package org.jgap.util; import*; import*; /** Implementation of a <b>randomX</b>-compliant class which obtains genuine random data from <a href="">John Walker</a>'s <a href="">HotBits</a> radioactive decay random sequence generator. <p> Designed and implemented in July 1996 by <a href="">John Walker</a>, <a href=""></a>. */ public class randomHotBits extends randomX { long state; int nuflen = 256, buflen = 0; byte[] buffer; int bufptr = -1; // Constructors /** Creates a new pseudorandom sequence generator. */ public randomHotBits() { buffer = new byte[nuflen]; } /* Private method to fill buffer from HotBits server. */ private void fillBuffer() throws { URL u = new URL(""); InputStream s = u.openStream(); int l; buflen = 0; while ((l = != -1) { buffer[buflen++] = (byte) l; } s.close(); bufptr = 0; } /** Get next byte from generator. @return the next byte from the generator. */ public byte nextByte() { try { synchronized (buffer) { if (bufptr < 0 || bufptr >= buflen) { fillBuffer(); } return buffer[bufptr++]; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot obtain HotBits"); } } };