package nl.lang2619.bagginses.references; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainer; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameData; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; import nl.lang2619.bagginses.config.ModConfig; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Created by Tim on 8-2-2015. * addFromString() taken from chylex with permission * Source : */ public class BlockList { public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> blackList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> blueList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> brownList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> cyanList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> grayList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> greenList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> lightBlueList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> limeList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> magentaList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> orangeList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> purpleList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> pinkList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> redList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> silverList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> whiteList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> yellowList = new IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]>(); public static boolean contains(Item item, int damage, String color) { short[] listedDamages = getList(color).get(item); return (listedDamages != null && listedDamages.length > 0 && (listedDamages[0] == -1 || ArrayUtils.contains(listedDamages, (short) damage))); } public static IdentityHashMap<Item, short[]> getList(String color) { if (color.equals("black")) { return blackList; } if (color.equals("blue")) { return blueList; } if (color.equals("brown")) { return brownList; } if (color.equals("cyan")) { return cyanList; } if (color.equals("gray")) { return grayList; } if (color.equals("green")) { return greenList; } if (color.equals("lightBlue")) { return lightBlueList; } if (color.equals("lime")) { return limeList; } if (color.equals("magenta")) { return magentaList; } if (color.equals("orange")) { return orangeList; } if (color.equals("purple")) { return purpleList; } if (color.equals("pink")) { return pinkList; } if (color.equals("red")) { return redList; } if (color.equals("silver")) { return silverList; } if (color.equals("white")) { return whiteList; } if (color.equals("yellow")) { return yellowList; } return null; } public static void addFromString(String list, String color) { if (list.isEmpty()) return; int added = 0; String[] split = list.split(","); for (String entry : split) { entry = entry.trim(); if (entry.length() == 0) continue; String itemName = entry; short[] dmgs = new short[]{-1}; // PARSE DAMAGE VALUES if (entry.contains("/")) { String[] sep = entry.split("/"); if (sep.length != 2) { Log.warn("Invalid entry in whitelist $1 : $0", entry, color); continue; } itemName = sep[0]; try { if (sep[1].contains("+")) { String[] dmgVals = sep[1].split("\\+"); dmgs = new short[dmgVals.length]; for (int a = 0; a < dmgVals.length; a++) dmgs[a] = Short.parseShort(dmgVals[a]); } else dmgs = new short[]{Short.parseShort(sep[1])}; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.warn("Invalid entry in whitelist $1, wrong damage values: $0", entry, color); continue; } } // PARSE ENTRY ID AND NAME String[] itemId = itemName.split(":"); if (itemId.length > 2) { Log.warn("Invalid entry in whitelist $1, wrong item identifier: $0", entry, color); continue; } else if (itemId.length == 1) { itemId = new String[]{"minecraft", itemId[0]}; } if (itemId[0].equals("ore")) { String identifier = itemId[1]; ArrayList<ItemStack> items = (ArrayList<ItemStack>) OreDictionary.getOres(identifier); for (ItemStack is : items) { if (GameData.getItemRegistry().getRaw(Item.getIdFromItem(is.getItem())) instanceof Item) { Item item = GameData.getItemRegistry().getRaw(Item.getIdFromItem(is.getItem())); getList(color).put(item, dmgs); ++added; } else { Block block = GameData.getBlockRegistry().getRaw(Block.getIdFromBlock(Block.getBlockFromItem(is.getItem()))); getList(color).put(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), dmgs); ++added; } } } if (itemId[1].equals("*")) { // BLACKLIST ALL BLOCKS AND ITEMS FROM MOD String identifier = itemId[0] + ":"; // SEARCH ALL BLOCKS WITH SPECIFIED ID added = SpecifiedBlock(color, added, dmgs, itemId, identifier); // SEARCH ALL ITEMS WITH SPECIFIED ID added = SpecifiedItem(color, added, dmgs, itemId, identifier); } else { // BLACKLIST SPECIFIED ENTRY added = SpecifiedEntry(color, added, entry, dmgs, itemId); } } //WHITELIST ALL MODS WITH THEIR BLOCKS/ITEMS if (list.equals("*:*")) { added = addAllMods(color, added); } if (added > 0) { if (ModConfig.whitelist) {"Added $0 items into whitelist $1", added, color); } else {"Added $0 items into blacklist $1", added, color); } } } private static int SpecifiedEntry(String color, int added, String entry, short[] dmgs, String[] itemId) { Item item = GameRegistry.findItem(itemId[0], itemId[1]); if (item == null) { Block block = GameRegistry.findBlock(itemId[0], itemId[1]); if (block == null) { if (itemId[0].equals("minecraft") || Loader.isModLoaded(itemId[0])) Log.warn("Invalid entry in whitelist $1, item not found: $0", entry, color); return added; } else item = Item.getItemFromBlock(block); } getList(color).put(item, dmgs); ++added; return added; } private static int SpecifiedItem(String color, int added, short[] dmgs, String[] itemId, String identifier) { for (ResourceLocation key : GameData.getItemRegistry().getKeys()) { if (key.toString().startsWith(identifier)) { int id = GameData.getItemRegistry().getId(key); Item item = Item.getItemById(id); if (item == null) { if (itemId[0].equals("minecraft") || Loader.isModLoaded(itemId[0])) Log.warn("Stumbled upon invalid entry in item registry while parsing whitelist $1, object not found: $0", key, color); continue; } getList(color).put(item, dmgs); ++added; } } return added; } private static int SpecifiedBlock(String color, int added, short[] dmgs, String[] itemId, String identifier) { for (ResourceLocation key : GameData.getBlockRegistry().getKeys()) { if (key.toString().startsWith(identifier)) { int id = GameData.getBlockRegistry().getId(key); Block block = Block.getBlockById(id); if (block == null) { if (itemId[0].equals("minecraft") || Loader.isModLoaded(itemId[0])) Log.warn("Stumbled upon invalid entry in block registry while parsing whitelist $1, object not found: $0", key, color); continue; } getList(color).put(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), dmgs); ++added; } } return added; } private static int addAllMods(String color, int added) { short[] dmgs = new short[]{-1}; Set<Map.Entry<String, ModContainer>> mapSet = Loader.instance().getIndexedModList().entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, ModContainer> mapEntry : mapSet) { String keyValue = mapEntry.getKey(); String identifier = (keyValue + ":").toLowerCase(); for (ResourceLocation key : GameData.getBlockRegistry().getKeys()) { if (key.toString().startsWith(identifier)) { int id = GameData.getBlockRegistry().getId(key); Block block = Block.getBlockById(id); if (block == null) { if (keyValue.equals("minecraft") || Loader.isModLoaded(keyValue)) Log.warn("Stumbled upon invalid entry in block registry while parsing whitelist $1, object not found: $0", key, color); continue; } getList(color).put(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), dmgs); ++added; } } for (ResourceLocation key : GameData.getItemRegistry().getKeys()) { if (key.toString().startsWith(identifier)) { int id = GameData.getItemRegistry().getId(key); Item item = Item.getItemById(id); if (item == null) { if (keyValue.equals("minecraft") || Loader.isModLoaded(keyValue)) Log.warn("Stumbled upon invalid entry in item registry while parsing whitelist $1, object not found: $0", key, color); continue; } getList(color).put(item, dmgs); ++added; } } } String identifier = "minecraft:"; for (ResourceLocation key : GameData.getBlockRegistry().getKeys()) { if (key.toString().startsWith(identifier)) { int id = GameData.getBlockRegistry().getId(key); Block block = Block.getBlockById(id); getList(color).put(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), dmgs); ++added; } } for (ResourceLocation key : GameData.getItemRegistry().getKeys()) { if (key.toString().startsWith(identifier)) { int id = GameData.getItemRegistry().getId(key); Item item = Item.getItemById(id); getList(color).put(item, dmgs); ++added; } } return added; } }