/* * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ package com.facebook.imagepipeline.datasource; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException; import com.facebook.common.executors.CallerThreadExecutor; import com.facebook.common.internal.Lists; import com.facebook.common.internal.Preconditions; import com.facebook.common.references.CloseableReference; import com.facebook.datasource.AbstractDataSource; import com.facebook.datasource.DataSource; import com.facebook.datasource.DataSubscriber; /** * Data source that wraps number of other data sources and waits until all of them are finished. * After that each call to getResult() returns list of final results of wrapped data sources. * Caller of getResult() is responsible for closing all each of the results separately. * * <p> This data source does not propagate intermediate results. * * @param <T> */ public class ListDataSource<T> extends AbstractDataSource<ArrayList<CloseableReference<T>>> { private final DataSource<CloseableReference<T>>[] mDataSources; @GuardedBy("this") private int mFinishedDataSources; protected ListDataSource(DataSource<CloseableReference<T>>[] dataSources) { mDataSources = dataSources; mFinishedDataSources = 0; } public static <T> ListDataSource<T> create( DataSource<CloseableReference<T>>... dataSources) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(dataSources); Preconditions.checkState(dataSources.length > 0); ListDataSource<T> listDataSource = new ListDataSource<T>(dataSources); for (DataSource<CloseableReference<T>> dataSource : dataSources) { dataSource.subscribe( listDataSource.new InternalDataSubscriber(), CallerThreadExecutor.getInstance()); } return listDataSource; } @Override @Nullable public synchronized ArrayList<CloseableReference<T>> getResult() { if (!hasResult()) { return null; } ArrayList<CloseableReference<T>> results = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(mDataSources.length); for (DataSource<CloseableReference<T>> dataSource : mDataSources) { results.add(dataSource.getResult()); } return results; } @Override public synchronized boolean hasResult() { return !isClosed() && (mFinishedDataSources == mDataSources.length); } @Override public boolean close() { if (!super.close()) { return false; } for (DataSource<?> dataSource : mDataSources) { dataSource.close(); } return true; } private void onDataSourceFinished() { if (increaseAndCheckIfLast()) { setResult(null, /* isLast */ true); } } private synchronized boolean increaseAndCheckIfLast() { return ++mFinishedDataSources == mDataSources.length; } private void onDataSourceFailed(DataSource<CloseableReference<T>> dataSource) { setFailure(dataSource.getFailureCause()); } private void onDataSourceCancelled() { setFailure(new CancellationException()); } private void onDataSourceProgress() { float progress = 0; for (DataSource<?> dataSource : mDataSources) { progress += dataSource.getProgress(); } setProgress(progress / mDataSources.length); } private class InternalDataSubscriber implements DataSubscriber<CloseableReference<T>> { @GuardedBy("InternalDataSubscriber.this") boolean mFinished = false; private synchronized boolean tryFinish() { if (mFinished) { return false; } mFinished = true; return true; } @Override public void onFailure(DataSource<CloseableReference<T>> dataSource) { ListDataSource.this.onDataSourceFailed(dataSource); } @Override public void onCancellation(DataSource<CloseableReference<T>> dataSource) { ListDataSource.this.onDataSourceCancelled(); } @Override public void onNewResult(DataSource<CloseableReference<T>> dataSource) { if (dataSource.isFinished() && tryFinish()) { ListDataSource.this.onDataSourceFinished(); } } @Override public void onProgressUpdate(DataSource<CloseableReference<T>> dataSource) { ListDataSource.this.onDataSourceProgress(); } } }