* JasperReports - Free Java Reporting Library.
* Copyright (C) 2001 - 2009 Jaspersoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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* This program is part of JasperReports.
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package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util;
import java.text.BreakIterator;
import java.text.CharacterIterator;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException;
import com.lowagie.text.SplitCharacter;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfChunk;
* Implementation of {@link com.lowagie.text.SplitCharacter SplitCharacter} that
* uses the same logic as AWT to break texts into lines.
* @author Lucian Chirita (lucianc@users.sourceforge.net)
* @version $Id: BreakIteratorSplitCharacter.java 3702 2010-04-07 12:28:51Z teodord $
* @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporterParameter#FORCE_LINEBREAK_POLICY
* @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRProperties#PDF_FORCE_LINEBREAK_POLICY
public class BreakIteratorSplitCharacter implements SplitCharacter
private char[] chars;
private int start, end;
private boolean[] boundary;
private int lastBoundary;
private final BreakIterator breakIter;
public BreakIteratorSplitCharacter()
public BreakIteratorSplitCharacter(BreakIterator breakIter)
this.breakIter = breakIter;
public boolean isSplitCharacter(int startIdx, int current, int endIdx, char[] cc, PdfChunk[] ck)
if (current == endIdx)
return false;
if (!(chars == cc && this.start == startIdx && this.end == endIdx))
chars = cc;
this.start = startIdx;
this.end = endIdx;
breakIter.setText(new ArrayCharIterator(cc, startIdx, endIdx));
boundary = new boolean[endIdx - startIdx + 1];
lastBoundary = breakIter.first();
if (lastBoundary != BreakIterator.DONE)
boundary[lastBoundary - startIdx] = true;
while (current > lastBoundary)
lastBoundary = breakIter.next();
if (lastBoundary == BreakIterator.DONE)
lastBoundary = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
boundary[lastBoundary - startIdx] = true;
return boundary[current - startIdx]
|| currentChar(current - 1, cc, ck) <= ' ';
protected char currentChar(int current, char[] cc, PdfChunk[] ck)
char currentCh = cc[current];
if (ck != null)
PdfChunk chunk = ck[Math.min(current, ck.length - 1)];
currentCh = (char)chunk.getUnicodeEquivalent(currentCh);
return currentCh;
protected static class ArrayCharIterator implements CharacterIterator
private char[] chars;
private int start;
private int end;
private int curr;
public ArrayCharIterator(char[] chars, int start, int end)
this.chars = chars;
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
public char first()
curr = start;
return current();
public char last()
if (end == start)
curr = end;
curr = end - 1;
return current();
public char setIndex(int position)
if (position < start || position > end)
throw new JRRuntimeException("Invalid index " + position + " (start = " + start + ", end = " + end + ")");
curr = position;
return current();
public char current()
if (curr < start || curr >= end)
return DONE;
return chars[curr];
public char next()
if (curr >= end - 1)
curr = end;
return DONE;
return chars[curr];
public char previous()
if (curr <= start)
return DONE;
return chars[curr];
public int getBeginIndex()
return start;
public int getEndIndex()
return end;
public int getIndex()
return curr;
public Object clone()
return super.clone();
catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
throw new JRRuntimeException(e);