package andraus.bluetoothhidemu.spoof; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import andraus.bluetoothhidemu.BluetoothHidEmuActivity; import andraus.bluetoothhidemu.spoof.Spoof.SpoofMode; import andraus.bluetoothhidemu.util.DoLog; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket; import android.content.Context; /** * Abstraction of a class that will implement the necessary spoofing for the bluetooth adapter. */ public abstract class BluetoothAdapterSpoofer { protected static final String TAG = BluetoothHidEmuActivity.TAG; protected boolean mSpoofed = false; protected String mSetupErrorMsg; protected Context mContext; protected BluetoothAdapter mAdapter; protected int mOriginalDeviceClass; protected BluetoothAdapterSpoofer(Context appContext, BluetoothAdapter adapter) { mContext = appContext; mAdapter = adapter; } /** * Returns a BluetoothSocket connected using L2CAP protocol. * * @param device * @param port * @param auth * @param encrypt * @return * @throws IOException */ public abstract BluetoothSocket connectL2capSocket(BluetoothDevice device, int port, boolean auth, boolean encrypt) throws IOException; /** * Returns current bluetooth device class number. Depending on the implementation, a <i>adapter</i> may * or may not be required. * * format: 0xaabbcc, where: * 0xaa -> service class number * 0xbb -> major device number * 0xcc -> minor device number * * @param adapter * @return */ protected abstract int getBluetoothDeviceClass(); /** * Spoof the bluetooth adapter device class * * @param deviceClass * @return 0 if success */ protected abstract int spoofBluetoothDeviceClass(int deviceClass); /** * Add the SDP record for the selected spoofing mode. * * @param mode * @return handle for the SDP record entry. */ protected abstract int addHidDeviceSdpRecord(SpoofMode mode); /** * Removes the SDP record of mHidSdpHandle */ protected abstract void delHidDeviceSdpRecord(); /** * Performs tear-up actions. * * @param mode */ public void tearUpSpoofing(SpoofMode mode) throws IllegalStateException { if (mSpoofed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Bluetooth device already spoofed"); } DoLog.d(TAG, "original class = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(getBluetoothDeviceClass())); final int newClass = Spoof.getBluetoothDeviceClass(mode); if (newClass != 0) { int err = spoofBluetoothDeviceClass(newClass); DoLog.d(TAG, "set class ret = " + err); } final int sdpRecHandle = addHidDeviceSdpRecord(mode); DoLog.d(TAG, "SDP record handle = " + Integer.toHexString(sdpRecHandle)); mSpoofed = true; } /** * Performs tear-down actions and necessary clean-up actions. */ public void tearDownSpoofing() throws IllegalStateException { if (!mSpoofed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Bluetooth device not spoofed"); } if (mOriginalDeviceClass != 0) { spoofBluetoothDeviceClass(mOriginalDeviceClass); } delHidDeviceSdpRecord(); mSpoofed = false; } /** * Sets bluetooth adapter in discoverable mode for <b>duration</b> seconds. * * Implemented through reflection, since BluetoothAdapter.setScanMode() is not visible. * * Note: setScanMode enforces android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS which is only availabel * for applications signed on platform, so this method is deprecated for now. * * @deprecated * * @param duration * @return */ public boolean setDiscoverableScanMode(final int duration) { Boolean success; try { final Method setScanModeMethod = BluetoothAdapter.class .getMethod("setScanMode", new Class<?>[] { int.class, int.class }); setScanModeMethod.setAccessible(true); success = (Boolean) setScanModeMethod .invoke(mAdapter, new Object[] { BluetoothAdapter.SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE_DISCOVERABLE, duration }); } catch (SecurityException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "reflection error: ", e); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "reflection error: ", e); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "reflection error: ", e); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "reflection error: ", e); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { DoLog.e(TAG, "reflection error: ", e); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } return Boolean.valueOf(success); } /** * * @return */ public boolean isSpoofed() { return mSpoofed; } /** * Perform a requirements check for necessary for the underlying implementation to work, like * being root, specific vendor, etc. * * @return */ public abstract boolean requirementsCheck(); /** * Retrieves get failure message if setup() call failed. * @return */ public String getSetupErrorMsg() { return mSetupErrorMsg; } }