package andraus.bluetoothhidemu.spoof; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket; import android.content.Context; import android.os.ParcelUuid; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import andraus.bluetoothhidemu.R; import andraus.bluetoothhidemu.spoof.Spoof.SpoofMode; import andraus.bluetoothhidemu.spoof.jni.BluetoothSocketJni; import andraus.bluetoothhidemu.util.DoLog; public class BluetoothAdapterSpooferGeneric extends BluetoothAdapterSpoofer { private static final String CMD_SU = "su"; private static final String CMD_ID = "id\n"; private static final String CMD_ID_RESP = "uid=0(root)"; private static final String CMD_READ_CLASS = " read_class\n"; private static final String CMD_READ_CLASS_RESP = "class"; private static final String CMD_SPOOF_CLASS = " spoof_class 0x%06X\n"; private static final String CMD_SPOOF_CLASS_RESP = "class spoofed."; private static final String CMD_ADD_HID_SDP_GENERIC = " add_hid_generic\n"; private static final String CMD_ADD_HID_SDP_BDREMOTE = " add_hid_bdremote\n"; private static final String CMD_ADD_HID_SDP_PS3KEYPAD = " add_hid_ps3keypad\n"; private static final String CMD_ADD_HID_SDP_RESP = "handle"; private static final String CMD_DEL_HID_SDP = " del_hid 0x%06X\n"; private String mHidEmuPath = null; private int mHidSdpHandle; /** * * @param appContext * @param adapter */ protected BluetoothAdapterSpooferGeneric(Context appContext, BluetoothAdapter adapter) { super(appContext, adapter); } /** * */ private class ShellResponse { static final int ERROR = -0x1; static final int SUCCESS = 0x0; static final int NON_ROOT = 0xff; int code = -1; String msg; } private String getHidEmuPath() { return "/data/data/" + mContext.getPackageName() + "/hid_emu"; } private ShellResponse installHidEmu() { boolean result = true; ShellResponse shellResp = null; mHidEmuPath = getHidEmuPath(); DoLog.d(TAG, "Checking existence of " + mHidEmuPath); File hidEmu = new File(mHidEmuPath); if (!hidEmu.exists()) { DoLog.d(TAG, "hid_emu does not exist. Installing..."); InputStream inStream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; try { inStream = mContext.getAssets().open("hid_emu"); outStream = new FileOutputStream(mHidEmuPath); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int size; while ((size = > 0) { outStream.write(buffer, 0, size); } outStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "Failed to install hid_emu:", e); result = false; } finally { if (outStream != null) try { outStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "Failed to close output stream: ", e); } if (inStream != null) try { inStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "Failed to close input stream: ", e); } } DoLog.d(TAG, "hid_emu installed. Setting permissions..."); shellResp = executeShellCmd("chmod 744 " + mHidEmuPath + "\n"); result = (shellResp.code == 0); } if (result) { shellResp = executeShellCmd(mHidEmuPath + "\n"); if (shellResp.code == 0) { DoLog.d(TAG, "hid_emu version: " + shellResp.msg); } } return shellResp; } private ShellResponse executeShellCmd(String cmd) { ShellResponse shellResponse = new ShellResponse(); Process process = null; try { process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(CMD_SU); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(process.getOutputStream())); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); writer.write(cmd); writer.flush(); writer.write("exit\n"); writer.flush(); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { shellResponse.msg = line; DoLog.d(TAG, "shell: " + shellResponse.msg); } shellResponse.code = process.waitFor(); DoLog.d(TAG, "process exit value: " + shellResponse.code); } catch (IOException e) { DoLog.d(TAG, "ioexception: ", e); // Probably su doesn't exist. shellResponse.code = ShellResponse.NON_ROOT; } catch (InterruptedException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "interrupted exception: ", e); shellResponse.code = ShellResponse.ERROR; } finally { if (process != null) { process.destroy(); } } return shellResponse; } @Override protected int getBluetoothDeviceClass() { int[] clazz = BluetoothSocketJni.readBluetoothDeviceClass(); /** * result is 0xaabbcc * so: * clazz[2] = aa * clazz[1] = bb * clazz[0] = cc */ return (clazz[2] << 16) + (clazz[1] << 8) + (clazz[0]); } @Override protected int spoofBluetoothDeviceClass(int deviceClass) { mOriginalDeviceClass = getBluetoothDeviceClass(); DoLog.d(TAG, String.format("original class stored: 0x%06X", mOriginalDeviceClass)); ShellResponse shellResp = executeShellCmd(mHidEmuPath + String.format(CMD_SPOOF_CLASS, deviceClass)); if (shellResp.code != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected failure"); } if (CMD_SPOOF_CLASS_RESP.equals(shellResp.msg)) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } @Override protected int addHidDeviceSdpRecord(SpoofMode mode) { if (mHidSdpHandle != 0) { DoLog.w(TAG, String.format("HID SDP record already present. Handle: 0x%06X",mHidSdpHandle)); return mHidSdpHandle; } String cmd; switch (mode) { case HID_BDREMOTE: cmd = CMD_ADD_HID_SDP_BDREMOTE; break; case HID_PS3KEYPAD: cmd = CMD_ADD_HID_SDP_PS3KEYPAD; break; case HID_GENERIC: default: cmd = CMD_ADD_HID_SDP_GENERIC; break; } ShellResponse shellResp = executeShellCmd(mHidEmuPath + cmd); if (shellResp.code != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected failure"); } /* * response from hid_emu add_hid is like: * handle: 0xaabbcc * * using ": 0x" as reg. exp for split, will result in * token[0] = handle * token[1] = aabbcc */ String[] token = shellResp.msg.split(": 0x"); if (CMD_ADD_HID_SDP_RESP.equals(token[0])) { mHidSdpHandle = Integer.parseInt(token[1], 16); } return mHidSdpHandle; } /** * Removes the SDP record of mHidSdpHandle */ protected void delHidDeviceSdpRecord() { if (mHidSdpHandle == 0) { DoLog.w(TAG, "No HID SDP record handle present."); return; } ShellResponse shellResp = executeShellCmd(mHidEmuPath + String.format(CMD_DEL_HID_SDP, mHidSdpHandle)); if (shellResp.code != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected failure"); } mHidSdpHandle = 0; /* * response from hid_emu del_hid <handle> is like: * Removed handle: 0xaabbcc */ } @Override public BluetoothSocket connectL2capSocket(BluetoothDevice device, int port, boolean auth, boolean encrypt) throws IOException { int fd = BluetoothSocketJni.createL2capFileDescriptor(auth, encrypt); DoLog.d(TAG, "L2CAP socket File descriptor: " + fd); return createL2capBluetoothSocket(device, port, auth, encrypt, fd); } private BluetoothSocket createL2capBluetoothSocket(BluetoothDevice device, int port, boolean auth, boolean encrypt, int fd) throws IOException { final int TYPE_L2CAP = 3; BluetoothSocket socket = null; Class<?>[] argsClasses = new Class[] { int.class /* type */, int.class /* fd */, boolean.class /* auth */, boolean.class /* encrypt */, BluetoothDevice.class /* device */, int.class /* port */, ParcelUuid.class /* uuid */ }; Object[] args = new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(TYPE_L2CAP), Integer.valueOf(fd), Boolean.valueOf(auth), Boolean.valueOf(encrypt), device, Integer.valueOf(port), null }; try { Class<BluetoothSocket> bluetoothSocketClass = BluetoothSocket.class; Constructor<BluetoothSocket> bluetoothSocketConstructor; bluetoothSocketConstructor = bluetoothSocketClass.getDeclaredConstructor(argsClasses); bluetoothSocketConstructor.setAccessible(true); socket = bluetoothSocketConstructor.newInstance(args); } catch (SecurityException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "Reflection error:", e); throw new IOException("Reflection error", e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "Reflection error:", e); throw new IOException("Reflection error", e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "Reflection error:", e); throw new IOException("Reflection error", e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "Reflection error:", e); throw new IOException("Reflection error", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "Reflection error:", e); throw new IOException("Reflection error", e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "Reflection error:", e); throw new IOException("Reflection error", e); } return socket; } @Override public boolean requirementsCheck() { ShellResponse shellResp = executeShellCmd(CMD_ID); switch (shellResp.code) { case ShellResponse.NON_ROOT: mSetupErrorMsg = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.msg_no_root); return false; case ShellResponse.SUCCESS: if (shellResp.msg != null && shellResp.msg.contains(CMD_ID_RESP)) { mSetupErrorMsg = null; shellResp = installHidEmu(); if (shellResp.code != 0) { String errorMsg = shellResp.msg == null ? Integer.toString(shellResp.code) : shellResp.msg; mSetupErrorMsg = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.msg_generic_failure, errorMsg); } return (shellResp.code == 0); } else { mSetupErrorMsg = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.msg_no_root); return false; } case ShellResponse.ERROR: default: mSetupErrorMsg = shellResp.msg; return false; } } }