/* * This file is part of JGAP. * * JGAP offers a dual license model containing the LGPL as well as the MPL. * * For licensing information please see the file license.txt included with JGAP * or have a look at the top of class org.jgap.Chromosome which representatively * includes the JGAP license policy applicable for any file delivered with JGAP. */ package org.jgap.gp.impl; import org.jgap.gp.*; import org.jgap.gp.function.*; import org.jgap.gp.terminal.*; import junit.framework.*; /** * Tests the ProgramChromosome class. * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public class ProgramChromosomeTest extends GPTestCase { /** String containing the CVS revision. Read out via reflection!*/ private final static String CVS_REVISION = "$Revision: 1.12 $"; public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(ProgramChromosomeTest.class); return suite; } public void setUp() { super.setUp(); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.3 */ public void testConstruct_0() throws Exception { try { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf, 50, null); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iex) { ; //this is OK } } /** * Produce a valid program. Random numbers preset to optimum (= hit at first * number returned by generator). * * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testGrowNode_0() throws Exception { IGPProgram ind = new GPProgram(m_gpconf, 5); ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf, 50, ind); CommandGene[] funcSet = new CommandGene[] { CMD_SUB_V_I, //0 CMD_FOR, //1 CMD_NOP, //2 CMD_ADD, //3 CMD_CONST2, //4 CMD_CONST3, //5 CMD_CONST4, //6 }; rn.setNextIntSequence(new int[] {0, 1, 4, 2, 5}); pc.growOrFullNode(0, 3, CommandGene.IntegerClass, 0, funcSet, null, 0, true, -1, false); pc.redepth(); assertEquals(CMD_SUB_V_I.toString(), pc.getNode(0).toString()); assertEquals(CMD_FOR.toString(), pc.getNode(1).toString()); assertSame(CMD_CONST2, pc.getNode(2)); assertSame(CMD_NOP, pc.getNode(3)); assertSame(CMD_CONST3, pc.getNode(4)); } /** * Produce a valid program. Random numbers preset to sub-optimum (multiple * requests to generator necessary). * * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testGrowNode_1() throws Exception { IGPProgram ind = new GPProgram(m_gpconf, 5); ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf, 50, ind); CommandGene[] funcSet = new CommandGene[] { CMD_SUB_V_I, //0 CMD_FOR, //1 CMD_NOP, //2 CMD_ADD, //3 CMD_CONST2, //4 CMD_CONST3, //5 CMD_CONST4, //6 }; // The next sequences contain two numbers with "-1". // "-1" is because we use a UniqueRandomGenerator that // removes each invalid try to avoid duplicate tries. // --------------------------------------------------- rn.setNextIntSequence(new int[] {1, 2, 6 - 1, 2, 2, 5 - 1}); rn.setNextFloatSequence(new float[] {0.1f}); rn.setNextDouble(0.2d); pc.growOrFullNode(0, 5, CommandGene.IntegerClass, 0, funcSet, CMD_SUB_V_I, 0, true, -1, false); pc.redepth(); assertEquals(CMD_SUB_V_I.toString(), pc.getNode(0).toString()); assertEquals(CMD_FOR.toString(), pc.getNode(1).toString()); assertSame(CMD_CONST4, pc.getNode(2)); assertSame(CMD_NOP, pc.getNode(3)); assertSame(CMD_CONST3, pc.getNode(4)); } /** * Produce a valid program that is similar to computing Fibonacci. * * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testGrowNode_2() throws Exception { IGPProgram ind = new GPProgram(m_gpconf, 5); ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf, 50, ind); CommandGene[] funcSet = new CommandGene[] { CMD_SUB_V_V_V, //0 CMD_FORX, //1 CMD_NOP, //2 Variable.create(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass), //3 new Increment(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass), //4 new AddAndStore(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass, "mem2"), //5 new TransferMemory(m_gpconf, "mem2", "mem1"), //6 new TransferMemory(m_gpconf, "mem1", "mem0"), //7 new ReadTerminal(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass, "mem0"), //8 new ReadTerminal(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass, "mem1"), //9 }; rn.setNextIntSequence(new int[] {0, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7}); pc.growOrFullNode(0, 5, CommandGene.IntegerClass, 0, funcSet, CMD_FORX, 0, true, -1, false); pc.redepth(); assertEquals(CMD_FORX.toString(), pc.getNode(0).toString()); assertEquals(CMD_SUB_V_V_V, pc.getNode(1)); assertEquals(AddAndStore.class, pc.getNode(2).getClass()); assertEquals(ReadTerminal.class, pc.getNode(3).getClass()); assertEquals(ReadTerminal.class, pc.getNode(4).getClass()); assertEquals(TransferMemory.class, pc.getNode(5).getClass()); assertEquals(TransferMemory.class, pc.getNode(6).getClass()); } /** * Produce a valid program that is similar to computing Fibonacci. * * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testGrowNode_3() throws Exception { IGPProgram ind = new GPProgram(m_gpconf, 5); ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf, 50, ind); CommandGene[] funcSet = new CommandGene[] { CMD_SUB_V_V_V, //0 CMD_FOR, //1 CMD_NOP, //2 Variable.create(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass), //3 new Increment(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass), //4 new AddAndStore(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass, "mem2"), //5 new TransferMemory(m_gpconf, "mem2", "mem1"), //6 new TransferMemory(m_gpconf, "mem1", "mem0"), //7 new ReadTerminal(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass, "mem0"), //8 new ReadTerminal(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass, "mem1"), //9 }; rn.setNextIntSequence(new int[] {3, 0, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7}); pc.growOrFullNode(0, 5, CommandGene.IntegerClass, 0, funcSet, CMD_FOR, 0, true, -1, false); pc.redepth(); assertEquals(CMD_FOR, pc.getNode(0)); assertEquals(3, pc.getDepth(0)); assertEquals(Variable.class, pc.getNode(1).getClass()); assertEquals(CMD_SUB_V_V_V, pc.getNode(2)); assertEquals(AddAndStore.class, pc.getNode(3).getClass()); assertEquals(ReadTerminal.class, pc.getNode(4).getClass()); assertEquals(ReadTerminal.class, pc.getNode(5).getClass()); assertEquals(TransferMemory.class, pc.getNode(6).getClass()); assertEquals(TransferMemory.class, pc.getNode(7).getClass()); } /** * Produce