/* * JasperReports - Free Java Reporting Library. * Copyright (C) 2001 - 2009 Jaspersoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * http://www.jaspersoft.com * * Unless you have purchased a commercial license agreement from Jaspersoft, * the following license terms apply: * * This program is part of JasperReports. * * JasperReports is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * JasperReports is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with JasperReports. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package net.sf.jasperreports.engine; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.HyperlinkTargetEnum; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.HyperlinkTypeEnum; /** * An interface providing hyperlink functionality. It must be implemented by elements that can contain hyperlinks. * * There are three types of hyperlinks: reference, anchor and page. The reference type just points to an external resource. * The anchor type can point to an anchor in the current document or inside an external referenced document. In the latter * case, users have to specify both an anchor expression and a reference expression. The page type can point to the * beginning of a specific page in the current document or an external document (in the same way that anchor type does). * * @see JRAnchor * @author Teodor Danciu (teodord@users.sourceforge.net) * @version $Id: JRHyperlink.java 3502 2010-03-04 11:05:10Z teodord $ */ public interface JRHyperlink extends JRCloneable { /** * Constant useful for specifying that the element does not contain a hyperlink. This is the default value * for a hyperlink type. * @deprecated Replaced by {@link HyperlinkTypeEnum#NONE}. */ public static final byte HYPERLINK_TYPE_NONE = 1; /** * Constant useful for specifying that the hyperlink points to an external resource specified by the * hyperlink reference expression. * @see JRHyperlink#getHyperlinkReferenceExpression() * @deprecated Replaced by {@link HyperlinkTypeEnum#REFERENCE}. */ public static final byte HYPERLINK_TYPE_REFERENCE = 2; /** * Constant useful for specifying that the hyperlink points to a local anchor, specified by the hyperlink * anchor expression. * @see JRHyperlink#getHyperlinkAnchorExpression() * @deprecated Replaced by {@link HyperlinkTypeEnum#LOCAL_ANCHOR}. */ public static final byte HYPERLINK_TYPE_LOCAL_ANCHOR = 3; /** * Constant useful for specifying that the hyperlink points to a 1 based page index within the current document. * @deprecated Replaced by {@link HyperlinkTypeEnum#LOCAL_PAGE}. */ public static final byte HYPERLINK_TYPE_LOCAL_PAGE = 4; /** * Constant useful for specifying that the hyperlink points to a remote anchor (specified by the hyperlink * anchor expression) within an external document (specified by the hyperlink reference expression). * @see JRHyperlink#getHyperlinkAnchorExpression() * @see JRHyperlink#getHyperlinkReferenceExpression() * @deprecated Replaced by {@link HyperlinkTypeEnum#REMOTE_ANCHOR}. */ public static final byte HYPERLINK_TYPE_REMOTE_ANCHOR = 5; /** * Constant useful for specifying that the hyperlink points to a 1 based page index within an external document * (specified by the hyperlink reference expression). * @deprecated Replaced by {@link HyperlinkTypeEnum#REMOTE_PAGE}. */ public static final byte HYPERLINK_TYPE_REMOTE_PAGE = 6; /** * Not set hyperlink type. * @deprecated Replaced by {@link HyperlinkTypeEnum#NULL}. */ public static final byte HYPERLINK_TYPE_NULL = 0; /** * Custom hyperlink type. * <p> * The specific type is determined by {@link #getLinkType() getLinkType()}. * </p> * @deprecated Replaced by {@link HyperlinkTypeEnum#CUSTOM}. */ public static final byte HYPERLINK_TYPE_CUSTOM = 7; /** * Constant useful for specifying that the hyperlink will be opened in the same window. * @deprecated Replaced by {@link HyperlinkTargetEnum#SELF}. */ public static final byte HYPERLINK_TARGET_SELF = 1; /** * Constant useful for specifying that the hyperlink will be opened in a new window. * @deprecated Replaced by {@link HyperlinkTargetEnum#BLANK}. */ public static final byte HYPERLINK_TARGET_BLANK = 2; /** * Constant useful for specifying that the hyperlink will be opened in the parent frame. * @deprecated Replaced by {@link HyperlinkTargetEnum#PARENT}. */ public static final byte HYPERLINK_TARGET_PARENT = 3; /** * Constant useful for specifying that the hyperlink will be opened in the top frame. * @deprecated Replaced by {@link HyperlinkTargetEnum#TOP}. */ public static final byte HYPERLINK_TARGET_TOP = 4; /** * Custom hyperlink target name. * <p> * The specific target name is determined by {@link #getLinkTarget() getLinkTarget()}. * </p> * @deprecated Replaced by {@link HyperlinkTargetEnum#CUSTOM}. */ public static final byte HYPERLINK_TARGET_CUSTOM = 5; /** * @deprecated Replaced by {@link #getHyperlinkTypeValue()}. */ public byte getHyperlinkType(); /** * Retrieves the hyperlink type for the element. * <p> * The actual hyperlink type is determined by {@link #getLinkType() getLinkType()}. * This method can is used to determine whether the hyperlink type is one of the * built-in types or a custom type. * When hyperlink is of custom type, {@link HyperlinkTypeEnum#CUSTOM CUSTOM} is returned. * </p> * @return one of the hyperlink type constants * @see #getLinkType() */ public HyperlinkTypeEnum getHyperlinkTypeValue(); /** * Retrieves the hyperlink target for the element. * <p> * The actual hyperlink target is determined by {@link #getLinkTarget() getLinkTarget()}. * This method can is used to determine whether the hyperlink target is one of the * built-in target names or a custom one. * When hyperlink has a custom target name, {@link #HYPERLINK_TARGET_CUSTOM HYPERLINK_TYPE_CUSTOM} is returned. * </p> * @return one of the hyperlink target constants * @see #getLinkTarget() */ public byte getHyperlinkTarget(); /** * Returns the expression whose value represents the hyperlink reference. It is only used when the hyperlink type is * reference or anchor */ public JRExpression getHyperlinkReferenceExpression(); /** * Returns the expression whose value represents the anchor. It is only used when the hyperlink type is anchor. */ public JRExpression getHyperlinkAnchorExpression(); /** * Returns an integer representing the page index of the link. It is only used when the hyperlink type is page. * If the expression does not evaluate to an integer, an exception will be thrown. */ public JRExpression getHyperlinkPageExpression(); /** * Returns the hyperlink type. * <p> * The type can be one of the built-in types * (Reference, LocalAnchor, LocalPage, RemoteAnchor, RemotePage), * or can be an arbitrary type. * </p> * @return the hyperlink type */ public String getLinkType(); /** * Returns the hyperlink target name. * <p> * The type can be one of the built-in names * (Self, Blank, Top, Parent), * or can be an arbitrary name. * </p> * @return the hyperlink target name */ public String getLinkTarget(); /** * Returns the list of hyperlink parameters. * <p> * The parameters can be used by custom hyperlink types to generate * dynamic links. * </p> * @return the list of hyperlink parameters */ public JRHyperlinkParameter[] getHyperlinkParameters(); /** * Returns the expression which will generate the hyperlink tooltip. * * @return the expression which will generate the hyperlink tooltip */ public JRExpression getHyperlinkTooltipExpression(); }