.getOpt(); String outPathname = commandLine.getOptionValue(outputOpt); boolean useStdout = isBlank(outPathname) || "-".equals(outPathname); if (useStdout) { outputStream = System.out; } else { try { outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outPathname); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { String message = MessageFormat.format( "{0} does not seem to be a a valid output file", outPathname); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message, e); } } return outputStream; } public SortOrder getSortOrder() { String sortOrderOption = commandLine.getOptionValue(OPTION_SORT_ORDER .getOpt()); SortOrder sortOrder = null; if (StringUtils.isBlank(sortOrderOption)) { sortOrder = SortOrder.DESC; } else { sortOrder = SortOrder.valueOf(sortOrderOption.toUpperCase()); } return sortOrder; } public TreeObjectSortBy getSortBy() { String sortByOption = commandLine.getOptionValue(OPTION_SORT_BY .getOpt()); TreeObjectSortBy sortOrder = null; if (StringUtils.isBlank(sortByOption)) { sortOrder = TreeObjectSortBy.SIZE; } else { sortOrder = TreeObjectSortBy.valueOf(sortByOption.toUpperCase()); } return sortOrder; } }