a valid program. Random numbers preset to optimum (= hit at first * number returned by generator). * * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testGrowNode_4() throws Exception { IGPProgram ind = new GPProgram(m_gpconf, 1); ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf, 50, ind); CommandGene[] funcSet = new CommandGene[] { CMD_SUB_I_I, //0 CMD_TERM0, //1 CMD_TERM1, //2 CMD_TERM2, //3 }; rn.setNextIntSequence(new int[] {1, 2, 3}); rn.setNextFloatSequence(new float[] {0.2f}); pc.growOrFullNode(0, 5, CommandGene.IntegerClass, 0, funcSet, CMD_SUB_I_I, 0, true, -1, false); pc.redepth(); assertEquals(CMD_SUB_I_I, pc.getNode(0)); assertEquals(CMD_TERM0, pc.getNode(1)); assertEquals(CMD_TERM1, pc.getNode(2)); } /** * Mutate arity of sub program: Increase arity from 2 to 3. * * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testGrowNode_4_2() throws Exception { IGPProgram ind = new GPProgram(m_gpconf, 1); ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf, 50, ind); CommandGene[] funcSet = new CommandGene[] { CMD_SUB_I_IM, //0 CMD_TERM0, //1 CMD_TERM1, //2 CMD_TERM2, //3 }; rn.setNextIntSequence(new int[] {0, //CMD_SUB_I_IM 2, //CMD_SUB_I_IM.applyMutation (2 + 1 = arity 3) 1, //CMD_TERM0 2, //CMD_TERM1 3 //CMD_TERM2 }); rn.setNextFloatSequence(new float[] {0.1f}); pc.setFunctions(funcSet); pc.growOrFullNode(0, 5, CommandGene.IntegerClass, 0, funcSet, null, 0, true, -1, false); pc.redepth(); assertEquals(CMD_SUB_I_I_I, pc.getNode(0)); assertEquals(3, pc.getNode(0).getArity(null)); assertEquals(CMD_TERM0, pc.getNode(1)); assertEquals(CMD_TERM1, pc.getNode(2)); assertEquals(CMD_TERM2, pc.getNode(3)); } /** * Mutate arity of sub program: Reduce arity from 3 to 2. * * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testGrowNode_4_3() throws Exception { IGPProgram ind = new GPProgram(m_gpconf, 1); ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf, 50, ind); CommandGene[] funcSet = new CommandGene[] { CMD_SUB_I_IM, //0 CMD_TERM0, //1 CMD_TERM1, //2 CMD_TERM2, //3 }; rn.setNextIntSequence(new int[] {0, //CMD_SUB_I_IM 0, //CMD_SUB_I_IM.applyMutation (2 + 0 = arity 2) 1, //CMD_TERM0 3 //CMD_TERM2 }); rn.setNextFloatSequence(new float[] {0.0f}); pc.growOrFullNode(0, 5, CommandGene.IntegerClass, 0, funcSet, null, 0, true, -1, false); pc.redepth(); assertEquals(CMD_SUB_I_I, pc.getNode(0)); assertEquals(2, pc.getNode(0).getArity(null)); assertEquals(CMD_TERM0, pc.getNode(1)); assertEquals(CMD_TERM2, pc.getNode(2)); } /** * Produce a valid program. Random numbers preset to optimum (= hit at first * number returned by generator). * * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testGrowNode_5() throws Exception { IGPProgram ind = new GPProgram(m_gpconf, 1); ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf, 50, ind); CommandGene[] funcSet = new CommandGene[] { CMD_SUB_I_I, //0 CMD_SUB_I_I2, //1 CMD_TERM0, //2 CMD_TERM1, //3 CMD_TERM2, //4 }; rn.setNextIntSequence(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4}); rn.setNextFloatSequence(new float[] {0.7f}); pc.growOrFullNode(0, 5, CommandGene.IntegerClass, 0, funcSet, CMD_SUB_I_I, 0, true, -1, false); pc.redepth(); assertEquals(CMD_SUB_I_I, pc.getNode(0)); assertEquals(CMD_SUB_I_I2, pc.getNode(1)); assertEquals(CMD_TERM0, pc.getNode(2)); assertEquals(CMD_TERM1, pc.getNode(3)); assertEquals(CMD_TERM2, pc.getNode(4)); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testToStringNorm_0() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.redepth(); assertEquals("X", pc.toStringNorm(0)); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testToStringNorm_1() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new Increment(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(1, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.redepth(); String s = pc.toStringNorm(0); assertEquals("INC(X)", s); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testToStringNorm_2() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new Add(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(1, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(2, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Y", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.redepth(); String s = pc.toStringNorm(0); assertEquals("X + Y", s); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testToStringNorm_3() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new Modulo(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(1, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(2, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Y", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.redepth(); String s = pc.toStringNorm(0); assertEquals("X % Y", s); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testToStringNorm_4() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new Modulo(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(1, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(2, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Y", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.redepth(); String s = pc.toStringNorm(1); assertEquals("X", s); s = pc.toStringNorm(2); assertEquals("Y", s); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testToStringNorm_5() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new Modulo(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(1, new Subtract(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(2, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(3, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Y", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(4, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Z", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.redepth(); String s = pc.toStringNorm(0); assertEquals("(X - Y) % Z", s); s = pc.toStringNorm(1); assertEquals("(X - Y)", s); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testToStringNorm_6() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new Multiply(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(1, new Push(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(2, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(3, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.redepth(); String s = pc.toStringNorm(1); assertEquals("(push X)", s); s = pc.toStringNorm(0); assertEquals("(push X) * X", s); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testToStringNorm_7() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new SubProgram(m_gpconf, new Class[] {CommandGene.IntegerClass, CommandGene.IntegerClass, CommandGene.IntegerClass})); pc.setGene(1, new Multiply(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(2, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(3, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Y", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(4, new Push(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(5, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(6, new Constant(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass, new Integer(7))); pc.redepth(); String s = pc.toStringNorm(0); assertEquals("sub[(X * Y) --> (push X) --> 7]", s); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testToStringNorm_8() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new SubProgram(m_gpconf, new Class[] {CommandGene.IntegerClass, CommandGene.IntegerClass})); pc.setGene(1, new Multiply(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(2, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(3, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Y", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(4, new Push(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(5, new Constant(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass, new Integer(9))); pc.redepth(); String s = pc.toStringNorm(0); assertEquals("sub[(X * Y) --> (push 9)]", s); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testToString_0() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new Add(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(1, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(2, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Y", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.redepth(); String s = pc.toString(0); assertEquals("+ ( X Y )", s); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testToString_1() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new Subtract(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(1, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(2, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Y", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.redepth(); String s = pc.toString(1); assertEquals("X ", s); s = pc.toString(2); assertEquals("Y ", s); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testRedepth_0() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new Add(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(1, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); try { pc.redepth(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { ; //this i expected } } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testGetDepth_0() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new Add(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); //Node 0 pc.setGene(1, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Y", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); //Node 1 pc.setGene(2, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Z", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); // Node 2 pc.redepth(); assertEquals(1, pc.getDepth(0)); //1 = one level below node 0 assertEquals(0, pc.getDepth(1)); assertEquals(0, pc.getDepth(2)); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testGetDepth_1() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new IfElse(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); //Node 0 pc.setGene(1, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Y", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(2, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Z", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(3, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.redepth(); assertEquals(1, pc.getDepth(0)); //1 = one level below node 0 assertEquals(0, pc.getDepth(1)); assertEquals(0, pc.getDepth(2)); assertEquals(0, pc.getDepth(3)); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testGetDepth_2() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new IfElse(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); //Node 0 pc.setGene(1, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Y", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(2, new Add(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); // Node 2 pc.setGene(3, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(4, new Constant(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass, new Integer(3))); pc.setGene(5, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Z", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.redepth(); assertEquals(2, pc.getDepth(0)); //2 = one level below node 0 assertEquals(0, pc.getDepth(1)); assertEquals(1, pc.getDepth(2)); //1 = one level below node 2 assertEquals(0, pc.getDepth(3)); assertEquals(0, pc.getDepth(4)); assertEquals(0, pc.getDepth(5)); } /** * @throws Exception * * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 3.0 */ public void testSerialize_0() throws Exception { ProgramChromosome pc = new ProgramChromosome(m_gpconf); pc.setGene(0, new Add(m_gpconf, CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(1, new Variable(m_gpconf, "X", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.setGene(2, new Variable(m_gpconf, "Y", CommandGene.IntegerClass)); pc.redepth(); ProgramChromosome pc2 = (ProgramChromosome) doSerialize(pc); assertEquals(pc, pc2); } }