/* * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ package com.facebook.drawee.interfaces; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; /** * Interface that represents a settable Drawee hierarchy. Hierarchy should display a placeholder * image until the actual image is set. In case of a failure, hierarchy can choose to display * a failure image. * * <p>IMPORTANT: methods of this interface are to be used by controllers ONLY! * * <p> * Example hierarchy: * * o FadeDrawable (top level drawable) * | * +--o ScaleTypeDrawable * | | * | +--o ColorDrawable (placeholder image) * | * +--o ScaleTypeDrawable * | | * | +--o BitmapDrawable (failure image) * | * +--o ScaleTypeDrawable * | * +--o SettableDrawable * | * +--o BitmapDrawable (actual image) * * SettableDraweeHierarchy in the given example has a FadeDrawable as its top level drawable. * Top level drawable can be immediately put into view. Once the actual image is ready, it will * be set to the hierarchy's SettableDrawable and fade animation between the placeholder and the * actual image will be initiated. In case of failure, hierarchy will switch to failure image. * All image branches are wrapped with ScaleType drawable which allows separate scale type to be * applied on each. * */ public interface SettableDraweeHierarchy extends DraweeHierarchy { /** * Called by controller when the hierarchy should be reset to its initial state. Any image * previously set by {@code setImage} should be detached and not used anymore. */ public void reset(); /** * Called by controller when the future that provides the actual image completes successfully. * Hierarchy should display the actual image. * @param drawable drawable to be set as the temporary image * @param progress number in range [0, 1] that indicates progress * @param immediate if true, image will be shown immediately (without fade effect) */ public void setImage(Drawable drawable, float progress, boolean immediate); /** * Called by controller to update the progress. * Hierarchy can choose to hide the progressbar when progress is set to its final value of 1. * @param progress number in range [0, 1] that indicates progress * @param immediate if true, progressbar will be shown/hidden immediately (without fade effect) */ public void setProgress(float progress, boolean immediate); /** * Called by controller when the future that provides the actual image completes with failure. * Hierarchy can choose to display between different images based on cause of failure. * @param throwable cause of failure */ public void setFailure(Throwable throwable); /** * Called by controller when the future that provides the actual image completes with failure, * but the controller is prepared to kick off a retry when the user clicks on the image. * Hierarchy can choose to display a retry image. * @param throwable cause of failure */ public void setRetry(Throwable throwable); /** * Called by controller if it needs to display some controller overlay. * @param drawable drawable to be displayed as controller overlay */ public void setControllerOverlay(Drawable drawable); }